#Page_198" class="pginternal">198 Eye, 242 F Fallopian tubes, 254 Fasting, 215 Fear, 201 Fees, 291 Fever, 205 Fever center, 206 Fibrocartilages, intervertebral, 83 First appearance, value of, 277 Foods, 194 Foot, 257 Force in adjusting, 98 Freidrich’s ataxia, 331 Frequency of adjustments, 302 Furniture, arrangement of, 282 office, 278 G Gallstones, 331 Ganglion, ciliary, 243 Gasserian, 244 middle cervical, 247 sphenopalatine, 244, 246 superior cervical, 244, 246 Gastralgia, 332 Gastric ulcer, 332 Gastritis, 332 General adjusting, 303 Germ diseases, 185 Germs, 185 pathogenic, 185 Gland, thyroid, 247 prostate, 253 Glands, salivary, 246 suprarenal, 252 Gluteus maximus muscle, 256 Goitre, 332 Gonorrhoeal rheumatism, 332 Group method, the, 37 example of, 39 Gums, 245 H Habits, 15 Hay fever, 332 Headache, 332 Heart, 249 Heat-regulating mechanism, 203 Heel contact, the, 133 Hemorrhoids, 333 Hernia, 333 Hip joint, 255 History of case, 297 Hodgkins’ disease, 333 Hook support, 105 Hydrocephalus, 333 Hydrotherapy, 315 Hyperaemia, 202 Hypertrophy, 333 Hypothesis, chiropractic, 59 dorsal, 43, |