Chapter Page
I. Where to Find Surprise Valley Camp 1
II. How They Pass the Evening at Surprise 10
III. Pelican Pool 37
IV. Kaloona Run 54
V. The Hut by Pelican Pool 77
VI. The Coach comes to Surprise 92
VII. The Return to Surprise 118
VIII. The Banks of the Pool 145
IX. How the Days pass by at Surprise 159
X. How the Days pass by at Kaloona 176
XI. The Parting by the Pool 190
XII. Selwyn hears some News 205
XIII. The Journey to the Pool 221
XIV. The Halt by the Road 233
XV. The Parting of the Way 237
XVI. Summer Days 241
XVII. The Errand to the Pool 250
XVIII. The Bottom of the Valley 264
XIX. The Selwyns return South 272
XX. The Farewell by the Hut 282
XXI. The Coming of the Rains 296
XXII. The Meeting by the River 319


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