Unique in its way, strongly embodying the name in its form. This Hat is particularly recommended to gentlemen (and many are to be found) who hold their understandings libelled by acting, thinking, speaking, or dressing like other men; but, it must be observed, that slender persons with dark countenances, and about the middle size, best become these Hats: for, however eccentric a man would wish to appear, by adopting any peculiar mode of dress, he never can hope to succeed unless nature has done a little for him; it follows then of course, that a tall or short man, if he be stout and well grown, with a fine open florid countenance, cannot cleverly become an Eccentric; but an agreeable contorsion of the eye, a trifling disagreement in the symmetry of the shoulders, or a slight bias of the body right or left, are indescribable advantages in giving full effect to this Hat, which may be worn a little on one side, with a gentle inclination over the eyes, unless they are playing at cross purposes, in the event of which it must be thrown quite back, to give effect to their playful humour. |