Aaron, 55
Abraham, the dramatization of, 84-92, 118
Ahasuerus, king of Media and Persia, 70-83
Aims of dramatization, 5, 9-10
Amos, the prophet, 127
Angels, 85, 90
Armor and weapons, 50, 138-140, 151
Bag, shepherd, 136
Banquet, Queen Esther's, 69, 80
Belshazzar, 125
Boaz, 64-66
Bow and arrow, 140
Cardboard, use of, 45, 60, 151
Citizens of Bethlehem, 65
Clay, use of, 100, 131, 142
Cloak, outer garment, 146
Conspirators, 94-97
Construction work, 45, 60, 130-143
Costumes, 45;
the making of, 144-151;
the method of obtaining, 155
Crowns, 150
Daniel, the dramatization of, 93-97, 122, 125
Darius, 93-95
David, 44;
the dramatization of, 46-51, 128
Design, Egyptian, 142
Diagram of loom, 45, 136
Dishes, 131
Education, religious, 6-8, 157
Elijah, 120-121
Elisha, 122
Esther, the dramatization of, 68-83
Feast, 80, 115-116
Fiery furnace, 123-124
Gibeonites, 116-117
Girdle, 146
Gleaners, 63
Goliath, 44, 48, 51
Haman, 71-74
Harvest, 59, 61
Headdress, 69, 144, 150
Helmet, 143, 151
Innkeeper, 105
Isaac, 118-120
Isaiah, 128
Jacob, 18, 112
Jael, 112
Jephthah, 112
Jeremiah, 128
Jericho, 103
Jerusalem, 103
Job, 126
Jonathan, 128
Joseph, the story of, 17-25;
the dramatization of, 34-43
Joshua, 116
Lamps, 99-100, 142
Lions, den of, 93, 96-97
Loom, 45, 136
Method of presenting dramatization, formal, 9;
informal, 10-16
Miriam, 55
Moab, the land of, 63
Mordecai, 72-74
Moses, the dramatization of, 52-56, 128
Naomi, 62-63, 66-67
Nebuchadnezzar, 122-123
Organization, of dramatic club, 7, 8, 152-157;
of stories, 110-111
Ornaments, personal, 151
Papyrus, 142, 149
Parables, the dramatization of, 98-108
Performance, public, 14, 33, 90
Pharaoh, 21, 39, 54, 57-58
Pharaoh's daughter, 55-58
Pictures, the use of, 45, 84
Plasticene, 100, 142
President of the club, 154
Prodigal Son, The, dramatization of, 105-108
Prophets, the, 126-127
Queen of Sheba, 115-116
Reapers, 63-64
Rebekah, 118-120
Ring, signet, 141
Ruth, the dramatization of, 59-67
Samaritan, The Good, the dramatization of, 103-104
Samson, 112
Samuel, 113-114, 128
Sandals, 62, 148-149
Sarah, 85
Saul, 48, 128
Scepter, 69, 78, 137
Secretary of the club, 154
Servant, 100, 108
Shepherd customs, 84
Shield, 45, 138
Sickles, 60, 137
Sling, 45, 51, 135-136
Soldier, 49, 96
Solomon, 115-116
Spears, 45, 140
Staff, 45, 134
Stage setting, 84, 130
Supper, The Great, 100
Swords, 45, 139
Tents, 84, 138
Trumpets, 141
Tunic, 146-147
Turban, 150
Virgins, The Wise and Foolish, the dramatization of, 99-100
Water jugs, 131-132
Wells, 133