List of Illustrations xiii
Introduction by Edward Scribner Ames 1
I. Educational Aims in Dramatization 5
II. The Method of Dramatization 9
III. The Dramatization of "Joseph" 17
IV. The Dramatization of "David and Goliath" 44
V. The Dramatization of "Moses in the Bulrushes" 52
VI. The Dramatization of "Ruth" 59
VII. The Dramatization of "Queen Esther" 68
VIII. The Dramatization of "Abraham and the Three Guests" 84
IX. The Dramatization of "Daniel in the Lions' Den" 93
X. The Dramatization of New Testament Parables 98
XI. The Dramatic Qualities in a Good Story 109
XII. Bible Stories Suitable for Dramatization 113
XIII. Stage Setting and Properties 130
XIV. Costuming 144
XV. The Organization of a Church Dramatic Club 152
Index 161


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