
Variations in spelling and hyphenation remain as in the original.

The symbols at the end of lines in footnote [188:A] are asterisms.

The following corrections have been made to the original text:

Page 2: how the party had separated[original has "seperated"]

Page 5: Arcalaus and the others[original has "other"] ran at him

Page 9: but dexterously[original has "dextrously"] moved aside

Page 53: She answered[original has "ansswered"], A curse upon him

Page 65: I cannot forbear to pity.[period missing in original]

Page 69: and turned to Abiseos[original has "Abiseous"]

Page 94: in a higher niche[original has "nich"] than the other

Page 106: observing what secrecy[original has "secresy"] Amadis had chosen

Page 124: Tell me, said[original has "siad"] he

Page 127: two lions azure in a field or.[period missing in original]

Page 129: Say what you will, quoth Amadis[original has "Amaids"]

Page 139: he returned, and[original has "aud"] this morning

Page 159: there are strangers[original has "stangers"] here

Page 159: serving-men were carrying[original has "carrrying"] the sick Lady

Page 170: having no power to[original has "so"] speak

Page 188: I feel strange thoughts in me rebelling.[original has a comma]

Page 188: Queen Brisena, Oriana, Mabilia[original has "Mabililia"], and Olinda

Page 207: who always[original has "alway"] took this waggon with him

Page 211: then put on Basagante's[original has "Basangante's"] helmet

Page 230: but drew back greatly abashed.[original has a comma] Next was Briolania[original has "Briloania"]

Page 246: When Beltenebros[original has "Beltrenebros"] beheld that he exclaimed

Page 247: galloped after him[original has "him him"] sword in hand

Page 248: all rejoicing that[original has "that that"] Beltenebros was Amadis

Page 301: Florestan carried[original has "carcarried"] his lance

Page 301: his helmet he looked at[original has "look-at" split across a line break] his Lady

Page 330: Sir, of all your household[original has "houshold"]

Page 338: nothing more to apprehend to-night[original has "to night"]

Page 352: had hidden him in Brocadan's[original has "Brocadan"] house

Page 366: leave of the Queen and[original has "nd"] of Oriana

Page 377: CHAPTER 11.[original has "CAAPTER 11" without a period]

The following errata page is found at the end of Vol. IV. The corrections listed for Vol. II. have been made to this text.

Errata page copied from Vol. IV.


How Amadis and Galaor knew of this great treason and took counsel to procure, if they could, the liberty of the King and Oriana 1
How Don Galaor delivered King Lisuarte from the captivity to which they were treacherously leading him away 9
How tidings came to the Queen that King Lisuarte was made prisoner, and how Barsinan executed his treason, and how at last he was overthrown and the King restored to his kingdom 17
How Amadis came to succour the City of London, and what he did there 21
How King Lisuarte held a Cortes which lasted twelve days, at which great feastings were made, and of the many Chiefs and Knights who came there 29
Of the battle which Amadis had promised the fair child Briolania to perform against Abiseos and his two sons in revenge of her father's death 36
How Don Galaor went with the Damsel in quest of the Knight who had overthrown them, till he did battle with him 43
Showing how Don Florestan was the son of King Perion by a fair Damsel, daughter to the Count of Salandia 55
How Don Galaor and Florestan, going towards the kingdom of Sobradisa, met three Damsels at the Fountain of the Elm Trees 72
Here beginneth the Second Book of Amadis of Gaul; and because the great things which will be related in the Fourth Book concerning Amadis are all relating to the Firm Island, it behoves that in this second it should be related what this Island was, and who left those enchantments and the great riches which were therein 84
How Amadis with his brethren and his cousin Agrayes went towards King Lisuarte, and how by adventure they went to the Enchanted Firm Island, and of what befel them there 91
How Durin went with the letter of Oriana to Amadis, and how when Amadis had seen the letter he abandoned every thing in despair, and went to hide himself in the forest 105
How Gandalin and Durin followed the track of Amadis, carrying his arms which he had left, and how they found him, and how he did battle with a Knight and conquered him 113
Showing who the Knight was whom Amadis conquered, and what had befallen him before he was conquered 119
How Don Galaor and Florestan and Agrayes went in quest of Amadis, and how Amadis forsaking his arms and changing his name betook himself to a solitary life with a good man in a hermitage 126
How Durin returned to his Lady after having delivered her bidding to Amadis, and of the grief she made for the news 141
How Guilan the Pensive took the shield and armour of Amadis, which he found by the Fountain, and carried them to the Court of King Lisuarte 146
Relating how, Beltenebros being upon a Poor Rock, Corisanda came there in a ship in search of her lover Florestan, and of what happened, and what she said in the Court of King Lisuarte 153
How the Damsel of Denmark went in search of Amadis, and by adventure after much toil came to the Poor Rock, where Amadis was, who called himself Beltenebros 166
How Don Galaor and Florestan and Agrayes having gone a long time in search of Amadis and found no trace of him, came all disconsolate to the Court of King Lisuarte 173
How, when King Lisuarte was at table, there came in a strange Knight armed at all points, and defied the King and all his Court, and of what passed between him and Florestan, and how Oriana was comforted and Amadis found 183
How Beltenebros ordered arms to be made, and prepared to see his Mistress Oriana, and of the adventures which befel him upon the road 195

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