Here beginneth the third Book of Amadis of Gaul, wherein are related the great discords and jealousies which were occasioned in the Household and Court of King Lisuarte, by the evil counsel which Gandandel gave the King, for the sake of injuring Amadis and his kinsmen and friends. Wherefore the King sent to Angriote and his Nephew, commanding them to leave his court and his kingdom, and how he sent to defy them, and they returned the defiance 1
How Amadis asked of his fosterer Don Gandales the news of the court, and how he and his companions departed for Gaul, and of the adventures which befell them in an Island where they delivered Don Galaor and King Cildadan from the peril of death 25
How King Cildadan and Don Galaor going their way toward the court of King Lisuarte, met a Dame, who had in her company a fair Child accompanied by twelve Knights, and how the Dame asked them to ask the King to make him a Knight, the which was done, and afterward the King knew him to be his son 43
In which is recounted the cruel battle between King Lisuarte and Don Galvanes and their people. And of the liberality and greatness which the King showed after his victory giving the land to Don Galvanes and Madasima, they remaining his vassals as long as they should dwell therein 60
How Amadis and Don Bruneo abode in Gaul where Don Bruneo was well content and Amadis sorrowful, and how Don Bruneo resolved to leave Amadis and go seek adventures; and how Amadis and King Perion and Florestan agreed to succour King Lisuarte 76
How the Knights of the Serpents embarked for Gaul, and fortune led them where they were placed in great peril of their lives by treachery, in the power of Arcalaus the Enchanter and how being delivered they embarked and continued their voyage; and also how Don Galaor and Norandel came by chance that way seeking adventures, and of what befell them 107
Showing how Esplandian was brought up by Nasciano the Hermit, and how his father Amadis went to seek adventures having changed his name to the Knight of the Green Sword, and of the great adventures which he found 134
How King Lisuarte going to the chace with the Queen and his daughters came to the mountain where the hermit Nasciano dwelt, and by what strange adventure he met a fair Child, who was the son of Amadis and Oriana, and how he took the child, not knowing him 157
How the Knight of the Green Sword after he had left King Tafinor of Bohemia, to go to the Islands of Romania, met a great company with the Lady Grasinda, and how one of her Knights called Brandasidel would have made him come before her by force 170
How the noble Knight of the Green Sword going to Constantinople was driven upon the Island of the Devil, where he found a fierce monster called Endriago 182
How the Knight of the Green Sword wrote to the Emperor of Constantinople to whom the Island belonged, telling him that he had slain the monster, and also of what things he was in need; the which the Emperor diligently procured for him and repaid him with much honour and love for the service he had done him in recovering that Island which had been so long time lost 203
How the Knight of the Green Sword departed from Constantinople to perform his promise made to the fair Grasinda, and how being about to go with her to Great Britain to fulfil her will, he chanced to find Don Bruneo of Bonamar badly wounded; and also of the adventure whereby Angriote of Estravaus found them, and they went together to the house of the fair Grasinda 223
How Queen Sardamira arrived in Great Britain with the other Embassadors whom the Emperor of Rome had sent to bring Oriana, and of what happened to them in a forest with a Knight Errant whom they treated with rude words, and the payment which he gave them for their discourtesy 241
How Queen Sardamira sent to Don Florestan requesting that, since he had left her Knights in such plight, he would be her guard to Miraflores whither she was going to speak with Oriana, and of what passed there 257
How the Knight of the Green Sword who was now called the Greek Knight, and Don Bruneo of Bonamar and Angriote of Estravaus came with the fair Grasinda to the Court of King Lisuarte, who had resolved to send his daughter Oriana to the Emperor of Rome to be his wife, and of what happened when they made their demand 270
How the Greek Knight and his companions led Grasinda and her company to the place of battle, where her Knight was to fulfill her command 288
How King Lisuarte sent for his daughter Oriana to deliver her up to the Romans, and of what happened with a Knight of the Firm Island, and of the ba

Biggs, Printer, Crane-court, Fleet-street.


Variations in spelling and hyphenation remain as in the original.

The following corrections have been made to the original text:

Page 1: the niece[original has "neice"] of Brocadan

Page 6: now speak your[original has "yonr"] embassy

Page 9: you are bound, in[original has "In"] the service

Page 14: they saw a great[original has "gaeat"] force

Page 19: and Madansil[original has "Madancil"] of the Silver Bridge

Page 21: part of the Castle-tower[original has "Caftle-tower"]

Page 23: found Count Latine and[original has "end"] Galdar

Page 25: the[original has "teh"] turmoil had been so great

Page 25: sometimes fair,[comma missing in original] at other times foul

Page 56: Damsel had no command over hers[original has "her's"]

Page 77: giant-like Devil ran[original has "run"] too fast

Page 77: Andandona the giantess[original has "giantness"] of the dolorous isle

Page 94: and Florestan[original has "Floreston"] were badly wounded

Page 96: one was called Brontaxar Danfania[original has "Domfania"]

Page 103: being right joyful[original has "loyful"] for the victory

Page 116: she would have kissed[original has "kisssed"] his feet

Page 132: forthwith[original has "forthwth"] they all went

Page 134: the hermit[original has "theher mit"] sent his sister

Page 136: he then gave him to eat what[original has "what what"] was proper

Page 137: that you[original has "yon"] need the service

Page 137: hath its courage doubled thereby.[period missing in original]

Page 150: and how well caparisoned[original has "aparisoned"]

Page 165: rose into his cheek.[original has a comma]

Page 167: delight of their hearts was so great[original has "greats"]

Page 181: with him Brondajel[original has "Broncadel"] of the Rock

Page 183: wherefore they were so terrified.[original has a comma]

Page 185: unhappy daughter determined[original has "dedermined"] to bring

Page 209: On[original has "on"] the morrow the Knight and Master

Page 211: What can this mean? said Gastiles.[original has a comma]

Page 227: their talk was at an end.[period missing in original]

Page 243: quoth Florestan, will I,[original has "will, I"] if I can

Page 248: he shook his lance[original has "ance"] threateningly

Page 251: bid him empty[original has "empt"] out the ink

Page 254: discourtesy and falsehood[original has "falshood"] would not find

Page 274: and Madansil[original has "Mandacil"] of the silver bridge

Page 275: here are a Squire[original has "8quire"] and Dwarf

Page 279: Ambor de Gandel,[comma missing in original] Angriote's son

Page 292: said to the King,[comma missing in original] I will let

Page 300: And Don Grumedan[original has "Grudeman"] cried out

Page 305: he humbly saluting her, said,[comma missing in original] Lady

Page 313: I can only pray[original has "pra"] to God

Page 315: when you have tried them.[period missing in original]

Page 315: and[original has "aud"] that it bore no mark

Page 316: Don Grumedan being between[original has "beween"] the other twain

The following errata page is found at the end of Vol. IV. The corrections listed for Vol. II. have been made to this text.

Errata page copied from Vol. IV.


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