You have heard in the third book of this great history how King Lisuarte against the will of all his subjects great as well as little, delivered up his daughter Oriana to the Romans, and how by Amadis and his companions of the Firm Island she was from them rescued; now we will tell you what ensued. When Amadis had left the vessel where the Princess was he went through the fleet to give orders concerning the prisoners and the spoils, coming near the ship where Salustanquidio lay dead he heard a great lamentation, for the people and the Knights of that Prince were making moan over him, and relating all his praises and greatness so that Agrayes and they who had won the ship could neither quiet them, nor remove them from the body. Amadis therefore ordered that they should all leave the vessel, and he gave command that the body should be placed in a coffin, and that such burial should be given him as befitted such a Lord, for albeit he was his enemy, he had died like a good man in his master's service. The noise of this lamentation was so great that it reached the ship wherein was Oriana; but so soon as Queen Sardamira heard that it was for Salustanquidio's death, forgetting all her former grief, she wrung her hands and threw herself upon the ground, and began to exclaim, O generous prince and of high lineage, the light and the mirror of the whole Roman Empire, what a grief and a calamity will it be to all who love thee when they shall hear the tidings of thy unhappy and disastrous end, and what grief wilt thou feel O Emperor when thou shalt learn the death of this thy cousin, who was the strong shield of thine empire, and the destruction of thy fleet, and the disgraceful loss of thy Knights. Either thou must tamely submit to this loss and remain the most dishonoured Prince in the world, or else prepare to avenge it, putting thy state and person to great peril and doubtful issue, for by all that I have seen since my entering Great Britain in an unhappy hour, sure am I that there is no Prince or Power however great against whom these Knights would fear to wage war. Alas, my afflicted heart grieveth more for the living who will suffer in this quarrel, than for these dead whose share of the evil is past! But then Oriana and Mabilia raised her up and comforted her the best they could.
CHAPTER 2. Amadis and his Knights now assembled on board Florestan's vessel, and there resolved that they should forthwith make sail for the Firm Island, according to their own opinion and the pleasure of Oriana; they then placed all the prisoners in one ship and appointed Gavarte of the Perilous Valley, and Landin the Nephew of Don Quadragante with a body of Knights to guard them: and the spoils they placed in another ship under the care of Don Gandales the foster-father of Amadis, and Sadamon, who were two prudent and trusty Knights; their own force they divided among the other vessels in the manner that they had first embarked, and then they deputed Don Bruneo of Bonamar and Angriote of Estravaus to inform Oriana that they were ready to obey her and to request her commands. These two Knights went on board her ship and kneeling before her said, good Lady all these Knights who are here assembled at your rescue, inform you that the fleet is now ready for your service, and desire to know your will that they may fulfill it. My true friends, replied Oriana, I should not desire to live if I thought that it would never be in my power to requite the love ye have all shown me, but I trust in God that as I have the will, so will he one day give me the power to show my gratefulness. Say to the Knights that what has been before determined should now be put in practice, that is, to go to the Firm Island, there we can take farther counsel, and there I hope that these difficult and painful beginnings will come to a good end. When the two Knights had carried back this answer to their companions they bade all their trumpets sound, and joyfully and with loud clamours the fleet began to move on. Joyfully and courageously did these Knights go their way, being of one accord and resolved not to give over the enterprize which they had begun, till they should have well and happily concluded it, for they were all of high lineage and of great prowess, and the knowledge that their cause was just now greatly heartened them, and they even rejoiced to see themselves thus engaged against two such powerful princes, for be the issue what it would, they were sure by the contest to acquire a fair fame and leave behind them a remembrance which should endure for ever. Certes whoso had seen them in that gallant fleet, how proudly they sailed on, so armed and with such a company, would have weened that they were the train of some great Emperor, and of a truth scarcely could there be found in the household of any Prince how great soever, so goodly a company of Knights, high born, and so approved in arms. Seven days they sailed along, and then took port in the haven of the Firm Island, and there discharged the cannon for joy; the Islanders in alarm, seeing so great a fleet, took arms and ran to the beach, but then they knew the banners and device of Amadis their Lord. Forthwith the boats were put out, and Don Gandales landed to prepare the apartments and order that a bridge of boats should be made from the shore, that Oriana and her Ladies might by that means land.
CHAPTER 3. Now when the fair Grasinda heard of the coming of the fleet and of all that had befallen, she made ready to receive Oriana, whom of all persons in the world she most desired to see, because of her great renown that was every where spread abroad. She therefore wished to appear before her like a Lady of such rank and such wealth as indeed she was; the robe which she put on was adorned with roses of gold, wrought with marvellous skill, and bordered with pearls and precious stones of exceeding value, this robe till now she had never worn, having reserved it to wear when she should make trial of the Forbidden Chamber. On her goodly hair she would wear no other adornment than the crown which the Greek Knight her champion had challenged for her, and won for her from all the Damsels in King Lisuarte's court. She rode a white palfrey, whose trappings were all curiously wrought with gold, in this guise had she resolved, if her good fortune was such that she should accomplish the proof of the Forbidden Chamber, to return to King Lisuarte's court, and there make herself known to Queen Brisena and to her daughter Oriana, and to the other Princesses and damsels, and from thence to return with great glory to her own country; but the issue was far otherwise than she hoped and imagined, for fair as of a truth she was, yet was not her beauty equal to the beauty of Queen Briolania, who had attempted that adventure and failed therein. In this rich attire did that Lady go forth from her apartment, and with her all her dames and damsels all richly apparelled, ten of her Knights on foot led her reins, and with this array she proceeded to the shore. The Bridge of Boats had now been joined, it reached to the ship on board of which was Oriana, and Grasinda waited by the end of the Bridge to salute her as she landed. Oriana now came out of her cabin, apparalled in a manner more beseeming decency and her present fortune, than for the advancement and display of her beauty. She seeing Grasinda thus ornamented awaiting her at the bridge-end, enquired of Don Bruneo if that was not the Dame who had come to her Father's court, and won the crown from the Damsels. Bruneo replied, that it was the same, and bade Oriana accost and salute her honourably, according to her deserts, for she was one of the worthy Dames of the world; and then he related what honours and good offices Amadis and himself and Angriote had from her received. To this Oriana answered, reasonable is it then that you and your friends should love and honour her, and thus will I do. Then Don Quadragante and Agrayes each took the Princess by the hand, and Don Florestan and Angriote led Queen Sardamira. Amadis alone led Mabilia, Olinda went between Don Bruneo and Dragonis; and in like manner the other Damsels and Knights proceeded from the vessel. When Oriana came near the end of the bridge, Grasinda alighted and knelt down and took her hand to kiss it, but Oriana drew it back, and embraced her with much love, as one whose nature it was to be affable and nothing proud, where pride beseemed her not. But Grasinda seeing her exceeding beauty how far it was beyond all the praises that she had heard thereof, wondered and was greatly astonished, for she had not believed that such beauty was possible in any mortal creature, and in this wonder she remained still on her knees, though Oriana would have raised her; good Lady, quoth she, now may I well give thanks to God that you were not in your father's court at the season of my arrival there; for had you been there though my champion was assuredly the best in the world, a Knight of little prowess would have discomfited him in your behalf, if God as it be said, defends the right; with that she looked at Amadis, pardon me Sir, if I wrong you in saying this, but my eyes never before beheld the like of what they now see. Amadis was full joyful to hear his Lady's praise; unreasonable would it be, he replied, if I should think ill of what you have said, or complain of so manifest a truth! But Oriana was abashed at hearing herself thus praised, and her thoughts were more upon her present fortune then her own beauty. She therefore answered, I cannot my Lady, reply to you, for should I contradict your words that would be discourtesy to one like you, and to assent to them would in me be shame and folly, only I would have you know, that such as I am, I should rejoice to do aught for your honour, that is in the power of a poor disherited princess like me. She then begged Agrayes would lead Grasinda to Olinda and accompany her, leaving her with only Quadragante.
Thus having landed they placed Oriana upon a palfrey, the most richly caparisoned that ever eyes had seen, which Queen Brisena had given her, for her entrance into Rome. Queen Sardamira also, and Grasinda, and all the other Dames and Damsels were mounted; nor could Oriana prevail upon the Knights but that they would proceed on foot and lead the reins, for they knew that whatever honour and service they could manifest to these Ladies would be to their own praise. In this order they entered the Island by way of the Castle, and these Ladies and Oriana were conducted to the Tower in the garden where Don Gandales had ordered their apartments to be made ready, that being the best dwelling in the whole Island; for albeit there were many rich dwellings, of rare workmanship, yet that tower, wherein Apolidon had wrought the enchantments, which were spoken of at length in the second part, had been his favourite place of sojourn, and for that reason he had fabricated it with such skill and such costliness, that the greatest Emperor in the world would not have ventured to attempt to make the like. In that tower were nine apartments, three on a floor, and though some part was the work of skilful artists, the rest was wrought by the skill and science of Apolidon himself so wonderously that no man in the world could rightly value nor even understand its exceeding rarety. And because it would be long to describe it all at length, I shall only say that the Tower stood in the middle of a garden surrounded with a wall of goodly stone and mortar, and the garden was the goodliest that might be seen by reason of its trees and herbs and fountains of sweet water. Of those trees many were hung with fruit the whole year through, and others bore flowers, and round about the garden by the wall were covered walks, with golden trellis-work through which might all that pleasant greenness be seen, the ground was covered with stones, some clear as the crystal, others coloured like rubies and other precious stones, the which Apolidon had procured from certain Islands in the East, where jewels and gold and other rare things are produced by reason of the great heat of the sun continually acting. These Islands are uninhabited save only by wild beasts, and for fear of those beasts no man durst ever set foot thereon, till Apolidon by his cunning wrought such spells that it became safe to enter there; and then the neighbouring people being assured of this, took advantage thereof, and ventured there also, and thus the world became stocked with sundry things which it had never before known. To the four sides of the Tower water was brought from the neighbouring mountains by metal pipes, and collected into four fountains, and the water spouted so high from the golden pillars and through the mouths of animals, that it was easy to reach it from the windows of the first story, for it was caught in golden basons wrought in the pillar, and by these four fountains was the whole garden watered. In this Tower then were the Princess Oriana and all those Ladies lodged, each in her apartment, and there were they well served by Dames and Damsels with all things convenient; but no Knight entered the Tower nor even the Garden; for so Oriana had desired that it should be, and requested the Knights to let it be so, till some terms might be made with the King her father. They all esteemed her the more, and held her the more praiseworthy, saying, that in that, and all things else, their desire was to obey her will. Amadis himself, altho' he had neither pleasure nor comfort except in her presence, was yet well pleased that she had so ordered, for far more than his own death did he fear the least stain upon her honour; and he now consoled himself with the thought that she was now under his protection, and that he would rather die than lose her. The other Knights and Lords and all their people were lodged in the Island, each according to their quality, and abundantly supplied with all things needful for their subsistence and enjoyment, for though Amadis never appeared abroad but as a poor Errant Knight, he had store of treasure in that Island, not only from the rents and from what he had found there, but of jewels and other precious gifts which his mother and many other Ladies of high rank had given him, all the which he had sent here, and moreover the Islanders themselves who were all rich and honourable men held themselves fortunate to supply him with bread, and meat, and wines, according to his need.
CHAPTER 4. But Amadis albeit he manifested the great courage which in truth he possessed, yet could he not but thoughtfully reflect upon the end of this great business, of which the charge and weight lay upon him: the Princes and Lords and Knights of high degree were many whose lives were adventured with his upon the issue, but when others slept he waked thinking upon what measures he should best pursue. Therefore with the advice of Don Quadragante and of his cousin Agrayes, he summoned all the Knights to council, in the apartment of Quadragante, in a large hall which was one of the richest in the whole Island. There being all assembled, Amadis rose having Master Helisabad whom he ever greatly honoured by the hand, and thus addressed them.
Noble Princes and Knights, it is known throughout the world how ye, abandoning those delights which ye might have possessed in your own lands, have chosen rather to follow the honourable profession of arms, and encounter all dangers to gain the praise of prowess and redress wrongs, in guerdon of which worthy resolution, good fortune hath now given into your hands this great victory which ye have at present gained. I call it not great as to the conquest of the Romans, for considering what they were, and what ye are, this conquest would be little praise, but because by that victory ye have rescued so great and excellent a Princess, and saved her from the worst wrong that any one of her worth hath for many an age endured, this indeed is to your fair renown and to the service of Almighty God, for in this have ye done that for which ye were born, succouring the oppressed and beating down the evil-doers. But in this, what should most elate us is the defiance which we have thus given to two so high and powerful Princes as are the Emperor of Rome and King Lisuarte, with whom, if they will not be brought to reason and justice we must perforce have great debate and warfare. Noble Sirs, what then have we to expect? certes nothing but that defending the right and reasonable cause against those who would support injustice, we shall gain yet more victories, such that the whole world shall ring therewith. For if they are so mighty that their power is to be feared, neither are we so destitute of great and powerful Lords, our friends and kinsmen, but that we could lightly so fill these plains with Knights and soldiers, so that no enemies, how many soever they be, could approach within sight of the Firm Island. Now then, Sirs, speak your counsel, not of what behoves us to do, for ye better than I know and feel what is now our duty, but in what manner we can prosecute and carry on what we have so well begun. With a right good will did they listen to that brave and courteous speech of Amadis, and because in that assembly there were so many who could well reply, all for awhile remained silent, each urging the other to make answer. At length Don Quadragante said, Since ye are all silent Sirs, if it please you I will deliver my advice. Agrayes answered, Sir Quadragante, we all beseech you so to do; for considering who you are, and what great atchievements you have honourably brought to end, it best becomes you of all others to make reply. Don Quadragante thanked him for this honourable praise, and then said to Amadis: Noble Knight, you have spoken right well and to our full contentment; on my part I shall only say what befits our present situation. In what has passed, our object has been not to gratify our own passion and enmity, but to do what we are bound to do as good Knights, succouring Dames and Damsels, who have no strength and no helpers, save only God and such as ye. My counsel is, that ye represent this to King Lisuarte by fitting messengers, and require him to acknowledge his error, and do justice to his daughter Oriana, the which if he engage to do, and make us secure thereof, we then honourably may and ought to restore her. For ourselves we should make no terms, for if this matter can be ended, I ween he will ask peace of us, and hold himself a happy man if it be granted. Meantime, for we know not what may be the issue of this embassy, let us call upon our kinsmen and friends to assist us, that if King Lisuarte should come to seek us, he may find us not as poor Errant Knights, but as Lords and Princes, ready to give him his welcome.
CHAPTER 5. At this reply of Quadragante all were well pleased, for they thought he had left nothing to be said; it was therefore determined that Amadis should send to advise King Perion his father of what had passed and request help, not only from him, but from all his other friends, who would be disposed to give him succour now, in acknowledgement of the great services he had with so much peril, wrought them. Agrayes also it was agreed should send, or go to his father the King of Scotland for the like purpose, and Don Bruneo to the Marquis his father, and to his brother Branfil, and with speed raise all the force he could. Don Quadragante also said that he would send his nephew Landin, to the Queen of Ireland, for he believed that altho' King Cildadan her husband was bound with a certain number of Knights to serve King Lisuarte, yet she would grant permission to her subjects to serve under him, and many good men of his friends and vassals might be expected. In like manner all the other Knights prepared to exert themselves. This being determined they appointed Agrayes and Don Florestan to inform the Princess Oriana, that she might command whatever she thought most expedient for her service. They then broke up the assembly, all in good hope and greatly encouraged, more especially they who were of low condition and who in some degree before had feared the issue of this adventure, for they beholding what resources were to be brought forward lost all apprehension of the event. Now as they were at the gate of the Castle from whence they could command the sight of the whole Island they saw a knight come riding along the coast, having with him five Squires who carried his arms and other accoutrements. They all stood looking whom he might be, till as he came nearer they knew that he was Don Brian of Monjaste, then were they all full joyful, for well was he beloved by them all, being in truth a good knight, and one who would have been every where greatly esteemed for his own worth even though he had not been Son to King Ladasin of Spain. Of all Knights living he was the one who most loved his friends, and was perpetually sporting with them and doing them the most pleasure that might be, wherefore he on his part was in return by them beloved. They knowing him, all went out to meet him, but he when he saw them, was greatly surprized, wondering by what chance they were all thus collected, and he alighted and went towards them with open arms, saying, I could embrace you all at once, for I regard you all as one. But when they came up to him, and he saw Amadis among them, I need not say whether or no he rejoiced to meet him, for besides their nearness of blood, Don Brian's mother being the sister of King Perion, Amadis was the Knight in the world whom he loved best. Are you here? quoth he smiling, for I come in your quest; though all other adventures should fail us, we should have enough to do in seeking you when you conceal yourself so well! Say what you please, replied Amadis embracing him, for I have you now where I shall take my amends, the Knights command you to mount again, and come into the Island where there is a prison ready for such as you. With that they all crowded to embrace him, and however loth he was, made him remount, and attended him on foot to the apartment of Amadis, where he alighted. His cousins Agrayes and Florestan disarmed him there and brought him a scarlet mantle; but he being thus disarmed, and seeing around him so many Knights and of such prowess, said, there must be some great mystery and cause why so many good Knights are thus assembled. I beseech ye Sirs tell me the reason, for something thereof I have heard since my landing. Upon this they bade Agrayes relate what had passed, and he whose heart was in the enterprize recounted what had been done, to the shame of King Lisuarte, greatly commending what the Knights had undertaken. When Brian of Monjaste heard this, he thought it a serious thing, being himself a prudent man, and one who looked to the issue of such things as well as the beginning: And had this thing been to do, belike he not knowing the love of Amadis and Oriana, might have dissuaded the enterprize, or at least proposed measures more moderate before so desperate a course were taken, for he knew King Lisuarte how jealous he was of his honour, and as the injury thereto was so great, great in proportion would be his efforts for vengeance; howbeit as the thing was, his assistance rather than advice was now required, and more especially as Amadis whom he so loved was the Chief of the enterprize. He praised them for what they had done and promised the aid of his own person, and of all that he could raise in his father's dominions, but he requested that he might see the Princess Oriana, and learn from her what was her pleasure. Sir Cousin, replied Amadis, you are just come from a long journey, and these Knights have not yet taken food. If it please you rest now and eat, meantime your arrival shall be made known to the Princess. This counsel Don Brian thought good, so the Knights took their leave of him and retired each to his home. When it was evening Agrayes and Florestan went to wait upon Oriana as they had appointed, and they took Don Brian with them. They found her with all the other Princesses and Ladies of her company, expecting them in the apartment of Queen Sardamira. Don Brian knelt before her, and would have kissed her hand, but she withdrew it and embraced him and welcomed him with her accustomed courtesy. Sir, quoth she, Don Brian, you are right welcome! welcome indeed you would at any time be, for your nobleness and great virtue; but at this time more especially! I need not tell you what doubtless you have already learnt from your friends, nor need I request you what to do, for you are more worthy to give than to receive advice. Don Brian answered, the cause of my coming Lady hath been this. After the battle which King Lisuarte had with the seven Kings of the Islands, I returned into Spain to the King my father, and there was busied in his disputes with the Africans, till I heard that my cousin Amadis was gone into some foreign land no man knew whither. But then, because he was the flower and mirror of all my lineage, and the one whom I the most esteemed and loved, his loss so greatly grieved me, that I determined to go in his quest, and therefore came hither to this Island, thinking that here I might likeliest hear some tidings of him; so hither my good fortune guided me not only to find him, but to arrive in a time when I may manifest some part of the great desire which I have ever felt to serve you. For as you imagine Lady, I have heard what has happened, and knowing the inflexible condition of the King your father, something also I can guess of what is to ensue; but come what will, my person is at your disposal to serve you. Many thanks did Oriana return to him for this his courteous speech.
CHAPTER 6. Great reason is there that the cause wherefore all these Knights were so ready and desirous to expose themselves to such danger for this Lady's sake should be known, and not remain in oblivion. Was it peradventure for the bountiful favours which they had from her received? Or was it because they knew the secret of her love with Amadis and for this reason were so zealous to serve both him and her? Certes I tell you that neither the one nor the other of these reasons was that which so disposed them to her service. For though she was of such high rank, yet had it never been in her power to shew her bounty, for she possessed nothing more than a poor Damsel, and as for what regarded her love for Amadis you have already read in this great history with what secrecy that was concealed. But a cause there must have been, and would you know what it was? Why this Princess was the gentlest, and of the best breeding, and of the most courtesy, and the most affable and humble that lived in those times, and ever was disposed to honour and demean herself to every one according to his merits, and this is a net and a bond whereby the great who act thus can bind many to their service that would else be little bound to serve them. Now after Don Brian of Monjaste had thus spoken and had accosted Queen Sardamira, and the other princesses and the Lady Grasinda, Agrayes and Florestan addressed Oriana and respectfully told her what the Knights had deputed them to say, the which she well approved, leaving them to follow their own judgment in these affairs, of which Knights could better judge than women; but she besought them ever to bear in mind an inclination and desire to be at peace with her father, if so be that could be brought about to their honour, for her sake and for her reputation. This done, Oriana leaving Florestan and Don Brian in talk with Queen Sardamira, took Agrayes by the hand, and leading him apart said, good Sir, and my true brother Agrayes, albeit the confidence, and trust which I have in Amadis and in all these noble Knights is very great, yet have I greater confidence in you, being brought up in the house of the King your father, and having been so cherished by the Queen your mother, who gave me Mabilia to be my companion, and such a friend hath she been that I may well say that as to God I owe the gift of life, so to her do I owe the preservation of it, which but for her prudence and consolations would ere this have been lost, more especially since for my ill hap the Romans came to my Father's house. For her sake and for the remembrance of all these things will I reveal to you, what I keep secret from all else, but for the present I only beseech you, that laying aside all wrath and resentment against my Father, you would labour to bring about peace and concord between him and your cousin Amadis, for you know that by reason of their great spirits and the enmity which hath so long endured between them, they will not lightly yield to persuasion; but if by your endeavour this could be brought about, not only would the death of so many good men as else must perish be prevented, but my fair name and honour, which may else be called in question, will be thus manifestly justified.
To this Agrayes courteously and humbly made answer, with great reason may and ought I to assent to all Lady that you have said. The wish of my father and of my mother is by all their means, to increase your honour and dignity, as by their deeds shall soon appear: for my sister Mabilia and myself I need only say, that all our actions show how entirely we desire your service. True it is Lady, that I above all others am most displeased with the King your father, for I have witnessed all the great and signal services which have been wrought for him by Amadis and by all us of his lineage, as is to all the world notorious, and I also was witness to the thanklessness and ingratitude wherewith he requited us. For never did we ask of him other guerdon than the Island of Mongaza for my uncle Don Galvanes, which Island was won, to the great honour of his court, and to the more imminent danger of his life, who was the winner, than man can think or express, as you my good Lady beheld with your own eyes. Yet neither did that avail, nor all our service, nor the great deserts of my uncle, that we could procure so small a meed, which should then have remained in the King's vassalage, instead thereof he rejected our supplication, as though instead of his servant, he had been his enemy. I cannot therefore deny but that in my heart I should rejoice to serve against him till he should be reduced to such a state, that all the world might see how greatly to his loss he had wronged and insulted us. But as man obtains favour in the sight of God in proportion as he curbs, and conquers his own will for his service; so Lady will I for your sake practise this self-denial, and repress my own anger, that by this difficult service you may see how truly I desire to obey you, but I must do this warily, lest it should intimidate others to see me acting the mediator, whom they know to be so earnest in the quarrel. So I beseech you let it be, replied Oriana, and good friend act to this intent in what manner you think best. Having ended this talk they returned to the company. But Agrayes could hardly refrain his eye from fixing upon Olinda whom he loved so well, that by that love he had been enabled to pass under the Arch of True Lovers, howbeit remembering his high birth and duties, he now represt his inclinations, till it should be seen how all these things would end. So having conversed together awhile, the Knights cheering the Ladies, who women-like were affrayed by all these preparations, they returned to their companions with the answer of Oriana. Then without delay they began to put in execution what they had resolved, and send Embassadors to King Lisuarte, and the office was unanimously assigned to Don Quadragante and Don Brian of Monjaste, as two Knights well befitting such an embassy.
CHAPTER 7. Meantime Amadis went to the apartment of Grasinda whom he greatly loved and esteemed not only for her own merits, but for the honours and good offices which he had received at her hands, so having seated himself on the estrado beside her, he said, If Lady you are not now served as I earnestly desire and wish to serve you, let your goodness pardon, for the time, as you see, is in fault. And of this as your judgment will perceive it to be so, I shall say nothing more, but instead, I am come to learn what may be your pleasure and farther will; it is now long since you have been absent from your own country, and I know not if peradventure that may trouble you; but whatsoever you may will, that shall I labour to perform. Grasinda answered, Sir, if I did not feel that from your company and friendship I have acquired greater honour than could by any other fortune have befallen me; and that whatever service I may have been able to render you in my own country has been well satisfied and repaid, I might well be held the most thankless person in the world. But this is known and evident to all; and therefore Sir, I will explain to you my whole desire. I see how many Knights and Princes are assembled in aid of this Princess; and I perceive that you my good Sir are he to whom they all look up, so that all their hope and confidence of success is in your courage and wisdom; and you cannot, considering your good heart and high renown, but feel yourself the Chief and Leader in this danger; perforce therefore must you call upon your friends and all who are beholden to you, for their succour, and as one of them do I account myself. This therefore is my will, that master Helisabad should forthwith return to my country, and summon all my friends and vassals to make ready, and come with a great fleet to serve you Sir, when and where it may please you to appoint. Meantime I will remain in the company and service of this Lady, and not leave her or you, till the end of this business shall shall show me what course I then ought to pursue. When Amadis heard her speak thus, he embraced her with a cheerful countenance and said. Truly I believe that if all other virtue and nobleness should perish from out of the world, it might from you my good Lady be reproduced. Since it pleases you, let it be so; and as Master Helisabad is thus going on your bidding, albeit it will be to him much toil, yet shall he bear my bidding to the Emperor of Constantinople. For considering the gracious proffers which he made me, and the little reason which as I then learnt, he has to be satisfied with the Emperor of Rome; with whom my quarrel principally lies; I hold myself assured that he will willingly send to succour me as though I had done him good service. Grasinda approved of this design, observing that Master Helisabad would think little of any toil undertaken in his behalf. Then Amadis said, since it is your pleasure Lady to abide here with this Princess, it is reasonable that as the other Ladies and Princesses are lodged with her, so also should you, that you may receive from her those courtesies and honours which you so well deserve. Upon this he called his fosterer Don Gandales and bade him tell Oriana of the great desire which Grasinda had to serve her, and request her to receive her on his part. But Oriana gladly received her with all due thankfulness, not so much for her present services, as for the good offices she had formerly rendered Amadis, and for the preservation of her own life, when she preserved his by giving him Master Helisabad for a companion. This being done and Master Helisabad being ready with a good will to depart, Amadis wrote thus to the Emperor of Constantinople. Most high Emperor, the Knight of the Green Sword who by his own proper name is called Amadis of Gaul, sends to kiss your hands, and to remind you of what more by reason of your own nobleness and goodness than of his deserts, you were pleased to offer him; for a time is now come wherein I need the help of your highness and of all my friends and well-wishers who desire to follow reason and justice. Upon this Master Helisabad is instructed fully. I beseech you give ear to his embassy, and let it have that effect on which I rely. Having finished this, and delivered his formal letters of credence to Master Helisabad, the Master took his leave of Amadis and of his Lady Grasinda, and set sail.
CHAPTER 8. After Amadis had dispatched the Master he called for Tantiles who was High Steward to the fair Queen Briolania, and said to him, my good friend, I would now that you should take that trouble and concern for me, which I would take in whatever concerned you. You see in what manner my honour is now staked, how greatly it may now be increased, or otherwise tarnished; go then to your Lady and tell her all that you have witnessed, and that it behoves her to summon all her friends and vassals that they may be ready when need shall be; say to her that what so nearly concerns me, concerns her all also, for she knows that in losing me, she would lose her servant. Tantiles answered, this will I do without delay, and make you no doubt but that there could nothing happen so to rejoice the Queen my Mistress, as to learn that she can now make manifest the great love and good will with which she will perform whatever you can require from her kingdom. Be you sure that when the time comes I shall be ready to return with such array as such a Lady ought to send to him, from whom under God, she has received her kingdom. He then received his letters of credence, and incontinently put to sea. Then Amadis took Gandalin apart and said, friend Gandalin whether or no I need the aid of my friends and kinsmen in this necessity wherein perforce I have placed myself, you well can judge. Sorely therefore as I shall feel your absence, yet it is now expedient that you should depart from me. You know we have resolved to call upon all our friends for succour, and though I have good hope in many to whom I have rendered good service, as you know, and trust that they will now repay the debt of gratitude which they owe me, yet have I most confidence in King Perion my father, that he, whether reason or not were on my side will hasten to my help. You are the man who can best and most fully explain the whole to him, and shame and sorrow would it be to him if I who am his son and his eldest son, could not give these two Princes their fit answer when they come up against me! But before you go, speak with my Cousin Mabilia and learn whether she hath any bidding to her aunt or to my sister Melicia, and speak also with my Lady Oriana, for mine she is, and though she be secret toward all other, to only you will she discover what may be her will. Meantime I will make ready your letter of credence, and therein I will request that Melicia may come hither to be in Oriana's company. So shall her virtues and great beauty be seen by many, as they have already been heard of. All this Gandalin promised to perform. Meantime Agrayes spake with Don Gandales, the fosterer of Amadis, and sent him to Scotland for aid, nor was there need to write by him, for so many years had he been trusted and found trustworthy, that he was rather regarded like a counsellor and kinsman than as a vassal; and he with all diligence and earnestness prepared to perform this embassy, because it nearly concerned Amadis, whom above all others in the world he most loved.
CHAPTER 9. Don Quadragante also, on his part, spake with his nephew Landin, the good Knight, saying, beloved nephew it is necessary that you depart for Ireland with all speed, and speak there with the Queen my niece, in private, so that King Cildadan know not your errand; for he being sworn vassal to King Lisuarte, there is no reason that he should know the thing. Tell her how we are circumstanced, and that though so many good Knights are here, yet they make great account, and place great trust in me, as you Nephew behold, considering what I am, and of what lineage. And say to her that I beseech her in her kindness to permit as many of her people as shall be so disposed to come serve me; for tell her that in contests like these, such changes oftentimes take place, that states and kingdoms are overthrown, and vassals become Lords, and they who were the Lords are reduced to vassallage. She therefore should not fear to grant my request. Do you then with what aid you may thus obtain, and with my friends and vassals, fit out a fleet, and be ready to obey my call. Landin replied that by God's help he would procure a good answer to his demand. So he embarked on board one of the Roman ships, and went his way. And Don Bruneo bade his Squire depart with letters to the Marquis his father, and to his brother Branfil, and beseech them to collect forces for their help. Lasindo, my good friend, said he, you must perceive that though so many good Knights are here, in this quarrel, yet Amadis is the most nearly concerned; and much as the love which we bear each other would influence me to serve him, yet am I the more bound to this duty, seeing that he is brother to my Lady Melicia. Though he had been my enemy I should now have been bound to serve him for her sake, how much more when he is the man in the world whom I love best! I therefore above all others am most concerned to support his honour. Of this you will say nothing, but do you persuade my father to this succour which so concerns my honour now. Of Branfil my brother I am already assured, and well I know that he would rather have had his part in what has already past than have won an Empire, for all his delight is in honourable feats of chivalry. You need say no more Sir, replied Lasindo, by God's help I shall procure you such succour that your Lady shall be well served, and your own renown greatly increased. So he embarked and put to sea. Now this Lasindo was a right good Squire, and of good lineage, and with true love and true good will did he now go upon his Master's service.
CHAPTER 10. But Amadis never ceased to think how he might best provide for his defence, because his Lady was now to be by him protected. He called Ysanjo, whom he had found governor of the Firm Island when he made the conquest thereof. Good Sir, said he, and my good friend, I know your virtue and your prudence, and the desire which you have ever shewn to promote my honour, and therefore will I now impose some labour upon you, for considering the quality of him to whom I am about to send, it behoves to employ so worthy a Messenger. You shall go to King Tafinor of Bohemia, and take him my letters, and tell him the confidence I have in his friendship. He is a right noble King, and offered me his assistance with a free good will when I left his court. Sir, quoth Ysanjo, this employment is an honour not a trouble; be assured that even to death I should rejoice to serve you. Then Amadis wrote thus. Noble King Tafinor of Bohemia, if when I abode in your house as an Errant Knight it was my good fortune to render you any service, I hold myself well repaid by the honours and good offices which I there received from you and from all of your court. And if I now send to request your help in my necessity, it is because I know how nobly and virtuously you have desired with your utmost power to uphold the right cause. The Knight who bears this letter will inform you of all that has passed; give him full confidence, and I trust his embassy will have the like success that your bidding would have found with me. Ysanjo then gave order that a ship should be prepared for his departure.
CHAPTER 11. All these messengers had now departed save only Gandalin; he went to the garden wherein the Tower stood, and where as you have heard no man permitted to enter without the especial leave of the Princess; the entrance being kept only by women. He coming to the garden gate bade those within say to Mabilia that Gandalin was preparing to sail for Gaul, and would speak with her before his departure. When Mabilia repeated this to Oriana, she was right glad of Gandalin's coming, and gave orders that he should be admitted. So he having entered, fell on his knees before her and kissed her hand, and then said to Mabilia according as his Master had commanded him. Upon that Mabilia said aloud to Oriana that all might hear, Gandalin is going to Gaul, what now will you say to the Queen and to my cousin Melicia? Oriana replied that she should rejoice to have the opportunity of sending to them, and then she went and joined Mabilia and Gandalin as they were talking apart. Ah friend Gandalin, said she, what think you of my froward fortune! the thing in the world which I have most desired, is to be where thy Master should never be out of my sight, and now that fate has thrown me into his power, we are so circumstanced that both for his honour and for my own I dare not see him! If you could know what my heart suffers because of this, sure am I that you would pity me. Now tell him this, to comfort him, and to excuse me, and tell him to devise some means that he and the other Knights may visit me, and that we may talk in presence of all without suspicion. Ah Lady, Gandalin replied, great reason have you to give comfort to that Knight! much greater sorrow would you feel than you now suffer if I could tell you what he has endured in the fortunes that we have passed through; the feats in arms which he atchieved are such that no other could have performed, or even in his heart imagined them, in such straits hath his absence from you placed him. But it is useless now to talk thus; do you only shew kindness to him, for verily I believe that your life depends on his. My true friend, quoth Oriana, that you may truly say; without him life would be to me far more grievous than death. But go tell him what I have said. Howbeit before he went, Oriana said to him in a loud voice, that she would write to Queen Elisena and to the Princess Melicia, and Gandalin requested that she would speedily send the letters, for the other Messengers were already departed, and he alone remained. Then Gandalin went to Amadis and told him all that Oriana had said. Amadis after he had mused awhile replied; I will tell you how this may be brought about. Go to Agrayes, and tell him you have spoken with his sister Mabilia on account of your journey to Gaul, and that she hath said it would be well if he could bring the Knights to see and encourage Oriana, for her situation is so serious and so strange that she needs all encouragement. But tell me concerning her, did she seem sorrowful? Gandalin replied, You Sir, well know her fortitude, and that she will discover nothing but the virtue of her noble heart, yet certes doth her appearance savour more of sadness than of joy. Then Amadis, raising his hands to heaven, exclaimed, O Lord Almighty let it please thee that I may be able to serve this my Lady to her full honour, and for my death or life let that betide as it will. Take you no fear for that Sir, quoth Gandalin, for as God hath in all other adventures favoured you above any other Knight, so will he now in this which you with so great justice have undertaken. With that Gandalin repaired to Agrayes, and said to him as he had been directed. Agrayes replied, this which my sister says is reasonable, and shall be done; and if it has not been done before, it was only because these Knights knew it was the pleasure of Oriana to live in retirement for her honour's sake. We will go speak of it to my cousin Amadis. So he went to Amadis, who answered him as one that had known nothing of the business before. Agrayes then went to the Knights and represented to them that it would be well if they visited Oriana to encourage her, for in perils like these even the brave sometimes needed encouragement, how much more then would feeble women stand in need of such comfort? So they agreed that on the following evening they would clad themselves in goodly arms, and mount their palfreys; having their swords girded on all adorned with gold, and in this array proceed to the apartment of Oriana. Of this Agrayes sent intimation to Oriana, and she sent to Queen Sardamira and to Grasinda and for the other Dames and Damsels of her company, that they should make ready to receive them.
CHAPTER 12. Now when these Knights entered the apartment of Oriana they all respectfully made obeisance to her, and afterwards to the other Ladies, and she courteously welcomed them as beseemed her noble nature; then Amadis bade Don Quadragante and Brian of Monjaste go talk with Oriana, he himself went to Mabilia. Agrayes conversed with Olinda, Don Florestan with Queen Sardamira, and Don Bruneo and Angriote with Grasinda whom they with great reason greatly esteemed; the other Knights talked each with whom he liked best. Presently Mabilia said to her cousin Amadis with a loud voice, Sir send for Gandalin hither, that he may take my bidding to the Queen my aunt and to my Cousin Melicia, you shall give it to him in charge, since it is with your embassy that he is going to Gaul. When Oriana heard this she said, he shall also take my message to the Queen and her daughter. Then Amadis called for Gandalin, who was with the other squires in the garden, expecting to be summoned. He came in and went to Amadis and Mabilia where they stood apart from the company, and after they had talked awhile Mabilia said to the princess, Lady, I have dispatched Gandalin, see now what you have to say to him. Oriana then turned to Queen Sardamira and said, take you Don Quadragante while I go speak with the Squire; and with that, leading Don Brian of Monjaste with her she went towards Mabilia, but as they came Don Brian said with playful courtesy, as one who well knew what demeanour beseemed a Knight; since I am chosen Embassador to your father, I will not be present at a Lady's embassy, for I fear your deceitfulness, lest you should impose upon me a more courteous manner than would be suitable to what the Knights have given me in charge. At that Oriana smiled sweetly and answered, for this very purpose Sir Don Brian have I led you here, that we may somewhat abate your choler against my father; yet I fear that your heart is not so well inclined towards womankind, that your purpose can anyway by us be changed. She said this sportively, for though Don Brian was young and very comely he was more disposed to follow arms and to the converse of Knights than to hold talk with women; he indeed was ready to expose himself to any danger in defence of their rights, and he loved all and was by all beloved, but not by any one with particular affection. So he made reply, I shall fly from you Lady and from your enticements lest I lose in little time what I have been long gaining. So laughing left he Oriana and turned towards Grasinda, whom he greatly desired to know, having heard so much in her praise. When Amadis saw his Lady before him, whom he so dearly loved, and whom for so long time he had not seen, for that sight of her on the sea in that great uproar, he accounted as nothing, his flesh trembled and his heart panted for exceeding delight, and he stood like a man beside himself, having no power to speak. Oriana saw his trouble, and drew nearer and took his hand under her mantle, and prest it in token of love, as though she would have embraced him. My true friend quoth she, and dear above all others in the world, though fortune has placed me where I most desire to be, in your power, yet such is my ill hap that now more than ever it behoves me to shun your company, that this adventure which is so known abroad through the world may appear no ways injurious to my honour, and that you may be believed to have undertaken it, pursuing your duty and virtuous inclination in redressing wrongs and relieving the oppressed, rather than from any other motive. For if the true cause were made known a different judgment would be formed by our friends as well as enemies. What therefore we have so long carefully concealed, we must with yet more care continue to conceal, till it shall please God to bring these troubles to the end which we desire. Amadis answered, for God's sake Lady offer not to me any reason or excuse for what you think fitting, for I was born only to be yours and to do you service while the life continues in the body; nor have I any other desire or will than to obey your pleasure. All I beseech you is, that you would always remember this truth and command me as you think best, for that will be the best comfort and recompense I can receive. While he said this, Oriana looked at him, and saw that the tears were flowing down his face. Dear friend, quoth she, it is no new thing for me to believe what you say, and how my heart returns this affection he knows from whom nothing is hid. But now it behoves to be patient, and I beseech you even with that love which you have ever desired me to express, to put away these thoughts of grief and trouble from your heart for one way or other, by peace or by war, our secret must soon be known, and then shall we be united even according to our desire. We have now talked long together, I will rejoin these Knights, do you dry up these tears, and speak with Mabilia. She will tell you what we have never before found means to let you know, and shall rejoice your heart. Oriana then sent to call Don Quadragante and Don Brian and returned between them to her place. Amadis remained communing with Mabilia, who told him every thing relating to Esplandian, of his birth, and how he was carried away by the Lioness, and how he had been bred up by the Hermit. When Amadis heard this he was as joyful as he could be. Lady and good Cousin, he replied as soon as the joy which disturbed his heart would permit him to speak, when Angriote and Don Bruneo came to me at the house of the noble Lady Grasinda, Angriote then told me this history of Esplandian, but whose son he was that could he not tell. Yet it came into my mind then what you had said to me in that letter which my foster-father Gandales brought to this Island, that my lineage had been increased, and I thought it possible considering the time when your letter was written, that this child might be my son, but this was only a thought. Now after they communed together thus they returned to Oriana, and then Gandalin took leave and set forth on his voyage, and then the Knights broke up the company and returned each to his lodgings.
CHAPTER 13. That day whereon King Lisuarte had delivered his daughter Oriana to the Romans, hard and cruel as he had been to her in this marriage, yet could he not hear without pity her cries and lamentation, which were so grievous that there was not a man in the world who could have heard them without compassion. The tears against his will came into his eyes, and he turned back more sorrowful at heart then he would let be seen in his semblance. Now when he came to his palace he found both men and women there making great moan for the departure of Oriana, nor could the strict command which he gave any way prevail or abate this, for that Princess was more honoured and better loved by all, than ever was other person in Great Britain. He looked round his palace and saw no Knights there as he had been used to see them, except only Brandoyuas, who told him that the Queen was lamenting in her chamber. So he went thither, but there also he could see none of the Princesses and Dames and Damsels who were wont to be in her company, and when he beheld how deserted the place was and how greatly changed from what it had been, there came a cloud over his heart, and he had no power to speak. But when the Queen saw him enter her apartment she fell down in a swoon. King Lisuarte raised her up and held her in his arms till her senses returned; and when he saw that she was somewhat recovered, he said to her, Lady it neither beseems your prudence nor your virtue to be thus cast down by what is no calamity, but instead of that, great honour and good fortune. If you wish to preserve my esteem and love, let this be the last display of such weakness. Your daughter is not so despoiled, but that she ought to be esteemed the greatest Princess of all her race. To this the Queen made no reply, but fell with her face upon the bed, sobbing in great agony. The King then left her and returned to the hall; there he found none but King Arban of North Wales and Don Grumedan, both showing by their countenances and demeanour the sorrow which at heart they felt. And though King Lisuarte was of great heart, and could beyond all other men conceal his thoughts, yet was it manifest how deeply he was now afflicted. But he thought it would be well to go hunt in the woods, till time should remedy what he felt, and he bade King Arban give command that the tents should be made ready and all things needful for the chace, for he would go out on the morrow. That night he would not sleep in the Queen's chamber lest his presence might increase her grief. Early in the morning he heard mass and departed, but when he saw with how poor a company he was now attended, he who was so desirous of the company of good Knights and who had once had the best of the world in his household, in spite of himself he could not chuse but be greatly troubled. But Fortune now was bent to give him real cause for grief and make him forget this displeasure which was brought on by himself; for some of the Roman prisoners who had made their escape from the Firm Island learning where the King was, came to him, and told him every thing as it had happened in their sight. How much soever King Lisuarte felt at such tidings so unexpected and so nearly concerning him, with a good countenance as Kings use to put on, he made no show of displeasure, but answered, I am grieved my friends for the death of Salustanquidio and for your loss; but as for what regards myself I am used to receive injuries and to give them in return. Remain ye in my court, and ye shall be assisted with all things needful. Upon that they kissed his hand and besought him that he would remember their companions and those Lords who had been taken with them. Be not troubled for them, replied the King, that shall be remedied in a manner befitting my honour and the honour of your Master. Then he bade them go to the city where the Queen was, but charged them to say nothing of what had happened till he should return. Three days King Lisuarte remained hunting in the forest in such mood as you may imagine, then he returned to the city still bearing a chearful countenance. Forthwith he went to the Queen's apartment, and she who was one of the noblest women in the world and the most prudent, seeing that it nothing availed her to show her sorrow appeared more tranquil. The King ordered all her attendants to leave the chamber, and seating himself beside her, said, In things of little moment which by chance may fall out to trouble us, there is some licence allowed for the expression of grief and sorrow, which as they are produced by slight evils may by slight remedies be removed. But in great wrongs that afflict us greatly, more especially when they concern our honour, it is far otherwise, the feeling expressed must be little and the severity of vengeance great. To come to the point, You Queen have felt the loss of your daughter, according to the custom of mothers, and you have shown what you have felt, as others do at such marriages, and I rejoice that you have so soon taken consolation. But this which hath followed is of such a nature that little grief must be shown, but heavy amends earnestly and heartily sought. The Romans who departed with our daughter have been with all their fleet destroyed, or taken, or slain with their Prince Salustanquidio, and she herself with all her Dames and Damsels made prisoner by Amadis and the Knights of the Firm Island, where they have carried them with triumphs and rejoicings; so signal a thing as this hath never before been perpetrated in the memory of man. Now therefore it behoves us, you prudently as a woman, and I strenuously as a King and Knight, to remedy our honour by deeds and not by idle resentment of sorrow. When Queen Brisena heard this she remained for awhile silent, for she was one of the women in the world who best loved her husband, and was aware in such a case as this and with such men, it was far better to make peace than to encourage discord. Therefore she replied, Sir, greatly as you must needs feel this, yet when you judge it you should recollect the time when you yourself were an Errant Knight. You know what complaints and lamentations Oriana and all her Damsels made for so long time, so that it was every where known, and all men believed great force was done her. It is not to be wondered at that these Knights as men whose profession it is to succour all distressed damsels, should have dared attempt what they have atchieved. But Sir, tho' she be your daughter, yet as you have delivered her up to the Embassadors of the Emperor, the injury is to him, and it behoves you to act now with moderation lest you should appear to be chiefly wronged, for if you do otherwise the offence can no ways be dissembled. The King answered, bear now in mind Dame what becomes your honour as I said before! For me, by God's help I shall take such amends as will become your rank and mine. Then King Lisuarte went to his palace and called for King Arban of North Wales and Don Grumedan and Guilan the Pensive, who was now recovered from his sickness, and being apart with these he told them all that had befallen, for these three Knights were they in whom he chiefly trusted: and he besought them to consider what was the course best befitting his honour, and to take due deliberation before they advised him. The King also remained some days pondering what he should do. But Queen Brisena remained full of sorrow for the great rigour of the King her husband: and because he had now for his enemies these Knights who would rather die than lose one jot of honour; this also she knew was her husband's temper, and therefore she thought all other dangers that ever heretofore had threatened him were light to this. While she was in this trouble, revolving what remedy might be devised, there came in one to say that Durin the brother of the Damsel of Denmark was arrived from the Firm Island and would speak to her. The Queen gave order that he should be admitted, so he entered and knelt before her, and kissed her hand, and gave her a letter from Oriana her daughter. But when the Queen took it the tears came into her eyes for the loss of her child, and for the thought that she could never again recover her unless it pleased the mercy of God to remedy this evil, and she could not speak, nor ask any thing of Durin till she had read the letter.
CHAPTER 14. The letter was in this fashion. Most high and mighty Queen Brisena, my Lady Mother, I the sorrowful and unhappy Oriana, your daughter, send with all humility to kiss your feet and hands. My good Lady, you know how my ill fortune being to me more contrary and evil-minded than to all other women that ever have lived or will be, made me be banished from my own country with exceeding cruelty on the part of the King my father, and on my part with such grief and agony of heart that I myself marvel how I could have lived through it a single day. But that fortune prepared for me a remedy more cruel than the wretched sufferings which I had expected; for in the first state I should have died, and that would only have been the death of an unhappy wretch, for whom death was more desireable than life. But in this which has happened, unless you, under God have compassion upon me; not I alone but numberless others who have no fault herein, must miserably end their lives. For it has pleased God, who knew the wrong and cruelty that have been done me, that the Knights of the Firm Island met and destroyed the Roman fleet, and carried me and all my Dames and Damsels to the Firm Island, where I am now treated with the same reverence and decorum, as if I was in your royal house. And because they are about to send certain Knights to the King my father, with intention to procure peace, if any concession may be made in my favour, I have thought it well to write thus before they can arrive, beseeching you by the tears which I now am shedding and do perpetually shed, that you will in goodness intreat the King my father to have pity on me, and consider the service of God more than the glories and honours of this world, and not put his own fortunes upon hazard, for he knows better than any other, the great force and injustice that he has done to me, nothing deserving it. Having read this letter the Queen told Durin not to return till she gave him an answer, but that she must first speak to the King. And Durin then told her that the Princesses and Dames and Damsels who were in her Lady's company, all sent to kiss her hands. Brisena then sent to request the King to come alone to her chamber, that she might speak with him. So soon as he entered she fell on her knees before him, weeping, and said, Sir, read this letter which your daughter Oriana has sent, and have mercy upon her and upon me. The King raised her up by the hand; and took the letter and read it, and then that he might give her some contentment he said, since Oriana writes that these Knights are about to send Embassadors to me, peradventure the Embassy may be such as to satisfy for the wrong received. If it should prove otherwise, you must consider that it is better to support our honour with danger, than by avoiding danger, to suffer that it should be tarnished. He then entreated her to put her trust in God and cease to afflict herself, and having said this, left the apartment. The Queen then called for Durin, and said to him, friend Durin go tell my daughter that till these Knights arrive and their embassy be known, I can give no answer, for the King her father can come to no resolution, but if any means of peace can be found out, I will with all my power labour to procure it, and greet her lovingly from me; and greet from me likewise all her Dames and Damsels. Tell her also, that now is the time when she must show what she is, chiefly by regarding her own good fame, without which nothing to be valued would be left her, and also by enduring affliction as becomes one of her high rank; for where God hath bestowed rank there also hath he allotted cares and troubles proportionately greater. I pray God to protect her, and restore her to me with honour. So Durin kissed her hand and departed; but little profit came of this journey, nor did Oriana receive any hope from her mother's message. Now the history saith that one day when King Lisuarte having heard mass, was preparing to eat with his chiefs in the palace hall; there came in a Squire and presented a letter of credence to him. The King took and read, and then asked him what he would have, and from whom he came? Sir he replied, I am the Squire of Don Quadragante of Ireland, and come to you with his bidding. Lisuarte answered, say then what you would have, and I shall willingly listen. The Squire made answer, Sir, Don Quadragante and Don Brian of Monjaste are come into your kingdom with the bidding of Amadis and the other Princes and Knights who are with him in the Firm Island, this they send to notify to you, before they enter your court; if they may safely appear before you, they will come and deliver their embassy, but if not, they will publish it abroad, and return thither from whence they came. Therefore Sir, give me answer as it may please you, that they may not be delayed. Having heard this King Lisuarte remained awhile without replying, as every great man ought to do, that he may have time to consider; but reflecting that no inconvenience could follow from receiving an embassy from his enemies and that it would discover little moderation if he refused, he said to the Squire, tell these Knights that they may come to my court, with full security; and that I will listen to what they have to say. With this answer the Squire returned. Don Quadragante and Don Brian hearing this landed from their vessel, being armed in goodly arms, and on the third day they reached the town wherein the King then sojourned, at such time as he had finished his meal. As they rode through the streets great was the concourse of people to look at them, for they knew them well, and said to each other. Cursed be the traitors whose villainy hath made our Lord the King lose these good Knights and so many others from his company. But some among them who knew better how it had been, laid all the fault upon the King, because he submitted his prudence to the counsel of scandalous and envious men. Thus they rode along, and having entered the outer court of the Palace they there dismounted, and went in where the King was, and courteously accosted him, and he on his part received them with courteous demeanour. Don Quadragante then thus addrest him, it becomes great Princes patiently and without passion to hear the Messengers who are sent to them, for if the Embassy should content them, then will they have reason to rejoice that they received it graciously, and if otherwise the remedy is to be found in a courageous heart and brave resolution, not in angry words. It becomes Embassadors also respectfully to deliver what they have in charge without fear of any danger that may on that account betide them. The cause of our coming to you King Lisuarte, is by order and request of Amadis of Gaul and the other good Knights who are in the Firm Island. They send to tell you, that they seeking adventures abroad to uphold the right and redress wrong, did hear from many, that you, following your own will instead of reason and justice, and regarding neither the serious admonition of your nobles, nor the tears of your people, and not having your duty to God before your eyes, determined to disinherit your daughter Oriana, the lawful successor to these your kingdoms after your decease, that you might give them to your younger daughter in her stead. Moreover not regarding her intreaties and lamentations, that you without mercy delivered her up to the Romans, to be wife to the Emperor, against all right and against her own consent, and against the inclination of all your people. But as things like these are notorious to God, and he it is who gives the remedy, it pleased him that we should hear of this wrong, and that we should redress it, with no will or design to commit injury ourselves, but seeking to remedy what wrong had been committed, which without shame we could not have forborne to do. We therefore having vanquished the Romans, have carried the Princess your daughter to the Firm Island, with the reverence and respect due to her nobleness and royal birth, and there we have left her in the company of many noble Ladies and Knights of high degree. Now therefore as our intention was only to serve God and uphold the right, these Knights send to exhort you, that you will appoint some means whereby this noble Princess may be secured from any farther such manifest wrong, and restored to your love as heretofore. If peradventure you bear any resentment against us for what we have done, let that remain for its season. For it is not reasonable the certain right of her cause should be confounded with our quarrel. When Don Quadragante had finished his speech, the King answered him after this manner, Knight because angry words and severe answers, neither increase courage, nor make the weak heart strong, my answer shall be brief, and given with more patience than your demand deserves. Ye have done that which in your judgement was most for your honour, with overweening pride and with arrogant strength, for little glory is it to rob and conquer those who were voyaging securely as they thought, and with no fear. Ye did not bear in memory that I, being God's Lieutenant, am accountable to him and to none other for my actions. When amends shall have been taken for this, it will be time enough to talk of the accord which you propose; farther speech would be useless now. Don Brian of Monjaste then answered, nothing more then remains, now that we know your will, but that each of us prepare for that which behoves our honour. With that they took their leave, and went to horse, and Don Grumedan with them whom the King had commanded to accompany them out of the town. When Grumedan saw that he was out of the King's presence, he said to these Knights, my good Sirs, I am greatly grieved at this which I have witnessed, for knowing the prudence of the King and the noble nature of Amadis and of all ye, I had good hope that this might have come to good end; but it is all clean contrary to what I hoped, and so must be till it please God to bring about peace and concord. But I pray you tell me how comes it that Amadis is now in the Firm Island, for it is long since any tidings have been known of him, though his friends were perilously seeking him in foreign lands. Don Brian made answer, I need not say much to you Don Grumedan concerning our quarrel with the King, certes, we should rejoice if setting that aside, some means might be found to right the Princess Oriana, but since he will proceed according to his anger rather than his reason, he shall find the upshot more difficult than the commencement. But as for what my good Sir, you ask concerning Amadis, you must know that till he came to this court calling himself the Greek Knight in the company with that Lady for whom he vanquished the Romans, and won the crown of the Damsels, we none of us knew tidings concerning him. Saint Mary help me! quoth Grumedan, was that Greek Knight Amadis?—Without doubt he was. Now then, replied the old man I will tell you that I think myself a man of poor understanding, for I ought to have known that he who performed such feats in arms could be no other than Amadis. And I beseech you, who were the two Knights whom he left to help me against the Romans?—Your friends Angriote of Estravaus, and Don Bruneo of Bonamar.—God-a-mercy! if I had known that, I should not have feared the battle as I did. In truth then I gained but little honour there, for with such helpers, I should not think it much to conquer twice the number of such foes. I believe by your courage Don Grumedan, said Quadragante, that you alone would have been sufficient. Be I what I may, replied the old man, ye have my love and true good will with ye, and God grant that this business may yet end well. By this they had gone out of the town and some little beyond it, then as Grumedan was about to bid them farewell, the fair Child Esplandian came up to them returning from his sport, and with him Ambor, the son of Angriote of Estravaus. He rode upon a goodly palfrey and well caparisoned, which Queen Brisena had given him, and he was richly clad, for the King and Queen liberally provided him with all things, both by reason of his great beauty, and also because of what Urganda the Unknown had written concerning him; and he carried upon his fist a goshawk. So coming up they gave each to other the good-day! and Don Brian asked of Grumedan who the fair Child was. He is called Esplandian, and was reared in a marvellous manner, said the old Knight, and strange things hath Urganda prophecied concerning him. Is this he? quoth Quadragante, we in the Firm Island have heard much talk of this child, I pray you call him back. Don Grumedan then called to him for he was passing on. Come hither said he, and send some bidding to the Greek Knight, who in courtesy to you spared the lives of the Romans. Esplandian turned back and answered, right glad should I be to learn tidings of that noble Knight and know where I could send my thanks, as you say, and as he truly deserves.—These Knights, are going whether he now is. He tells you truth, said Don Quadragante; we will carry your bidding to him, who when he was here was called the Greek Knight: but is now called Amadis. What, cried Esplandian, is he the Amadis of whom all men speak so highly?—Even so—In truth highly ought he to be esteemed! and his gentleness and courtesy are not less worthy praise than his valour. I went up to him when he was in wrath, and yet he did not for that do me the less honour, nor refuse to grant me the lives of those Knights who had greatly incensed him. I thank him truly, and would to God there may come a time, when I may with the like honour requite him for it. Much were those Knights pleased to hear how well the Child spake. God make you a good man, quoth Don Bruneo, as good fair Child, as he hath made you fair. I thank you, the Child replied. But if God hath reserved any worth for me; I would it were in me now that I might be able to serve my Lord the King, who now needs the service of all his people. God be with you Sirs! so he and Don Grumedan took their leave, and those Knights proceeded to their ships.
CHAPTER 15. After those Knights had departed, King Lisuarte sent to summon King Arban of North Wales, and Don Grumedan, and Don Guilan the Pensive, and he said to them, Ye know my friends how I stand with the Knights of the Firm Island, and the great insult which I have received at their hands, and certes if I did not take such amends as should break their great pride, I should not hold myself a King, nor should I think that others would as such esteem me. Therefore that I may render such account of myself, as behoves a prudent man, and that all may be done with due advice and deliberation, I have now sent for you to know your counsel. Then King Arban who was a good Knight, and prudent, and greatly desired to promote the King's honour, replied, these Knights Sir, and I, have thought much upon this matter, and consulted together, as you required us. And we have concluded that since it is not your pleasure to come to any terms of concord with these Knights, that you ought with all diligence to prepare the means whereby they may be represt and their haughtiness curbed. For the Knights of the Firm Island are many and right powerful in arms, as you Sir well knew, when by the grace of God they were all so long in your service; and more than this, we are assured that they have sent on all sides to demand succour, the which besure they will find, being of high lineage, sons and brethren of Kings and of other great personages, and likewise they have in their own persons made many friends, so that when people come from so many parts to their help, there will be a great host presently raised. But on the other hand Sir, we see that your Court and Household is more destitute of Knights now than we ever remember it to have been; and the greatness of your power hath made you many enemies who will now discover their ill will, for troubles will break out in times of need like these which are hushed in calm seasons. It is therefore expedient that all your servants and friends should now be called upon, especially the Emperor of Rome, whom as the Queen hath said, this business more nearly touches than it doth you; then when you have seen the power which you can bring together you may better judge whether to proceed rigorously, or come to such accord as is proposed. King Lisuarte thought himself well advised by this speech, and bade Don Guilan prepare to go to the Emperor, for for such an Embassy such an Embassador was meet. Don Guilan answered, in this Sir, and in far more than this I am ready to do you service, and God grant it may be to the advancement of your honour; let therefore the dispatches be made ready, that you may be obeyed without delay. There needs nothing more than your letters of credence, said the King. Tell the Emperor that in compliance with his demand, I gave my daughter to his Embassadors to be his wife, and tell him what hath befallen her, and that the Knights have sent to me preferring certain terms, which I, knowing the insult concerned him more than me, would not accept. And say to him that what will satisfy me is that we should surround the place where they detain my daughter and make all the world know that we like great princes as we are have punished these thieves and robbers for the insult and injury which they have offered us. Tell him then your own opinion and say that wrongs of this nature grow worse, the longer the remedy is delay'd. Don Guilan then received his credentials and went on board. The King then called for Brandoyuas and bade him go to the Island of Mongaza and summon Don Galvanes with all his people, and then pass over with the like bidding to King Cildadan of Ireland; and he sent Filispinel to Gasquilan King of Sweden, to tell him in what state he was, he being a Knight who delighted in all occasions wherein he could show his great hardihood and prowess. In like manner he sent to all his other friends and vassals, and ordered all his people to make ready, and set about preparing arms and horses, to have the greatest force of horsemen that he could raise. Now the History saith that Arcalaus the Enchanter being in one of his castles, and always devising how he could do some mischief, as he and all wicked ones like him are accustomed to do, the tidings came to him of this great quarrel between King Lisuarte and Amadis. Whether he was pleased or no need not be said, for they were the two men in the world whom he most hated, and whose destruction he never ceased to have at heart, and the uppermost thing in his thoughts. At such a time as this he thought he might wreak his will, and because he could not in his heart prevail upon himself to assist either of them, he in his subtlety resolved to raise a third army of those who were enemies both to Lisuarte and to Amadis, and so dispose of them that if a battle should take place, they might fall on the survivors, and with little peril utterly destroy them. Incontinently he went to horse, and with such a train as was needful set forth travelling by land and by sea till he came to King Aravigo, who with the six Island-Kings had been hardly handled by Amadis and King Lisuarte, as you have heard in the third book of this history. When he came to him Arcalaus said, O King Aravigo, if your heart and resolution be answerable to your high estate, and to the prudence with which you ought to govern, Fortune who was once so much your enemy hath now so repented, and is ready to make you such amends, that the loss of your honour shall be repaired with double victory. Your revenge is now in your own hands, our two great enemies King Lisuarte and Amadis of Gaul, are at such utter discord, that there can be no other issue than a great battle, and the destruction of one, or peradventure of both. Now if you will hearken to my advice, you will not only recover the loss, which by following my counsel heretofore, you have suffered; but your kingdom shall be greatly increased, and the possessions of all us who desire your service. Friend Arcalaus, replied King Aravigo, the length of way which you have travelled, and your manifest fatigue make me well believe what you tell me; but let me hear it more at length, for never was it in my will because of adversity to desist from such enterprizes as become the greatness of my person. Then Arcalaus related how Amadis had taken Oriana from the Romans, and carried her to the Firm Island. And I would give you to know, said he, that this Amadis was one of those Knights of the Serpent who were against us in the battle against the other six Kings; he it was who wore the golden helmet, and who by his great prowess wrested the victory from your hands. Now as Amadis on the one hand and King Lisuarte on the other, will gather together all the force they can, and as the Emperor himself will come in person to revenge the great insult which he hath received, you may well judge what destruction there will be in the battle between them. If therefore you will summon your companions I will bring you for allies Barsinan, Lord of Sansuena, the son of that Barsinan whom King Lisuarte put to death in London, and moreover all the great lineage of that good Knight Dardan the Proud, whom Amadis slew in Windsor, and they will be a company of right good Knights. Moreover I will bring the King of the Deep Island, who escaped with thee from the battle. We will station ourselves so that after they shall have fought their battle, we may fall upon them and destroy them all, the conquerors as well as the conquered, without difficulty or danger; so that by this great victory all Britain will be subjected to you, and your royal power shall be raised above the power of any Emperor upon earth. Look to it now King! whether for so little toil and peril you will forego such glory and such dominion. To all this King Aravigo lent a willing ear. Friend Arcalaus, he replied, you tell me great things, and though I had resolved to tempt Fortune no more, great folly would it be to reject so fair an opportunity. I will prepare my friends and vassals, do you therefore do as you have said. Forthwith Arcalaus departed for Sansuena, and spake with Barsinan, bidding him remember the death of his father, and also of his brother Brandolot, who, being conquered by Don Guilan the Pensive and carried prisoner to King Lisuarte, was, by his command, thrown headlong from the Tower, at the foot of which his father had been burnt. He told him likewise that the former enterprize had succeeded, and that his father would have been King of Britain, he having made both Lisuarte and his daughter prisoners, when all was recovered from him by that traitor Amadis. Now Barsinan was young and haughty by nature, and in his evil disposition resembled his father. Arcalaus therefore lightly prevailed on him to join in this confederacy. With small persuasion too, in like manner, did he win the King of the Deep Island, and all the lineage of Dardan the Proud: this did he as secretly as he could, and exhorted them to have their force ready for the occasion.
CHAPTER 16. After Don Quadragante and Don Brian had parted from Don Grumedan, they proceeded to the shore, and there embarked to carry their tidings to the Firm Island. The first day they voyaged on with prosperous weather, but at night the sea began to rage, and so great a tempest arose that the sailors lost all command of the ship and they were driven they knew not whither, expecting to be swallowed up by the waves. Thus they drove along all night, in sufficient fear, for in dangers like these neither arms nor courage avail aught; and when the day broke and the sailors could look about them, they found they were near the Kingdom of Sobradisa where the fair Queen Briolania reigned. At this time was the storm abated, and as they were about to turn to their right course, they saw on the right a ship marvellously great. Now as their ship was so swift and manageable that they apprehended no danger even though this should prove an enemy they resolved to wait her coming up, and when she drew nearer, they thought they had never seen so goodly a ship, nor so large, nor so richly ornamented, for the sails were all of silk and every part was covered with rich cloths, and they could see upon the deck Knights and Damsels all bravely attired. Much did Don Quadragante and Don Brian marvel at this sight, and they could not imagine who came in her, so they put out a boat, and sent a Squire to ask whose ship it was. The Squire did as he was commanded, and one of the Knights answered that Queen Briolania was aboard, on her way to the Firm Island. God be thanked, quoth the Squire at that, they who sent me to ask will be right glad of such tidings! Good Squire, cried the Damsels, tell us if it please you who be they? Ladies, he replied, they are two Knights who are voyaging to the same port as yourselves, but by the fortune of the sea have been driven hither, where what they have here met will well requite them for their fatigue, they will make themselves known as soon as I return, therefore I need say no more. Full joyfull were those Knights when the Squire returned and told them into what company they had fallen, and they brought their ship nearer to the other vessel. And when they were come nigh the Damsels knew them, having seen them when they were with their mistress at the Court of King Lisuarte; so they ran joyfully to tell the Queen how they had met two Knights, great friends of Amadis, Don Quadragante and Don Brian of Monjaste. She hearing this went out from her apartment to bid them welcome, for she had heard from her high steward Tantiles, how these Knights had been sent from the Firm Island to Lisuarte. By the time she came out they were already on board, and went to kiss her hand, but not suffering that, she put one arm round each and thus awhile embraced them, saying, Sirs and my good friends I thank God for this meeting, than which nothing could have delighted me more, unless it had been to have seen Amadis of Gaul, whom as ye know I am so much in duty bound to love. Now tell me how ye have sped? They then told her all that had past, and how no hope of any accord with King Lisuarte remained, and how they had been driven by the storm, but now said they, we think ourselves happy to have been so driven, since we can now serve and protect you on your voyage. I too, replied the Queen, had my fears during that storm, for certes, I thought we never could have outlived it, but my ship is large and stout, and my anchors and cables strong, and it pleased God that we neither dragged nor broke them. I knew from my high Steward Tantiles that you were gone on this embassy, and knowing how fortunate King Lisuarte hath been, judged that he would continue to presume upon his fortunes. I have therefore summoned all my vassals and called upon my friends for help, and having left Tantiles to assemble and conduct the force, thought that it would be well meantime to go visit the Princess Oriana at the Firm Island, and abide with her the chance which it may please God to send us. This is the reason why you have met me here, and I am right glad that we shall proceed together. Lady mine, replied Don Brian, from one so fair as you and of such high degree, nothing but what is virtuous and noble can be expected, and such we find in your doings. The Queen then desired that they would order their vessel to keep company with hers, and they themselves remain on board with her, so they were well lodged on board Queen Briolania's ship, and ate at her table, and thus they sailed pleasantly over the seas. Now you must know that when the Uncle of this Queen Briolania, Abiseos, was slain with his two sons by Amadis and Agrayes, in vengeance for the death of his brother, whom he had treacherously killed, he had yet another son left, who, being but a child, was by a Knight carefully brought up. This son was now a young Knight of great hardihood and prowess, as had in many encounters been proved; and though for long time he was so young that he thought of nothing but following arms and increasing his honour, yet now certain servants of his father had told him that he ought to take vengeance for his death, and either recover the kingdom which by right was his, or else procure such compensation as might be worthy of his birth. So this young Knight who was called Trion was now always ruminating on what these servants told him, and watching fair occasion to put in practice his desires, and now knowing how Amadis, whom he regarded as the main let of his ambition, was engaged with King Lisuarte, he thought he would have no leisure to direct his attention to any thing but his own great danger. He therefore having understood the departure of Queen Briolania, and that she went with so small a company that she had in her ship not more than twenty men at arms, and among them none of great prowess, he went out from a Castle which he possessed, which Castle was all that Abiseos possessed before he murdered his brother, and gathered together his friends, not telling them for what enterprize, and having collected fifty men at arms, and certain archers and cross-bowmen besides, he fitted out two ships and put to sea, with design to take the Queen, and to obtain from her a share of the kingdom, or if he saw a favourable opportunity recover the whole. He knew the course she was steering, and one evening came out to intercept her. The sailors seeing these two ships coming toward them, told the Queen; immediately Don Quadragante and Don Brian went on deck, and seeing that the ships were bearing down upon them, gave order that the men should arm; this the men did, though with little apprehension of danger, and continued to hold their course. The others were now come so nigh that their voices might be heard. Then Trion cried out aloud, Knights who are in yonder ship, tell Queen Briolania that her cousin Trion is here, and would speak with her, and bid her order her people to make no resistance, for else not one of them shall escape death. When the Queen heard this she was greatly dismayed, and said, Sirs, this is the greatest enemy that I have in the world, and he would not venture upon this without great cause, and a strong company. My good Lady, replied Quadragante, take you no fear, please God we will soon chastise his folly. He then ordered answer to be made, that if Trion would come alone to see the Queen he should willingly be admitted. Since this is your answer quoth Trion, I shall come against your will. Then he ordered a Knight who had been one of his father's servants to bear down in the one vessel and board the Queen's ship on one side and he would do the same on the other. Don Brian seeing the ships separate guessed what was their purpose, and bade Quadragante with half the men look to the defence on one side, as he would on the other; accordingly thus it was done, and Don Quadragante had the side which Trion himself attacked, and Brian was opposed to the other Knight. Quadragante then bade his people stand forward so that he might not be seen, and he told them not to prevent Trion from entering if he should attempt it. Anon the ship was hotly attacked on both sides, for the assailants, knowing nothing of these Knights of the Firm Island, thought that no resistance could be made which could be any way dangerous. Immediately Trion, who was full of confidence and eager for success, leaped on board; the Queen's people gave way as they had been directed, and Don Quadragante seeing him fairly on board then came forward. He as you have heard in the second part of this history was huge of stature, and when Trion beheld him, he well knew that he was not such an enemy as he had expected to meet, howbeit his heart did not fail, and he made at him bravely; they gave each other such strokes that fire fled from their helmets and swords, but Don Quadragante was the stronger man, and laid on such a load, that Trion's sword dropt from his hand, and he fell upon his knees. Quadragante then looked round, and seeing that the enemies were crowding on board, he bade his men take charge of that Knight, and went among the other assailants, the first whom he met he smote so soundly on the head that he had no need of a surgeon, the others seeing their Leader taken and this other Knight slain, and how manfully Quadragante was bestirring himself among them, strove to get back into their own ship, so that in their fear some were drowned, and many were slain, and the rest driven out of the vessel. Quadragante then looked and saw that Don Brian was on board the other ship making great slaughter among his enemies and he sent more of his men to his assistance, waiting himself to see if the attack would be renewed. With this help Don Brian speedily became master of the other vessel, for he had already slain the Knight who commanded her, and the men now cried out for mercy, so that he gave orders that no further slaughter should be made. All this while was Queen Briolania and her women in their cabin, on their knees beseeching God to preserve them. Presently one of her people came and said, come out Lady and see how Trion is made prisoner and all his men defeated, for these Knights of the Firm Island have done such wonders in arms as no others could have atchieved. When the Queen heard this she was as rejoiced as you may well suppose, and she lifted up her hands and said, blessed be the Lord Almighty that at such a time and for such a purpose he sent me these Knights! but from Amadis and his friends, nothing but good fortune can befall me! She then went out and said Don Quadragante, greatly am I beholden to God and to you for this service! certes both my person and kingdom were in great peril. He answered, my good Lady here is your enemy, command that justice may be done upon him. When Trion heard this he feared for his life, and knelt down before her, saying, mercy Lady! that I may not be slain! I beseech you remember your own goodness, and that I am of your blood, and that though I have now offended I may yet hereafter serve you. To this the Queen who because of her noble nature had compassion on him, replied, Trion, not for your own desert, I will save your life till I have consulted with these Knights concerning you, and she ordered him to be secured in an apartment. By this Don Brian of Monjaste came up, and the Queen embraced him and asked how he fared? Right well, he replied, and full glad that it has been my good fortune to do you any service; one wound I have received, but thank God it is not dangerous. He then showed her how an arrow had gone through his shield and part of his arm. The Queen then with her fair hands drew out the arrow as gently as she could, and helped to disarm him, and he was cured as he had often been of worse wounds. Glad were they all of their victory; and they saw Trion's ship was making her escape as fast as she could, and not staying to pursue her they held their course for the Firm Island. When they entered the haven, it so happened that Amadis with the most part of the Knights were riding on their palfreys in the plain below the Castle, as they were wont to do, and seeing these ships put to land, they rode to the shore to know what they were. Presently they met the Squires of Quadragante and Don Brian coming to announce their arrival and when they reached the shore they bade their friends welcome, and Don Brian said, speaking from the ship, we are come back richer than we went, but as for you poor people, you are shut up here! At that they all laughed, and bade him show the riches of which he was so proud. A boat then put out and they and the Queen entered it and were put to land. Then all the Knights alighted and went to kiss her hand, but she lovingly embraced them. Amadis then came and would have kissed her hand, but she lovingly embraced him, and held him so long as if she would never have let him go, and the tears ran down her cheeks for pure joy at seeing him, for since the battle with King Lisuarte and King Cildadan, when she was at Fenusa she had never seen him, and though she had now no thought of ever having him for her husband, yet he was the Knight in the world whom she loved best, and for whose sake she would willingly risk her person and her kingdom; and when she let him go she could scarcely speak for joy. Many thanks do I owe to God, Lady, said Amadis, that he has brought me where I can once more see you whom I have so much desired to see; and at this time are you more welcome than ever, for great pleasure will the sight of you be to these Knights, and yet greater to your friend the Princess Oriana, for I believe there is no other person in the world whose coming would so much rejoice her as yours. She answered, for this reason my good Lord have I left my kingdom; chiefly to see you, which was the thing in the world that I most desired. God knows the sorrow which I endured so long a time that I could learn no tidings of you, earnestly as I enquired! And now, as soon as my High Steward brought me your letter, I then thought it best to come with all speed to see you and that noble Lady of whom you speak, for now is the time that all her friends and servants should manifest the love they bear towards her. But in great danger should I have been had it not been for the succour of these Knights, as they will inform you. By this were all her women and attendants landed, and they placed her on such a palfrey as was becoming such a personage, and proceeded towards the tower where Oriana dwelt. Greatly was that Princess delighted to hear of her arrival, and she desired Mabilia and Grasinda and the other Princesses to go and meet her in the garden, while she and Queen Sardamira remained to receive her in her apartment. Queen Sardamira seeing how much they were all rejoiced at this news, said to Oriana, who is this whose coming is matter of so great joy? A Queen, replied she, the fairest in her person as well as the goodliest in her fame that lives, as you shall presently see. When Briolania came to the garden gate, and saw so many Ladies and in such attire, she marvelled much, and thought herself happy that she had resolved to come there, and turning to the Knights she said, good Sirs, God be with ye! these Ladies will now release ye of your charge; and smiling sweetly she alighted and went in and then the gate was closed. Those Ladies then courteously saluted her, and Grasinda was greatly surprized at her exceeding beauty, insomuch that had she not seen Oriana she should have surely thought that no woman in the world could be her peer. So they led her to the Tower and when she and Oriana saw each other, they met with open arms and embraced each other with great love. Then Oriana led her to Queen Sardamira saying, Lady Queen speak to the Queen Sardamira, and honour her for she well deserves it; so they with great courtesy saluted each the other, each observing such demeanour as became her high rank; they then seated themselves on the estrado, Oriana being between them, and the other Ladies seated around. Good my Lady, said Oriana, great courtesy is this that you should come to visit me from so far a land, and much do I thank you, for such a journey would not have been undertaken but for great love. Lady, replied the Queen, ungrateful should I deserve to be accounted, if at this time I had not manifested to all the world the desire I have to do you honour and service; especially as the business so nearly concerns Amadis of Gaul, to whom you know how greatly I am beholden. I have left Tantiles to collect all the force of my dominions, and meanwhile believe that I ought to come and bear you company till this business was ended, which may it please our Lord to end as you would desire. May he do so in his mercy! replied Oriana, I hope Don Quadragante and Don Brian will bring good tidings of some accord with my father! but Briolania knowing that in truth they brought none, did not reply. Thus they continued in discourse till at length the Damsel of Denmark said, remember Lady that the Queen is just come from her voyage, and will be glad to sup and retire to rest; it is time that you should take her to your apartment, as she is to be your guest. Oriana then having asked if all was ready, took leave of Queen Sardamira and Grasinda, who went to their apartments, and went with Briolania to her chamber. When they were alone Briolania asked who was that goodly Lady with Queen Sardamira, and being told it was Grasinda and all that she had done for Amadis, wretch that I am, she replied, that I should not have known this when she accosted me! now I pray you when we have supt let her be sent for, that I may honour her as she deserves for the good service she rendered Amadis. So after they had supt, the Damsel of Denmark went for Grasinda, and Briolania courteously excused herself that she had not with more kindness saluted her, not knowing the great help which Amadis had from her received; and as they conversed together, Grasinda told them how she had first known Amadis when under the name of the Knight of the Green Sword he had wrought such atchievements in Romania and throughout all Germany. I was so well pleased with him, said she, that though I was so great a Lady in that land, and he appeared only a poor Errant Knight, I should have been well content to take him in marriage, and should have thought no Queen in the world equal to me in good fortune. But seeing him so thoughtful and overcome by so deep a melancholy, I suspected that the cause could be nothing but love, and therefore I asked Gandalin, who knew the drift of my question and at one time denied it, and then told me that he suspected it might be so, this he said to divert me from any farther thought of that which could not be brought to pass, and for that I thanked him much, and from that hour entertained such thoughts no longer. Briolania hearing this smiled at Oriana, and said methinks Lady this Knight spreads this disorder farther than we imagined! remember what he told us at the Castle of Miraflores. So thus they communed till it was the hour of rest, Grasinda then took leave, and Briolania slept with Mabilia in a bed which was made near Oriana's.
CHAPTER 17. On the morrow all the Knights assembled to hear mass and to learn what answer Don Quadragante and Don Brian brought from Lisuarte. When they were met together after mass, Quadragante said, good Sirs, our answer was so brief that I have nothing to say, except that you ought to thank God that with so great justice and reason you may gain great renown, and prove the virtue of your noble hearts. King Lisuarte will listen to nothing but rigour. He then related all that past and how he knew that the King had sent to the Emperor of Rome and to all his friends for aid. At this Agrayes answered, who was nothing grieved at this issue, and had so long moderated his anger only in compliance with Oriana, Certes good Sirs, I always thought it would be more difficult to obtain security for the Princess and maintain our own honours, than to raise help for the war; and for my own part I will now tell you that I am better pleased to have war, than that we should have made accord which might have easily been broken; for King Lisuarte and the Emperor are powerful Princes, and can at any time soon collect their force, which we, who derive our succours from many and distant places cannot so easily bring together: better therefore is open war than so dangerous a peace! They all exclaimed at this that what Agrayes said was true, and that they ought to assemble their army without delay and give Lisuarte battle in his own kingdom. Now had Amadis all along been fearful lest accord should have been made with the King, for though his honour would have been secured thereby, yet should he have been obliged to deliver up Oriana, who would in that case have again been where he could have no means to see her, and that to him would have been worse than death; so that what the Embassador and Agrayes said, rejoiced him more than if he had been made Lord of the World. Sir my Cousin, quoth he, your actions have been full chivalrous, and greatly ought we who are of your lineage to thank God that we have among us a Knight like you, so able to defend his honour in danger, and to increase it in counsel! as you and these Chiefs have so well determined, it only remains for me to follow your will. Angriote of Estravaus who was a brave Knight and of good heart, and who truly loved Amadis, rightly judged that though he said nothing of his opinion, yet was he well pleased that no accord had been made: and this he thought proceeded from his love of danger and arms, not suspecting the true cause; he therefore said, Sirs, ye ought all to be well contented with the result of this embassy, for war is not only safer than peace, but more to our honour, and we shall leave a fame behind us in this world, as immortal as our souls will be in the next! let us then lose no time in summoning all our force. So having thus determined they all went to their meal.
CHAPTER 18. Such good speed had Master Helisabad on his voyage, that he arrived safely at the land of his Lady Grasinda, and there having summoned all the Chiefs of the land, he produced his powers and entreated them to fulfil their Lady's will; they all replied that they should with good will accomplish it, and forthwith gave order to assemble horsemen, and archers, and cross-bowmen, and equipped what vessels they had and set about building others. When the Master saw how actively they made these preparations, he left a young Knight by name Libeo, who was his nephew, to superintend the armament, and put to sea himself and went to Constantinople. When he arrived at the Palace they told him the Emperor was talking with his good men, so he went in and knelt down and kissed the Emperor's hand, who received him courteously, as one whom he knew and held for a good man. The Master then gave him the letter of Amadis, but when the Emperor learnt that the Knight of the Green Sword was that Amadis of Gaul of whom he had heard so much, he said, Master I must complain of you, if you knew the name of this Knight and did not tell me, for I am vexed that a man of such high lineage and so renowned should come to my court and be by me honoured as only a Knight errant. Sir, replied the Master, I swear by my holy orders, that I never knew who he was till he left off the title of the Greek Knight, and discovered himself to Grasinda. How! quoth the Emperor, did he call himself the Greek Knight after he went from hence? What, cried the Master, have ye not heard of the great things which the Greek Knight atchieved? and then he related how he had won the crown for Grasinda, and in what manner he had quelled the pride of the Romans, who despised him, thinking him to be a Greek. Right glad were all they who were present to hear such tidings. Now then, said the Emperor, deliver your bidding. With that Master Helisabad related all that had fallen out; and besought him on the part of Amadis, that if King Lisuarte instead of coming to reasonable accord, should come against him with the Emperor of Rome and a great power, he would be pleased to assist him in defending the wronged Princess, he being one of the principal Ministers whom God has appointed to maintain justice upon earth. When the Emperor heard this he saw that it was a weighty matter, for he knew the worth of King Lisuarte, and how highly he prized his honour; and he knew also the haughty spirit of El Patin, how much more he was guided by pride than by reason. Yet considering the justice of the cause, and how Amadis had travelled so far to see him, and the promise he had made, albeit it were made lightly and with no such meaning as was now given to it, and calling to mind also the wrongs he had formerly received from the Emperor of Rome, he replied, you have told me great things Master! and from a good man like you it is to be believed; since then the brave Amadis hath need of my succour, I will give it him as fully as I promised, even as the word of so great a man given to so renowned a Knight ought to be accomplished. I never yet began thing which I did not carry through to the end. Then were all they rejoiced who heard, and above all Gastiles the nephew of the Emperor, who knelt down and besought that he might go with the succour. Good Nephew replied the Emperor, I am well pleased that you should, and I command you and the Marquis Saluder to take charge of providing such a fleet as becomes my rank, and if need be, ye shall go in it, and give battle to the Emperor of Rome. You may well think how Master Helisabad rejoiced to receive such an answer. Sir said he, for what you have said, I kiss your hand on the part of the Knight who sent me, and for myself who bears the embassy, being such as I am, I kiss your feet. Now then I pray you, for I have much to do, give me leave to depart, and if the Emperor of Rome should send his forces, do you dispatch yours in time to meet them. Go in God's name Master! replied the Emperor, leave the rest to me, if need be you shall see who I am, and how I esteem Amadis. The Master then took leave and returned to the Land of his Lady Grasinda.
CHAPTER 19. Joyfully was Gandalin welcomed in Gaul because of the good tidings which he brought of Amadis, of whom for long time nothing had been known. Presently he took King Perion apart, and told all that he had been sent to say. Now because this King was so brave that he feared no danger how great soever, especially if it regarded this his son who was like a shining mirror in the world, and whom he so dearly loved, he replied, Gandalin what you desire shall speedily be done, and if you should see your Lord before I see him, say to him that I should not have held him for a Knight if he had suffered that wrong to go unredressed, for such enterprizes are appointed for such hearts as his. I say unto you that if King Lisuarte will not be brought to reason, it shall be to his own loss. But take heed that you say nothing of this to my son Galaor, who is here so ill that we have often thought him more dead than alive, and even now he is in great danger; nor to his comrade Norandel who is come hither to see him, for I will communicate it to him. Gandalin replied, I will bear it in mind, and glad am I that you have thus forewarned me. Go now to him, said the King, and tell him news of his brother. Gandalin then went to Galaor's chamber, whom he found so weak and sick that he wondered at seeing him, and he knelt down to kiss his hand; then Galaor looked and knew that it was Gandalin, and the tears came into his eyes for joy.—Welcome friend Gandalin, what news bringest thou of my Lord and Brother Amadis? Sir, replied the Squire, he remains well and in health in the Firm Island, and knows nothing of your malady, neither did I till my Lord the King told me thereof. I came hither by his command to inform the King and Queen of his return, and greatly will he be troubled when he learns what plight you are in, whom he loves and esteems more than any other of his lineage. Norandel then came up and embraced him, and asked for Amadis. Gandalin said to him the same as he had told Galaor: and he related some of the adventures which he had atchieved in the Islands of Romania, and in those foreign parts thereabout. Sir, quoth Norandel to Don Galaor, reason is it that at such news you should take heart and shake off your sickness, that we may go see this Knight; as God shall help me, he is so excellent a Knight, that all they who have any worth in them ought to think little of the toil of the longest journey to see him. While they were thus talking, the King came in, and taking Norandel by the hand, after some talk, led him out of the chamber; my good friend, then said he, it behoves you without delay to go to the King your father, for by what I learn he will stand in need of your help, and of all his friends; but say nothing of this to your friend Galaor, for it would excite in him such agitation that much harm might come of it, seeing how weak he is. Norandel answered, the advice Sir of so good a man as you, ought to be followed, without enquiry into its cause. I will take leave of Galaor to-night, and put to sea to-morrow, for my ship is ready. This the King did that Norandel might fulfil his duty toward his father, and also that he might not see the preparations for war which were going on.
That day were they more in hope of Don Galaor, by reason of the joy he had for the tidings of his brother. Gandalin also said to the Queen, what Amadis had bidden him; and she replied, that she would do all that he desired: but Gandalin my friend, said she, I am much troubled at this news, for my son must now be in great care and hereafter in great danger of his person. Fear nothing, Lady, Gandalin made answer, he will raise such force that neither King Lisuarte nor the Emperor of Rome will dare attack him. May it please God, quoth she, that it be so! When night came, Norandel said to Don Galaor, Sir, I must now depart, for as your illness is so lingering and I can nothing profit you, it is better that I should attend to other things. You know it is not long since I have been a Knight, nor have I yet gained honour to be esteemed a man of worth by good men. The news of your malady called me from a quest which I had undertaken when I left the King my father's house, and I must now go where I am needed. God knows this parting grieves me, but if it please him, while I am performing this, from which I cannot be excused, you will recover, and then I will return to you, and we will go together to seek adventures. At this Galaor sighed with exceeding sorrow,—since it must be so, you must obey the will of God, and if perchance you go to the court of my Lord your father, kiss his hand for me, and tell him that I remain at his service, though as you see, more dead than alive. Norandel then took his leave, and on the morrow sailed to Great Britain.
CHAPTER 20. Lasindo the Squire of Don Bruneo of Bonamar arrived where the Marquis sojourned; and when he delivered his Master's bidding to him and to Branfil, so grieved was Branfil that he had not been with those Knights at the rescue of Oriana, that he fain would have killed himself, so he knelt down to his father, and earnestly entreated him to do what his brother requested. The Marquis who was a good Knight, and who knew the great friendship which his sons bore to Amadis and all his lineage, and the honour which they had thereby gained, made answer, trouble not yourself my son, for I will compleatly do what he desires, and if need be, will send you to him with such succour, that your's shall not be the worst company there. For this Branfil kissed his hand; and orders were then immediately given to prepare a fleet and forces; for this Marquis was a great Lord and wealthy, and had many good Knights in his Lordship, and many soldiers all well equipped.
CHAPTER 21. When Ysanjo the Knight of the Firm Island arrived in the kingdom of Bohemia and gave the letter of Amadis to King Tafinor, there is no man can tell the pleasure which the King felt. You are welcome here Knight, said he, and I thank God for the message which you have brought me; you shall see with what good will I receive it, and whether or no the trouble of your journey was well employed. Then he called for his son Grasandor and said to him, Sir, read this letter, which the Knight of the Green Sword hath sent me, for you were witness of the service he did me, and how he delivered me from the most cruel and perilous war in which ever King was engaged, in which by reason of the great power and unreasonable pride of the Roman Emperor, both you and I should have been undone and belike brought to death but for his succour. And know that this Knight is that Amadis of Gaul, of whom such renown is gone abroad through all the world. As soon as Grasandor had read the letter, and heard the bidding of Ysanjo: he said, O Sir, what joy it is to my heart that this noble Knight should now stand in need of your help, and see the sense, and the gratitude which you feel for his past services! I beseech you let Count Galtines remain to lead the succour, and give me leave to go immediately with twenty Knights to the Firm Island, for it will be greatly to my honour to be in company of such Knights as are there assembled. Let it be so, if you wish it, replied the King, and God send you a good voyage, and that we with our whole kingdom, may repay him the succour which he with his single person afforded us! So Prince Grasandor, the heir of King Tafinor of Bohemia, chose out twenty Knights, and put to sea, and sailed towards the Firm Island.
CHAPTER 22. Landin the Nephew of Don Quadragante arrived in Ireland, and spake secretly with the Queen, as he had been enjoined to do. And when she heard of the great discord, albeit she knew that her father King Abies of Ireland had been slain by the hand of Amadis, as it is written in the first part of this history, and though she bore in her heart that enmity which in such cases is usual, yet she considered it was better to remedy present evils then resent the past. Therefore she spake with those whom she trusted, and so devised that great aid was made ready for her uncle Don Quadragante without the knowledge of King Cildadan. Thus as you have heard were all these various forces raised, and ready when they should be needed, having such good will and eagerness as they who would be conquerors.
CHAPTER 23. Such speed did Don Guilan the Pensive make, that in twenty days after his departure from Great Britain he arrived at Rome. He found the Emperor Patin ready with a great train, and great preparations to receive Oriana, whom he every day expected, for his cousin Salustanquidio and Brondajel of the Rock had written to inform him they were dispatched, so that he had made ready for her reception, and marvelled much at their long delay. Don Guilan armed as he was at all points, except his head and hands, entered the Palace, and knelt before the Emperor and kissed his hand, and gave him the letter which he had brought. The Emperor knew him well, having often seen him in the house of King Lisuarte, at what time he returned there badly wounded, with the stroke which Amadis had given him by night in the forest, as you have heard in the second book of this history; and he said to him, you are welcome Don Guilan, I suppose you are come with your Lady Oriana, tell me where she and all my people tarry? Sir, replied the Knight she and your people are in a place neither befitting them nor you! read this letter and then I will tell you more than you expect to hear. When the Emperor had read the letter, being impatient by nature, he exclaimed, now tell me before all these what you have to say, for I can have patience no longer. But when Don Guilan had finished his speech he exclaimed, O wretched Emperor of Rome, if thou dost not chastise this, thou deservest not to live another hour in this world! and then he turned to the Knight and said, is it certain that Oriana is taken away and my cousin slain? Certain beyond all doubt, replied Don Guilan, all has passed as I have told you. Go back again Knight, then said the Emperor, and tell the King your Master, that I take upon myself this injury and the vengeance due: and that he need do nothing more than look on and behold what I will do, for if I wished to be allied with him, it was not to give him care or trouble, but to revenge him in any wrong that might be wrought him. Sir, said Don Guilan, you make answer like a mighty Prince as you are, and a Knight of great courage, yet you will have to do with such men that all King Lisuarte's force will be needed as well as yours. The King my Master hath ever till now taken full satisfaction from those who have wronged him, and so he will continue to do. Since you have given me so good a dispatch I will return without delay, and see that all things needful be made ready. With that he took his leave and went his way, not well content in heart, for he was a right noble and well-conditioned Knight, and when he saw how arrogantly, and with how little thought that Emperor spake, it grieved him to the heart to see the King his Master allied with such a man, from whose company, unless by great good fortune, nothing but shame and loss of honour was to be expected. And many times he lamented as he went along, the great loss which King Lisuarte had suffered by his own fault, in losing Amadis and all those good men of his lineage who for the sake of Amadis had formerly been in his service, and were now become his enemies. After much toil he reached Great Britain, and told the King that the Emperor was preparing to set forth with all speed. God grant Sir, said he, that your alliance with this man may be to your honour, for as God shall help me, I am little pleased with his arrogance, and can expect nothing good from any force which hath such a Leader. The King answered, Don Guilan I rejoice at your safe return! having you and such as you in my service, we need nothing more than the forces of the Emperor, for you are well able to direct both him and me; but since he hath given you such an answer we must take care to be so prepared, that when he arrives, he shall not think so much of his own power as he now does. So with all diligence King Lisuarte prepared his forces, for he knew that his enemies were assembling aid from all parts, and that the Emperor of Constantinople, and the King of Bohemia, and King Perion of Gaul, and many other Princes were raising men to send to the Firm Island, and happy he thought himself if they should not seek him in his own land. He likewise knew how King Aravigo and Barsinan Lord of Sansuena were arming, and he knew not for what purpose. At this time Brandoyuas returned, and said that King Cildadan of Ireland was preparing to obey his summons, but that Don Galvanes requested he would not call upon him to act against Amadis and his nephew Agrayes; but if the King would not be so content, he besought him to set him free from his homage, and take back the Island of Mongaza, as had been stipulated, that so long as he held it he should be the King's vassal, and when he chose to be so no longer, he might give up the Island and remain free. The King though his necessity was so great, yet saw that Don Galvanes spake with reason, and sent to tell him he might remain in peace, for though he could not serve him in this quarrel, there might come a time when he might make amends. Moreover tidings soon came by Filispinel, that King Gasquilan of Sweden had well received the embassy, and had promised to come aid the King, and fight with Amadis, which he had so long desired to do. The King therefore knowing what preparations were now made, called for Giontes and said to him, Nephew you must needs go with all speed to the Emperor Patin, and tell him I am well pleased with what he hath said to me by Don Guilan, and that I am going to my court at Windsor, because it is near the port where he will land: there I shall assemble my force, and he will find me encamped, expecting his arrival. Say that I beseech him to come as speedily as possible, for if at first we can exceed our enemies in number, much of the aid which they expect will fail. Do not you, nephew, leave Rome till he comes himself, for that will hasten him. Then Lisuarte departed for Windsor, and Giontes put to sea.
CHAPTER 24. You have heard how Prince Grasandor had embarked with twenty Knights for the Firm Island; now it so fortuned that he fell in by night with the ship which carried Giontes on his embassy to Rome, and gave orders to his men to bear up to her, that he might see who was on board. Giontes having none other than mariners with him, and certain of his servants, could make no resistance, and was brought before Grasandor; who asked him who he was. He replied, a Knight of King Lisuarte, going with his bidding to the Emperor of Rome; if for courtesy you will release me, that I may proceed on my way, I shall hold myself obliged, for you have neither cause nor reason to detain me. Grasandor answered, Knight, I expect soon to be against the King you speak of, in aid of Amadis of Gaul, and am therefore not bound to treat any of his people well; yet shall I deal courteously with you, and will let you depart, provided you tell me your name, and what is your embassy to the Emperor. It would be to my honour, and to my Master's service, said Giontes, if I were not asked that question; but my Embassy is public, and I shall do my duty in avowing it: my name is Giontes, King Lisuarte is my Uncle. I go to bring the Emperor and all his force as speedily as can be, to go with the King my Uncle against those who have carried away his daughter Oriana; now if it please you let me depart. You have spoken like a Knight, replied Grasandor, I set you free! and come quickly with the force you are to bring, for you will find those whom you seek, ready. Giontes then went his way, and Grasandor immediately sent one of his Knights in a vessel which he brought with him, to the King his father, to tell him what he had learnt, and request him to observe when the Emperor departed and then without delay send off Count Galtines with the succour, for much to their honour would it be if they should arrive the first. Grasandor then sailed on, and arrived without let or danger at the port of the Firm Island. When the Islanders saw a ship come in they informed Amadis, who forthwith sent to know who came in her, but when he heard it was Prince Grasandor, son to the King of Bohemia, he greatly rejoiced, and went to horse, and took with him Don Quadragante and Agrayes, and rode to welcome him. When they met they embraced each other like true friends, and Grasandor after their greeting told him how he had met Giontes, and had sent to bid the succours proceed without waiting for farther summons. If all our friends, quoth Quadragante, help us with the like good will, little need we fear this danger. Then they rode to the Castle, and Amadis took Grasandor to his apartment and gave order that his company should be well lodged and provided, and he sent to inform all his Knights of the Prince's arrival, that they might go welcome him; forthwith they all repaired to the apartment of Amadis, being clad richly in the dress of war, as they were ever accustomed to be when in time of rest; and when Grasandor saw so many Knights whose fame was so spread abroad, he thought himself greatly honoured to be in their company. Now when it was known to what end Giontes had been sent to Rome, messengers were dispatched without delay for all the succour, and because it would be tedious to relate how they all severally sped in their embassy, we will only tell you that they all arrived, and that all the succours embarked and sailed to the Firm Island. The good King Perion brought three thousand Knights. King Tafinor of Bohemia sent one thousand five hundred Knights with Count Galtines. Tantiles brought one thousand two hundred from Queen Briolania. Six hundred came with Branfil the brother of Don Bruneo. Six hundred from Ireland with Don Quadragante's nephew Landin. King Ladasin of Spain sent two thousand to his son Don Brian of Monjaste. Don Gandales came from Scotland with fifteen hundred for Agrayes. The Emperor of Constantinople sent eight thousand with his nephew Gastiles. All these came to the Firm Island; but the first who arrived was King Perion, by reason that his kingdom lay the nearest. If he was well received by his sons and by all those Chiefs need not be said. By his advice it was resolved that all the forces of the Island should go out and pitch their tents upon a plain that lay below the Castle, which abounded with springs and was surrounded with trees; and so soon as any succours arrived they were immediately there encamped. But who can tell when they were all assembled what Knights and horses and arms were there? Certes you may well believe that never in memory of man were such Knights, and so many, assembled together in behalf of any Prince. But Oriana did nothing but weep and curse her ill fortune that would occasion so great destruction, unless it pleased God in his mercy to provide some remedy. All those Ladies who were in her company consoled her the best they could, saying that neither she, nor they who served her could stand accused to God or to the world. And albeit she was loth, they made her go up to the top of the Tower, from whence she could see the plain and all the people who were encamped there; and when she beheld the plain covered with people, and so many glittering arms, and so many tents, she thought all the world were up in arms. Then while the others were all wondering at the sight, Mabilia, seeing that none could hear her, said, What think you, is there another in the world who hath such a servant and friend as you? Oriana answered, Ah, Lady, my true friend, what shall I do, my heart cannot bear this. On one side is he who is the light of my eyes, and the consolation of my poor heart, without whom I could not live, and on the other is my father, to whom, cruel as I have found him, I cannot but feel that true love which as his child I owe him. Wretch that I am, whichever of these should perish, I must be the most unhappy woman that ever lived! and then she wept and wrung her hands. Mabilia took her hands, For God's sake, Lady, desist from this, and put your trust in God! if evil should come, remember that wrongs like yours cannot be lightly remedied, and thank God that the sin is not yours. Oriana felt the truth of this, and was somewhat consoled. When King Perion saw all the forces encamped, he took both Grasandor and Agrayes and said he would go visit Oriana, and he bade Amadis and Don Florestan remain with the army. When Oriana heard of the coming of the King, she was greatly pleased, for she had never seen him since he knighted the Child of the Sea by her request at the house of King Languines of Scotland. She assembled all her Ladies to receive him; the King when he entered her apartment courteously saluted her, and she humbly returned the salutation; then he addressed the Queens Briolania and Sardamira and all the other Princesses and Damsels. Mabilia then came forward and knelt before him, and would have kissed his hand, but he drew her toward him and embraced her with exceeding love, and said to her, Dear Niece, I bring many remembrances from the Queen your Aunt and from your Cousin Melicia, as to one whom they greatly esteem and love. Gandalin will tell you the Queen's bidding, for he remains to come with Melicia, that she may keep company with this Lady who so well deserves it. Then he turned to Oriana and said, Good my Lady, the same reason that made me feel for your wrongs, hath bound me to labour to redress them, and for this am I come hither. But do you take good heart, and put your trust in God, for he will help you and reinstate you in that greatness, which your own virtue and the justness of your cause deserve. Oriana, the while he spoke, looked earnestly at the King; his person was so goodly, and he spoke so well, that she thought in herself he well deserved to be the father of such sons, and that his great renown was but reasonable. Sir, she replied, what requital can a poor wretched and distressed damsel like me make for what you have said? certes none other than what all those whose injuries you have heretofore redressed, have made, to tell you that in so doing you are serving God, and increasing the great fame which you have already won. One thing I beseech you, Sir, do for me,—try every means to bring about peace with the King my father, for this will please God in saving the lives of so many as must needs perish else, and it would make me the happiest woman in the world. The King answered, things are now in such state that this would be very difficult; but oftentimes when enmity appears to be at its extreme, peace is then procured which could never be obtained before: and be sure that if it can be, I shall with all good will procure it, both for the service of God and for your sake, as one whom I so much desire to serve. At that Oriana humbly gave him thanks, like one in whom virtue abounded more than in any other woman. While they were thus in talk, Agrayes and Grasandor conversed with Queen Briolania and Queen Sardamira, and Olinda and the other Ladies; and when Grasandor saw Oriana and all her company how excellently fair they were, above all that ever he had yet seen or heard of, so astonished was he that he knew not what to say, and he could not but believe that God himself had made them with his own hand. And albeit that except Melicia, who was not there present, there was not one who equalled the beauty of Oriana, and Queen Briolania and Olinda, yet was he so pleased with the gaiety and grace, and good humour of Mabilia, that from that hour was he never inclined so to love and serve any other woman; and thus his heart was taken, and the more he looked at her, the greater his affection grew, as is usual in such occasions. He being thus disturbed, like a young man who had never before been out of his father's kingdom, now desired Agrayes for courtesy to tell him the names of those ladies who were with Oriana. Agrayes named them all to him, and told him the greatness of their rank. He then asked who Mabilia was, for she was talking with King Perion. Agrayes replied she was his sister, and he did not believe there was a woman in the world of better nature, nor more beloved by all who knew her. Grasandor upon this was silent, and thought in his heart assuredly what Agrayes said was true, and so in very deed it was, for all who knew the Princess Mabilia loved her for her gentleness and gaiety.
Thus as they were all conversing chearfully in the hope to chear Oriana, who could feel no joy, Queen Briolania said to Agrayes, Good Sir, and my great friend, I have occasion to speak with Don Quadragante and Don Brian of Monjaste before you; I beseech you let them come hither before you depart. Immediately Agrayes sent to call them, and when they came the Queen led them apart with Agrayes, and said, Ye know from what imminent peril I was delivered by you, under God, and how ye gave my cousin Trion into my power whom I now hold prisoner. I have been pondering much how to deal with him; for on the one hand, he is the son of Abiseos my uncle who so treacherously slew my father, and the seed of so bad a man ought to perish lest other like treasons spring up from it; on the other hand, I remember our nearness of kin, and that children often differ greatly from their fathers, and that this attack which he made upon me was committed like a young man, whom evil counsellors had advised. I have not therefore known how to determine, and beseech you, as persons whose prudence always knows what ought to be done, to tell me your judgment. To this Don Brian of Monjaste replied, My good Lady, your discretion hath so aptly urged all that can be said on this case, that there remains nothing to advise, except it be to remind you that one of the causes for which great princes are most praised, and by which their persons and dominions are most secured, is clemency: by using which, they obey the command of him whose ministers they are, and to whom, doing their duty, they ought to refer the consequence. It would be well for the deciding one of your doubts, to call him here, Lady; by speaking with him you may perhaps form some judgment of what cannot be known in his absence. Briolania then requested King Perion not to depart till she had decided with those Knights upon a point which nearly concerned her. Then was Trion brought in; he appeared before the Queen with much humility, yet with such a presence as well showed the great lineage of which he came. Trion, said the Queen to him, whether I have cause to pardon you, or Amadis to execute vengeance for the wrong you have done, you yourself know; you also well know what your father did to mine; howbeit, as these things are past, and as I know that you are the nearest of my blood, I am moved not only to have pity upon your youth, you having that sense of your fault which you ought to have, but also to place you in that rank and honour, that, instead of an enemy you should become my friend and servant. Speak therefore before these Knights what is your choice, and let there come nothing from your lips but that truth which beseems one of such lineage. Trion, who had not expected this, replied, Lady, as to what toucheth my father, I am, by reason of my tender years at the time, acquitted; for myself, certain it is, that by my own good will, as well as the counsel of others, I would have placed you in such straits, and myself in such honour, that I might have obtained the rank suitable to my birth; but Fortune, as she was to my father and brethren, even so hath she shown herself contrary to me. There remains therefore nothing for my remedy but to acknowledge that you are the rightful inheritrix of the kingdom of our forefathers; and also to acknowledge your great mercy and favour towards me, that so I may, by my services and your good pleasure, obtain what my heart sought to gain by force. The Queen answered, If you, Trion, will do as you say, and be my loyal vassal, I will be to you not as a cousin but even as a sister, and you shall receive such favour from me as shall fully satisfy your honour. Then Trion bent his knee before her, and kissed her hand, and from that time forward he bore himself so loyally in all things, that his authority in the kingdom was almost like her own. You are free then, said she, and I require you to take charge of these my people who are here, and to obey the orders of Amadis. Greatly did the Knights praise this action of the fair Queen, and greatly did they honour Trion, as in truth he well deserved. King Perion and the Knights now took leave, and returned to the camp; they found that Balays of Carsante had just arrived with twenty Knights of his lineage, all good men and well armed, to serve Amadis. This Balays was one of those whom Amadis had delivered from the cruel prison of Arcalaus the Enchanter, and he it was who cut off the head of the Damsel that had engaged Amadis and Galaor in fight to destroy each other; and certes had it not been for this action of Balays, the one or both would then have died. He brought tidings that King Lisuarte was encamped near Windsor, and that, by what he could hear, he had about six thousand horsemen with him, besides foot-soldiers; and that the Emperor of Rome had arrived with a great fleet, and had landed and pitched his camp near the King's. Gasquilan King of Sweden also had brought eight hundred good Knights, and King Cildadan two hundred; but he believed they would not advance for fifteen days, because they were all weary with the voyage. All this Balays of Carsante could well learn, for he held a good castle in the Lordship of King Lisuarte, and it was so situated that he could with little trouble learn news of his forces. Early on the following morning Master Helisabad arrived in the haven with Grasandor's succour, five hundred Knights and Archers. When Amadis knew his arrival he went with Angriote and Don Bruneo to receive them; the forces were encamped, and Libeo the Master's nephew with them as their Captain. They then took the Master and led him to King Perion, and told who he was, and how he had saved Amadis from death after the combat with the Endriago, and that at this season there could not have been any person whose coming would so profit them. The King courteously welcomed him and said, Good friend, after the battle we must decide the question to whom Amadis is most indebted, to me who under God produced him from nothing, or to you who from death recovered him to life. The Master kissed his hand, and then said pleasantly, Let it be so, Sir, I will not yield the advantage to you till the question has been searched. Then he told the King that he was certainly informed how the Emperor of Rome had set out with his fleet, carrying ten thousand horsemen; and that Gastiles nephew of the Emperor of Constantinople was now on the sea with eight thousand horsemen in aid of Amadis, and would he believed arrive now in three days.
CHAPTER 25. The History saith, that Giontes after he left Grasandor proceeded to Rome, and by his diligence and that of the Emperor, the fleet was soon equipped and the ten thousand Knights embarked, and they set sail, and arrived safely in the haven near Windsor. When King Lisuarte heard of his arrival, he rode with the Kings Cildadan and Gasquilan, and many other good men to receive him, and they embraced each other with great joy. King, said the Emperor, if you have received any wrong or grievance for my sake, I am here to satisfy your honour with double victory. And as I alone have been the cause of this, I would you would allow that I alone might take vengeance, that the punishment which I inflict may be an example to all, that none may dare offend a man so powerful as I. The King answered, My good Lord and Friend, you and your people are now weary of your voyage, let them recover from their fatigue; in the mean while we shall learn tidings of our enemies, and when that is known, you shall take what counsel pleaseth you. The Emperor would have marched on without delay, but Lisuarte, who better knew what was necessary, detained him, for he was well aware, that on this battle every thing depended. So they remained eight days in the camp receiving the forces who every day came in. One day as the Emperor and the Kings, and many Knights in their company, were riding in the fields near the camp, they saw a Knight approach, and a Squire with him carrying his arms. If any one asks who this Knight was, I answer that he was the good Knight Enil, the nephew of Don Gandales. When he came to the camp, he asked if Arquisil were there, who was kinsman to the Emperor; he was answered yes, and that he was then riding with the Emperor. Enil then rode up to the company, who were now halting by a brook side and talking about the battle: he humbly saluted them, and they on their part bade him welcome, and asked what he would have. Enil answered, Sirs, I come, from the Firm Island, with the bidding of my Lord the noble Knight Amadis of Gaul, son of King Perion, to a Knight called Arquisil. Arquisil answered, I am he whom you seek. Then said Enil, Arquisil, Amadis of Gaul sends to say, that when he was at the Court of King Tafinor of Bohemia, calling himself the Knight of the Green Sword, on the day after his battle with Don Garadan, he entered into the lists with you and your companions, and you were made his prisoner, and by him set at liberty on your promise as a true Knight, that you would return and put yourself into his power whenever he required it; he now by me calls upon you to fulfil your word, as so good a man and of so high a lineage ought. Certes, Knight, answered Arquisil, what you say is true; it only remains to be assured, that he who called himself the Knight of the Green Sword is Amadis of Gaul. Certain Knights who were present said, that without doubt it was so. Then Arquisil said to the Emperor, You have heard, Sir, what this Knight demands, I can no ways excuse myself, but must perform that which I owe; he gave me my life, and prevented the other Knights from killing me, who were well inclined to do it. I beseech you, Sir, be not displeased at my going, for if I should fail in my promise, you, powerful and great as you are, ought neither to have me in your company, nor acknowledge me for your kin. The Emperor, with his wonted want of temper, cried out, You Knight who come hither on the part of Amadis, tell him he ought to be quite satisfied with offering me those little insults which little men can offer to the great: and that the time is come when I shall show him who I am, and what I can do. Tell him that he can no where escape me, not even in that Den of Thieves where he lurks; he shall soon make seven-fold restitution! You, Arquisil, do as you are required; it will not be long before I shall put this man by whom you were taken into your hands, that you may have your will of him. When Enil heard this, he grew angry and fearlessly replied, I ween, Sir, Amadis knows what you can do already, for he met you once as an Errant Knight, not as a great prince, and you did not depart from him quite so easily! But now, as you come in another manner, so in another manner will he meet you: let them who know the past remember it! God only knows the future. At this King Lisuarte was fearful lest the Knight should receive some hurt at the Emperor's command, which would greatly have displeased him, as indeed what had been said had done; for it was his manner to be rigorous in deed, but fair in speech; so to prevent more, he took the Emperor by the hand and said, Let us go to our tents, for it is time to sup; and let this Knight enjoy the freedom which Embassadors use to and ought to possess. The Emperor then went away, as much in anger as though what had passed had been with his peer. But Arquisil took Enil to his tent and showed him much honour; and they rode together like friends to the Firm Island. When they were near the camp and Arquisil saw so great a force, for the succours from the Emperor of Constantinople were now arrived, he marvelled greatly, yet gave he no sign of wonder. Enil took him to the tent of Amadis, by whom he was courteously received. There he remained four days, and Amadis shewed him the army and all those noble Knights, the fame of whose prowess was gone abroad through all the world. Much was he astonished to behold so mighty a power, but in particular to behold so many good Knights, for he well knew that if any disaster should befall the Emperor, it would be by their means, for of the rest he thought little, and would have felt no fear of them if they had not had such leaders. Well too did he perceive that his Lord the Emperor needed great force to give them battle, and he thought himself an unhappy man to be held prisoner at such a time; for if he had heard afar off that such a battle was to be waged, he would have hastened to bear a part, and now it would be in his sight even, and yet he could not be there! For this he accounted himself the most unfortunate man in the world, and the tears ran down his cheeks; and in this great grief he resolved to prove the virtue and nobleness of Amadis. So when the brave Amadis was with many other Knights in the tent of King Perion, and Arquisil with them, because the place of his prison had not been appointed, he rose up and said to the King, May it please you, Sir, to hear me before these Knights, and Amadis of Gaul. The King said, willingly, and bade him speak. Then Arquisil related how he had been conquered by Amadis, and on what terms taken to mercy; but now, quoth he, if Amadis will deal towards me with that generosity which he hath ever shown, and permit me in this great battle to serve my Lord the Emperor, I promise before you and all these Knights, if I escape with life, to yield myself up into his hands again. Amadis, who had listened to him standing to shew him more honour, replied, Arquisil, my good Sir, if I regarded the intolerable arrogance of your Emperor I might justly requite it with cruelty to all his people; but his fault is not yours, and the time is hard at hand, when the virtue of each of us shall be put to proof: I give you therefore leave to be in the battle, and if you survive it, and are in no danger, come in ten days after to this island. Thankfully did Arquisil acknowledge that noble treatment, and he took his horse and arms, and departed, and arrived without let or hindrance at the Emperor's camp. Now I would have you know, that the reason why all these Knights performed such long journeys without meeting any adventure, was, because they heeded nothing but to prepare for the great battle, and would therefore meddle with nothing of less moment that might keep them from it. When Arquisil came to the camp, he spoke with the Emperor apart, and told him how Amadis had dealt with him, and what a mighty power was there assembled, and the names of all the good Knights who were come to his succour: and be assured, said he, that so soon as they know you have moved on, they will advance to meet you. Arrogant as the Emperor was, yet when he heard this from so good a Knight, and one who he knew would speak nothing but what was true, he was dismayed, as they use to be whose courage lies more in words than in actions, and he wished he had never been brought into this quarrel. He had expected that Amadis never could have raised a force to oppose him and King Lisuarte, and that they should have blocked him up by sea and by land, so that, either by famine or treaty, he might recover Oriana, and vindicate his honour. But thenceforward the hope and confidence which he expressed was more than in truth he felt, and he conformed himself more to the advice of King Lisuarte and his good men.
Fifteen days they remained in the camp, mustering their forces, which were found to be as follows: the Emperor brought ten thousand horsemen; King Lisuarte six thousand five hundred; Gasquilan King of Sweden eight hundred; King Cildadan two hundred. When all was ready the army were ordered to march; the Emperor divided his host into three divisions; the first, of two thousand five hundred Knights, he gave to Floyan, the brother of Salustanquidio; the second, with a like number, to Arquisil; the other five thousand he reserved for his own command, and he requested King Lisuarte to let him be in the van, to which the King assented, though he would far rather have taken that post himself, for he thought little of the Romans, and feared that they might by their confusion occasion some great loss; howbeit to do the Emperor honour, he consented, which in such a case was ill done, for then all affection should be laid aside, and nothing but reason consulted. King Lisuarte made two divisions of his force, the one, of three thousand Knights, he gave to King Arban of North Wales, and with him he appointed Norandel to go, and Don Guilan the Pensive, and Cendil of Ganota, and Brandoyuas; three thousand of his Knights he gave to King Cildadan and King Gasquilan, which, with their own thousand, made another division; of the rest he took charge himself; his standard he gave to the good Don Grumedan, who, with great sorrow and heaviness of heart, reflected on that ill exchange which King Lisuarte had made, to make such men his enemies and chuse such for his friends! All this being thus ordered, the army moved on behind the baggage, which went forward that the camp might be pitched.
CHAPTER 26. The history saith, that as this King Perion was a Knight of great courage, and one whom fortune had always hitherto assisted to uphold his honour, he seeing himself brought into such a contest which affected his sons and all his lineage, and knowing likewise the great courage of King Lisuarte and what a revenger of injuries wrought to him he was: for these things he was always pondering on what it behoved him to provide for. He was well aware that if the chance went against him that he would not be satisfied with victory, but like a mad dog would hunt them out wherever they should retreat, and think nothing of any fatigue or difficulty in pursuing them, even as he himself should do if he were the conqueror. He, therefore, among other needful things, was careful to have trusty persons in those parts where they could observe the movements of the enemy; and by them he was now advised how and in what order they were on their march. So on the morrow betimes he rose and summoned all the Chiefs and the Knights of his lineage, and told them what he knew, and how he thought they should raise their camp, and divide their army, that every man might know what standard and what leader he was to follow; and that having so done they should march to meet the enemy and give them battle, in full confidence that they should be victorious in so just a cause. To this they all accorded, and earnestly they besought that, both because of his high rank, and of his great courage and discretion, he would take the charge of leading and directing them, all promising to obey his orders: this he accepted, well knowing that what they proposed was right, and that which he could not reasonably decline. Then he ordered the counsel to be carried into effect. The camp was raised, and the forces all armed and mounted assembled in that wide plain. This good King rode in the midst of them on a goodly horse, and armed with rich arms, three Squires were with him, and ten Pages all on horseback and all bearing one device, whose appointment was to ride about the field of battle, and give their horses to such Knights as should be in need of them. He was now at that age that the most part of his hair and beard was grey; his countenance was somewhat flushed with the heat of his armour, and somewhat by the thoughts of his heart. All knew his courage, and the sight of him gave courage to all; so that they lost all fear, and made no doubt but that, under God, such a leader would assuredly give them the victory. He looked at Don Quadragante and said, brave Knight, I entrust the van to you, with my son Amadis, and Angriote of Estravaus, and Don Gavarte of the Perilous Vale, and Enil, and Balays of Carsante, and Landin, with the five hundred Knights of Ireland, and fifteen hundred of my people. You my good nephew Agrayes shall lead the second division with Don Bruneo of Bonamar and his brother Branfil, and their troops and your own, in all sixteen hundred Knights. You honourable Knight Grasandor shall take the third division, and thou my son Florestan with him and Don Dragonis, and Ladadin of Fajarque, and Elian the Bold, and Trion with the people of Queen Briolania, who with the forces of King Tafinor will make a company of sixteen hundred Knights. Then he turned to Don Brian of Monjaste, you my good nephew shall have the fourth, with your own people, and with three thousand of the Greeks; so that ye shall be five thousand in all, and with you Mancian of the Silver Bridge and Sadamon and Orlandin. He appointed Don Gandales with a thousand to carry succour where it should be most needed. He himself took to his charge Gastiles and the remainder of the forces which the Emperor of Constantinople had sent; and he bade all the army look to the Emperor's standard, and regard it as though he himself were there in person. All being thus appointed, the army moved on with the sound of many trumpets and other instruments of war. Oriana with the Queen and Princesses and Dames and Damsels of her company beheld them, and in their hearts besought God to help, or rather if it were his good pleasure, to give them peace.
CHAPTER 27. Now Arcalaus the Enchanter, had, as you have heard, stirred up King Aravigo, and Barsinan, Lord of Sansuena, and the King of the Deep Island, who had escaped from the battle of the Seven Kings, and all the lineage of Dardan the Proud, and when he knew that Amadis and King Lisuarte had collected their forces, he dispatched a Knight called Garin, who was the son of Grumen one of the Enchanter's kinsmen, whom Amadis slew when he rescued Oriana. Him he bade rest neither day nor night till he had borne the intelligence to all those Chiefs. Meantime he himself assembled the kinsmen of Dardan and all his own forces. This Garin came to King Aravigo, whom he found in Araviga the chief city of all his realm; from which all the Kings thereof were called Aravigos, because great part of their dominions lay in the land of Arabia. The King at this news without delay assembled all his forces, and they pitched their tents in the plains near Califan, which was a principal town in Sansuena. Twelve thousand Knights were they in number; there they prepared their fleet, and stored it with food in abundance, as men who were going against a strange land; and from thence they put to sea, and with a fair wind in eight days they arrived at a port in Great Britain where Arcalaus had a strong castle. Arcalaus had with him six thousand good Knights, who all hated King Lisuarte and Amadis for having hunted down and slain many of their chiefs and put them to flight themselves, like evil doers as they were. I cannot tell you the joy there was at this meeting. So as Arcalaus had learnt from his spies, that the King and Amadis were advancing to meet each other, he set forth without delay. Barsinan led the van; he was a young Knight and strong, eager to revenge the deaths of his father and of his brother Gandalot, and to show his own prowess. He had under him archers and cross-bowmen and two thousand Knights. Arcalaus, who, as you may well believe, was not inferior to him in great strength and courage, led the second division. Though half his right hand was lopt off, yet could there hardly be found a better Knight in arms, if his ill deeds had not taken away all the renown which his hardihood gained. He led on six hundred Knights, and two thousand four hundred whom King Aravigo gave him. King Aravigo himself and that other King of the Deep Island, led the third detachment with all the other forces, and they had with them six Knights all akin to Brontaxar Danfania, whom Amadis slew in the battle of the Seven Kings, as is recorded in the third book of this history. These six Knights came from the Sagittary Island, where it is said the Sagittaries at first made their habitation; and they were huge in body, and strong, like those who were descended in a right line from the hugest and most valiant giants that were ever in this world. These Knights when they heard of such great preparations, came by their own good will to revenge the death of that Brontaxar, who was the chief of all their lineage; and also to prove themselves against those Knights of whom such renown was gone abroad. For these causes they came to King Aravigo, who greatly rejoiced at their coming, and besought them to go in his division, the which they promised, though against their will; for it was their wish to have been in the front of the battle. At this time the Duke of Bristol arrived: he, though he had been required by Arcalaus, would not at first engage, thinking what he said was rash and ill advised; but when he saw so great a power assembled, he then thought it his wisest course to join them, that he might revenge the death of his father, whom Don Galvanes and Agrayes and Olivas slew; and also that he might recover the lands which had been forfeited by his father's death. He had conceived that if Lisuarte was put to the worst, he should regain his inheritance; but if Amadis was defeated, then should he be revenged upon those who had so injured him. When King Aravigo and the other chiefs knew who he was, they were more joyful of his coming, because he was a native of the land, and had towns and castles therein, than they would have been if a foreigner had joined them with a greater force. King Aravigo gave him five hundred Knights in addition to his own force; and in this array they set forward, marching by bye ways, that they might be the more secure.
CHAPTER 28. The History saith, that the Emperor of Rome and King Lisuarte broke up their camp before Windsor, and set forth with all that company whereof you have heard. They resolved to proceed leisurely, that their men and horses might be fresh at the meeting; so the first day they proceeded only three leagues; and at this pace they continued their progress till they learnt that King Perion was on his way to meet them, and was then only two days journey distant. Incontinently King Lisuarte commanded Ladasin the cousin of Don Guilan the Pensive to take fifty Knights and keep three leagues before the army. He on the third day fell in with the advanced guard of King Perion, forty Knights led by Enil, and sent forward for the same precaution. Both parties then stopt and sent each the tidings, not daring to come to an encounter; for that had been forbidden them. The two armies continued to advance, and were now within half a league of each other upon a great and wide plain. In either army there were many Knights skilful in war, that neither in this respect could boast of much advantage over the other; and it seemed as if by common accord they set about fortifying their camp with ditches and other means of defence, in case they should need such helps in retreat. While the armies were thus employed Gandalin arrived, who had taken Melicia to the Firm Island, and had since hastened with his utmost speed to come up before the battle. The reason was this: you know that Gandalin was the son of the good Knight Don Gandales, and the milk-brother of Amadis. From the day on which Amadis, then calling himself the Child of the Sea, was made a Knight, he knew that they were not brothers, though till then they had ever thought themselves such, and from that hour Gandalin had always attended him as his Squire. Now, though he had often besought his master to make him a Knight, yet Amadis could never have resolution to do that, which by reason he ought to have done, and to which he was greatly bound, for his father's sake who fostered him, and for his own being the best Squire that ever served a Knight; yet because Gandalin knew the secret of his love and was his only comforter, and the only one with whom he could talk about Oriana, he could not bear to lose him, as he must have done, had he knighted him; for then Gandalin must needs have gone his way to seek adventures and gain the praise of prowess. But now that Amadis had his Lady Oriana in his power, and was resolved not to part with her except he lost his life, Gandalin knew that he might reasonably demand knighthood, more especially on so great and signal an occasion as this battle; for greatly as he desired it, he had never much urged the point, knowing how necessary he was to his master. So having now delivered the bidding of Queen Elisena, and related his tidings he took him aside and said—the reason, Sir, why I have so long ceased to ask knighthood at your hand with that earnestness which would have become me, has been my great desire to serve you, and my knowledge how necessary I was to your comfort. For this reason I have forborne to act as became my good birth, and suffered my honour to be neglected; but now, Sir, that she for whom you have endured so much is in your power, there is no excuse either to satisfy myself or others why I should longer forbear to seek the order of knighthood. Now I beseech you give it me, for you know, otherwise, what shame and lasting dishonour it will be to me if it be now withheld. When Amadis heard him speak thus, he was so troubled, that for a while he could not reply. At length he said, O my true friend and brother, it is as grievous for me to fulfil what you require as though my heart were plucked from my body; and if with any reason I could dissuade you, I would strive with all my might so to do; but your demand is so just, that it cannot be denied; and I am grieved that I did not provide such arms and horse for the occasion as you deserve. Then Gandalin knelt down to kiss his hand; but Amadis raised him, and embraced him, and wept over him, to think of the solitude he should endure for his loss. Sir, quoth Gandalin, Don Galaor in his great courtesy, knowing my desire, hath given me his horse and arms, of which, he said, he had no need in this malady; I thanked him and took the horse, which is a good one, and the breast-plate and helmet, but not the other arms; for they ought to be what beseem a young Knight; and those, therefore, I had made while I remained with him. He offered me his sword also; but I told him, Sir, that you would give me one of those which Queen Menoresa gave you in Greece. Since it is so, replied Amadis, do you watch your arms the night before the battle in the chapel of my father's tent; and in the morning when we are about to encounter the enemies, the King my father shall knight thee: you know that no better man can be found, nor one from whose hand you could receive more honour in the ceremony. Sir, quoth Gandalin, what you say is true; it would be hard to find another Knight like the King; but I will receive Knighthood from no hand but yours. Lasindo, Don Bruneo's Squire, has told me that his master has promised to knight him, and we two will watch our arms together. God grant that I may fulfil the duties of knighthood, and manifest the teaching which I have from you received. Two days did the armies remain within sight of each other, fortifying their camps and preparing all things for the battle. On the second day at evening, the spies of King Aravigo arrived at the top of the mountains, and from thence beheld how both hosts were encamped below. When King Aravigo and the other leaders heard this, they sent their scouts back to observe all that should pass, and they themselves took possession of all the passes of the Sierra, and so stationed themselves, that if need were, they could with little danger retreat by the mountains to the sea, and there embark. But their doings had not been so secret that King Lisuarte had not heard how so great an army had landed in his dominions; and though he knew not to what end they came, nor whitherward they marched, he had given orders to secure all the stores, and drive away all the cattle thereabout, and that the peasantry should go to the fortified towns, and he had left certain Knights to defend them. King Perion also had heard of them, and was alarmed at the tidings, but neither did he know where they now were: thus had they put both parties in fear. Now had they remained three days, and the Emperor Patin became impatient of longer delay, desirous, either vanquished or victor, to return to his own country. Amadis also and Agrayes and Don Quadragante and the other Knights besought Perion to come to battle, that God might decide the cause. The King was as desirous as they, but had delayed thus long that all things might be ready: he now made proclamation that all should hear mass at dawn and arm themselves, and every man then repair to his own Captain, for the battle would be waged. The same order was issued in the other camp: so when the dawn appeared, the trumpets sounded so loud and clear that they were heard in both camps as though they had been in concert. The Knights began to arm and saddle their horses; and they heard mass in the tents, and mounted; and each went to his proper standard. Who is he that hath such thought and memory, though he had seen this sight and given it all his attention, that he could relate or write of the arms and horses with their devices, and the Knights who were there embattled? Certes the man would be a fool and devoid of understanding who could think to do this. Leaving, therefore, the general description, something shall be said here of the particular; and we will begin with the Emperor of Rome who was strong of body and courageous, and would have been a right good Knight, if his little discretion and great pride had not marred him. His armour was all black, helmet and shield and surcoat; except that on the shield he bore the figure of a damsel from her girdle upward made to the likeness of Oriana, well wrought in gold and garnished with pearls and precious stones, and fastened to the shield with nails of gold; and on his black surcoat he had a golden chain-work woven, which device he swore never to lay aside till he had Amadis in chains, and all those who had been with him at the rescue of Oriana. He was on a goodly horse and of great size, and his lance in his hand, and thus he rode out of the camp. Next after him came Floyan the brother of Salustanquidio: he bore for his arms black and yellow quartered, and nothing more; he was a good Knight and greatly esteemed by his own party. Arquisil was behind him bearing arms of azure and argent powdered with roses of gold. The arms of Lisuarte were black with white eagles; and he bore one Eagle on his shield without any adornment; but those arms came out of the field with great honour by reason of what their lord did therein. King Cildadan appeared in arms that were entirely black; for, from the time of his defeat in the battle of the Hundred, whereby his kingdom became tributary to King Lisuarte, he had never worn others. I shall not tell you what arms King Gasquilan of Sweden bore, till another time. King Arban of North Wales, and Don Guilan the Pensive, and Don Grumedan would wear no arms for show that day, but only for use, that they might thus show the sorrow they had to behold the King their master placed in so great danger against those who had been in his service and in his household, and who had won for him such honour. Now we will tell you the arms of King Perion, and the Knights of the other host; the armour and the helmet, and the shield of the King were all of burnished steel; and his surcoat was of silk of a bright and vivid colour; he rode a goodly steed, which his nephew Don Brian of Monjaste had given him, being one of twenty which the King his father had sent from Spain, to distribute among the Knights; and in this guise he advanced with the banner of the Emperor of Constantinople. Amadis was armed in green armour, such as he wore when he slew Famongomadan and Basagante his son, the two mightiest giants in the world; these arms were powdered with lions or; Amadis had much affection for them, because he assumed them on his departure from the Poor Rock, and had worn them when he went to Oriana at Miraflores. Don Quadragante wore murrey arms with flowers argent, and rode one of the Spanish horses. Don Bruneo of Bonamar did not change his device, which was a damsel in his shield and a Knight kneeling before her. Don Florestan the good Knight and jouster bore gules with golden flowers, and rode a Spanish horse. The arms of Agrayes were rose-colour, and in his shield was a damsel's hand, holding a heart. The good Angriote bore his usual arms of azure and argent; and all the other Knights of whom no mention is made, that they who read this history may not be wearied, wore rich arms and of what colour they liked best. Thus they went forth into the field in good array; and when they were all assembled, each man under his leader, they advanced slowly on at the time of sunrise, and the morning shone upon their arms which were new and bright, and shone in such guise that it was marvellous to behold. At this time Gandalin and Lasindo came up in white armour befitting new Knights. Lasindo went to Don Bruneo, and Gandalin toward Amadis. When Amadis saw him approach, he requested Don Quadragante to take the command, while he knighted his Squire: then he went to Gandalin, and as they were going toward King Perion, said to him, My true friend I beseech you keep near me in this battle; for though you have seen many battles, and enough of dangers, and may think that you want nothing but strength and courage, it is not so: this is a signal battle; and it behoves you to look well to your life, and to your honour also, and not to give such way to your courage as to let it master your discretion: keep near me and I will look to your defence when you shall need help, and do you the same by me when you see I require assistance. They were now come to where King Perion was, to whom Amadis said, Sir, Gandalin would be made a Knight, and it would have pleased me that he should have been made so by your hand; but as he wishes to receive the order from me, I come to ask that he may receive the sword from you, that he may hereafter remember the great honour and by whom it was conferred. The King looked at Gandalin, and knew the horse of his son Don Galaor, and the tears came into his eyes: Friend Gandalin, said he, how did you leave Don Galaor at your departure? Greatly recovered from his malady, Sir, replied the Squire, but in grief, and heaviness of heart, for he discovered your departure, though it was kept so secret, but not the cause. He besought me to tell him the truth, and I told him, that by what I had learnt, you were gone to help King Languines of Scotland against certain neighbouring powers. I would not tell him the truth in the state wherein he is. The King at this heaved a sigh from his heart, loving his son dearly, and believing truly, that except Amadis, there was no better Knight in the world, neither for arms, nor for all the manners that became a Knight: and he said, God grant, my good son, that I may never behold thy death, and that I may see thee honourably freed from thy great love to King Lisuarte, that thou mayest be free and at liberty to aid thy brethren and thy lineage. Then Amadis took a sword from Durin, brother to the Damsel of Denmark, and gave it to the King; and he himself knighted Gandalin, and kissed him, and put on his right spur, and King Perion fastened on his sword; and thus was he knighted by the two best Knights that ever bore arms. Amadis then went back with him to Don Quadragante, who, to do Gandalin honour, came forward and embraced him saying, God grant, my friend, that you may as well fulfil the duties of knighthood, as you have manifested all the virtues and good parts of a good Squire. I believe it will be so, for good beginning for the most part bringeth on good end. Gandalin humbled himself at this, thanking him for the honour. Lasindo also was knighted by the hand of his master, and Agrayes girt on his sword; and you may be assured that these twain in this their first essay of arms, performed such feats, and endured such dangers and such toil, that they in this great battle gained honour and the praise of prowess for all the days of their lives. It was not long before they saw their enemies advancing to meet them. When they were near enough, Amadis saw that the banner of the Emperor of Rome was in the van; and at this he rejoiced, to think that the first encounter would be with him; for much as he disliked King Lisuarte, yet he always remembered how he had once dwelt in his court, and what honour he had received from him, and above all that he was the father of his lady Oriana, for which he had resolved, if possible, to turn aside from him in the battle, that he might not harm him, though he well knew that Lisuarte would show him no such courtesy, but rather seek his death as a mortal enemy. But I tell you that Agrayes had a far other intention, for all his hope was that he might meet King Lisuarte in the battle, and slay him. He ever bore in mind the King's ingratitude; and had he been in Mongaza when the island was given to his uncle, he could never have consented that he should receive it, having been vanquished, but would have given him another such lordship in his father's kingdom. When they were now so near that they only waited for the trumpets to sound, that they might begin the attack, they saw a Squire come riding full speed from the army, who enquired with a loud voice if Amadis of Gaul were there? Amadis beckoned to him in reply, and when he approached, said, I am he, what would you? The Squire looked at him, and thought that in his life he had never beheld so goodly a Knight in arms, nor who appeared so well on horseback. Good Sir, quoth he, of a truth I believe that you are he, for your appearance bears testimony to your great renown! Gasquilan, King of Sweden, my lord and master, sends me to tell you, that when King Lisuarte made war upon your Knights in the island of Mongaza, he came to his help, in the hope of engaging you in battle, not for any enmity which he bears toward you, but because of the renown of your great chivalry: and now he is come hither for the same intent, and saith that he would willingly break two or three lances with you, before the armies join battle, for after that he may not be able to meet you in the tumult. Amadis replied, Good Squire, tell the King your master, that I have before heard of his wish, and attribute it to no enmity in him, but rather to the greatness of his courage. Albeit, my deeds are not equal to the fame, I am well content that a man of such renown should so esteem me. This quarrel is more of will than necessity, and I had rather it had been in some other cause, more to his own honour and profit, but I am ready to do as it may please him. Sir, replied the Squire, my master knows how you conquered his father, the Giant of the Dolorous Island, to save Cildadan and your brother Galaor; and though that is nearly concerning him, yet, because of the great courtesy wherewith you used your victory, he is more beholden to you than bound to seek revenge. It is only for your high renown that he desires to encounter you; for the victory would be to his great fame above all other Knights in the world, and no shame will it be if he should be conquered by him who has conquered so many Knights, and Giants, and Monsters out of nature. Tell him, quoth Amadis, that I am ready.
CHAPTER 29. You have heard who this Gasquilan was, and in what manner he became King of Sweden. This King was enamoured of a Princess who was called the fair Pinela, and by her father's death became Lady of the Strong Island, which was near Sweden. She, because, Gasquilan was of the race of the Giants, and in himself proud and overbearing, would never encourage his hope; but because her chiefs feared him, and she herself saw no other remedy to prevent his love from changing into exceeding hatred, she devised this means. She told him that it was her determination, and what she had promised to her father at the time of his death, never to marry any other than the best Knight in the world; to find who this might be, she had dispatched messengers into all foreign parts, and the tidings they had all brought back was, that a Knight called Amadis of Gaul was the bravest and best Knight in the world, who undertook and atchieved adventures which no other dared attempt. If, therefore, he who was so strong and courageous would seek out this Amadis, and conquer him, she would then fulfil her promise to her father, and make him master of herself and her kingdom, fully believing that he would then have no peer. This she did, in the hope that Gasquilan, strong as he was, was no ways equal to Amadis. When the Squire had brought him this answer, he exclaimed, My friend, you tell me what I most desire to hear; every thing is now as I wished, and I shall win the love of my Lady, for I am that Gasquilan whom you know. Then he called for his arms, which were after this fashion; the field of his surcoat and bever was murrey, bearing griffins or; his helmet and shield were burnished and bright as a mirror; and on his shield he had a griffin griping a heart in his talons, wrought in gold, and fastened to the shield with golden nails, and garnished with jewels; by the griffin he gave to understand the great rigour and cruelty of his Lady, and that as that heart was pierced by his talons, even so his heart suffered from its mortal desires. He took a strong lance, whose iron was long and bright, and going before the Emperor, besought him not to let his troops begin the attack till he had performed one joust with Amadis, as he had agreed with him; and he bade the Emperor not hold him as a Knight, if he did not in the first encounter rid him of his enemy. The Emperor, who knew Amadis better than he did, because he had proved him, thought within himself that this was more easily conceited than performed. So Gasquilan advanced forward between the armies, who both halted to witness this signal encounter between two such Knights. Amadis was ready to give him his welcome; he knew him to be a brave Knight, yet, because he was so arrogant and vain-glorious, cared little for his valour; for when such men as he are in their greatest need, then God breaks their pride; he turned his horse toward him, and covered himself with his shield, and giving the spur rode at him with all his force. Gasquilan did the same, driving at full speed; their lances flew up in shivers, their shields and bodies met with such force, that all the beholders imagined that they would both be dashed to pieces. Gasquilan was driven from his saddle with such force, that being of huge bulk, and falling upon the hard earth, his right arm broke, and he lay stunned and like a dead man. The horse of Amadis had his shoulder broken, and he himself was somewhat stunned, yet not so much but that he leaped from his horse before the beast fell, and went on foot toward Gasquilan to see whether he was dead. When the Emperor saw Gasquilan lying for dead, and Amadis on foot, he called out to Floyan to advance and help the King of Sweden. Don Quadragante seeing them come on, cried out, Attack them, Sir, and leave not a man of them alive! Both sides then hastened to encounter; but Gandalin, who saw his master on foot, and was fearful for his safety, rode the foremost to help him, and seeing Floyan in the front of his battle encountered him so rudely, that Floyan fell, and he himself lost his stirrups, but kept his seat. Both parties now strove to horse their Knights, and Quadragante dismounted four Romans before he broke his lance, and the horse of the first was given by Angriote to Amadis; mean time the Romans carried Gasquilan, who was now recovering his senses, out of the field. Gavarte of the Perilous Vale, and Landin followed the path of Quadragante; these Knights were used to such business, and were before the host; but when the two hosts encountered, then was there such uproar that none could understand another, and there might you behold horses without riders, and the riders, some slain, others wounded, and trampled under foot. Floyan, who was now horsed again, and desirous both to gain honour and to revenge the death of Salustanquidio his kinsman, made at Angriote, whom he saw doing great deeds in arms, and struck him in the side so rudely, that he well nigh dismounted him; the blow broke his lance; then drew he his sword, and dealt a blow to Enil, which made the fire flash from his helmet, and rode on between them, so that neither could strike him in requital, and they wondered at his courage and great prowess; and before he joined his own people, he met a Knight of Ireland, one of the servants of Don Quadragante, and cut him on the shoulders to the flesh and bone, so that he was constrained to quit the field. At this time Amadis, taking with him Balays of Carsante and Gandalin, attacked the flank of the Romans as fiercely as he could, being enraged to see how they defended themselves; his companions followed the path he made, and he smote such strokes with his sword, that the enemies were astonished and dismayed, and gave way before him, and strove to run back behind their fellows, like a flock of sheep when they are set upon by the wolves. As he was thus making his way without opposition, a bastard brother of Queen Sardamira, by name Flamineo, who was a good Knight, advanced to meet him, and pierced his shield with a brave encounter, but then his lance failed him. Amadis thought to strike him on the helmet as he passed, but he went by so fast that the blow fell upon the horse behind the saddle, and cut away the greater part of his body and of his bowels, so that Flamineo fell with such violence that he thought his shoulders were burst asunder. Mean time Don Quadragante and they who were in his company prest so closely upon the enemies, that they would have destroyed them all, if Arquisil had not come up with the second division. At his coming they took courage, and such a shock was given, that more than a thousand from the two sides were dismounted. Arquisil himself encountered Landin, the nephew of Quadragante, and both were driven to the ground. Floyan, who with fifty Knights had succoured Flamineo and remounted him, now saw Arquisil engaged afoot with Landin, and cried out, Knights of Rome, help your leader! He himself, with more than five hundred Knights, rode to his succour, and Landin would surely then have been slain if it had not been for Angriote, and Enil, and Gavarte of the Perilous Valley, who called upon Quadragante to support them without delay, and bestirred themselves so bravely, that it was marvellous to behold their prowess. On the other part, Flamineo, who was again on horseback, collected a company, and came to support his friends; the battle then waxed hot, and so many Knights were slain and beaten down, that the field was covered with the dead and wounded. But the Romans were so numerous, that, maugre all their enemies could do, they rescued Arquisil and got him to horse, and Quadragante and his Knights did the same by Landin, for there were horses enow at hand who had no riders. This while Amadis was doing wonders, and so well had he now made himself known, that the Romans wherever he appeared gave way; great need was there for such prowess, for the enemies were so many, that had it not been for the goodness of the Knights, they would have had it all their own way. But presently Agrayes and Don Bruneo came up with their division, and as the Romans were now confused, they broke them and divided them, so that they would have had no remedy, if the Emperor himself had not now advanced with five thousand Knights; this succour was so powerful that they presently recovered the ground which they had lost. The Emperor himself, armed as you have heard, led the way on a huge horse, being himself of great stature, and marvellously well did he appear, and was greatly admired. Balays of Carsante was the first whom he found before him; he struck his shield so rudely that the lance broke; their horses encountered, the Emperor's was fresh, but that of Balays could not stand the shock, and fell and his master with him, who was sorely bruised with the fall. At this success the Emperor was greatly elated; he drew his sword, and shouted out, Rome! Rome! at them Knights! let not a man escape! and he thrust forward into the press, dealing about his blows like a good Knight. As he was thus making great havock, he met Don Quadragante, who on his part was laying about him, sword in hand. They seeing each other, both raised their swords, and gave such strokes on each other's helmet, that fire flashed from them; but as Don Quadragante was the stronger, the Emperor lost his stirrups with that blow, and was constrained to hold round his horse's neck, and was for a while astounded. It so chanced that Constancio, a young Knight and a good, who was brother to Brondajel of the Rock, was hard at hand, and seeing his lord the Emperor in this plight, he pricked forward, and made at Quadragante with an overhand thrust of his lance, which pierced the shield and wounded him a little in the arm. Quadragante turned to strike him, and in that moment the Emperor had time to shelter himself among his own Knights. But Constancio tarrying there no longer, rode away toward the part where Amadis fought, and when he saw what havock he made, that not a man could stand before him, he was so astonished, that he verily thought it was some devil come there to destroy them. While he was looking at him, a good Knight, who governed the Principality of Calabria for Salustanquidio, came forward, and struck the horse of Amadis in the neck: Amadis in requital gave it him on the helmet and head through helmet and head. At this Constancio was greatly grieved for the loss of so good a Knight, and he cried out to Floyan, Here! here! maim or kill this man! for this is he who destroys us without mercy! Both he and Floyan then rode up to him together, and laid on him with their swords. It was Constancio whom Amadis struck in return; the sword came upon the rim of his raised shield and split it, and went through upon the helmet with such weight that Constancio fell stunned. More than twenty Knights, who were appointed to look to Floyan, now joined, and all at once assailed Amadis, but they could not move him from his horse, and every one was afraid to come too near him, who had no need ever to make a second blow. Howbeit the Romans were so many, that elsewhere they had somewhat the advantage: they had killed the horses of Agrayes, and Don Bruneo, and Angriote, and surrounded the Knights. Lasindo, and Gandalin, and Gavarte, and Branfil, came to their succour, but the multitude was so great, that though with great danger they had beaten down and slain many Knights, they could not force their way to them. At this time Grasandor and Don Florestan came up: O, Sir Florestan, cried Lasindo, help here, or your friends are lost! Come on then! replied Florestan, and let us attack those who will not dare abide us! then sword in hand he cut his way, and those other Knights with him, to the place where their friends were so hardly beset. Who can tell the feats which were performed in that succour! but certes what those Knights had wrought, being on foot, and so few, and surrounded by so many enemies, cannot be told. Yet would they even then have been in great danger, if Amadis had not heard the outcry; he had now beaten down six of the twenty who assailed him, and the rest had retired and left him at liberty, so he rode toward that press, and knowing his friends by their arms, called out to his people, and followed by more than four hundred Knights, rode up to them. At the same time Floyan, and Arquisil, and Constancio, came up with the greatest body that they could collect, and there began the fiercest and most perilous battle that ever man beheld. Then might you have seen Amadis do such wonders, as it was never before seen or heard that living man could perform, that both friends and enemies marvelled to behold him, and such an uproar arose then, that the Emperor and the greatest part of the army repaired thither. A cross-bowman rode to Don Quadragante, who was in another part of the field, and told him what was going on; and he took with him a thousand Knights from his division, saying, Now, Sirs, show your worth and follow me, for your succour is needed; and away they went: he led the way; so thick was the press that he could scarcely get at his enemies; but he wheeled round, and attacked them in flank with such an encounter, that more than two hundred Knights were thrown down to the ground, and I assure you, that they whom he reached with a full stroke had never need of a surgeon. At that hour, Arquisil, and Floyan, and Flamineo, and many other of their comrades, did so well that no Knights could do better, striving all they could to slay Agrayes and those Knights who were dismounted; but Florestan and the other Knights, who had forced their way to them, never gave back how hardly soever they were prest; and now were the Romans so sharply set on by Don Quadragante, and by Amadis on another side, who saw the feats of Quadragante, and so bestirred himself, that he left not a man in the saddle whom he could reach; and also by Don Gandales, who had come up with eight hundred Knights, that they began to give ground. The Emperor, who from the time he had received that blow from Quadragante had employed himself more in directing his troops than in fighting, called out to rally them, but with little effect. For now Agrayes, and Angriote, and Don Bruneo, after so much peril and so hard contest, got to horse at last, and pricked forward into the press, and drove back the Romans, till they had retired to the division of King Arban of North Wales, about the hour of sunset. He made way for their retreat to protect them, but he did not advance to battle, because of the lateness of the evening, and because King Lisuarte had forbidden him, for many of the other army had not as yet taken part in the battle. They on their part ceased from pursuit, and thus that day ended with great loss to both parties, although the Romans suffered most. The field was in possession of Amadis, who had all his wounded men removed, and his people spoiled their enemies. But many of the wounded Romans perished for want of help. When the armies had thus withdrawn, the religious men of the two hosts went out to help the souls of those who were in need; and when they beheld the great destruction that had been made, and heard the cries of the wounded, crying for pity and help, they all agreed that it would be for God's service to make a truce, that the wounded might have help and the slain be buried; so they spoke to King Lisuarte and to the Emperor, and also with King Perion, and a truce was made for the following day. When morning came many went to the field to seek their kinsmen and friends and masters, and then might you have beheld such lamentations, on all sides, as were pitiful to hear, and how much more to see! The wounded were all carried into the Emperor's camp, and the dead were buried, so that the field remained clear. That whole day the Knights passed in refitting their arms, and looking to their horses; the wound in Don Quadragante's arm was dressed; and though it was such that if a Knight not so good as he had received it, he would not have borne arms nor encountered danger till it was healed, yet he would not be hindered from helping his comrades in the following battle. On the following day they rose at dawn at the trumpet's sound, and heard mass, and put themselves in array, and it was determined on both sides that they who had not fought in the former battle should take the lead in this.
CHAPTER 30. King Lisuarte placed in the van King Arban of North Wales, and Norandel, and Don Guilan the Pensive, and those other Knights of whom you have heard. He and King Cildadan came behind with their division to support them, and in the rear was the Emperor with all his force. King Perion gave the front to his nephew Don Brian of Monjaste; he himself and Gastiles supported him with the banner of the Emperor of Constantinople; and then came the other divisions, so arranged, that they who had borne least part of yesterday's battle, should now bear the brunt of this. When the ten armies drew nigh, the trumpet sounded, and the hosts of Don Brian and King Arban encountered with such a shock, that more than five hundred Knights were thrown, and their horses ran loose over the field. Don Brian and King Arban met; they brake their lances, and then fell to with their swords, as men who well knew their business. Norandel and Don Guilan kept together, and made great havock among their foes, and worse they would have made it, had it not been for Fileno, a kinsman of Don Brian, who, collecting a body of Spanish Knights, charged so hotly in that part where they fought, that, maugre all their efforts, they made them give back, and then the tumult became so great, that King Arban and Don Brian were separated by the throng. Each of those Knights then did his best; but the Spaniards being more in number, and better horsed, had soon so greatly the advantage, that their enemies would all have been cut off, if King Lisuarte and King Cildadan had not advanced to help them: their coming retrieved the loss. King Perion, who saw the wrath with which Lisuarte advanced, then said to Gastiles, Now, my good Sir, let us go on, and let us alway look to the standard, and then they made their onset. King Lisuarte received them like a man whose heart never failed; you may believe, that, without doubt, there was no Knight in his time who more bravely adventured his person whenever his honour was concerned, as you have seen throughout this great history.
Who can tell the feats of chivalry that were now wrought, when so many were engaged together. Certes it would be impossible for any one who would speak the truth. For so many good Knights were now slain and wounded, that the horses could not set foot to ground without trampling on them. King Lisuarte, like a man who esteemed his life as nothing, thrust so bravely among his enemies, that there was scarcely any man who would dare abide him. King Perion in another part, as he was doing wonders, encountered King Cildadan; but they, because they knew each other, would not engage, but past on, each felling down his opponents. So great was the uproar, that the Emperor thought his friends were in danger, and gave orders to his troops to make their attack. Upon that all the remainder of the army came up, at the same time the rest of King Perion's army advanced, and then the whole of both hosts were engaged, and now were they all so intermingled, that no one could attend to his leader. They were so thronged that there was no room to strike, not even with the sword, but by force of hand they plucked their enemies down, and in that affray they who were trampled to death under the horses' feet, were more in number than they who perished by the sword. The uproar and noise were so great, as well of voices as of the din of arms, that all the vallies of the mountain rung, and it seemed as if the whole world were there assembled in arms; and of a truth you may believe, not that the whole world, but that the most part and the flower of Christendom was there, which that day suffered so great a loss, that it did not for long time recover therefrom. This should be a warning to all Christian Princes to take heed how for their errors they make the innocent perish thus; for peradventure, because of their innocence, they who are slain go to a happy place, and a worse and more perilous death remains for those who caused the destruction, though at the time they escape. Agrayes, who alway was seeking King Lisuarte, now saw that he had just broke his lance in overthrowing Dragonis, whom he was about to strike with the sword. Upon this Agrayes cries out, At me! at me! King Lisuarte! for I am the man who most hateth thee. The King turned, and seeing him, they made at each other with such fury, that they met too closely to strike. Agrayes then let his sword hang by the chain, and grappled with him. Now, as you have heard heretofore, Agrayes was the most impetuous Knight, and of the best heart of any that lived in his time; and if his strength had been equal to his courage, there would not have been a better Knight in the world, and as it was he was one of the good men. So they grappled then, and struggled each to overthrow the other; and Agrayes would have found himself in danger, for the King was of greater stature and strength than he, if King Perion had not come up, and with him Florestan, and Landin, and Enil, and many other Knights. They came to help Agrayes, and on the other side Don Guilan and Norandel, and Brandoyuas, and Giontes, who always kept a watchful eye upon the King. Sword in hand they all came up, for their lances had long been broken, both parties striving to succour their friends; but the King and Agrayes grappled so closely that they could not separate them, neither could the one overthrow the other, for both were upheld by their comrades. As the press of the battle was now round about them, the uproar brought thither many Knights on both sides; among others Don Quadragante came up, and seeing what it was, he forced his way through. He would not strike at the King, lest the blow should wound Agrayes, but he laid hold on him, and plucked so smartly, that he had well nigh overthrown both, and though the Knights of Lisuarte laid on him a heavy load of blows, yet would he not loose his hold. At this time King Arban, came up, who till now had been with the Emperor, and seeing the King's danger, he was greatly dismayed, but he thrust forward and seized Quadragante forcibly in his arms; and thus they were all four entangled, and round about them King Perion and his Knights and Norandel and Don Guilan and their comrades all fiercely battling. While they were in this tumult the Emperor and King Cildadan came up with three thousand Knights, and Galtines and Grasandor with a great company on the other side; all these came on with such force, and the press became so great, that they who were struggling and clasped together were fain to release each other, and all four remounted on horseback, though so exhausted that they could scarcely keep their seats. But now so great a multitude thronged to the succour of King Lisuarte, that the day would have been lost, if it had not been for the great worth of King Perion and Don Quadragante and Don Florestan and the Knights with them, who valiantly bore the brunt of that assault. At this time Amadis came from the right wing of the battle, where he had slain Constancio with one blow, and broken the enemy; his sword was bloody up to the hilt, and he rode a fresh horse which he had just taken from one of the pages. Count Galtines and Gandalin and Trion came with him; and when he saw so many attacking his father, and the Emperor pushing on like a man who thought the day his own, he spurred his horse, and made so fierce an assault, that it was marvellous to behold him. Floyan knew his arms, and being fearful that if he encountered the Emperor, all his people would not be able to save him, thrust forward, adventuring his own life to save his master's. Don Florestan placed himself by the side of Amadis, and seeing Floyan, encountered him with such blows that he beat him from his horse, and what with the wound and with the crowd who trampled on him, Floyan was there slain. Amadis mean-time had set his eyes upon the Emperor and his heart upon killing him, he made at him through the throng, and maugre all resistance forced his way up to him, and dealt him a blow that made him drop his sword and reel in the saddle; before he fell, Amadis drove down the sword a second time, it came upon the shoulder, and cut through armour and flesh and bone, slicing down, so that the whole quarter hung loose, and the Emperor fell and was dead presently.
When the Romans saw their Emperor slain, they set up such a cry, that all who heard turned thither, and among the rest Arquisil and Flamineo came with many other Knights and beset Amadis and Florestan. But then Count Galtines and Gandalin and Trion called out to Don Bruneo and Angriote to join them, and they five made way to their succour. King Perion mean-time and Agrayes and Quadragante were engaged against King Lisuarte and King Cildadan, and then was the hottest fight that had been seen that day and the greatest slaughter. But now Don Brian of Monjaste and Don Gandales, who had collected about six hundred horse, made so fierce a charge in that part where Amadis was fighting, that the enemies perforce were driven back. At the great outcries which were then heard, King Arban turned his head, and seeing how the Romans were losing the field, he said to Lisuarte, Retire, Sir, or you are lost. When the King heard this, he looked round and saw that it was true; he then bade King Cildadan help him to withdraw his men in good order, that they might not be destroyed; and thus they retreated, still facing their enemies, and making head against them, till they had fallen back as far as the Romans, and then they all halted and stood their ground, for Norandel, and Don Guilan, and Cendil of Ganota, and Ladasin, and many other Knights, went to assist the Romans, they being the weakest; but all was in vain, for the battle was lost. Amadis now saw that Lisuarte had utterly lost the day, and that if he pursued his victory it would be no longer in his power to save the King, nor his own good friends who were on that side: but above all, he remembered that he was the father of Oriana, and called to mind the favours which he and his lineage had once received at his hands, and he knew that forbearance now would be to his glory and attributed to exceeding virtue, not to lack of strength, for the Romans were carrying their Emperor from the field with great lamentations, and scattered in confusion. The night was now at hand, and he resolved, though with danger of some shame, to try if he could now serve his Lady. So taking with him Count Galtines, he rode between the two armies with great peril, for his own people, now knowing their advantage, pressed so upon the foe, that none except Lisuarte, and Cildadan, and the best Knights, could now make any defence. They rode up to King Perion, and Amadis said to him, Sir, night comes on so fast that we shall soon not be able to distinguish one another, and if the battle be continued there is danger lest we slay friends as well as enemies; we had better call back the troops, the enemies have received such loss, that I believe they will not dare abide us on the morrow. The King, who was grieved in his heart to see so many perish who had no fault, replied, Let it be, son, as you have said, that there may be no farther slaughter; God, who knows all things, sees that we forbear for his sake, for they are all at our mercy. Agrayes, whom Amadis did not see, was near King Perion, and heard all that was said: how, Sir Cousin, quoth he, now that you have conquered your enemies, and are now on the point of becoming the most honourable Prince in the world, would you stay and spare them now? Amadis replied, Sir Cousin, I would spare our own people, lest in the darkness they should slay one another; as for the enemy, I hold them as conquered, for they can make no defence. But Agrayes, who well knew what was his intention, exclaimed, Since you will not conquer, you ought not to command, and you deserve always to be an Errant Knight, since at such a time you suffer compassion to overcome you; but do as you please! Then King Perion on one side, with Don Quadragante, who was nothing sorry for the resolution, because of King Cildadan, with whom he was so nearly connected, and whom he loved so well; and Amadis, and Gastiles, on the other side, began to recall the troops, which they did with little difficulty, for it was now night. King Lisuarte, who had no hope of recovering the field, and was resolved to die rather than be conquered, was greatly astonished to see these Knights withdraw their troops, and well knew that this was not done without some great cause, and he stood still to see what would come of it. Now when King Cildadan beheld what the enemies were about, he said to Lisuarte, I believe these people do not pursue us that they may do us honour; since it is so, let us secure our retreat, and go to rest, for it is time. This accordingly they did, for King Arban of North Wales, and Don Guilan the Pensive, and Arquisil, and Flamineo, brought off the Romans; and thus then this great battle ended, as you have heard. Now because the beginning of all this great history was founded upon the love of King Perion and Queen Elisena, by whom this Knight Amadis was begotten, from whose love for his Lady Oriana all this great outcry hath proceeded, although it may appear somewhat from the purpose, yet reasonable it is, that for this reason, and for the excuse of those who love like them, it should be said how the strength of love is above the strength of all other things; seeing that in such an affair as this, so famous in all the world, where so many nations were assembled, and there was so great slaughter, and the honour of victory was so great, love had such power above anger and rage, and pride, and old hatred, that this Knight forewent the glory of the greatest victory in the world, whereby his enemies were saved, as you have heard, for, beyond all doubt, the destruction of King Lisuarte and all his people was then in the hand of Amadis. But it is not reasonable that this should be attributed to any other than that Lord who is the helper of all things; and we may well believe, that it was permitted by him for the sake of the great peace and concord which ensued after this great enmity, as you shall hear. The armies being thus separated, and having retired to their camps, truce was made for two days, because the dead were so many. What trouble there was in burying them, and what mourning was made, I may be excused from relating, because the death of the Emperor made all other losses be, as it were, forgotten, and because it would be tedious.
CHAPTER 31. When King Lisuarte came to his tent, he besought King Cildadan to alight and disarm there, that before they rested they might give order respecting the body of the Emperor; then weary and bruised as they were, they went to the tent where the Emperor lay dead, and found his Knights making dole over him; for albeit, he was so proud, yet was he so liberal of his gifts and favour that that covered many of his faults. The two Kings then besought all these Knights to go rest themselves, saying, that they would see the body disposed of as it ought; and then they gave orders to the officers of his household to prepare the body that it might be carried a day's journey to a monastery near the town of Lubayna, from whence it might be removed at leisure to the chapel of the Emperor at Rome. They then returned to the tent, and then they supt, and it seemed with a chearful countenance; but there was one who was troubled in his spirit, and that was King Lisuarte; for by the great advantage the enemies had gotten in the two former battles, he knew that when the truce expired, there was no hope for him, but either he must be dishonoured and vanquished, or what he was more certain of, slain. On the morrow the Emperor and Floyan were carried to the monastery, and Lisuarte and King Cildadan went to the Emperor's tent, and called together Arquisil and Flamineo and the chief Knights among the Romans, and said to them, My good friends, God only can tell the grief I feel for this loss, and the desire I have to revenge it; but the past is without remedy, and we must show that the death of a Prince is not the destruction of all his people. If all others should forsake me, I will not depart from this place, except either conqueror, or dead; do ye, therefore, call to mind what you are, and we may yet recover what advantage we have lost, to our great glory. To this, Arquisil, who was now the chief in rank as well as courage, being next in succession to the Empire, replied, It is notorious to all the world what signal things the Romans have atchieved, being among other nations like the morning star among other stars. Since we are of so great a nation, do not you King Lisuarte believe, but that we will fearlessly follow the example of our forefathers: and therefore, for myself and for these Chiefs I offer, when this truce is at an end, to take the front of the battle, and to resist the enemy, even with more heart and courage than if our lord the Emperor were present. Greatly were they all contented with this brave speech of Arquisil: King Lisuarte then said to Cildadan, Good Sir, since we have found such resolution in the Romans, which I did not expect, and since they have now so good a Knight as Arquisil to lead them, we also should lay aside all fear, and take this chance as we ought: for myself, I tell you, that after the truce, there shall be nothing but battle; and if God does not give me victory, I do not wish him to give me life; for death would be more desirable. Now, though King Cildadan was always grieved at heart to think that he was tributary to King Lisuarte, yet being so good a Knight, and regarding his oath and promise more than his own will and pleasure, he replied, I am rejoiced, Sir, by what the Romans say, and still more at beholding your resolution; for things like these, are the touchstones by which virtue is proved. For myself, be assured, that living or dead, where you are, there shall my body be found also. From that hour King Lisuarte resolved, let his fortune be what it might, to release Cildadan from his vassalage for that good will which he manifested to die in his defence.
CHAPTER 32. Nasciano, the holy man who had brought up Esplandian, heard of the great discord between the Kings, and what danger they were in, whether by a special revelation of God, or by rumour that reached him is not known, for the hermitage wherein he had dwelt forty years, was in so remote a part of the forest, that scarcely ever traveller passed that way. He being sick, besought God to give him strength, that he might go to the Firm Island, to obtain Oriana's consent, without which it could not be done, that he might reveal the secret of her love to Amadis, which he might safely do, she being not in her father's power, and whereby he trusted to bring about peace. So being somewhat recovered, though still very weak and infirm, he mounted his ass, and took with him two men of the village where his sister dwelt, and with much labour and slow travelling, arrived at the Firm Island, when King Perion and the army had left it to give battle, whereat he was greatly grieved. Being arrived, he sent word to Oriana of his coming, at which she greatly rejoiced, being desirous to consult with him respecting her conscience; and she sent the Damsel of Denmark to bring him to her. So soon as he came within the doors, she fell upon her knees before him, and wept bitterly, and said, O holy man, give your blessing to the unhappy and sinful woman who, for her own misfortune and the mischief of so many others, was born into this world! The tears came into the Hermit's eyes, and he raised his hands and blessed her, saying, That God who is the helper of all and almighty, bless you and remedy all your troubles! He then took her by the hand and raised her up, and said, My good lady and dear daughter, I am come hither with much toil to speak with you; and when you are so pleased, hear me, for I cannot tarry, neither is it befitting my habit and manner of life. Oriana, who could not answer him for sobs, then led him into her chamber, and gave order that they should be left alone. When the Hermit saw he could speak safely, he said, My good lady, I have heard all this news in my hermitage, and have therefore taken this journey, because I knew the secret of your conscience, and the great danger of your person and fame, if the marriage which the King your father designeth, should take place. Now, my dear daughter, having learnt this from you in confession, I am not at liberty to apply the remedy to all this evil; but it is now a greater sin to keep it silent, than to reveal it; I therefore come, my beloved daughter, that you may be persuaded that your father should be informed of what has passed, and how he cannot lawfully give you any other husband than the one you already have; for while he thinks he may justly dispose of you in marriage, he will persist in his determination to the great destruction of so many; and at last it will be discovered, for the Gospel sayeth, that all hidden things shall be made known. Oriana who had now somewhat recovered, took his hands and forcibly kissed them oftentimes, and said, O holy man and servant of God, I commit my cares to you, that you may do what is most for the good of my soul and the service of God; and I beseech him to direct you, not as I, sinner as I am, have deserved, but as he in his infinite goodness, hath oftentimes been pleased to deal with those who, like me, with their whole hearts implore his mercy. Put your trust in him, replied the good man; and I must without delay depart, for great evil might arise if I made any tarriance. God be with you, said Oriana; I beseech you, if you return here, bring with you the child who is indebted to you, under God, for his life. The holy man then took his leave; but so infirm was he, that not being able to travel in any other manner than upon his ass, he did not arrive at the camp of King Lisuarte till these two battles had been fought, and they were employed in burying the dead. This sight greatly troubled him, and he besought God to prosper him, that he might be the means of ending this destructive quarrel, and without any delay he rode straight to the King's tent, and there alighted from his ass and went in. When the King saw him he knew him immediately, and marvelled at his coming; for he thought that by reason of his great age he could not go from his hermitage; and he presently judged, that so holy a man was not come without great cause; and he went to meet him and fell upon his knees before him, and said, Father Nasciano, my friend, and the servant of God, give me your blessing! The Hermit raised his hands, and said, That God whom I and all are bound to revere, protect you and give you such understanding, that your soul may one day enjoy the glory and repose for which it was created, if by your own fault it be not lost. He then gave him his blessing, and raised him up, and knelt in his turn to kiss his hand; but Lisuarte embraced him. The King then gave orders that food should be brought him; and after he had eat, he led the holy man into a recess of the tent and asked him the cause of his coming, saying, that he marvelled how so recluse a man and one of so great age should have travelled so far from his habitation. The Hermit made answer, Certes, Sir, according to my years, and condition, and inclination, I am now only fit to go from my cell to the altar; but it behoves all those who would serve our Lord Jesus Christ, and would follow his example, for no trouble or toil to turn aside. I learnt, Sir, in my hermitage, of this cruel war, and that the cause thereof was, that you were resolved to give your daughter in marriage to the Emperor of Rome. Now, this I knew could not be done, not for the reason which the Chiefs and People of your realm with good cause assigned, because she is your lawful inheritrix, which ought in conscience to have prevailed; but for another cause which is unknown to you and all your people, and which, according to all laws, divine and human, makes it impossible; which is, that your daughter is already joined in marriage to the husband whom it hath pleased our Lord Christ to appoint for his service. When the King heard this, he thought either that the good man's senses were impaired by his great age, or else that some one had deceived him with false tales, and he replied, Nasciano, my good friend, my daughter Oriana neither now has, nor ever has had any other husband than that Emperor to whom I gave her; and God is my witness that I did not that for the sake of disinheriting her to give my kingdom to my other daughter, as some have supposed, but in order by this alliance with the Roman Empire, to increase his holy Catholic faith. If I had foreseen the great evils which have occurred, I would gladly have changed my purpose; but as my designs were just and good, I cannot think that what has ensued can be imputed to my account. The good man replied, I told you, Sir, that the cause was unknown to you, but I know it. On that day, Sir, when by your command, I brought Child Esplandian to your tent in the Forest, the Queen and Oriana spake with me concerning the state of their conscience, and then I learnt from your daughter Oriana, that when Amadis of Gaul delivered her from Arcalaus and the four Knights who were carrying her away, that day when you were decoyed away by the Damsel, and in danger of losing your kingdom and your life, unless you had been helped by Galaor, she then, in recompence for the service which he had done her, and still more for what his brother had done for you, promised marriage to that noble Knight, who is the flower and mirror of all chivalry; and from this marriage it has pleased God that Esplandian should be born, whom he has thought fit so to distinguish above all others that live. You know, Sir, better than I, what the wise Urganda the Unknown said concerning him; and now I would see if the great wisdom wherewith God has endowed you be well bestowed, and the great power wherewith he has entrusted you; for since he hath done for you so much more than you deserve, you ought not to think much of following what his holy destinies point out. When the King heard this he was greatly astonished, and said, O Father Nasciano, is it true that my daughter is married to Amadis? He replied, it is certainly true that he is the husband of your daughter, and that Child Esplandian is your grandson. Holy Mary! quoth the King, how ill done was it to keep this secret from me so long. If I had known or guessed it, so many would not have been slain for no fault of their own! My good friend, I wish you had informed me in time to have prevented this evil! That, Sir, could not be, replied the holy man, for what is revealed in confession must never be divulged; and it is with the consent of the Princess that I come. I trust in God that if the present be remedied, as it may, he will with little penitence forgive the past, in which the action hath been worse than the will. King Lisuarte made no answer, he sate musing upon the great worth of Amadis and the services he had received from him, and he thought also upon his love to Galaor, and above all to Esplandian, and what Urganda had prophesied. At length he said, Father Nasciano, the friend of God, subject as my heart hath been to pride, and though I had resolved either to receive death or to inflict it, your holy words have such virtue, that they have prevailed; and if peace be not now brought, you shall witness before God that the fault is not mine. Do you, therefore, speak with Amadis, without letting him know my intention, and learn what he would have done in this case, and let us see how all can be settled to the advantage and honour of both parties. Nasciano, weeping for pure joy, knelt before him, and exclaimed, O fortunate King! may he who came to save us thank you for this! I have not power to do it. So he prepared to depart without delay, that all might be settled before the truce expired. But as he was going forth from the tent, Esplandian and Sargil came in, whom Queen Brisena had sent to learn tidings of the King her Lord. When the good man saw how he was grown, and that he was almost approaching to the stature of manhood, who can tell the joy and delight that he felt? certes, it is impossible to express it, and being as he was with the King, he went towards him as fast as he could to embrace him. Esplandian, though he had not for a long time seen him, knew him immediately, and knelt down to kiss his hand, and the old man embraced him and kissed him many times with exceeding joy, saying, O my dear son, blessed be the hour wherein thou wert born, and blessed and praised be the Lord, who by such miracle preserved thy life, and hath made thee what I now behold. All they who beheld the exceeding love which the good man manifested were greatly moved, but he who felt the most, though he did not show the pleasure which he felt, was King Lisuarte; for well as he had loved the Child heretofore for his beauty, and the hope there was of him, that love was without the knowledge that he was in very truth his grandson, and such force had this love, that all the hatred and enmity which he had so long harboured gave way, and his old feelings towards Amadis returned, such as they were when Amadis was most in his favour, and now he knew that what Urganda had said was true, how that Child should bring about peace between him and Amadis. The Child now knelt to the King, and gave him a letter from Queen Brisena, in which she besought him to make peace, if it could be done to his honour. The good man then said, Sir, it would be a great comfort to me if you would permit Esplandian to go with me, that I may have leisure to look at him and talk with him. Let him go, replied the King, and I charge him not to leave you till it be your pleasure. For this the good man thanked the King much, and he said, my good and happy son, come with me since the King commands it. The Child replied, Good Sir, and my true father, I am well pleased to go with you, for I have long desired to see you. So he went out from the tent and mounted his ass, and Esplandian and Sargil rode each his palfrey, and with this company the good man proceeded to the other camp, and rode directly to the tent of Amadis. Amadis, for he had never seen him, knew him not, and could not divine for what so old and infirm a man should come thither; and he knew Esplandian as little, for though he had spared the Roman Knights at his intreaty, yet had he then seen him for so short a time, that he had forgotten him; but so fair was the Child, that he could scarce believe such beauty could be in a mortal man. But Don Quadragante knew him, and went up to him, saying, I must embrace you, my good friend! Don Brian of Monjaste and I gave the Greek Knight your bidding! then he turned to Amadis, This, Sir, is fair Child Esplandian. When Amadis heard that name, whether or no he was pleased need not be said; for he was so overpowered with joy that he could hardly answer, and did not recollect himself, and if any one had looked at him they would have seen his agitation: but there was none who suspected the truth, for they all believed that only Urganda knew the father of the Child.
Then Amadis would have embraced him while Don Quadragante was still holding him by the hand, but Child Esplandian said, Good Sir, do honour first to the holy man Nasciano, who is come to seek you. When the Knights heard that this was Nasciano, the fame of whose holiness and rigorous life was spread abroad in all parts, they all humbly drew nigh, and knelt before him, and asked his blessing. The Hermit then said, I beseech my Lord Jesus Christ, if the blessing of such a sinner as I am can be of any avail, that it may abate the pride and anger of your hearts, and give you such understanding, that forgetting the vain things of this world, ye may follow the true things of the true one; and then he lifted up his hands and blessed them. Amadis then embraced Esplandian, who made obeisance and reverence, not as to his father, but as to the best Knight in the world, whom he had long desired to see, and from whom he could now hardly take off his eyes. Amadis seeing how earnestly the Child looked at him, suspected that he knew something of the truth; but the good Hermit beholding them both how fair they were, as they were thus embracing, he was as happy as if he had been in Paradise, and in his heart he prayed to God for them, and besought him that for his service he would be pleased to enable him to make peace between these Knights, who were the flower of the world. He then said to Don Quadragante, Sir, I have something to say to Amadis; while I speak with him, be pleased to take with you this Child, since you better than any other of these Knights know him. He then took Amadis by the hand, and when they were sufficiently retired, he said, my son, before I open to you the principal cause of my coming, I would have you call to mind how much more than all other living men you ought to be thankful to the Lord our God, for at the hour of your birth you were shut up in an ark, and cast into the sea, and the Redeemer of the world had pity on you. He hath made you the fairest Knight in the world, and the strongest, and most well-beloved, and seeing that he hath done so much for you, what ought not you to do for him? I am come hither, son, with great toil and pain, to see if I can bring about peace, and having spoken with King Lisuarte, and found him disposed to obey God, as every good King who is the servant of God should do, I would now, my good Sir, learn, whether you have most regard to him who created you, or to the vain glory of the world. You may speak to me without reserve, for I have been to the Firm Island, and have undertaken this charge with the permission of the Princess Oriana, the secret of whose heart I have learnt in confession. Amadis well believed that this was true, because this was a holy man, who would not speak an untruth; he made answer, friend of God, and holy Hermit, I should be the most fortunate Knight that ever lived, if I could discharge what I owe to our Lord Christ for the benefits wherewith he has favoured me; but I am a sinful man, who every day offend him, and right glad shall I be if, by your coming, I may be taught how to make atonement for the past. O my fortunate son! exclaimed the good man, how have you comforted my heart, that was so disconsolate at beholding so great destruction! that Lord who is to save you give you the recompense which I cannot! Now without fear I will tell you what I have already done. Then he told him how, by Oriana's consent, he had revealed the secret to King Lisuarte, and with what patience the King had learnt it; and since, by God's help they were in this state, he besought him to devise how, by his marriage with the Princess, peace might be established.
At this the heart and all the flesh of Amadis trembled for exceeding joy, to think that, by the consent of his Lady Oriana, the secret of their love was now made known. My good Sir, he replied, if King Lisuarte is in this disposition, and will accept me to be his son, I will acknowledge him for my Lord and Father, and serve him in whatsoever shall be to his honour. How then, quoth the Hermit, shall I proceed to bring this about before there be farther mischief? Amadis made answer, methinks you should speak with the King, my father, and tell him wherefore you are come hither, and request him to incline to peace, if King Lisuarte should now accord to what Don Quadragante and Don Brian heretofore demanded, with regard to his daughter Oriana. I trust in his virtue that you will speed with him, as you desire; tell him that you have communed with me, but that I refer every thing to his pleasure. The good man incontinently went to the tent of King Perion, taking with him Sargil and Child Esplandian. King Perion, knowing who the good man was, received him with much love, and looking at Esplandian, whom he had never before seen, he marvelled to behold so fair a creature, and asked the Hermit who he was. The holy man replied, That he was one whom he had bred up, and whom God had given him by great miracle. What! quoth King Perion, is this the child whom the lioness suckled? of whom Urganda prophesied such wonders, and wrote to King Lisuarte that he should one day bring about peace between him and Amadis? This is he, said the good man Nasciano, and if you have reason to love him now, much more will you have when you know more concerning him: Son, said he, kiss the King's hand; but Perion then embraced him, and asked Nasciano if he knew whose child he was. God's child, the good man replied, though born of mortal man and woman; but it is manifest that God loved him like a child, and it will please him that before long you shall know more concerning him. He then led the King aside, and said, I am come hither, King, being thus aged and infirm as you see me, hoping that the Lord my God will enable me to put an end to this strife. I have spoken with King Lisuarte, who, as one who serves God, is well disposed for peace, so it may be concluded to the honour of both parties; and I have spoken with your son Amadis, who says that he will obey your will; so that now peace or war is at your choice. But all know how greatly you are bound to serve the Lord, who hath so blessed you with all the good things of this life, your kingdom, and your wife, and your sons; and now will it be seen in what manner you acknowledge his goodness, and are desirous to serve him. God is my witness, replied the King, that I would willingly have avoided this great discord; but King Lisuarte would listen to no reason, thinking, that as he had the Emperor of Rome on his part, the whole world were to be subject to him, and what hath ensued from this presumption all men now behold. But if he will now show that reason which hitherto he hath not shown, I trust that these Knights, who are on our part, will easily follow my inclination, which is to put a stop to this slaughter. And farther, that you may know for how slight a demand he is thus obstinate, if he would but come to some terms for his daughter Oriana, that would remedy all. My good Lord, replied Nasciano, God will give this remedy, and I in his place; do you then speak with your Knights, and appoint certain of them who are desirous of the common good; King Lisuarte will do the same; and I, as the soldier of God, will be with them to close and repair the breach that has been made. The good man then went away with a joyful heart to the camp of King Lisuarte.
King Perion then called together his principal Knights, and said, Noble Princes and Knights, even as we are bound to expose ourselves to all danger to defend our honours and estates, and to maintain justice, so are we to lay aside all anger and resentment, and listen to reason when it is proffered to us. The holy servant and friend of God, Nasciano the Hermit, has come hither to say, that our enemies are desirous of peace, more conformable to good conscience than to points of honour, and he only requires that persons on both sides be appointed to meet and consult together: this I thought right that you should know, that your opinion may be taken and followed. At this they were all silent for a while, till Angriote arose and said, since none else adventures, I will speak, Sir; we chose you for your great worth to be our Chief in this war, knowing that neither favour nor affection would induce you to swerve from what was right: so also am I assured that whatever you shall determine, there is none here who would gainsay, for your single power is sufficient to decide; howbeit, since you are pleased to ask our judgment, I will tell you mine; it would be great folly in us, having so encreased our honour, to deny peace when our enemies are desirous of it; as Don Quadragante and Don Brian of Monjaste were deputed before, they should be again appointed, as men whose discretion and virtue will justly decide whether for peace or war. So thus it was determined that these two Knights should consult with King Perion, and resolve accordingly.
CHAPTER 33. The good man Nasciano returned to King Lisuarte, and told him how well he had sped: and as the King was now determined no longer to give way to the Wicked One, as he had done to the occasion of so great evil, he replied, peace shall not be prevented by my fault, as you shall see; do you therefore remain here in my tent, and I will go and speak with those Knights who have undergone such danger to support my honour. Then he went to the tent of King Gasquilan, who lay in his bed still from his encounter with Amadis, and there he sent for King Cildadan, and the chief of the Romans and of his own army, and told them what the good man Nasciano had done, reserving only what related to Amadis and his daughter, for that he would not have known as yet; and he besought them to deliver their opinion, in particular the Romans, for the great loss which they had sustained in losing their Emperor, bound him to follow their will, even though it were different from his own. King Cildadan in like manner requested the Romans to state their opinion; and upon that the good Knight Arquisil arose and said, if my Lord the Emperor were living, his opinion ought to be followed, because this quarrel was his; but he being dead, we may say that what he was bound to do died with him, and we, who are his kinsmen and vassals, are now no more a part, than as we are bound to follow you, King Lisuarte, which we will do while a man of us remains alive; to you, therefore, as the person whom this most nearly concerns, we leave the decision. Much was the King pleased at the speech of this Knight, which was as prudent as it was courageous: so returning to his tent, he appointed King Arban of North Wales, and Don Guilan the Pensive, to treat on his part; and he said to the Hermit, as things are in this state, I hold it advisable that you should return to King Perion, and tell him that I have chosen these Knights, and that as there always are delays in such matters, it would be well if we both raised our camp, because while we are here, neither can the wounded be well looked to, nor the armies supplied with food for men and beasts; he therefore should fall back a day's journey, and I to the town of Lubayna, to see that my wounded men be taken care of, and to send off the Emperor to his own country. Our mediators will know how to proceed, and you shall be present; and if need be, he and I may see each other, where we may think good. This pleased the Hermit well; for though all was not yet settled, he knew the danger would be farther removed, when the armies were farther apart; for though this good man was in orders, and led so strict a life in so remote a part, he had in his time been a right good Knight in the court of King Lisuarte's father, and after of King Falangris, so that though he was perfect in things divine, he was also well versed in things temporal. Sir, said he to the King, it only remains to appoint a certain day when your Ambassadors shall meet here, which will be mid-way between the two armies; and by God's blessing I trust they will so agree that you and King Perion may meet. I will go without delay, and send to tell you at what hour to break up your camp. So he went to King Perion, who, with the consent of the two chosen Knights, was well content that the armies should remove on the morrow. King Lisuarte was advised thereof, and in the morning the trumpets were sounded, and the tents raised, and the two armies joyfully separated, each going to the place appointed.
CHAPTER 34. Meantime King Aravigo, and Barsinan Lord of Sansuena, and Arcalaus the Enchanter, remained in the mountain; they knew by their spies of the two battles that had been fought, and how the camps were so well fortified, that they could not be forced at night; and the longer the struggle continued, the more were they rejoiced, being assured that the one party would at length be subdued, and thus they should win an easy victory, and fully effect their purpose. But now the spies brought tidings that the armies had broken up their camps, and were separating, they knew not for what cause. Aravigo presently concluded that some accord had taken place, and he determined without delay to attack King Lisuarte rather than Amadis; for if the King were slain or taken, Amadis would care little concerning Great Britain, and he might obtain possession of it. Howbeit, he said, it would be best to attack them by night, when they were utterly unprepared, and he sent his nephew Esclavor, who was a man skilful in war, with ten Knights, to observe their motions; accordingly he rode as privily as he could along the mountain, watching their march in the plain. Now King Lisuarte had alway been suspicious of this army, though he had no certain knowledge concerning them; but he had heard from some of the country people that there were troops by the sea side, though he had no leisure to attend to the information, being too much employed. But now he was told that there were horsemen on the mountain, who seemed to conceal themselves: presently the King apprehended, that if they came upon him, he could not escape without battle, the which he greatly feared, seeing how hardly his army had been handled in the two former fights; howbeit, having so courageous a heart, he did not delay to apply the fitting remedy, and he called King Cildadan and the other chiefs, and telling them what he had heard, bade them hold their troops in readiness, that if need were, they might be found as Knights ought to be. They all replied that they were ready to lose their lives in his defence. But some there were, and in particular Don Grumedan and Brandoyuas, who secretly counselled him to advise King Perion, for this army was fresh and numerous, and so greatly were they his enemies, that if they conquered, they would show him no mercy. But the King, who ever regarded his honour more than his life, refused to ask aid of the other army, saying, that belike there was no danger, and if there were, they had only to bestir themselves as they had done in greater perils. He then sent Filispinel with twenty Knights to the mountain, to see what they could discover. Then he made his men halt and refresh themselves, for they had now marched four leagues, and he was desirous that they should not stop again before they reached Lubayna, being fearful of an attack by night; and knowing, that if the men rested a second time, they would disarm and sleep, so that a small force would put them to the rout. After they had rested a while and taken food, he gave order to mount again and proceed, the baggage and the wounded going before, though the greater part of the wounded had been sent to Lubayna during the truce.
Filispinel went straight to the mountain, and made such search, that he soon discovered Esclavor and his company; and remaining himself in sight of them, he sent to inform the King how he had seen these few Knights upon the look out, and that he believed the rest were not far distant. Lisuarte therefore quickened his march that he might be near Lubayna, if the danger overtook him; for though the town were not strongly fortified, yet he could better defend himself there than in the plain: so he was soon at a good distance from the mountain. Esclavor now found that he was discovered, and sent to say so to his uncle King Aravigo, and to tell him that he had better descend into the plain without delay, for King Lisuarte, having espied them, would not halt till he had found a place to his advantage. When the messenger brought this advice to King Aravigo, his troops were all at rest, that they might be fresh for the attack at night, so that there was a great delay while they armed; and the ground which they had chosen for security, because it was rugged and broken, contributed to embarrass them when they were thus in haste. Howbeit, they began the pursuit, but before they had got down from the mountain, King Lisuarte was so far on his way, that it was manifest they could not come up with him till he was very near the town. Arcalaus, who knew the country, told King Aravigo not to be grieved on that account, neither to hurry his army so as to heat them, for he knew the town, and that the King with his small force would be in greater danger there than in the field. Meantime, by the will of God who would not that this evil race should put their crooked purposes into effect, it so befell that the good Hermit sent Child Esplandian and his nephew Sargil to the King to tell him, that he would be with him in Lubayna, as soon as he could, to give order for the meeting of the four Knights. When they came to the camp the army had already departed and they followed till they came to the place where the King had halted, and there they learnt that he had advanced in fear and with greater haste: upon that they quickened their pace; but before they came in sight of the King, they saw the army coming down the mountain, and immediately thought it was King Aravigo; for when they were with Queen Brisena they had heard of his arrival in the country, and knew that the Queen had sent out troops different ways to observe them: but now beholding how mighty a power was with him, and that King Lisuarte's army was few in number and sore wearied, Esplandian was greatly grieved to think of this danger, and said to Sargil, Brother follow me, and do not let us rest till the King be succoured, and with that they turned the reins and galloped all the remainder of the day and the night also, till at dawn they overtook King Perion who had retreated only four leagues, and had pitched his camp beside a brook among fruit trees, and set guard upon the side of the mountain; for he also had learnt of this army by the report of some shepherds. Esplandian went straight to the tent of Amadis, and found the good man who had just risen, and was preparing to set forth on his way. Good son, cried the Hermit, why are you in such haste? I cannot stay to tell you, replied the Child, till I have spoken with Amadis; so he alighted, and went in where Amadis was asleep, though in his armour, as he had been all night for the defence of the camp. Esplandian awoke him, and said, O good Sir, if at any time your heart hath desired great exploits, the hour is now come wherein its worth may be made manifest; for though you have atchieved many and perilous exploits, yet never was there one so signal as this. Know that the troops who we heard were in the mountains with King Aravigo, are advancing as fast as they can against my lord King Lisuarte; and they are so many and his force so little and in so ill a plight, that under God he hath no remedy but in you. Amadis at this arose instantly, and said, Good child, wait for me here, and if I can prevail your labour shall not be in vain: then he went to the tent of King Perion his father, and telling him these tidings, besought his permission to go to the succour of King Lisuarte, which would be greatly to his honour and praise wherever it was known; and he knelt down, and would not rise from his knees till the King had answered him. Son, quoth King Perion, do as you think good; take such troops as you choose and lead the way, and I will follow. If we are to have peace with King Lisuarte this will make it firmer; and if war, it is better that he should be overthrown by us than by others, who, peradventure, might be worse enemies to us than he is. The trumpets were then sounded, and the whole army being already armed and suspicious of attack, went to horse and arranged themselves in their ranks. King Perion told them what had fallen out, and besought them, laying aside all enmity to King Lisuarte, to march with good will and succour him against that wicked race. They all approved of what he said, and declared they were ready to obey him. Amadis then took with him Don Quadragante, and his brother Don Florestan, and Angriote of Estravaus, and Gavarte of the Perilous Valley, and Gandalin, and Enil, and four thousand Knights, and also Master Helisabad, who in this war had performed miracles in his office, giving life to many who could not have lived but for the help of God and him. With this company he hastened forward, and King Perion with the rest of the host followed.
CHAPTER 35. King Aravigo might have overtaken Lisuarte, if it had not been for the advice of Arcalaus, and the night came on so dark now that they could not see each other: so they continued their march all night, Esclavor and the ten with him, and forty others whom his uncle had sent to strengthen them, being as it were mingled with the rear of Lisuarte's army. Thus they proceeded till the day dawned, and then they saw that they were near each other, and at little distance from the town. Then King Lisuarte, like a brave prince as he was, halted, and divided his men into two bodies; the one he gave to King Cildadan, and with him were Norandel, and King Arban of North Wales, and Don Guilan, and Cendil of Ganota, and about two thousand Knights: in the other, Arquisil and Flamineo with the Romans, and Giontes, and Brandoyuas, and about six thousand Knights. If these two divisions had been well armed, and their horses fresh, they would not have had much to fear from their enemies; but it was otherwise, for their arms were broken in the former battle, and their horses spent, as well with their former fatigue as with the present, having now travelled day and night with little respite. King Aravigo had placed Barsinan in the van with two thousand Knights, and as soon as it was light enough the two armies attacked each other, with so fierce an encounter that many were overthrown. Barsinan broke his lance, and laid hand to his sword, and dealt his blows around like a brave man who was in great anger. Norandel who was among the foremost met an uncle of Barsinan who had governed the land during his minority, and he smote him so rudely that the lance went through shield and breast-plate and came out between his shoulders, and he fell dead. King Cildadan also and Don Guilan and King Arban played their part so well, that the host of Barsinan would have been discomfited if Arcalaus had not advanced to their succour. Though he had lost half of his right hand by a stroke which Amadis had given him when he was called Beltenebros, he had now by practice learnt to use the left as well; and at his coming Barsinan and his company took heart again, and many of King Lisuarte's Knights were slain, or badly wounded, or overthrown. Great deeds in arms did Arcalaus then atchieve, like one who was valiant and strong, and at that hour you might have seen wonders done by King Cildadan, and Norandel, and Don Guilan, and Cendil of Ganota; for they were the shield and rampart of the army; but all would have been of no avail, for the enemies were so many and fresh, if King Lisuarte, who never in any danger, how great soever, failed to do his duty, had not advanced; he, desirous rather to die than fail in his devoir, pricked forward before his men. The first man whom he met was brother to that Alumas, the cousin of Dardan, whom Florestan slew by the Fountain of the Elms; him he thrust through with his lance; and his Knights in like manner gave the enemy so hot a charge as made them give back. The King laid hand to sword, and gave such blows that no man who received one of them full had ever need of a surgeon. In that hour he was so enraged, that having no regard to danger, he thrust himself among the thickest of the enemy. Arcalaus had before procured information of what arms he wore, that he might know him in the field and do him the worst hurt he could, for this was his custom; and when he saw him advanced thus far before his men, he went to Barsinan, and said, Your enemy is before you, if you slay him the business is done; do you not see what King Lisuarte is doing? Barsinan then took ten Knights, and crying out to Arcalaus, Now have at him! and he or we shall perish! they beset the King on all sides, and beat him from his horse. Now Filispinel and the twenty Knights who had gone with him to spy the enemy, had promised to keep company in the battle, and he seeing the King fall, exclaimed, O Sirs, now is the time to die with the King! They forced their way up to him, and found that two Knights were grappling with him, who had thrown themselves on him before he could rise, and that they had forced his sword from him. At this they assailed Arcalaus and his men so fiercely, that they made them fall back; but so many of the enemy collected at the call of Arcalaus, that the King would certes have been slain, if the good Knight King Cildadan, and Arquisil, and Norandel, and Brandoyuas, with a good company of Knights, had not come up. Norandel, seeing in what danger the King was, dismounted, and smiting at those who still held the King, recovered for him his good sword, and placing it in his hand, said, mount my horse, Sir! This the King did, but he would not move from thence till Brandoyuas had gotten another horse for Norandel, and then they joined their men, who fought so well, that the enemy began to give way, and Arcalaus called to one of his Knights, ask King Aravigo why he would suffer me to be slain? When King Aravigo heard this message, he replied, I saw that he needed succour, but waited till the enemy should advance farther from the town; howbeit, as he desires it, let us go on. The trumpets then sounded, and he advanced with all his people, and with the six Knights from the Sagittary Island. He found King Lisuarte's men so weary and heated, that he made his attack safely and with great slaughter; and the six Knights did wonders, in slaying and beating down all whom they encountered; so that by reason of their prowess, and of the great force which Aravigo brought, Lisuarte's troops could no longer sustain the attack, but began to yield the field like people who were defeated. King Lisuarte himself, who saw that the day was lost, and that it could no way be recovered, took with him King Cildadan, and Norandel, and Don Guilan, and Arquisil, and certain other the best Knights, and stood forward before the rest of the army, whom he ordered to retreat into the town. What shall I say? in this flight and defeat the King exerted himself so to defend his people, that never had his prowess been so manifested since he was made Knight, as it was that day: and all those Knights that were with him did their devoir well; but at length with great loss, many being slain, many taken, and others wounded, they were driven to the gates of the town, and there, as they crowded to get through, and the enemy pressed upon them in pursuit, a greater slaughter was made. King Arban and Don Grumedan with the banner of the King, were both beaten from their horses, and taken there, and so also would King Lisuarte himself have been, if some of his people had not held him fast, and dragged him per force within the gates, and then the gates were shut; but they who escaped were very few. The enemies fell back, for they within shot at them with bows and arbalists, and they carried with them King Arban of North Wales, and Don Grumedan, with Lisuarte's banner. Arcalaus was for putting them without delay to death; but King Aravigo said, let us wait till we have taken King Lisuarte and the rest, and then with your accord and the advice of these other Chiefs, we will bring them all to justice; he then set a guard upon them to keep them carefully. Thus, as you have heard, was King Lisuarte conquered, and the greater part of his army slain or taken, and he and the remainder blocked up in that weak town, where he expected nothing but death. King Aravigo now took counsel with the Chiefs of his army how they should proceed; then were there many opinions, as is usual after such victories, when the success is so good, that the conquerors know not how to make good, better. Some said, it would be well now to make preparations for the attack of the town, and mean time set guards around, that Lisuarte might not escape. Others were for an immediate attack, before they within could make any preparations for defence, saying, That being now defeated and disheartened, they could easily be destroyed. When King Aravigo had heard these opinions, they all looked for his which they would follow, because he was the chief and head of the enterprise. Good Sirs, and honourable Knights, said he, I have always heard that men ought to follow up good fortune when it comes; therefore let Barsinan and the Duke of Bristol go with their people to the other side of the town, and I, and Arcalaus, and the King of the Deep Island, will remain with our forces here, and let us all attack the enemy without delay, before the darkness comes on, for we shall have but two hours more of the Sun. If we do not carry the city in this attack, we will fall back, and the army may take their rest till day-break, and then we will again assail; but I myself promise to you all, that I will never take enjoyment till I have them in my power; on the word of a King I promise, that his death or mine shall befal to-morrow. At this were all those Lords greatly encouraged and rejoiced; and as King Aravigo had sworn, even so also did they swear: forthwith they ordered food to be dealt, and made their men eat and drink, and told them that now they were on the point of becoming rich and fortunate, if their own want of courage did not prevent them. This done, Barsinan, and the Duke of Bristol, with half the army, went to the other side of the town, and the other half remained, and they all alighted now, and at the sound of the trumpet prepared for the assault. King Lisuarte, when he escaped into the town, took no rest, for he saw his destruction was at hand, yet, though he knew that the place could not long be defended, he determined to do his best till his ill fortune was fulfilled, and die like a Knight, rather than fall into the hands of his mortal enemies. The townsmen brought food to him and his soldiers, and when he had ate, he placed his Knights and all the people of the town on such parts of the wall as were weakest, telling them, that, under God, their safety and lives were in their own hands and hearts; but such men were they, that they needed no one to make them do their duty, for every one expected to die like the King his master. Presently the enemy came fiercely on, like conquerors, covered with their shields, with lances they who had them unbroken, others sword in hand, and the archers and cross-bowmen behind. They within received them with stones, and arrows from their bows and arbalists; the wall was low, and in some places broken, so that they joined battle almost as though they had been in the plain. Yet, what with the little defence the place afforded, and more with the great courage of the besieged, the assailants soon lost their first confidence, and fell back; but others kept up the assault. King Aravigo and all the other captains, who were still on horseback, ceased not to urge their people on, and they themselves rode up to the walls, and with their lances thrust at those who were on the bulwarks; so that King Lisuarte's place of refuge would soon have been entered, if it had not pleased God that the night came on with great darkness. Then the assailants withdrew as they were commanded, the wounded were dressed; and the enemy placed themselves all round the town, setting strict watch, and surely they thought that the first assault at day-break would end the enterprize.
CHAPTER 36. When Amadis and his companions went forward before King Perion, he hastened eagerly to be in time for the succour, and that his Lady Oriana might know that, with reason or without it, he always had her present to his eyes, to serve her. But the way was long; for from the place where he set out, to the field where the two great battles had been fought, was five leagues, and from thence to Lubayna eight, thirteen leagues in all, so that march as fast as they could, they were three leagues from the town when night overtook them. Amadis had ordered his guides to keep always toward the mountain, that the enemy might not retreat to any strong position; but the darkness came on, and the guides were confounded, and knew not where they were, nor where the town lay, nor whether they had past it. When Amadis heard this, though he was the most patient man in the world, and the one who upon all occasions could best repress his anger, he could not now refrain from often cursing himself and his evil fortune, so that there was no man who dared speak to him. Don Quadragante, who was also greatly grieved because of King Cildadan, with whom he was so nearly allied, and whom he loved so well, went up to him and said, good Sir, be not so greatly disturbed, for God knows what is best; if it please him that, by this, help should be afforded to those Kings and Knights who are so much our friends, he will guide us to them; but if his will be otherwise, no one hath power to act against it. And certes as it fell out, if they had not thus gone astray, the issue would not have been so honourable for them, as you shall hear. Being thus perplexed, Amadis asked the guides if they were near the mountain, and they replied they must needs be near it, for by his command they had inclined that way; he then bade Gandalin go, with one of the guides, and seek a way up, for if the army were encamped he would see their fires. Gandalin kept to the left, on which hand the mountain lay, and after some time found that he was at the foot of the mountain, and getting up as fast as he could, he looked over the plain, and presently saw the fires; he then called the guide, and pointed them out, and asked him if he could lead the way thither; the man answered that he could. Then they hastened back to Amadis and told him this; lead on then, said he, as fast as possible, for the night is far spent. So they moved forward, and at length came within sight of the fires of Aravigo's camp. If that pleased them need not be said, but especially the brave Amadis, who never in his life was so desirous to fulfil adventure, that King Lisuarte might know, how under God, he it was who helped and supported him in all his dangers; for he knew the King could not escape death or captivity without his aid, and had resolved, after having saved him, to return without seeing or speaking to him. The morning now began to break, and they were yet a league from the town. Now when it was day light, King Aravigo and all his Knights prepared joyfully for the contest, and went up to the battlements. Lisuarte and his people bravely defended themselves, but at length, the enemy being so many, and encouraged by success, and these on the King's side few, and for the most part wounded and disheartened, they could not prevent them from entering the town with a mighty shout. Then was the uproar great in the streets, where the King and his Knights obstinately defended themselves; and the women and children, and they who could no way else assist, helped them from the windows. The sword-strokes fell so fast, and the arrows and stones flew about so, and such an outcry was there, as none could have beheld without dismay. As King Lisuarte and his Knights saw that they were lost, and feared more to be taken than slain, no one can tell the feats they performed, and the blows they dealt about; and their enemies dared not come near them, but prest on them with lances and stones. On the other side, where King Cildadan, and Arquisil, and Flamineo, and Norandel were opposed to King Aravigo, you may well assure yourself they were not idle; and there was a brave battle, till at length Aravigo and Arcalaus, and the six Knights of the Sagittary Island, made good the entrance. Two of these Knights King Aravigo sent by a traverse through the streets, to help the division of Barsinan and the Duke of Bristol. He went with the other four against Cildadan, saying to them, now my friends is the time to satisfy your wrath, and revenge the death of the noble Knight Brontaxar Danfania, for here you see those who slew him: fall on them for they can make no defence! These four Knights then drew their large swords, and furiously advanced through their own people, striking them down to clear the way, till they came up to King Cildadan and his comrades. He, brave and resolute as he was, could not chuse but fear, seeing how huge and terrible they were, and he said to his friends, fall on Sirs, we shall die worthily here, but in such sort, that if we can, these shall go before us. With that they made at each other like men who were determined to slay or be slain. One of the four Knights made at King Cildadan, and struck at his helmet, thinking to cleave his head in twain. The King saw the blow, and raised his shield, the sword went through the rim, and pierced so deep, that when the Knight attempted to draw it out, he plucked away the shield with it. King Cildadan who was used to such danger, lost neither his courage nor his thought, but gave it him on the arm, which, by reason of the weight of the shield hanging from his sword, he could not so speedily draw back; it was such a blow as cut through the mail and the whole arm, and left it dangling by a bit of flesh: the sword fell at his feet, and the Knight drew back like a maimed man. The King then went to help his companions, who were bravely combating the other three, and by his coming, and the sight of that blow which he had given, the enemy were somewhat dismayed: and they defended the street so well, that they received little hurt there, though King Aravigo was calling out not to leave a man alive. The other two Knights were now come up to the other battle; when they arrived, King Lisuarte and his Knights were retiring to the crossing of a street, where some of his people were standing idle, because the street itself was so narrow, that they could not find room to fight; there at the crossing they stopt, but all was in vain, for so few were they, and their arms so hacked away, and they themselves so wounded, that in less than half an hour they must all have been killed or taken, if it had not pleased God to help them by the coming of Amadis. Amadis had spurred on from day-break; when he came up and saw the enemy in the town, and others still without the walls, he charged them, and beat all who came in his way, and he through one gate, and Quadragante through the other, entered with their people, shouting out, Gaul! Gaul! Ireland! Ireland!
The enemy were unprepared and without order, so that a great slaughter was made among them, and many took refuge in the houses. They who were fighting in the front heard the uproar, and the war-cries, and immediately they thought that King Lisuarte was succoured; and they were dismayed, and knew not what to do, whether to continue the battle where they were, or to turn back and help their people. King Lisuarte also hearing this, and seeing how his enemies waxed faint, took heart, and began to hearten his comrades; and they bestirred themselves so bravely, that they made their enemies give ground till they met those who were flying before Amadis, and then they had no remedy but to place themselves back to back, and defend themselves. King Aravigo and Arcalaus, seeing how the day was lost, got into a house, for they had not courage to die in battle, and they were soon taken. Amadis was now dealing about such blows, that none dared meet him, except the two Knights of the Sagittary Island, who advanced against him. He, though he saw what mighty men they were, was nothing dismayed, but raised his good sword, and gave the one such a blow upon the helmet, that strong as he was, he came on both his knees; Amadis thrust him backward and passed by him; and seeing how Florestan and Angriote had overthrown the other, he left him to the care of his people, and they three went on towards Barsinan and the Duke of Bristol, who were now so hardly prest by King Lisuarte, that seeing nothing but death before them, the one ran to Amadis, and the Duke of Bristol to Florestan, crying for mercy. These chiefs being thus taken, Amadis looked and saw King Lisuarte, and that there was no farther resistance there; so with his prisoners he turned back to aid Quadragante, but on the way he learnt that that Knight had already done his work, and had taken King Aravigo and Arcalaus; and then he said to Gandalin, go tell Don Quadragante, that I am leaving town, and that as he has finished too, we should depart without seeing King Lisuarte: and he took horse himself, and made his people mount. When Lisuarte saw how his life had been saved, and that his enemies were destroyed or taken, he was so astonished that he knew not what to say, and he called to Don Guilan who was near him and said, How is all this, and who are these who have done us so much good? Who can it be, sir, replied Guilan, but the same as usual? No other than Amadis of Gaul, for you heard his cry; and it would be well, Sir, that you should give him the thanks that he deserves. The King answered, Go you forward and stop him if he be departing; he will stay for you. I will presently follow. When Don Guilan came to the gate, he then learnt for certain that it was Amadis; and that he had already taken horse and was departing with his people, not waiting for Quadragante, lest he should be detained. Don Guilan then cried out aloud to him to stay, for the King was here. At this Amadis was troubled, but when he came nearer he looked at the King, and saw that his armour was all broken and clotted with the blood of his wounds; and he was moved to pity at beholding him thus; for notwithstanding the great enmity between them, he had always remembered that he was the bravest and most honourable King in the world, and the best of heart; so coming still nearer, he dismounted and went up to him, and knelt, and would have kissed his hand; but the King raised him up and embraced him with right good will. At this time Don Quadragante came up to follow Amadis, and with him came Cildadan and many others who were going to detain Amadis, that he might see the King. Quadragante, and Florestan, and Angriote then went to kiss the King's hand, and Amadis embraced King Cildadan. Who can tell the pleasure they all felt to see themselves thus united, and the destruction of their enemies! King Cildadan then said to Amadis, Go you, sir, to the King, and I will remain with my uncle Don Quadragante: thus accordingly they did; but now Brandoyuas came up with much pain, for he was sorely wounded, and said to the King, Sir, the townsmen and your people are killing the enemies, who have fled into the houses; and such slaughter is there, that the streets are flowing with blood; but though their lords deserve this, their people have not. Do you, therefore, give order what should be done in this cruel destruction. Let it be stopt, Sir, cried Amadis; for it is in these things that greatness of heart is shown. The King then sent his son Norandel and Don Guilan to put a stop to the slaughter, and look to the prisoners; and Amadis bade Gandalin and Enil and his foster-father Gandales take charge of Aravigo and Arcalaus, and Barsinan, and the Duke of Bristol. Lisuarte then took Amadis by the hand, and said, Sir, if it pleases you, let us now go rest and refresh ourselves, for we have need; let us go into the town, and have the dead carried out. May it please you, replied Amadis, to give us leave to depart, that we may return in time to King Perion who is on his way with all the rest of the army. Certes, quoth Lisuarte, that leave will I not give. In virtue and strength none can conquer you; but in this you must yield to me, we will receive your father here. After so signal a thing as this, it is not reasonable that we should part so soon! and then he turned to King Cildadan and said, Do you retain this Knight, since I cannot. Sir, quoth Cildadan, do this which the King so affectionately beseeches you; and let not a man who hath been so well brought up commit such discourtesy. Amadis then turned to his brother Florestan and the other Knights, and asked what they should do since the King commanded them. Quadragante answered, that as they were come thither to serve the King, and had already done so in the more important part, so ought they in lesser things. Let it be so, Sir, then Amadis replied. He then bade his people dismount, and secure their horses in the field, and seek for food. Presently they saw King Arban and Don Grumedan come up with their hands tied behind them; for their guards had left them, and it was a wonder that they had not slain them. Greatly did the King rejoice to see them, for he thought that they had been dead, and so certes they would have been but for this succour: and they went and kissed his hands, and then went to welcome Amadis with such joy as the greatest friends in the world feel when they meet. They now advised the King to go with all those Knights to the Monastery which was near, till the town should be cleared of dead bodies. Arquisil now, who had been placing Flamineo where his wounds could be attended, came up; and when he saw Amadis he embraced him, saying, Sir, you succoured us in good time; if you have slain some of us, you have saved more. Amadis replied with great pleasure, Sir, have I succoured you, for you may believe that I truly love you. Now as Lisuarte was going toward the monastery, he saw King Perion and his army coming up with great speed. Sir, quoth Don Grumedan, this is a good succour; but if the first had been delayed, our safety would have been delayed altogether. The King laughing replied, he who would dispute with you respecting Amadis, would have a long quarrel, Don Grumedan, and a perilous one! The King then called for a horse, and bade King Cildadan mount also, that they might ride to welcome King Perion. Sir, said Amadis, it were far better that you rested and took heed to your wounds, and the King my father will come to visit you; but the King said, he would by all means meet him; so he and King Cildadan and Amadis rode on, and Durin was sent forward to let Perion know of his coming. King Perion upon this took with him Count Gastiles, and Grasandor and Don Brian and Trion, and besought Agrayes to lead the troops while they advanced. This he did knowing the enmity of Agrayes to King Lisuarte, and he who was well pleased, busied himself to delay the army, that he might not have occasion to meet the King. When the two Kings met they alighted and embraced each other; and Perion, seeing him so wounded, said, methinks, you were not in this evil plight when you left your camp, though there your arms had not lain idle in their cases, nor your person under the shade of your tent. Sir, quoth King Lisuarte, I wished you to behold me as I am, that you might know in what state I was when Amadis and these Knights rescued me. He then told him how the battle had been. I thank God for it, replied King Perion, and for the peace there is between us; for through all this quarrel it has ever been my wish, that my sons and all their kin should look up to, and reverence you as their lord and father. Lisuarte answered, We will leave this for farther leisure. I trust in God that before we part we shall be connected by a near tie, and by great love. King Lisuarte now looked round for Agrayes, and seeing him not, he asked for him, for though he knew how that Prince hated him, yet both for his own sake, and to show that no farther enmity existed, he had resolved what to do. Perion replied, that he had left him with the army, to prevent any accidental mischief if the armies should meet. Let him be called then, said Lisuarte, for I will not depart till I have seen him. Amadis upon this went himself to Agrayes, knowing that he could best prevail upon his cousin, and he told him all that had passed, and besought him to go with him, since friendship was now re-established. Agrayes answered, Cousin, you know my anger lasts no longer than it is your will; but God send that the service which you have now done the King may be better guerdoned than your former ones! this has made him suffer for the past, and that belike may change his condition! so he bade the army halt till they received his orders, and rode back with Amadis. When they came up, the King took him in his arms and embraced him awhile saying, which is the most dangerous, this embrace, or that which we gave each other in the battle? Agrayes courteously answered, Sir, longer time is necessary before that can be resolved with truth. Now then, quoth the King, let us move; You, Sir, speaking to King Perion, with those Knights must be my guests in the Monastery; the troops, as many as can, must take their quarters in the town, and the rest encamp in these fields; we will have all the stores which are collected for the camp brought here, that there will be no want. King Perion would fain have had his leave to depart, but Lisuarte and Cildadan urged him so that he could not deny, and they were all well lodged in the Monastery. There King Lisuarte was attended by the Masters whom he had brought with him, but they were all as nothing to Master Helisabad, who soon made the King and all the other wounded Knights safe and sound, that it was marvellous; yet Lisuarte had been so grievously hurt that it was more than ten days before he could rise from his bed. In the mean time the good man Nasciano arrived, at whose coming they were all greatly rejoiced, and he on his part seeing these persons so joined in friendship now, who but three days agone were so cruelly striving to slay each other, lifted up his hands and said, O Lord, how exceeding great is thy mercy, the blood of the wounds which these Knights and Kings made by the wicked enemy's persuasion is not yet dried; and because I have spoken to them in thy name, they are now in the beginning of the good way! let me as thy servant, sinner though I am, so bring all this to an end, that they may forsake all other pursuits, which are not to thy service, and give themselves altogether to the advancement of thy holy Catholic faith. This good man never ceased to exhort them with good examples and doctrine. One day when they were all in King Lisuarte's chamber, the King asked Perion how he had learnt the news of his danger, and being answered that Esplandian had seen Aravigo's army and carried the alarm, the King said to him, Esplandian you have done me great service, and I trust in God that I shall one day well requite it! Son, quoth the Hermit, go and kiss the King's hand for what he hath said. The Child went and knelt and kissed his hand; and the King drew his head nearer, and kissed his face, and looked at Amadis; and Amadis who had his eyes upon the child, saw what the King did, and how he looked at him; and his face coloured; for he knew that Lisuarte was informed of his love for Oriana, and how Esplandian was their child; so that to see how the King loved Esplandian made him more desirous to serve the King; and Lisuarte was so fond of the child, that while he was between them as a reconciler, no difference could happen. King Gasquilan now arrived at the Monastery; he had been carried in a litter from the camp, and by Lisuarte's advice he kept as far as he could to the right of the mountain, so that by reason of the circuit, he was five days reaching Lubayna; and when he heard of the battle he was sorely grieved that he had not been present, and in his pride said things to that effect, which they who heard did not think good. He was courteously received by all that company, and his bed was placed in King Lisuarte's chamber. There seeing so many fair Knights about him, he asked which was Amadis? who came forward and bade him welcome, saying, I should be better pleased, good Sir, to have seen you in health than thus, for any malady is ill employed upon so good a man as you; may it please God soon to heal you, and whatever quarrel there may be between us, shall be amended with good works. Gasquilan looked at him, and seeing him so fair and so gentle, he would have thought him a fitter man for Dames and Damsels than for feats of war, if he had not to his cost proved him; he made answer, My good Sir Amadis, you are the Knight in the world whom I most desired to see, not for your good, but to combat with you; and if that had befallen you from my hands, which has befallen me from yours, I should have thought myself the best Knight in the world, and should also have won the love of my Lady, by whose command I sought you, and before whom I know not how I shall appear, so that my evil is greater than it seemeth. I am grieved at this, quoth Amadis, but you who have performed such signal exploits, would not have gained much by conquering a Knight of so little renown as I am. At this King Cildadan said with a smile to Lisuarte, you should throw down your wand, Sir, to separate these two Knights, and thus jestingly they were led to talk of other things. Now King Perion besought Lisuarte that he and his Knights might return to the Firm Island, and send his two Knights to the meeting as had been determined; but King Lisuarte replied, that since it had pleased God thus to bring them together, they would not separate till all was concluded. Arquisil now spake with Amadis, saying he was ready to perform his promise, and return to prison. Amadis then rode out with him, and when they were away from all others, said, my good Sir, I have been prevented from speaking to you before, as you have seen; but now that we have opportunity to speak, I will tell you what is in my mind. Now that the Emperor is dead, you are the right heir to the Empire, and I know likewise, that you are well beloved by all the people, and if any one disliked you it was the Emperor, for his envy of your good qualities. So great a thing as this you ought to attend to. You have here the greater part of the best Knights of Rome, and I have in the Firm Island, Brondajel of the Rock, and the Duke of Ancona, and the Archbishop of Talancia, with sundry others who were taken upon the sea. We will send for them, and before we separate, they will do homage to you as Emperor; and if there be any opposition, I will assist you to obtain your right. If Arquisil was well pleased at this, you may easily guess, for he had expected to be held prisoner in some place from whence he should not soon have been released. My good Sir, he replied, I know not why all who are in the world do not seek after your friendship! If thanks were sufficient for such a kindness I would offer them; but what can I offer? certes nothing but my person, and all that God and my right may bestow upon me; therefore, as you have said, bring this to effect, and what I gain will be more yours than mine. I will undertake it, said Amadis, and with God's help you shall depart Emperor from hence, or else hold me not for a Knight. Before we return to the Monastery, said Amadis, I will show you the man in the world who hates me most; with that they entered Lubayna, and went to the lodging of Don Gandales, and to the chamber where King Aravigo and Arcalaus were held prisoners. They found them in one bed, and with their cloaths on; for since their captivity they had never undressed. Amadis knew the Enchanter, and said to him, what dost thou do, Arcalaus?—Who art thou who askest?—Amadis of Gaul, whom you have so much desired to see. Then Arcalaus looked at him more attentively; certes you say truly, for though it is long since I saw thee, I remember that thou art the same whom I had in my power in Castle Valderin. The compassion which I then had upon thy youth and comeliness, hath since occasioned me many and great troubles, and has at length brought me to such state, that it behoveth me to ask thy mercy. Amadis replied, if I should have mercy, wouldst thou cease to commit those great iniquities and cruelties to which thou hast been accustomed? No, quoth he, for my age so long addicted thereto by its own will, cannot now give up what hath so long been its delight; but necessity, whose strong curb can change all customs from good to evil, and from evil to good, would make me do that in my age, which my youth in liberty neither would nor could. What necessity, replied Amadis, could I lay thee under, if I set thee free? Arcalaus answered, I would give thee up my castles and all my lands, to increase which I have done so much ill to my conscience and fame, and would reserve no more than it might please you, for your virtue, to allow me; for at present I can do nothing else. It might be that this pressure, and your great goodness would work that change in me, which reason hitherto hath not been able to effect. Then Amadis replied, Arcalaus, if I have any hope that thy disposition can be amended, it is only from the knowledge which thou thyself hast that thou art a wicked sinner. Take courage, therefore, in this consolation; it may be this prison of the body which thou so much dreadest, may be the key to release thy soul, which thou hast had so long enthralled. Then he would have left him; but Arcalaus cried out, Amadis, look at this unhappy King! a little while ago, and he was on the point of becoming one of the greatest Princes in the world, and in a moment, fortune, which had been so favourable, beat him down, and placed him in this cruel captivity. Let him be an example to thee, and to all who have, or desire to have, honour and dominion; and remember that to conquer and to pardon is the character of great spirits. Amadis did not answer, because he was his prisoner, and this reason was against him, that he, though by his arms and his enchantments had conquered many, had never spared; howbeit he knew that what he had now said was spoken well. As soon as they returned to the monastery, Amadis called for Ardian his Dwarf, and bade him go to the Firm Island, and tell Oriana and her company all that had taken place; and he gave him a letter for Ysanjo, wherein he bade him send all the Roman prisoners. Well pleased was the Dwarf to carry this news, because he hoped from it great honour and much profit. He mounted his horse, and rode by day and by night with little respite till he arrived. Oriana had heard of the two battles, and that the Emperor of Rome was slain, and how the good man Nasciano had made a truce, but she knew nothing more, and was now very sorrowful that he could not bring about peace; and she did nothing now but tell her beads and make offerings and romerias to all the churches in the island, and continually pray for peace. Now when she heard that the Dwarf had arrived and brought tidings for her, her heart was greatly disturbed, fearing what he might tell her both of her father and Amadis; but he, as soon as he saw her, said, Lady, I ask for albricias (the reward of good tidings) not according to what I am, but according to what you are, and what the tidings are that I bring. Oriana answered, my friend Ardian, it seems things go well with your master, but tell me if my father is living? Living? Lady, quoth the Dwarf, alive and well, and happier than ever he was! Holy Mary! cried Oriana, tell me all, and if ever God gives me any good, I will make thee happy in this world. But when she heard all that had befallen, she knelt down, and lifted her hands and said, O Lord Almighty, the helper of all that be in need, blessed be thy holy name! and blessed be that fair child who hath been the occasion of all this good; I am bound to love him better than any one can think! They who heard her, thought she said this because of the succour which Esplandian had procured for the King, but it proceeded from the bowels of a mother. Queen Briolania and Melicia then asked him concerning Child Esplandian, what manner of youth he was, and how the King requited his service. Good Ladies, he answered, I was with Amadis in the King's chamber, when Esplandian went to kiss the King's hand for the favours which he promised him; and I saw the King draw him closer, and lay his hand upon his head and kiss his eyes. And as for his beauty, I tell you, that though he is a man, and you think yourselves full handsome, if he were before you, you would hide yourselves and not dare be seen. It is well then, said they, that we are shut up here, where he cannot see us. Oh, quoth the Dwarf, however you were shut up, you and all fair Ladies would go far to seek him. At that they all laughed merrily. But Oriana, looking at Queen Sardamira, bade her be of good cheer, for when the Lord was thus helping her sorrows, she also would not be forgotten. The Queen thanked her, and asked Ardian what was become of those unhappy Romans who were with King Lisuarte? he told her that he had seen Arquisil talking in friendship with Amadis, and that her brother Flamineo was hurt, but not badly. When Ysanjo had read the letter of Amadis, he took the Roman chiefs from the tower where they were held prisoners, and gave them horses, and all things fitting for the journey, and sent his own son and other persons to guide them; and the other prisoners, who were about two hundred, he released also, and sent them to Amadis. When they arrived at the Monastery, they kissed the King's hand, who received them kindly and with good cheer. But when they saw Arquisil, neither he nor they could refrain from tears. Amadis courteously received them, and taking them apart without Arquisil, he said, good Sirs, I sent for you, that as things appear to be drawing to a happy end, ye might be present, being men of whom reasonably much account should be taken; and also to tell you, that I have Arquisil's promise to return to prison, at my discretion, as probably you have heard. But considering the lineage from which he is sprung, and his own nobleness, I resolved to confer with you, that as there is no other to whom the empire can of right belong, ye should take him for your Emperor, in doing which ye would do two things: first, ye would discharge your duty, by giving to the Empire so good a Knight, who is the right heir, and who would bestow great honours upon you; and secondly, as to what relates to your own captivity and his, for without delay ye should be at liberty to return into your own country, and I would always be your good friend as long as it pleased you; for I love Arquisil as though he were my own brother. Upon this the Roman Lords desired Brondajel of the Rock to speak for them: We are much beholden to you, Sir Amadis, said he, for this gracious speech. But this is a weighty business, and the consent of so many wills is necessary, that we cannot reply till we have consulted with the Knights who are here; for though little account may be made of them, yet in this, Sir, they are of great importance, for they possess cities, and towns, and fortresses, in the Empire, and many offices, which concern the election; if it please you, therefore, let us see Flamineo, and we will summon the rest in his presence, and then we shall be enabled deliberately to answer. Amadis upon this said, they had answered like good Knights, and he besought them that there might be no delay; incontinently those Lords went to horse, and rode into the town, which by this time was cleared of the dead, for King Lisuarte had summoned the people of the surrounding districts to bury them. Glad were they to see Flamineo, albeit the great misfortunes which had befallen them, made their countenances sorrowful. They told him what had past, and the chiefs of the Romans were forthwith assembled. Then, when they were all met, Brondajel of the Rock thus began: Honourable Knight Flamineo, you, and these our good friends, know the misfortunes which have fallen upon us, since first we came to this Island of Great Britain, by command of the Emperor, whom God pardon! of this I will not speak. We were prisoners in the Firm Island, and it pleased Amadis of Gaul to send for us hither, where he hath shown us great honour, and spoken to us at length saying, that as our Empire is now without a Lord, and the succession more justly appertaineth to Arquisil than to any other, it would please him if we would chuse that Knight to be our Lord and Emperor, and that he would then set us free, and become our faithful friend and ally; and so earnestly did he propose this, that it appeared to us he would rejoice if we did so with good-will, and that if we refused, he would employ his force to bring it otherwise about; for this cause ye are now summoned; and to me it seems that this which Amadis desires of us is what we ought most earnestly to have requested of him. For who is there, who either by his right, or for his courage, or for his virtues, deserves the Empire so well as Arquisil? Certes none. He is our countryman, brought up among us; we know his good disposition, and that we may ask privileges of him as our right, which a stranger belike would deny. Moreover, thus should we win the friendship of the famous Amadis, who, as when he was our enemy, he had such power to injure us, so being our friend, will he remedy the past with much honour and advantage. Now, then, Sirs, speak as you may think fit, having no regard to our captivity or tribulation, but only as reason and justice shall direct. Such influence have those things that are just and reasonable, that even the wicked cannot easily withstand them. But these Knights were men of much discretion and understanding, and though on such occasions there are often many discordant wills, they all agreed that what Brondajel of the Rock had advised was reasonable, and that what Amadis recommended should be done; that they and their Emperor might leave the land, in which so much evil had befallen them, and return to their own country. With this answer the chiefs returned to Amadis. Then all the chiefs and people of the Empire there present, being assembled in the church, they did homage to Arquisil as their Emperor, and he swore to maintain their privileges and customs, and granted them all the favours which they reasonably asked.
CHAPTER 37. When King Lisuarte had left his bed, and was sufficiently recovered, and all the other wounded Knights had been healed by the skill of that great master Helisabad, the King on a day summoned all the Kings and Chiefs of both armies to the church of the Monastery, and addressed them in this manner, Honourable Kings and renowned Knights, I need not call to your remembrance the things which have now befallen us, for ye also were present; and if an end had not been found to them, we also who are living, should have been among the dead. Leaving this then apart, and knowing the great evil to the service of God and to our own person and kingdom if they had gone on, I have detained the noble King Perion of Gaul and all the Princes and Knights of his army, that I may speak in their presence, and in yours. Then turning to Amadis, he said, Brave Sir Amadis of Gaul, it is not my custom to praise a man in his presence, nor is it your inclination to be praised; but I must call to the remembrance of these Knights all that hath passed between you and me, since you first abode at my court as the Knight of Queen Brisena my wife; these things were notorious to all, but they must see that I also acknowledge them, and that there is a good cause for the guerdon which I design to bestow. After you had defeated Dardan the Proud in my presence, and given me your brother Don Galaor to be my Knight, which was the best gift that ever yet was made to any King, I and my daughter Oriana were entrapped by the wicked Enchanter Arcalaus, and led away without any means of defence; for my Knights were all withheld by the word which I had given; so that she and I were in danger of death or cruel prison, and my kingdom in hazard of being lost. Then did you and Galaor, returning from adventure on which the Queen had sent you, put your lives upon the chance to help us, and we were both rescued, and our enemies slain or put to flight, and immediately after the Queen my wife was succoured by you, and Barsinan, the father of this Lord of Sansuena, defeated, who besieged her in our city of London; so that as with great treachery and imminent danger I had been taken, I was by you with honour saved, to the safety of my kingdom. Again, when the battle of the Hundred Knights on each side was appointed between me and King Cildadan who is here present; before the day arrived you rid me of the enmity of this Knight Don Quadragante, and slew Famongomadan and Basagante, the fiercest giant of all the islands in the sea, and rescued my daughter Leonoreta with all her ladies and ten of my bravest Knights, when all my power could not have saved them. In the battle, such were the Giants and Knights whom King Cildadan brought against me, that I could not have won the victory but for you, who slew with one blow the brave Sardaman the Lion, and with another delivered me from Madanfabul of the Vermilion Tower, who had disabled me, and plucked me from the saddle to carry me on board his ship. You then conquered that most valiant and renowned Ardan Canileo the Terrible, to the great honour of my court; for no where else could be found one, nor two, nor three, nor four Knights, who dared meet him in the lists. All this it may be said you were bound to perform, being in my service, and for your honour. I will, therefore, relate what you have done, since, by my fault, who gave ear to evil counsellors, rather than by yours, you left my house like an enemy. At that time when we were at the greatest enmity, you and the King your father, and Don Florestan your brother came to my help when King Aravigo with the six Knights and so great a power was come up against me, and chiefly by the power of ye three, though I had many good Knights on my part, I obtained such victory as secured my person and kingdom, in greater honour than before, though reasonably then because of our quarrel, you might have fought against me. And now at the end, I know that after the second battle, it was you who held back, whereby I and mine were saved from the danger in which we stood, as they all knew; of the last danger I need not speak, for the blood of our wounds is yet flowing, and the souls which we there let loose, have not yet had time to find a resting place. Now then, Sirs, what guerdon can be equal to such services? none but this, that reserving all my honours so long as I shall live my kingdoms, which have so often been protected by his hand, should be given him in marriage with my daughter Oriana; and that as without my knowledge they are already joined in marriage by their own consent, so now that I do know it, I acknowledge them as my children, and the successors of my kingdom. When Amadis heard the consent which the King had thus publickly given to his marriage, he knelt before him, and per-force kissed his hand, saying, All that you have said in my praise, Sir, might well have been excused; for considering the honours and favours which I and my lineage have received from you, we were bound to these and far greater services; for this, therefore, Sir, I will return you no thanks; but for the last favour, not the inheritance of your kingdom, but for the gift of your daughter Oriana, I will serve you while I live with more obedience and affection than ever son served his father, or vassal his lord. At that King Lisuarte right lovingly embraced him, and replied, and you also shall find in me the same love as in the father that begot you. All they who were present marvelled greatly that the King had so entirely laid aside his former enmity. Whether or no they were pleased, I may be excused from saying; and they asked one of the other, what the King might mean by saying, that Amadis and the Princess were already joined in marriage; as from the time she had been taken on the sea by him they had perceived no such thing, and far less before: but then the King called upon the holy man Nasciano to relate all, that they might know with what justice Amadis had rescued her from the Romans, and also that the King was without fault in delivering her up to the Emperor, being ignorant of her marriage; and that if Oriana had then plighted herself without her father's knowledge, great cause and reason was there that she should so do. The good man then related it over as he had done to Lisuarte in the tent. But when Child Esplandian heard who were his parents, it need not be asked if he were pleased or not! The Hermit knelt with him before both the Kings and before his father, and made him kiss their hands, and they gave him their blessing. Then Amadis said to King Lisuarte, Sir, as from hence forward, it will be my pleasure to do you service, so am I now constrained to ask favours of you; and the first is that you would be pleased to give your daughter Leonoreta to the Emperor of Rome to wife; and to beseech him to accept her, that we may be both your sons. The King thought it well to accept this alliance with Arquisil, and promised him his daughter, whom he was well contented to receive. King Lisuarte then asked King Perion if he had any news of Galaor, and King Perion told him how Gandalin had brought tidings that he was somewhat better. I tell you, quoth Lisuarte, that though he is your son, I do not love him less than as a son; if it had not been for these differences, I would have gone to see him in his sickness. I beseech you send for him, if he be in a state to come. I must go forthwith to Windsor where I have ordered the Queen to meet me; and for the honour of Amadis, I and the Queen, and my daughter Leonoreta will join you in the Firm Island, to be present at his marriage, and at the Emperor's, and we will see the wonders which Apolidon left there; and greatly would it please me if Don Galaor should be there, for I have long desired to see him. Agrayes then besought the King to send for his uncle Don Galvanes and Madasima and bring them in his company; this the King promised, and said that he would depart on the morrow and return as speedily as might be, that all the Knights and their people might return to their own countries; and it was determined that all the fleets should be made ready in the haven of the Firm Island, that they might depart from thence.
CHAPTER 38. Lisuarte took with him King Cildadan, and King Gasquilan, and all his people, and in five days arrived at his town of Windsor, being more chearful in semblance than in heart, for though he well knew that both his daughters were now honourable disposed, yet it was after he had been conquered, and the glory all appertained to Amadis; but he was now advanced in years, and grieved to behold so much slaughter, and as he had heretofore regarded so inordinately the glories of the world that he had forgotten the state of his own soul, so now he felt that God had justly thus chastised him. He took Esplandian by the hand, and led him to the Queen, who had already learnt all that had past from Brandoyuas. When he entered, the Queen knelt to him, and would have kissed his hand, but he drew her toward him and embraced her lovingly as one whom he loved with his whole heart; and while the other Dames and Damsels kissed the King's hand, Brisena took Child Esplandian, who was kneeling before her, in her arms, and kissed him often times, and said, O my fair and fortunate child, blessed be the hour in which thou wast born! and the blessing of God and my blessing be upon thee! The King of Sweden and King Cildadan then came and saluted her, and she courteously, as was her manner, welcomed them and the other Knights. By this it was supper time, and the two Kings and many other Knights, sate at table with the King, where they were plentifully served with various meats, as was the custom and beseemed the board of such a man. After they had supped, King Lisuarte gave order that these Knights should be lodged in the Palace, and he and the Queen retired to their chamber, and when they were in bed, the King said, Dame, if peradventure you marvelled at what you have heard concerning your daughter Oriana and Amadis of Gaul, so also did I, for certes any such thought was far from us. I am only grieved that we knew it not, for then all these deaths and losses might have been spared. But now that it is come to our knowledge there is no remedy but that Oriana should remain with the husband whom she has chosen, and setting aside all animosity, to acknowledge the truth, there is no Emperor or Prince this day in the world who can equal him; and Leonoreta will be Empress of Rome. You must therefore get ready, for I freely promised Amadis to do him honour, that we would go to him in the Firm Island, and there you must put on a chearful countenance, and forbear to speak of what has past. The Queen then kissed his hand, because he had thus controuled the pride and anger of his heart, and told him, she would obey, and that since he had two such sons, he should give thanks to God, notwithstanding the manner had not been according to his own will. So on the morrow they gave order for their departure.
CHAPTER 39. The history saith, that King Perion and his companions returned in good array as they had come; the Emperor always lodged in the same tent with Amadis, and slept in the same bed; and all his people, and tents, and accoutrements, were under the care of Brondajel of the Rock, as his High Steward, as he had been to the Emperor Patin. When they arrived at the Firm island, they found Oriana and all her company in the garden, so fair, and so richly attired, that it was a wonder to behold, and you would have thought that they did not look like earthly persons, but as if God had made them in Heaven and sent them there. The joy that they then had to see themselves met together again, in safety, and being now certain of peace, cannot in any manner be expressed. King Perion went first, and they whom it behoved humbly saluted him, and the others kissed his hand. Amadis led the Emperor to Oriana. Agrayes, and Florestan, and Quadragante, and Don Brian of Monjaste, went to Queen Sardamira, and Olinda, and Grasinda; Don Bruneo to his beloved Lady Melicia; and the other Knights to the other Princesses and Damsels. Then Amadis took Gastiles the nephew of the Greek Emperor, and Grasandor the son of the King of Bohemia, and led them to his Cousin Mabilia, and said, My good Lady, take these Princes and honour them: and she with that took them by the hand, and seated herself between them. At this was Grasandor greatly pleased; for as we have told you, on the first day that he saw her his heart was disposed to her love. Thus were all the Knights conversing with the Damsels as it pleased them, except Amadis, who greatly desired to speak with Oriana, and could not, by reason of the Emperor. So he took Queen Briolania by the hand, and led her toward him, and said to him, Sir, speak to this Lady and keep her company. The Emperor then looked round, for till now he had not taken his eyes from Oriana, and when he saw the Queen how fair she was, and also those other Ladies, how excellent above all others that ever he had seen, he said to Amadis, Truly, Sir, I believe that these Ladies were not born into the world like other women, but that the wise Apolidon made them by his great art, and left them here in this Island, where you found them; I cannot think but that either they or I must be enchanted, for if you should seek such another company in the whole world, it could not be found. Amadis at this embraced him laughingly, and asked him if he had seen no such company in any Court? Certes, he replied, neither have I, nor has any other one, except it were in the Court of Heaven. At this time King Perion, who had been talking with the fair Grasinda, came up, and taking Queen Briolania by the hand, said to the Emperor, Good Sir, if it please you, let you and I be with this fair Queen, and Amadis talk with Oriana, which I believe will be greatly to his pleasure. So Amadis then full joyfully went to his Lady, and seating himself with her apart, said, O Lady, with what services can I requite you, that by your consent our loves are now made known? Oriana answered, It is now, Sir, no longer time that you should proffer such courtesies, or that I should receive them. I am now to follow and observe your will with that obedience which wife owes to husband, and henceforward I desire to know the great love which you bear me, only by being treated by you, my Lord, as reason requires, and no otherwise. Of this then, no more; how is my father? and how does he brook all this? Your father, replied Amadis, hath a great heart, and though in secret he may feel otherwise, he appears well satisfied. You know he is to come hither with the Queen and your sister. Oriana answered, I cannot tell you the pleasure which my heart feels, and may it please God that all may be fulfilled as it has been agreed; for you may well believe, my Lord, that next to yourself there is no other person whom I love so well as him, notwithstanding his cruelty. But tell me, what think you of Esplandian? Esplandian, replied Amadis, in his manners and appearance is your son, and more cannot be said. I wished that the holy man Nasciano might have brought him hither, for he will soon be here, not chusing to come in so great a company, but the King your father desired he might be left with the Queen, and said that they would bring him with them. Thus they remained talking of many things till it was the hour of supper; then King Perion rose and took the Emperor by the hand, and they went to Oriana, and said, Lady, it is time that we should retire. She bade them do as it pleased them; so they all departed, and Oriana and her company remained wonderfully happy. That night all these Knights supped in the lodgings of King Perion; and when they had supped, the Joculars came in and made all manner of sports for them, till it was time to sleep, and then they all retired, except Amadis, with whom the King his father would speak. So when they twain were together in the King's chamber, Perion said, beloved Son, since this danger is so happily over, it now remains, that as you have shown yourself diligent in procuring the help of all these honourable Knights, so you should now display your sense of their services; and as you have now a wife, procure wives for them also, that they may partake the same happiness as they have partaken the same perils; for this end I leave my daughter Melicia at your disposal, that you may give her conformably to her virtue and great beauty; the same you may do with your cousin Mabilia, and I well know that Queen Briolania will follow no will but yours; with these there is your friend Grasinda, and Queen Sardamira, for the Emperor is here who may command them, if they chuse to marry in this land, where there is no lack of Knights, their equals in lineage and lordship. But remember that your brethren are now disposed to wive, that they may leave a generation to keep up the life and remembrance of their name; let this be done soon, for good works lose their worth by delay. On the morrow Amadis assembled all the Knights, and said to them, good Sirs, reasonable it is, that after the great perils you have undergone, and the great renown which ye have won, ye should now take your rest; it hath pleased God that by your help I have obtained what I most desired in this world, and so I would that ye should obtain what ye desire, if it be any way in my power. Therefore, Sirs, do not hesitate to tell me your loves and wishes, if there be any of these Ladies here whom you would have to wife, for as for their cause ye have endured so many wounds and dangers, it is reasonable now that ye should enjoy the Lordships which they possess. For this they all thanked Amadis, and without delay Agrayes said, he would take his Lady Olinda. Don Bruneo of Bonamar said, Amadis knew all his hopes were in Melicia. Grasandor said, that he had never surrendered his heart to any woman except the Princess Mabilia, and that he loved her, and desired her for his wife. Good Sir, quoth Don Quadragante, time and youth have hitherto prevented me from repose, and from any other care than for my horse and arms, but now reason and age invite me to another manner of life; if it please Grasinda to marry in this land, I will take her to wife. Then Florestan spake, it was my desire, quoth he, when these wars were over, to go into Germany, whereof on my mother's side I am a native, and see all my kinsmen there, whom I should now scarcely know; yet if I can win the good will of Queen Sardamira I may change my purpose. The other Knights replied, that their hearts were free, and that being young men they had not yet acquired enow honour, they therefore besought Amadis to divide the conquests among the good Knights who were now about to enjoy a life of more repose, and let them go seek adventures. Amadis then made answer, I trust in God, Sirs, that what ye thus determine is for his service, and will have his blessing; I will therefore thus allot the conquests. You Don Quadragante, who are son and brother to a King, and have no lands equal to your birth and deserts, shall have the Lordship of Sansuena; and you, my good Sir, Don Bruneo of Bonamar, shall have the Kingdom of King Aravigo with my sister Melicia, and the Lands of the Marquis your father may then devolve to Branfil. Don Florestan, my brother, shall have the Queen whom he desires, and besides her Island of Sardinia, the Emperor will, at my request, give you the Lordship of Calabria, which was Salustanquidio's. You, Sirs, Agrayes and Grasandor, will content yourselves for the present with those great Kingdoms which you will inherit; and I with this little corner the Firm Island, till it shall please God to give us more. At this they were all well pleased, and because to relate all that passed with respect to their marriages with these Ladies would be great prolixity, you shall only know that as the Knights had said, so said they also. The Emperor granted to Don Florestan what Amadis asked, and they were all espoused by the holy man Nasciano, but their nuptials were to be celebrated on the same day with those of Amadis and the Emperor.
CHAPTER 40. Amadis said to King Perion his father, Sir, it would be well that you should send for my lady the Queen, and for Don Galaor my brother, for whom I have reserved Queen Briolania, with whom he will be happy. King Perion replied, I will write to the Queen, and do you send whom you please with the letters: at that uprose Don Bruneo and said, I will undertake this voyage with my brother Branfil, if it please you; but then Angriote of Estravaus cried, you shall not go without me: then said King Perion, I consent that Angriote and Branfil should go, but not you Don Bruneo; for he would not be your friend who should separate you from your mistress. Don Bruneo smiled and answered, Though this, sir, is the greatest of all the favours I have received from you, yet will I go to serve the Queen my lady; for from thence will come satisfaction to all others. Be it so then, quoth the King; and would to God my good friend that you may find your brother Don Galaor able to travel. Sir, cried Ysanjo, he is well: there came some merchants here from Gaul, on their way to Great Britain, being afraid of the war, and I asked them for Don Galaor, they told me that he had left his bed, and was able to go about, though still weak. On the following day these three Knights embarked, and setting sail with wind at will, in short time they reached Gaul, where they were honourably welcomed by the Queen. But for Don Galaor, I tell you, so great was his pleasure when he saw them, that weak as he was he ran to embrace them, and the tears came into his eyes, and he said, O Sirs, and my great friends, when will it please God that I shall go again in your company, and bear arms once more? Be not grieved, Sir, quoth Angriote, God will fulfill your desire; but hear now the tidings of great joy which we bring. Then they related to the Queen and to him all that had befallen from the beginning, which when Don Galaor heard he was much disturbed, and said, Holy Mary! has King Lisuarte endured all this, and I not with him in the battle! now indeed, may I say that God in his signal mercy sent me this malady; for certes else I must have adventured myself to death in his service, though the King my father and my brethren were on the other side. Truly, if I had known this in my weakness I should have died for grief. Don Bruneo replied, it is better as it is, and more to the honour of all, that peace is made, as you will see; and you have gained fair Queen Briolania for your wife, who is now with Amadis: then they gave the letter to the Queen, which was to desire that she would come to join Queen Brisena and Oriana and all the great ladies, and be present at the nuptials. When the Queen had read this, being a noble lady and one who dearly loved her husband and her children, she blessed God for what had happened, and said, My son Don Galaor look at this letter and take courage, and go see thy father and brethren, and there you will find King Lisuarte with more honour to your lineage than he desired. Queen Elisena now gave order to prepare ships for her voyage; eight days the Knights abode with her, and then they all put to sea. So as they went along with fair weather, on the third day they saw a ship coming up at night with sails and oars; and they sent one of Don Galaor's Squires in a boat to know who was there. They answered him courteously, that it was a Dame going in great haste to the Firm Island: tell her then, quoth the Squire, that this fleet is bound thither, and that she need not fear to join it; for it carries such persons that she may well rejoice to go in their company. When the Dame heard this, she put out a boat also, and sent a Knight to know if this were indeed true. He came up to the ship and said, Sirs, by the faith you owe to God, tell me if the Dame in yonder vessel may come up to you safely; she is going to the Firm Island, whither the Squire hath said ye also are bound. Angriote answered, the Squire said true and the Dame may come safely; not only shall she receive no harm, but she shall be aided against any who would wrong her. God be praised! quoth the Knight. I beseech you tarry for her; you are Knights and will have great sorrow to hear what hath befallen her. Hearing this, that other ship made up to the Queen's vessel, which seemed the richest in its appearance, and a Dame came forth covered with a black mantle, from head to foot, and asked who went in that ship. Angriote answered, it was the Queen of Gaul going to the Firm Island. Sir Knight, said she, I beseech you by the virtue to which you are bound, devise how I may speak with her. That may presently be done, replied Angriote; come on board; she is a lady who will willingly speak with you, as she does with all who require it. When the Dame was before Queen Elisena, she courteously welcomed her, and asked who she was: at that she began to weep, and said, I was the wife of the King of Dacia, and in his company was I a happy Queen. By him I had two sons and a daughter; the daughter who was begotten for our evil fortune, we gave in marriage to the Duke of Suecia, a great lordship which borders upon our country. Now, the Duke being a young man and covetous of dominion, thought that as the King my husband was in years, and our sons but boys, the eldest not passing fourteen years, he might kill the King and seize them, and thus obtain the kingdom in his wife's right: and as he thought, so did he; for, coming under pretext of a visit to our court, and with a large train, as if to do us honour, the King my husband went out joyfully to meet him, and that traitor slew him with his own hand. It pleased God to save the boys; for they were behind upon their palfreys, and turned round and gallopped into the city and the greater part of their Knights with them, and there are they now besieged. At this season I was gone upon a pilgrimage to a very ancient church of our Lady, which stands upon a rock half a league out at sea; there was I informed of their unhappy fortune, and having none other remedy, I resolved to go to the Firm Island to a Knight called Amadis, who is there with many other Knights of great renown, and beseech them to have pity upon those young Princes, and not suffer them to be so wickedly slain; for if there were but some to encourage and lead the people, that traitor would not dare continue there. When Queen Elisena heard this, she took her hand and made her sit beside her, and besought her pardon that she had not at first honoured her according to her deserts. Since God hath brought you here, said she, you shall go in my company to the Firm Island, and there you will find succour, as all have found it who are in need. I have heard, replied the Queen of Dacia, how Amadis rescued the daughter of King Lisuarte when her father had disinherited her for the sake of a younger daughter, and delivered her up to the Emperor of Rome against her will; and this made me seek that blessed Knight, who is the helper of all that are oppressed. But then Angriote and his companions knelt down and besought Queen Elisena that they might go and revenge the great treason; for they were now so near the Firm Island that they might safely depart: this they obtained; and taking with them the Queen of Dacia, who who would needs go herself with them, saying, that her presence would be of great avail, they parted company from Queen Elisena. Queen Elisena and Don Galaor proceeded, and arrived safely at the Firm Island. When their coming was known, the King her husband, and his sons, and the Emperor took horse, and went with all the other Knights to receive her. Oriana also would have gone with all her company; but the King sent to request her not to take that trouble, saying, that he would presently bring the Queen to her. After Amadis had kissed his mother's hand, he embraced Don Galaor, and asked him how he fared; Better, quoth Galaor, and better I shall be, since the quarrels between you and King Lisuarte are at an end. So they proceeded toward the garden, and there Oriana was ready with the Queens and all her company in rich attire to receive her. When she went in, Oriana and the Queens Sardamira and Briolania hand in hand knelt down to her with that obedience which they owed to their true mother; and the Queen embraced them, and kissed them, and raised them up. Then came up Mabilia, and Melicia, and Grasinda, and all the other ladies, and kissed her hand, and led her to her apartment. When Don Galaor appeared, I cannot tell you the love which Oriana showed him; for, except Amadis, there was no Knight in the world whom she loved so well, both for his brother's sake, and because her father Lisuarte so truly loved him, and he had served the King so faithfully. Amadis took Queen Briolania by the hand, and said to him, Sir brother, I trust to you this fair Queen, whom you have seen heretofore. Don Galaor, without delay, received her, as one noways abashed at seeing women. Sir, quoth he, I hold it a great favour in you that you give her to me, and in her that she will accept me as her own. The Queen said nothing; but her face coloured, and became more beautiful. Galaor had not seen her since she went to Lisuarte's court to look for Amadis, when she was very young; but now she was in the perfection of her age and beauty; and so fair did she appear to him, that though he had seen and toyed with many women, yet his heart was never surrendered in pure true love to any but this fair Queen; and she on her part, knowing how excellent a Knight he was, transferred to him all the great affection she had once felt for his brother Amadis; so that they lived ever after the happiest and most honourable life that can be devised. When Queen Elisena had been thus received and lodged with the other Dames and Damsels where only King Perion was permitted to enter; for so it was determined, till King Lisuarte should arrive and all the marriages be performed in his presence; the Knights went to such pastimes as they liked best, especially those who affected the chace, for about a league from the island, on the firm land, there were the goodliest trees and thickets, which, because the land was kept well, were all full of venison, and wild boars, and rabbits, and other wild beasts, whom they killed with dogs and nets, or from on horseback. For hawking also, there were hares, and partridges, and water fowl; so that it may be said that in that little corner were collected the flower of all the chivalry in the world, and all the beauty that could be found upon earth, and all fitting sports and pastimes whereof you have heard as well the natural ones, as what Apolidon had made by his enchantments.
CHAPTER 41. So joyful was the Queen of Dacia for the aid which she had obtained, that it was some time before she asked the Knights who they were. Good Lady, quoth Angriote, so little will you know us, that the knowledge of our names will neither lessen nor increase your hope of help from us. These two Knights are brethren, the one is Don Bruneo of Bonamar, the other Branfil. Don Bruneo, by his spouse, is brother to that Amadis of Gaul whom you were seeking. My own name is Angriote of Estravaus. When the Queen heard that, she exclaimed, O good Sirs, now do I thank God that I have found you! for your renown is every where gone abroad. They who told me of the great wars between Amadis and King Lisuarte, told us also of the best Knights who were there engaged, and I well remember your names among the best. Thus they continued their voyage till they reached the kingdom, and then it was resolved that the Queen should remain on shipboard, till she saw what success they had; and they, taking their horses and arms and their Squires, and two Knights unarmed, who were in the Queen's company, to guide them, took their way toward the city wherein the Princes were besieged, which was a good day's journey from the shore, and they bade their Squires carry with them food and barley for the horses, that they might not enter any inhabited place. They rode on till evening, and then rested awhile upon the skirts of a forest, and gave their horses to eat, then mounted again, and continued their way, till about an hour before day-break they arrived at the camp. As covertly as they could, they reconnoitred it to see where was the weakest part, that they might break through; and having done that, they bade their Squires, and the two Knights, to use their endeavour, while they were fighting, to reach the town. Accordingly they three charged upon ten Knights whom they found before them; at the first encounter each overthrew his man, and they broke their lances, and then laid about them so manfully with their swords, that the other Knights, thinking they were attacked by a greater number, began to fly, crying out for help! Now, quoth Angriote, let us leave them and get to the walls; this they did; the uproar had brought some of the besieged to the ramparts, who knew the two Knights, and without delay opened a portal and admitted them. The Princes hearing the outcry, hastily arose, and when they heard that these Knights were come to their help, and that the Queen their mother was living, of whom before they had heard no tidings, whether she were alive or dead, they were greatly rejoiced, and the town's-people also took heart; so the Knights were lodged in the Palace, and disarmed, and then went to rest. Meantime there was a great uproar in the Duke's camp, the whole army were alarmed, and it was day before the tumult subsided. The Duke questioned the Knights, and they said they had seen about eight or ten horsemen, though they believed there had been more, and that they had entered the town; upon this he said they must be some of the country, and I will enquire who they are; and if I can learn, they shall lose their lands. He then bade the army disarm, and retire to their quarters.
After Angriote and his companions had slept awhile, they rose and heard mass with the young Princes, and then required them to summon all their people, that they might see what was their force. When this was done, they said it was enough to resist the numbers of the Duke, and they three took counsel together, and resolved, that when it was night an attack should be made upon the besiegers, and Don Bruneo, at the same time, attempt to escape on another side with the youngest Prince, and go to certain places in that district which were well affected, but had been compelled to supply the Duke's camp, because they saw their King slain, and that the Queen was fled, and the Princes besieged. Among them, it was thought, Don Bruneo might collect some succours, when they were encouraged by his presence, and the sight of the Prince; the which if he could do, he should make certain signals, and they would sally by night, while he at the same time attacked the camp. When the night was far advanced, Angriote and Branfil, and all the people of the town, sallied out, and Don Bruneo and the Prince went out on the other side, as had been agreed. Angriote and Branfil led the way along a lane between gardens which they had noted by day, and which led into the plain where the army was encamped. This plain was not guarded by day, but by night about twenty men were set to watch it; these they charged so hotly, that they soon overthrew them, killing some, and beating down the rest. Angriote and Branfil passed on, felling all those who came from the camp at the uproar, and thus they continued their way till they came out into the open plain. The Duke was now on horseback, and being enraged to see such confusion excited by so few enemies, he spurred at them, and his people followed so furiously, that it seemed as if the ground would split, so that the townsmen were dismayed, and fell back into the lane, and none remained in the field except Angriote and Branfil, who bore the brunt of all that multitude; and they, though they bestirred themselves well, and slew many, and even beat the Duke from his horse, were perforce obliged to retreat into the lane also, where they halted, for the place was narrow. The Duke, though he had fallen, was not wounded; he was soon remounted; and when he saw the enemies making good their ground, and that those two Knights resisted all his power, and maintained the pass, he cried out shame upon his Knights, that they let two men baffle them. With that, so many advanced with him, and made such an attack, that Angriote and his comrades, and their people, were driven up the lane some way, and the Duke thought he had won the battle, and that he might enter the town with them. So advancing like a conqueror before his men, sword in hand, he came up to Angriote, and smote him on the helmet, for which he received payment without delay. For Angriote, after he had seen how this man took the command, always had had his eye upon him, and now that he was in his reach, lifted up his sword and dealt him such a blow upon the helmet, as took away all his strength, and brought him to the ground at the horses feet. Then he shouted to his people to take him, for it was the Duke. He and Branfil immediately advanced and beat back the enemy; for as the lane was narrow they fought to advantage, as they could only be attacked in front. Meanwhile the Duke was taken; he, as he recovered, knew not in whose hands he was, but his men thought that he was slain, and retreated into the field. Then the two Knights forebore to pursue, being satisfied with the advantage which they had gained, and retired into the town. Their horses soon died of their wounds, and their arms were in bad plight, but they themselves had no great hurt. At the gate they found Prince Garinto, for so he was called, and you may imagine the pleasure he felt to see them safe, and the Duke a prisoner. Of all this Don Bruneo knew nothing, save only that he heard the uproar. There were only a few men on foot left on the side where he went out, for the rest were gone toward the place of battle. These men were without any to lead them, and he would not endanger the Prince by attacking them, but passed through them without hindrance, and thus they rode on all the remainder of the night, following their guide. When it was morning, they came in sight of a good town called Alimenta, from whence they saw two armed Knights coming towards them, and the guides told him they belonged to the Duke's party. These were they whom the Duke had sent to all the places round, to learn who had succoured the town, and to order more food for the camp. Look you to the child, cried Don Bruneo, I will see what kind of Knights they can be who follow so wicked a Lord. Then he made towards them, who thought he was one of the camp, crying out, defend yourself, ye bad Knights, who live with the traitor, for I defy you to death. At this they replied, you shall have the reward of your folly! we should have let you pass, taking you for a friend. With that they ran at him; all three brake their spears; but he whom Don Bruneo encountered, was driven to the ground so violently, that he could neither move hand nor foot. Sword in hand, Don Bruneo then turned against the other, and a brave battle ensued; but that other Knight was not of such force as was Don Bruneo, nor so practised in such dangers, and the blows fell on him so heavy, that he dropt his sword, and lost both his stirrups, and fell upon the neck of his horse, crying for God's sake do not kill me. Yield then! quoth Bruneo. I yield, he replied, to save my life and my soul. Alight then! this he did, but he tottered and fell. Don Bruneo made him rise;—go see if thy companion be alive or dead, and he went and unlaced his helmet; and when the other Knight felt the air it somewhat revived him. Don Bruneo then beckoned with his sword to the young Prince, for the guide had gone some way forward with him, distrusting the event of the combat. When the Child came up and saw what Don Bruneo had done, he was greatly amazed. Good Child, said he, order your enemies to be slain, though this would be but poor vengeance for the treason which their Lord committed against your father. The Child replied, but peradventure, Sir Knight, these had no part in that treason, and if it please you, we had better take them alive than slay them. This answer pleased Don Bruneo, and he thought that if the Child lived he would be a good man. He then bade the guide lay the one Knight who was stunned, across his horse, and making the other mount, they all proceeded to the town. Greatly did the townsmen wonder to see those Knights who had left them that morning, return in such a plight, and in this array were they carried along the street into the square, where the people soon collected, who, when they saw the Prince, they kissed his hand and wept, saying, Sir, if we dared put in execution what our hearts desire, or if we saw any hope, we should be ready to die in your service; but we know of no remedy, for we have no chief or leader. O men of little heart! quoth Don Bruneo, do ye not remember that ye are vassals of the King, this Child's father, and now also of the King his brother? how do ye now discharge the duty to which ye are bound, seeing your Lord slain by so great treason, and his children besieged by the wicked Duke his enemy! Sir Knight, replied one of the most honourable of the townsmen, you say truth; but we have had none to lead us on, and we are people who live more by our substance than by arms; but now that our Prince is here, and you to protect him, say what we are able and ought to do, and to the best of our power we will do it. You speak like a good man, said Don Bruneo, and it is reasonable that the King should well reward you, and all who will follow your opinion. I am come to lead you, and to die or live with you; and then he told them he was of the Firm Island, and in what manner he had come with the Queen. At this there was a great acclamation, and the people cried, there never was a Knight of the Firm Island who was not fortunate, since the famous Amadis of Gaul won it. Order us as you think good, and we will obey. Don Bruneo then thanked them for their good will, and made the young Prince thank them also; he then had the gates made fast, and said to them, go ye to your houses, and eat, and make ready your arms. I and the Prince will go to the next town, and return hither with such force as we can raise there, and then I will lead you in such manner, that if the enemy await us they shall be all destroyed; they have already enough to do, now such help is come to the King.
As they were preparing to depart at noon, two countrymen came to the gate in great haste, and bade the guards let them in, for they brought good tidings; so they were led before the Prince and Don Bruneo, to whom they related how the Duke had been taken, and that his army were breaking up in confusion; we, said they, are of a neighbouring valley, and had been to the camp with provisions; and seeing this, we came here, that the townsmen might be on their guard, lest these men should attempt to spoil them in their retreat. Upon this Don Bruneo summoned all the people to the great square, and he and the Prince rode among them, and made these countrymen repeat their tidings. Now, good Friends, said he, I will go no farther for succour, for we are enough, and great shame would it be, if we should have no part of this glory! and the townsmen all cried, as soon as it is dark let us set forth. He would fain have persuaded the young Prince to remain there in safety, but he would not forsake Don Bruneo. So as soon as it was night they set out towards the camp; and when they had advanced some way, made the appointed signal; the townsmen seeing it, knew that Don Bruneo had sped well: and they prepared to sally; but the besiegers seeing their fires kindled by night, and having lost their Duke, were in great alarm, and as fast as they could broke up their camp, and retired while it was yet dark, so that they had gone some way before their retreat was discovered; and when Don Bruneo came up to the camp, and they of the town on the other side, they found it deserted: howbeit they pursued them, and coming up to them at day-break made great slaughter, and took many prisoners, and returned with much spoil and great glory to the town. They then sent for the Queen. Who can tell the joy she felt when she came and saw her son safe, and her enemy a prisoner? Angriote and his companions then besought her leave to depart, that they might return to the Firm Island; but she entreated them to remain two days, that her son might be made King, and justice done upon that traiterous Duke in their presence. They replied, that they would willingly see the King crowned, but not the punishment of the Duke; he was in her power, and she might deal with him as she thought fit after their departure. The Queen then had a great scaffold erected in the square, covered with rich cloth of silk and gold; and there the Chiefs of the realm were assembled, and the Prince Garinto and the three Knights, and they brought the Duke, in such evil plight as he was upon a horse without a saddle. And the trumpet sounded, and the Prince was proclaimed King of Dacia, and Angriote and Don Bruneo placed upon his head a crown of gold, set with pearls and precious stones. Then were there great sports and rejoicings made for the rest of the day, to the great shame and sorrow of the Duke, whom all the people reviled; but those Knights besought the Queen to send the Duke away, or else they would depart, for they would not see such insults offered to any prisoner in their presence. Upon this the Queen remanded him to prison, seeing that it displeased the Knights. She now besought them to accept certain rich jewels; but they said they would take no reward for what they had done, only as they had heard that the greyhounds and spaniels of that land were excellently good, if it pleased her they would take some for their sports in the Firm Island. More than forty were then brought them, and they chose such as they liked best. When the Queen saw that they would depart, she said to them, my good friends, since ye would not take my jewels ye must needs take one which I value above all others in the world, and that is the King my son, whom ye shall present in my name to Amadis, that in his company he may be instructed in all good things that beseem a Knight, as God hath already abundantly provided him with temporal goods; and tell him that if my son should live to years sufficient, he shall receive knighthood more honourably from his hand than from any other living; and that for his own sake, and for yours, who have recovered me my kingdom, it is at his and your disposal. For this honour they thanked the Queen as she deserved, and without delay embarked, the Queen going with them to the shore; and on her return she had the Duke hanged, that all might behold what fruit the flowers of treason produce. They sailed on till they reached the Firm Island, and then sent to tell Amadis that the young King of Dacia was in their company. Amadis and Agrayes went out to meet him, and they courteously bade him welcome, and lodged him with Don Bruneo, till he should have companions suitable to his age.
CHAPTER 42. King Lisuarte, when all things were ready for his departure, set forth with Queen Brisena, and the Princess Leonoreta, and his High Steward King Arban of North Wales, and King Cildadan, and Don Galvanes, with Madasima his wife, who were now come from Mongaza, and other Knights; but King Gasquilan had returned to his own country. They travelled on till they came within four leagues of the Firm Island, where they rested one night. When Amadis heard that they were so near, it was resolved that all the Knights of the Island, and all the Dames and Damsels should go meet them two leagues out. On the following day the Knights therefore went out, and all the Queens, with Queen Elisena and their company. What dresses they wore, and what riches, and how their palfreys were caparisoned, memory is not equal to relate nor write; but neither before nor since was there ever such a company of Knights so highly born, and of such prowess, and of such Princesses and fair Damsels, assembled in the world. When King Lisuarte saw such a company, and coming towards him, he guessed who they were, and hastened to meet them, and he and King Perion and the Emperor embraced. Amadis was somewhat behind, talking with his brother Galaor, and when he came near the King he alighted, though the King called out to him to keep his seat, but he notwithstanding went up to him on foot, and kissed his hand per-force; and then went on to Queen Brisena, whose bridle Child Esplandian was leading, the Queen bent downward to embrace him, but he took her hands and kissed them. When Galaor, who was so weak that he could scarcely sit on horseback, came near, King Lisuarte went to embrace him, and they both wept, and the King held him thus for a while, and could not speak; some said, that this feeling was for joy at their meeting, but others thought it was for the remembrance of all that had passed, and for grief that they had not been together when their hearts so greatly desired it; you may assign it to which cause you please, but in either case it proceeded from the great love which they bore to one another. Oriana made towards the Queen her mother: after Queen Elisena had saluted her, and when her mother saw the thing in the world that she loved best, she took her in her arms, and if the Knights had not supported them they would both have fallen; and Brisena kissed her eyes and her face saying, O my child, God in his mercy grant that your beauty which has brought upon us such trouble and such dangers, may remedy all and bring about peace and happiness for ever more! but Oriana could only weep for joy, and made no answer. Queen Briolania and Sardamira now came up and took her from her mother's arms, and they spake to the Queen and all the other Ladies afterward, with that courtesy which was due to one of the best and most honourable Queens in the world. Leonoreta came to kiss her sister's hand, but Oriana embraced her and kissed her; and then all the other Dames and Damsels of Brisena's Court joyfully accosted Oriana, whom they loved better than themselves, for she was the noblest Lady of her time, and the most affable, and for that reason was she so beloved by all who knew her.
Thus is the meeting described, not as it was, for that would be impossible, but as is convenient for the order of the book. They now proceeded all together toward the Island. When Queen Brisena saw so goodly a company of Knights, and how they all looked to Amadis, he thinking himself the most honoured who was nearest him, she was astonished thereat, and though till now she had thought there was no household in the world equal to King Lisuarte's, she now thought that his Court was in comparison like that of a poor Count: she marvelled how a Knight who had nothing but his arms and his horse could have attracted such state, and though he was the husband of her daughter, yet could she not help envying him, desiring that power and dignity for her husband, and afterward for Amadis by inheritance; howbeit she concealed this feeling, and went with a cheerful countenance, though in her heart she was disturbed. Thus as they went along Oriana could not keep her eyes from Esplandian, and the Queen seeing this, said, Daughter, let this Child lead you. Oriana then stopped, and the Child came humbly to kiss her hand; she longed to kiss him, but was obliged to refrain now. Then Mabilia drew near him, and said, My friend, I must have a share of your embraces; at this he looked round with so sweet a countenance that it was marvellous to behold, and they went on with the Child between them, talking to him, who answered them so well, that they looked at each other, and Mabilia said, was not this nice food for the Lioness and her cubs? For God's sake, cried Oriana, do not remind me of that! His father, replied Mabilia, underwent no less a peril when he was in the sea, but God preserved him to be what you behold him, and in like manner has preserved the son to excel him and all others in the world. At this Oriana smiled from her heart, and answered, true Sister mine, you are tempting me to see which I would have the best! I will not tell you! only God make them each without equal in his time, as till now they have been. When they reached the Firm Island, King Lisuarte and Brisena were lodged in Oriana's apartment, and King Perion, and Elisena, and Sardamira, and Oriana, with all the brides that were to be, in the upper story of the Tower. The tables were spread under the covered walks in the garden, and supplied with such abundance of food and wine, and fruit, that it was a wonder to behold the plenty. Don Quadragante took King Cildadan to his lodgings, and thus did all the other Knights, each taking one of King Lisuarte's company whom he loved best. Amadis took for his guests King Arban of North Wales, and Don Grumedan, and Don Guilan the Pensive. Norandel went with his great friend Don Galaor. But the joy which Agrayes had to see his Uncle and Madasima cannot be related or imagined, for he loved and reverenced him like his own father; and he took Don Galvanes to his own lodging, and placed Madasima with Oriana and his sister. Child Esplandian had for his companion the King of Dacia, who was of his own age, and became his great friend. After the Knights had rested themselves two days, they began to give order respecting the marriages, that they might return each to his own land. So as they were talking together under the trees beside the fountain, of a sudden they heard a great uproar without the garden, and were told that the strangest and most dreadful thing was coming across the sea that had ever been seen. Immediately all the Knights went to horse and rode down to the Coast, and the Queens and other Ladies went up to the top of the Tower, and they saw the blackest and most fearful smoke upon the sea that could be imagined; presently the smoke began to clear away, and they saw in the middle of it, a serpent much bigger than the biggest ship in the world, his wings were more than an arrow's flight asunder, and his tail curled up higher than a tower, and the head and the mouth, and the teeth, were so huge, and the eyes so terrible, that none could endure to look at them, and that black smoke which rose as high as Heaven was the breath of his nostrils, and his snortings and hisses were so terrible, that it seemed as if the sea would have burst asunder, and he spouted the water from his mouth so far and so fiercely, that if any ship, how great soever, had come near, it would have been sunk. The Kings and the Knights, brave as they were, looked at one another, and knew not what to say, nor what resistance they could possibly make. The great serpent drawing nearer, flew round and round as if in mirth, and clapped his wings so loudly, that the rustling of the scales was heard for half a league around; at that the horses all took fright, so that the Knights having no power to curb were obliged to alight, and some said it behoved them to arm themselves; but while they were all thus amazed, they saw a boat let down from the side of the serpent, all covered with cloth of gold, and in it was a Dame, having on each side of her a child richly clad, upon whose shoulders she was leaning, and two dwarfs marvellously ill-favoured; and in this manner the boat came towards the land. Never trust me, quoth Lisuarte, if this be not Urganda the Unknown! When the boat came near, they knew it was she, for she manifested herself to them in her own natural shape, in which she was seldom, for, for the most part she assumed other appearances, seeming sometimes an old woman, at others like a girl. She landed, and approached to kiss the King's hand, but he embraced her, and so also did the Kings Perion and Cildadan; and then she turned to the Emperor and said, Good Sir, though you know me not, I know you, and shall be your friend, and you must remember me whenever you need my help, for though you may think my dwelling place is far from your country, it would be for me no labour to perform the whole journey in a day. Courteously did the Emperor thank her, saying, that he had gained more in gaining her good will, than by great part of his dominions. She then looked at Amadis, and said, I must not lose your embrace, noble Knight! though now you will regard little what such as we can do! Good Lady, quoth he, my will will always be to serve you for the great favours which I have received at your hands, but my power will alway be weak to requite them. Then having saluted her other friends, she proceeded to the garden gate, and there giving the two fair children into Esplandian's care, she went in, and was so well received as never other woman was in other place. She looked round, and seeing all that goodly company, exclaimed, O my heart! see what thou wilt hereafter, thou wilt feel it like solitude, after having in one day seen the best Knights in the world, and the fairest and most honourable Queens and Damsels that ever were born, and the truest love? So she besought leave of the Queen that she might be Oriana's guest; and there she was honoured of them as though she had been the Lady of all.
CHAPTER 43. Dragonis, the Cousin of Amadis, was not in the Firm Island when Amadis divided the conquests among the Knights, and gave them those Damsels in marriage; for he had gone from the Monastery of Lubayna with a Damsel to deliver her father, the which adventure he had happily accomplished, and being then near Mongaza he had gone thither, and was now returned to the Firm Island in company with Don Galvanes and Madasima. Now because he was so good a Knight, Amadis, who dearly loved him, took him aside, and told him, that he had learnt how the King of the Profound Island, who had fled from the battle of Lubayna sorely wounded, was since dead, and that he would give him that Island to be the King thereof, that the inheritance of his father might descend to his brother Palomir, and the Princess Estrelleta to be his wife. Willingly did Dragonis accept of this Princess and that island for a kingdom, though he had before determined to go with Don Bruneo and Quadragante, and assist in putting them in possession of their dominions, and he thanked Amadis as so good an offer deserved, saying, that he was ready to follow his advice, and at all times bound to his service. Amadis then asked of King Lisuarte the dutchy of Bristol for Don Guilan the Pensive, and the Dutchess, whom he had loved so long, for his wife; the which the King readily granted in love to Amadis, and for the desert of that good Knight; for this favour Amadis kissed the King's hand, and Don Guilan would have kissed his, but Amadis embraced him lovingly, like the man in the world who was more bountiful and gentle to his friends.
CHAPTER 44. The Kings now determined that the marriages should be celebrated on the fourth day, and that the feasts should continue fifteen days, after which they would return home. When the day was arrived, all the bridegrooms assembled at the apartment of Amadis, being clad in such rich and costly apparel as beseemed such personages upon such an occasion. They mounted their palfreys, and rode with the Kings and all their company to the garden, where they found the brides, all in rich array, and upon their palfreys also, and then with the Queens and other ladies, the whole company proceeded to the church, where the holy Hermit Nasciano was ready to say mass. When the ceremony and marriage had been performed with all the solemnities which the holy church enjoins, Amadis went to King Lisuarte and said, Sir, I ask a boon of you, which you will be nothing loth to grant. The King replied, I grant it.—Then, Sir, be pleased to command Oriana before it be dinner time to prove the Arch of True Lovers, and the Forbidden Chamber, for hitherto we have none of us been able to persuade her to the adventure, by reason of her great sadness. I have such confidence in her truth and beauty that I doubt not but she will enter without let or hindrance where no woman hath for a hundred years entered; for I saw Grimanesa's image, made with such cunning as she were alive, and her beauty is nothing equal to Oriana's. Our marriage feast shall then be held in the Forbidden Chamber. Son, replied the King, what you ask is easily done; but I fear lest it should disturb our feast; affection will often delude the eyes, and this may have been the case with you and Oriana. Fear not, quoth Amadis, my heart is assured that it will be as I say. The King then sent to Oriana, who was with the Queens and the other brides, and said to her, Daughter, your husband hath asked a boon of me, and it is only you who can perform it, I would have you, therefore, make good my promise. She knelt down, and kissed his hand, saying, Sir, I would to God that I could in any way serve you: tell me what it is to be, and if I can do it, there shall be no delay; then he raised her up and kissed her cheek, and said, before dinner you must prove the adventure of the Arch of True Lovers, and of the Forbidden Chamber; for this is what your husband hath asked. When they heard this, some there were who rejoiced that the attempt was to be made, and others who were fearful lest she should fail where many had failed, and thus be put to shame: so they left the church and made to the place beyond which none could pass who were not found worthy. When they reached this place, Melicia and Olinda said to their husbands, that they also would prove the adventure: thereat Don Bruneo and Agrayes were greatly rejoiced to see with what courage they would put their truth to the proof; but yet fearing lest it might turn out otherwise, they replied, that they were so well satisfied, that the proof need not be made. Nay, said the brides, we will attempt it; if we were elsewhere it might well be excused; but being at the place, it shall never be thought that we feared in our own hearts this proof. Since it is so, replied the husbands, we cannot deny that we shall receive from it the greatest joy that can be. Then they told King Lisuarte that these also would prove the adventure. In God's name! quoth the King. They all alighted; and it was agreed that Melicia and Olinda should enter first. They then advanced, and one after the other passed under the Arch without opposition, and went where the images of Apolidon and Grimanesa stood; and the figure which stood upon the Arch sounded his trumpet sweetly, so that all who heard it were delighted; for except they who had before heard the same, they had never heard so sweet sounds. Oriana then came up to the line of the spell, and she looked round at Amadis and her face coloured; then she turned and advanced, and when she was under the Arch, the Image began his music, and from the mouth of his trumpet showered down flowers and roses in such abundance that they covered the ground, and the sound was far sweeter than what had before been uttered, delightful to all who heard it, so that they would willingly have remained listening so long as it should continue; but as soon as she had passed the Arch the sound ceased. She found Olinda and Melicia looking at their own names which were now written in the jasper table: they seeing her joyfully went to her, and led her to behold the Images. Oriana looked carefully at Grimanesa, and saw that none of those who were without could compare with her beauty; and she herself began to fear, and would willingly have declined the adventure of the Forbidden Chamber; in that of the Arch she had had no fear, knowing her own heart and true love. Willingly would they have tarried longer, if they who were without had not expected them; so hand in hand they went out, so well contented and so proud of what they had atchieved, that their beauty seemed to have been brightened by the success. Their three husbands, who had before proved the adventure, went through the Arch to meet them, which none of the Knights could have done; and the trumpet sounded again, and again showered more flowers, and they embraced their wives and kissed them, and thus they all came forth together. This done, they proceeded towards the Forbidden Chamber, then Grasinda approached Amadis and said, Sir, though my beauty may not be such as to gratify my heart's desire, yet I cannot for pride forbear this trial; it never shall be said that this was atchieved, and that I had not proved it. Let come what will, I will adventure. Amadis, whose only wish was that all might prove it before Oriana, that her glory might be the greater, replied, Lady, I can only attribute this resolution to the greatness of your heart, which wishes to atchieve that wherein so many have failed; and he took her by the hand, and said, this fair lady will attempt the adventure, and so should you also Olinda and Melicia; for with such beauty as God hath given you, ye ought without fear, on so great an occasion to adventure it; perchance it may be accomplished by one of you, and then Oriana will be freed from the alarm which she feels. This he said; but in his heart he knew that none but Oriana could compare with Grimanesa's beauty. Grasinda then commended herself to God, and began her way. She reached the copper perron with little trouble, and went on; but when she was near the marble perron, she was opposed. Howbeit, discovering mere resolution than could have been expected from a woman, she held on, and reached the marble perron; but then she was seized without remorse by her goodly locks, and thrown out senseless. Don Quadragante took her; and though he knew there was no hurt in all this violence, yet was he greatly moved; for albeit, he was now not a young man, yet did he as entirely love his lady as any of the other bridegrooms. The gentle Olinda came next, led by Agrayes, who had little hope that she would succeed, notwithstanding his great love, for he had seen the image of Grimanesa; howbeit, he thought she could advance among the foremost. She reached the marble perron without let, but there the resistance began; and having only advanced one step farther, she also was cast out. Melicia then came on with good cheer and a proud heart, and she passed both the perrons, so that all thought she would have entered the chamber, and Oriana herself was dismayed; but when she had advanced one step beyond Olinda, she was thrown out, as if she had been dead, for they who advanced farthest were thrown out with most violence, as it had been done to the Knights before Amadis atchieved the adventure. The grief of Don Bruneo to see her in such plight moved many to compassion; but all they who knew that there was neither danger nor hurt laughed at his alarm. And now Amadis led on Oriana in whom all beauty was centered. She advanced with gentle step and firm countenance to the line of the spell, and there she crossed herself, and commended herself to God, and went on. She felt nothing till she had passed both the perrons; but when she was within a step of the chamber, she felt hands that pushed her and dragged her back, and three times they forced her back to the marble perron; but she with her fair hands repelled them on both sides, and it seemed as if she were thrusting hands and arms from her, and thus by her perseverance and good heart, but above all by reason of her surpassing beauty, she came, though sorely wearied, to the door of the chamber and laid hold on the door post; and then the hand and arm which had led in Amadis, came out and took her hand, and above twenty voices sung these words sweetly, Welcome is the noble Lady, who hath excelled the beauty of Grimanesa the worthy companion of the Knight who, because he surpasses Apolidon in valour, hath now the lordship of this Island, which shall be held by his posterity for long ages. The hand then drew her in, and she was as joyful as though the whole world had been given her, not so much for the prize of beauty which had been won, as that she had thus proved herself the worthy mate of Amadis, having like him, entered the Forbidden Chamber, and deprived all others of the hope of that glory. Ysanjo then said, that all the enchantments of the Island were now at an end, and all might freely enter that chamber. They all went in and beheld the most sumptuous chamber that could be devised; and they embraced Oriana with such joy as though they had not for long while seen her. Then was the feast spread, and the marriage bed of Amadis and Oriana made in that chamber which they had won. PRAISE BE TO GOD.
INDEX. VOL. IV. | Page | Here beginneth the fourth book of the noble and virtuous Knight Amadis of Gaul, Son of King Perion and Queen Elisena, which treats of his prowess and the great feats of arms which he and the Knights of his lineage performed. | CHAPTER 1. | Of the great lamentation which Queen Sardamira made for the death of Prince Salustanquidio | 1 | CHAPTER 2. | How by the choice and command of the Princess Oriana, these Knights carried her to the Firm Island | 4 | CHAPTER 3. | How Grasinda knowing the victory which Amadis had gained, adorned to go forth, accompanied by many Knights and Dames to receive Oriana | 7 | CHAPTER 4. | How Amadis assembled together all the Knights, and the speech which he made to them, and what they determined | 15 | CHAPTER 5. | How all the Knights were well contented with what Don Quadragante proposed | 19 | CHAPTER 6. | How all the Knights were greatly anxious for the service and honour of the Princess Oriana | 25 | CHAPTER 7. | How Amadis spake with Grasinda, and what she replied | 31 | CHAPTER 8. | How Amadis sent a messenger to Queen Briolania | 36 | CHAPTER 9. | How Don Quadragante spake with his nephew Landin, and told him to go to Ireland, and speak with the Queen his niece, that she might allow his vassals to come and serve him | 39 | CHAPTER 10. | How Amadis sent to the King of Bohemia | 42 | CHAPTER 11. | How Gandalin spake with Mabilia and Oriana, and what they bade him say to Amadis | 44 | CHAPTER 12. | How Amadis and Agrayes, and all the Knights of high degree, went to see and console Oriana, and the Ladies who were with her | 49 | CHAPTER 13. | How the news of the defeat of the Romans, and the taking of Oriana came to King Lisuarte, and of what he did thereupon | 55 | CHAPTER 14. | Of the letter which the Princess Oriana sent to Queen Brisena her mother, from the Firm Island | 63 | CHAPTER 15. | How King Lisuarte asked counsel of King Arban of North Wales and Don Grumedan and Guilan the Pensive, and what they answered | 75 | CHAPTER 16. | How it fortuned that Don Quadragante and Brian of Monjaste lost themselves at sea, and by adventure found Queen Briolania, and of what befell them | 83 | CHAPTER 17. | Of the answer which Don Quadragante and Brian of Monjaste brought from King Lisuarte, and what all those Knights resolved upon | 100 | CHAPTER 18. | How Master Helisabad arrived at the land of Grasinda, and from thence went to Constantinople with the bidding of Amadis; and how he sped | 103 | CHAPTER 19. | How Gandalin arrived in Gaul, and spake with King Perion, and of the answer which he had | 107 | CHAPTER 20. | How Lasindo the Squire of Don Bruneo of Bonamar, went with the bidding of his Master to the Marquis and to Branfil, and of what he did with them | 112 | CHAPTER 21. | How Ysanjo went with the bidding of Amadis to the good King of Bohemia, and of the good success which he met with | 114 | CHAPTER 22. | How Landin the nephew of Don Quadragante arrived in Ireland, and of the success he had with the Queen | 116 | CHAPTER 23. | How Don Guilan the Pensive went to Rome with the bidding of King Lisuarte, and of what he did in his embassy to the Emperor Patin | 118 | CHAPTER 24. | How Grasandor son of the King of Bohemia met Giontes, and what passed between them | 124 | CHAPTER 25. | How the Emperor of Rome arrived with his fleet at Great Britain, and what he and King Lisuarte did | 139 | CHAPTER 26. | How King Perion advanced with his people against his enemies, and how he arrayed his army for the battle | 149 | CHAPTER 27. | How when Arcalaus the Enchanter knew that all these forces were collected for battle, he in all haste called upon King Aravigo and his companions | 153 | CHAPTER 28. | How the Emperor of Rome and King Lisuarte went with all their force towards the Firm Island to seek their enemies | 158 | CHAPTER 29. | Shewing for what reason this Gasquilan King of Sweden sent his Squire with the demand which you have heard to Amadis | 174 | CHAPTER 30. | What befell to either party in the second battle, and for what cause the battle was put a stop to | 188 | CHAPTER 31. | How King Lisuarte sent the body of the Emperor of Rome to a Monastery, and how he spake with the Romans | 201 | CHAPTER 32. | How when the holy hermit Nasciano knew of this great quarrel between the Kings, he set about making peace | 205 | CHAPTER 33. | How the holy man Nasciano returned with the answer of King Perion to King Lisuarte, and of what was agreed | 224 | CHAPTER 34. | How when King Aravigo knew that the armies were separated he determined to attack King Lisuarte | 228 | CHAPTER 35. | Of the battle which King Lisuarte had with King Aravigo and his army, wherein King Lisuarte was conquered, and how he was succoured by Amadis of Gaul, he who never failed to succour those who were in need | 236 | CHAPTER 36. | How Amadis went to succour King Lisuarte, and of what happened upon the way before he arrived | 246 | CHAPTER 37. | How King Lisuarte assembled all the Kings and Chiefs and Knights in the Monastery of Lubayna, and told them the services which he had received from Amadis of Gaul, and the guerdon which he gave him | 275 | CHAPTER 38. | How King Lisuarte went to Windsor, and how he and Queen Brisena and their daughter resolved to go to the Firm Island | 283 | CHAPTER 39. | How King Perion and his troops returned to the Firm Island, and of what they did before King Lisuarte arrived | 286 | CHAPTER 40. | How Don Bruneo of Bonamar and Angriote of Estravaus and Branfil went to Gaul for Queen Elisena and Don Galaor, and of the adventures which befell them on their return | 294 | CHAPTER 41. | Of what happened to Don Bruneo of Bonamar and Angriote of Estravaus and Branfil, in the succour which they brought to the Queen of Dacia | 304 | CHAPTER 42. | How King Lisuarte and Queen Brisena and the Princess Leonoreta came to the Firm Island, and how those Knights and Ladies went out to receive them | 318 | CHAPTER 43. | How Amadis gave his cousin Dragonis in marriage to the Princess Estrelleta and made him King of the Deep Island | 327 | CHAPTER 44. | How the Kings were present at the marriages | 329 | Biggs, Printer, Crane-court, Fleet-street.
ERRORS. Page | Line | VOL. I. | 17 | 18 | for was read were. | 51 | 3 | for he read him. | 94 | 20 | for Lyons read Lyones. | 272 | 2 | for she could do more read she could do no more | | VOL. II. | 100 | 18 | for saw read seen. | 115 | 18 | for for God's speak read for God's sake speak. | 211 | 12 | for the blood read this blood. | 229 | 4 | for then blessed read then he blessed. | 240 | 3 | for unless miraculously read unless God miraculously. | 279 | 11 | for knew that I know read know that I knew. | 291 | 23 | for so dangerous, they esteem it read so dangerous did they esteem it. | 324 | 7 | for King read Knight. | 339 | 12 | love each truly read love each other truly. | 340 | 8 | vast read sweet. | | VOL. III. | 4 | 19 | for friend read friends. | 9 | 21 | for a full stop, place a comma. | 9 | 22 | for a comma, place a semicolon. | 17 | 23 | for to continue by sea read to continue thus by sea | 39 | 6 | for She Lady who wished read She, Lady, who wishes. | 79 | 8 | for beseech read beseech her. | 148 | 2 | for could read would. | 194 | 14 | for branded read bounded. | 287 | 6 | for Damsel read Damsels | 296 | 2 | for Damsel read Damsels. | | VOL. IV. | 105 | 5 | for has read had. | 212 | 25 | for brought, read brought about. | TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES Variations in spelling and hyphenation remain as in the original. The following corrections have been made to the text: Page 15: could he not but thoughtfully[original has "thonghtfully"] reflect Page 15: advice of Don Quadragante and[original has "aud"] of his cousin Page 45: Ah friend Gandalin[original has "Gandaalin"], said she Page 46: tell you how this may be["be" missing in original] brought about Page 53: told me this history of Esplandian[original has "Espladian"] Page 56: esteemed the greatest[original has "greatess"] Princess Page 68: It becomes Embassadors[original has "Embasssdors"] also respectfully Page 72: In[original has "in"] truth then I gained but little Page 97: went with Briolania to her chamber.[original has a comma] Page 104: Now then, said the[original has "he"] Emperor Page 152: Damsels of her company beheld[original has "heheld"] them Page 155: valiant giants that were ever in this world[period missing in original] Page 161: grievous for me to fulfil[original has "fullfil"] what you require Page 162: the King; but[original has "bnt"] I will receive Page 167: when he went to Oriana[orginial has "Orania"] at Miraflores Page 191: about to strike with the sword.[period missing in original] Page 243: mine shall befal to-morrow[original has "to-morow"] Page 246: that his Lady Oriana[orginial has "Orania"] might know that Page 284: gave order that these Knights[original has "Kinghts"] should be lodged Page 294: I have reserved Queen Briolania[original has "Briolanea"] Page 300: and asked him how he[original has "be"] fared Page 306: these Knights[original has "Knighs"] were come to their help Page 313: there never was["was" missing in original] a Knight of the Firm Island who was not fortunate Page 332: images of Apolidon and[original has "aud"] Grimanesa stood Page 332: in[original has "In"] that of the Arch she had had no fear Page 334: perchance it[original has "ti"] may be accomplished Page 345: Emperor of Rome to a Monastery[original has "Manastery"] Page 345: knew that the armies were separated[original has "seperated"] The corrections listed on the Errors page for Vol. IV. have been made to this text. |