The receipt of a nice specimen of Camillea Cyclops from Rev. Torrend, Brazil, has induced us to work over the similar species in our collection. On our last visit to Europe we photographed the various specimens we found in the museums, but did not study them as to structure. However, they make such characteristic photographs that we believe the known species can be determined from our figures. We are all familiar with the common Hypoxylons that form little globose, black balls, usually on dead limbs, in our own woods. They have a solid carbonous interior with the perithecia imbedded near the surface. There have been over two hundred alleged Hypoxylons, mostly from the tropics. We have never worked them over, but suspect that a number of them from the tropics, when examined, will be found to be Camilleas. If the specimens were examined, no doubt "prior" specific names would be found for several of this list. In the old days all similar carbonous fungi were called Sphaeria. Montagne first received a section of Sphaeria with cylindrical form, from South America. The perithecia were long, cylindrical, and were arranged in a circle or were contiguous, near the summit of the stroma. He proposed to call it Bacillaria, as a section of Sphaeria, but the name being preoccupied, he, at the suggestion of Fries, afterwards named it in honor of himself, Camillea, Montagne's first name being Camille. The original species were separated into a genus by Montagne in 1855, and five species listed, and it is a curious fact that these five species, as well as all others that have since been added, are of the American tropics. I have not worked over the "Hypoxylons" in the museums, but as far as the records go the genus Camillea does not occur in other tropical countries. In 1845 LÉveillÉ announced that he had discovered a plant resembling an Hypoxylon which had, however, the spores borne on filaments (acrogenous), and not in perithecia. He called it Phylacia globosa, and classified it in Sphaerioidaea. The specimen (Fig. 847) is still at Paris. Saccardo has omitted it, and states that Phylacia is probably a pycnidial condition of Hypoxylon turbinatum. Both were guesses, one statement surely, and both probably, wrong. The interior is filled with a powder that under the microscope appears to be made up of ligneous filaments mixed with a few spores. These filaments appear to me to be the disintegrated walls of the perithecia, and not the "filaments that bear the spores." From analogy, at any rate, the spores of all these similar species are probably borne in asci which disappear early, and Phylacia seems to be the same genus as Camillea, the walls of the perlthecla disintegrating and forming a powdery mass. If this view is correct, Camillea can be divided into two sections. EUCAMILLEA.—Perithecia persistent. PHYLACIA.—Perithecia early disintegrated. SECTION 1. EUCAMILLEA.CAMILLEA LEPRIEURII (Fig. 826).—Carbonous, black, cylindrical, 2-3 cm. long, 3-4 mm. thick. Apex truncate, excavate. Perithecia linear, near apex of stroma. Asci (teste Montagne) linear, 8 spored. Spores (pale) spindle shape, dark, 6-7 × 25-35 mic. Fig. 826. Fig. 826. A most peculiar and apparently a rare species. All the specimens I have noted came to Montagne from Leprieur, French Guiana. Berkeley records it from Brazil, Spruce, but I think it has not been collected in recent years. Our figure 826 is from specimens in Montagne's herbarium, and these are three times as long as the specimen Montagne pictures. I saw no such short specimens. Patouillard has given a detailed account of the structure of the plant. The perithecia are arranged in a circle neat the apex of the stroma. The spores are spindle shaped (rather than caudate, as Montagne shows them) and 25 to 35 mic long. Patouillard claims that Hypoxylon melanaspis has same spores and structure, and is the pulvinate form of Camillea Leprieurii. It does not seem possible to me, but I can not say to the contrary. CAMILLEA BACILLUM (Fig. 827).—Stroma cylindrical, black, 1 cm. long, 1 mm. thick. Apex truncate, shown punctulate in Montagne's drawing. Spores dark, reniform. Fig. 827. Fig. 827. This is very similar to the preceding in shape, but is a much smaller species with different spores (teste Montagne). We have only seen the originals in Montagne's herbarium, from which our figure is made. The drawing given by Montagne represents the plant better than our photograph. Montagne records the species from Cuba and French Guiana. We think it a very rare plant. CAMILLEA MUCRONATA (Fig. 828).—Stroma cylindrical, black, 6 mm. long, 3 mm. thick. Apex with a prominent, mucronate point. Perithecia linear, contiguous, near the apex of the plant. Asci cylindrical. Spores oblong (M.) 3½ to 4 × 10 mic., colored.
This also is a rare species, only known from the original collection by Leprieur, French Guiana. Our photograph is from the type. In CAMILLEA LABELLUM (Fig. 829).—Plant short, cylindrical, about a cm. tall and thick, with a depressed disc. Perithecia contiguous, forming at layer beneath the disc. Spores (M.) fusiform, dark, 30 mic., long. I believe the plant is only known from the original collection in Montagne's herbarium, from Leprieur, French Guiana. It does not follow, however, that it is such a rare plant, but only that the plants of the region have been scantily collected. Our figure is a photograph of the types.
CAMILLEA TURBINATA (Figs. 830-833).—Plants obconic or turbinate, about a cm. tall and broad, growing in a dense cluster from a common, mycelial carbonous base. The summit is truncate, and marked with a raised central disc, which is thin and in old plants breaks irregularly. A section of a young plant (Figs. 831 ×6) shows the lower part composed of rather soft, carbonous tissue, the upper filled with a light brown powder, composed of spores mixed with hyphae tissue. In old plants the tops break in, the powder is dissipated, and there remains (Fig. 833) a bundle of carbonous tubes, the walls of the perithecia. Finally, these break up and disappear, leaving the upper part of the plant hollow. The spores are elliptical, 6-7 × 16-18 mic., smooth, light colored. The asci which disappear at at very early stage, are shown by Moeller as oval, each containing 8 spores. This is at common plant in our American tropics, and was named by Berkeley, as Hypoxylon turbinatum, but in a later paper he referred it to Camillea turbinata. It is compiled in Saccardo as Hypoxylon. I doubt not but that it was named Sphaeria caelata by Fries many years "prior." Spegazzini found it abundantly, and noting that it was not a good Hypoxylon, puzzled over it in two or three papers and finally also concluded that it was at Camillea. Moeller also "discovered" it, and although the common plant was well known in other centers, the rumors had not reached Berlin, hence he "discovered" it was a new genus, which he dedicated to his friend, Dr. Hennings and called it Henningsinia durissima. Fortunately, he gave a good figure by which his "discovery" could be interpreted. We have beautiful specimens from Dr. J. Dutra, Brazil, from which our figure was made, also we have specimens from Rev. Rick.
CAMILLEA CYCLOPS.—Plants short, cylindrical, or semi-globose, black, about 4 mm. in diameter, erumpent from a common mycelial origin, and distributed regularly over the matrix. They are produced at intervals of about ½ cm, and apparently never two
Fig. 835. Fig. 835. While this as probably not a rare plant in the American tropics, it appears to have been only known from the Leprieur collections sent to Montagne. We have recently gotten it from Rev. Torrend, Brazil, and the receipt of the specimens inspired this pamphlet. I notice on some of these specimens (not all) little protruding points that are similar to those that Montagne shows, near the apex of Camillea mucronata. These appear like abortive surface perithecia, but I do not find any clue to their nature, and I do not know what they are. Cyclops was the name of a giant in mythology that had but one eye in the middle of his forehead. Thus species has but one "eye," but it is hardly a giant. Fig. 837. Fig. 837. In the same paper in which Montagne lists Camillea Cyclops, he names and figures Hypoxylon macromphalum. I can not tell the photograph (Fig. 837) I made of the type from the photograph of Camillea Cyclops. From Montagne's sectional figure, the perithecia are arranged in the same manner, and the two plants are surely cogeneric and, I believe, identical. A close reading of Montagne's description discloses but one point of difference. He records that in Hypoxylon macromphalum the ostioles are prominent, and in a close examination of my photograph, I do note minute points on the disc that are absent from Camillea cyclops. Still I believe they are the same plant. SECTION 2. PHYLACIA.This might be made a genus, corresponding to Hypoxylon as to stroma, but having the stroma hollow and filled with a pulverulent mass. In reality, I think it is a better Camillea, the perithecia arranged the same way, not permanent, but broken up at an early stage. Of course, it is only an inference. LÉveillÉ states that it has the spores borne on hyphae (acrogenous), but I do not place much value on
CAMILLEA SAGRAENA (Figs. 838-840).—Plants oblong about 3-4 mm., stipitate or substipitate at the base, growing densely caespitose, in patches, black, smooth, the apices usually obscurely mammillate. Stipes usually short, but sometimes 6-8 mm. long, and when growing in clusters, the bases consolidated by a carbonous stroma. Interior of the receptacle in two compartments (Fig. 841 ×6), the lower filled with soft tissue, black around the edges, but white in the center. The upper compartment filled with a mass of spores mixed with a few fragments of hyphae. Spores narrowly elliptical, 6 × 12, straight, pale colored. Fig. 841. Fig. 841. In Cuba I made abundant collections of this species. It grew in patches from the thin bark, usually on the branches of a dead tree. I do not know the name of the tree, but I think it was only on one kind, one of the few softwood trees of Cuba. Camillea Sagraena is undoubtedly a common species in the American tropics. It has never been well described, and the white tissue of the interior lower half, which is a very rare occurrence in similar black, carbonous plants, has never been noted. A "new genus" might be based on this feature. It is quite fragile and the broken bases as shown (Fig. 839) are often all that remain of it when old. Camillea surinamensis as named by Berkeley from specimens from Surinam, type at Kew, is exactly the same species. Berkeley
CAMIILLEA BOMBA (Figs. 844, 845).—Plants globose, sessile, 4-6 mm. in diameter, black, smooth, without any disc. Dehiscing by irregular fracture. Stroma hollow on the interior (Fig. 846 ×6) filled with a brown powder, composed of spores mixed with abundant hyphae remnants of the perithecia and asci. Spores 6-7 × 10-12, elliptical, pale colored. Fig. 846. Fig. 846. This seems to be a frequent species in tropical America. I collected it in Cuba and have specimens from Miss Barrett, Jamaica, and L. J. K. Brace, Bahamas. The latter specimens grew erumpent from thin bark, and the broken bark forms a kind of cup at the base of the stroma. A thin, black mycelial stroma underlies the bark. Those I collected in Cuba were somewhat larger, and more irregular. Some grew in same manner, erumpent from thin bark and the broken bark forms a kind of cup at the base of the stroma, others on the naked, hard wood and grew more compact. In the latter case the black stroma at the base was thicker and more in evidence. There is no question but that Camillea Bomba is cogeneric with Camillea Sagraena, but the gleba of the latter consists almost entirely of spores, while in the former there is considerably more hyphae remnants than spores. CAMILLEA GLOBOSA (Fig. 847).—Plants densely caespitose, sessile, globose, black, smooth. 7-8 mm. in diameter. Opening by irregular fracture. Stroma hollow, filled with a brown mass of spores and hyphae remnants. Spores elliptical. LÉveillÉ named this from a specimen from Tolima, Columbia, South America. The type Fig. 847 is all than is known to me. LÉveillÉ spins a long story about it having spores borne on filaments, We have not examined any specimens of Camillea globosa, but suspect a section would show two divisions of the gleba, as in the next. In fact, with the exception of the stipe, it appears to be the same plant, and abundant collections may show them as only sessile and stipitate forms of the same thing. Fig. 847. Fig. 847. CAMILLEA POCULIFORMIS (Figs. 848 and 849).—Plants caespitose, stipitate, globose or obovate, smooth, black, 8-15 mm. in Fig. 848. Camillea poculiformis. Fig. 848. Camillea poculiformis. Fig. 849a. Fig. 849b. Fig. 849. The pulverulent mass is rather firm, and remains after the peridium breaks up. Camillea poculiformis was named Corynelia poculiformis in Weigel's old exsiccatae, about a hundred years ago. It came from South America. Years later Montagne published it as Hypoxylon poculiformis, and LÉveillÉ as Phylacia poculiformis. I can not trace it from Fries' writings, though no doubt Fries had it and doubtless named it. The old specimens of Weigel's exsiccatae are found in most museums of Europe, and all the publishing has been done on this one collection. I have a nice collection (Fig. 848), made by T. J. Collins in Guatemala. SPECULATIONS.The scanty knowledge we have of the real structure of this group of plants leaves much to speculation. They are all evidently closely related plants, and I think best classified under one general head, or genus, Camillea. They are quite different from the Hypoxylons of the temperate region, although we do not question that the tropical species are included in Saccardo mostly under Hypoxylon. When we come to compare what little we know of the species we find several differences on which "genera" could be based, and no doubt will be in time. In the original sense, Camillea might be restricted to the two cylindrical species, C. Leprieurii and C. Bacillum. Then we have the short, cylindrical or globose forms with persistent or semi-persistent perithecia, Camillea Labellum, C. Cyclops and C. turbinata with the intermediate species C. mucronata. The above will form one, or two, genera, according to taste. In the following plants we find no perithecia in the ripe specimens, hence of course they will in time be considered a genus. We believe there are two distinct differences between the few species we know, corresponding with the old ideas of Bovista and Lycoperdon in the puff balls. Camillea Sagraena and C. poculiformis, with two divisions of the gleba, a fertile and a sterile portion, and Camillea Bomba and C. globosa (?) with homogenous gleba. The species Camillea Sagraena differs from the other in having the fertile portion composed largely of spores (scanty in others) and in having part of the sterile portion of uncolored hyphae. Of course, it will form a "genus." Thus the genus Camillea can be easily divided into five "genera" and we make the suggestion for the benefit of those engaged in breaking up the old genera, and proposing new names to which to add their own. Who will rise to the occasion? |