J. Neander.
Tabacologia. Lugduni-Batavorum: 1622.
B. Stella.
Il Tabacco. Rome: 1669.
S. Paulli.
Treatise on Tobacco, &c. London: 1746.
P. Winther.
Tobaks-plantning. Kjoebenhavn: 1773.
J. Carver.
Culture of the Tobacco-plant. London: 1779.
Culture, Fabrication et Vente du Tabac. Paris: 1791.
W. Tatham.
Culture and Commerce of Tobacco. London: 1800.
Jens Fr. Becker.
Kort anviisning til tabaks-platning. Viborg: 1809.
J. E. Normann.
Tobaksplantens dyrkning i Norge. Christiania: 1811.
M. de Truchet.
Culture du Tabac en France. Paris: 1816.
M. R. Flor.
Om Tobakavl. Christiania: 1817.
GrÜndliche Anweisung zur Cultur der Tabakpflanzen.
Berlin: 1822.
T. Brodigan.
Art of Growing and Curing Tobacco in the British Isles.
London: 1830.
J. Jennings.
Practical Treatise on Tobacco. London: 1830.
H. J. Meller.
Nicotiana. London: 1832.
K. C. Antz.
Tabachi historia. Berolini: 1836.
L. A. Demersay.
Du Tabac du Paraguay. Paris: 1851.
Babo und Hofacker.
Der Tabak und sein Anbau. Karlsruhe: 1852.
V. P. G. Demoor.
Culture du Tabac. Luxembourg: 1853.
F. Tiedemann.
Geschichte des Tabaks. Frankfurt: 1854.
C. Fermond.
Monographie du Tabac. Paris: 1857.
A. Steinmetz.
Tobacco. London: 1857.
H. B. Prescott.
Tobacco and its Adulterations. London: 1858.
F. W. Fairholt.
Tobacco; its History. London: 1859, 1876.
M. C. Cooke.
The Seven Sisters of Sleep. London: 1860.
H. Raibaud L’Ange.
Du Tabac en Provence. Paris: 1860.
Der Tabak. Mannheim: 1860.
J. L. P. FÈvre.
Le Tabac. Paris: 1863.
C. E. Guys.
Culture of Latakia Tobacco.
Technologist, London: 1863.
Tobacco Trade and Cultivation of the District of Cavalla.
Technologist, London: 1863.
R. de Coin.
History and Cultivation of Cotton and Tobacco.
London: 1864.
Der Tabakbau. Gotha: 1864.
G. A. Henrieck.
Du Tabac. Paris: 1866.
A. Imbert-Courbeyre.
LeÇons sur le Tabac. Clermont-Ferrand: 1866.
S. W. Johnson.
Tobacco; Report of Chemist to the Connecticut State Board of Agriculture. 1873.
A. de Bec.
Culture du Tabac en France. Aix: 1875.
F. A. Allart.
Culture du Tabac. Abbeville: 1876.
B. T. Creighton.
Culture of Tobacco in Ohio.
Pharmaceutical Journal, London: 1876.
D. DÉcobert.
Culture du Tabac. Lille: 1876.
Hofacker und Babo.
Der Tabakbau. Berlin: 1876.

A series of Prize Essays on Tobacco Culture in the Southern States of America, published in pamphlet form by the Orange Judd Co., and containing much valuable information.


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