Adam, Miss, 111
Akpap, 108
Alice, 110 , 129 , 181 , 200
Anderson, Mr. and Mrs., 25 , 26 , 27
Annie, 53 , 99 , 130 , 176 , 181 , 200
Arnot, Mrs. (Miss Young), 154 , 204
Arochuku, 123 , 126 , 135 , 146
Aros, 122
Bowes, Mr., 192
Box from home, 102
Chapman, Mr., 140
Cook, Miss, 172
Court at Ekenge, 88 ;
at Akpap, 117 , 139 ;
at Ikotobong, 148
Creek Town, 42 , 95
Dan, 130 , 153 , 181 , 206
David Williamson, the, 101
Diary, extracts from, 186
Duke Town, 25
Edem, chief of Ekenge, 54 , 59 , 60 , 71 , 76 , 79 , 93 , (death) 109
Edisbury, Mr. and Mrs., 173
Egbo, 33 , 34 , 76
Egerton, Sir W., 157
Ekenge, 49 , 84
Eme Ete, 55 , 75 , 77 , 85 , 93 , 99 , (death) 178
Enyong Creek, 120 , 127 , 134 , 164
EserÉ bean, 73 , 77
Esien, 127
Fuller, Mammy, 201
Goldie, Mr. and Mrs., letter to grand-niece, 193
Gray, Happy, 111 , 195
Hippos, 23 , 125 , 165 , 167
Hogg, Miss, 40
Home for women and children, 160 , 204
Hope-Waddell Institution, 84
Ibibio, 122
Ikotobong, 144
Ikpe, 162 , 165 , 204
Itu, 127
Iye, 94 , 96
Janie, 32 , 39 , 40 , 42 , 53 , 83 , 96 , 98 , 102 , 106 , 111 , (portrait) 119 ,
129 , 153 , 176 , 177 , 200
Janie (sister), 41 , 42
King Eyo, 35 , 45 , 47 , 51 , 67 , 100
Leopards, 156 , 161 , (picture) 162 , 178
Livingstone, Dr., 10 , 19 , 88
Long juju, 123 , 126
Lugard, Sir F., 179
M'Crindle, Mrs., 111
Macdonald, Sir C., 107
Macgregor, Mr. and Mrs., 158 , 202
Mamie (Robertson), 158
Mana, 98 , 127 , 128
Mary, 92 , 98 , 111 , 113 , 129 , 181
Odoro Ikpe, 183 , 204
Oil ordeal, 58
Okoyong, 46 , 89 , 118 , 177
Old Town, 31
Onoyom, chief, 136 , 141
Orr, Christine G. M., 170 , 192 , 193 , 195 , 202
Ovens, Mr., 68 , 69 , 108
Peacock, Miss, 41 , 158 , 200
Ratcliffe (Edisbury), 173 -181 , 192 , 201
Scott, Mrs., Bonkle, 153
Silver Cross, award of, 180
Slessor, Mary, baptism, 1 ;
as a child, 5 ;
conversion, 5 ;
enters factory, 6 ;
father's death, 9 ;
study, 11 ;
teacher in Sunday School, 12 ;
offers for Calabar, 20 ;
leaves for Calabar, 22 ;
poem, 26 ;
first furlough, 29 ;
at Old Town, 31 ;
river journey, 35 ;
second furlough, 40 ;
in Devonshire, 41 ;
at Creek Town, 42 ;
goes to Okoyong, 47 ;
settles at Ekenge, 53 ;
builds a hut, 63 ;
and church, 65 ;
third furlough, 83 ;
Agent for the Government, 88 ;
care of children, 90 ;
removes to Akpap, 108 ;
fourth furlough, 110 ;
adventure with hippo, 125 ;
visits Itu, 127 ;
at Arochuku, 134 ;
settles at Itu, 140 ;
rides a bicycle, 144 ;
at Ikotobong, 144 ;
made Vice-President of Native Court, 147 ;
fifth furlough, 153 ;
goes to Ikpe, 164 ;
visit to Canary Islands, 172 ;
revisits Okoyong, 177 ;
awarded Royal Medal, 180 ;
at Odoro Ikpe, 183 ;
illness and death, 199
Slessor, Mr., 2 , 4 , 6 , 8
Slessor, Mrs., 2 , 3 , 6 , 8 , 10 , 18 , 20 , 39 , 42
Smallpox, 109
Susie, 95
Thomson, Mr., his scheme, 23 , 152
Twins, 28 , 32 , 43 , 93 , 94 , 96 , 98
Use, 140 , 152 , 156 , 161 , 167 , 199
War, the, 198
Whitie, 130 , 200
Wilkie, Mr. and Mrs., 158
Wilson, Miss Bessie, 41
Wishart Church, (picture) 2 , 12
Wright, Miss, 41 , 129 , 133
Young, Miss (Mrs. Arnot), 154 , 204
Transcription notes:
p 170. Period added at the end of the first sentence.
p xi. Period added after 1892 entry.
Both bare-footed and barefooted are used in the text. This has been retained.
Both bread-winner and breadwinner are used in the text. This has been retained.
Both egg-shells and eggshell are used in the text. This has been retained.
Both God-men and god-men are used in the text. This has been retained.