
The Advent Review & Herald of the Sabbath, weekly. This sheet is an earnest exponent of the Prophecies, and treats largely upon the Signs of the Times, Second Advent of Christ, Harmony of the Law and the Gospel, the Sabbath of the Lord, and, What we Must do to be Saved. Terms, $2.00 a year in advance.

The Youth’s Instructor, monthly. This is a high-toned, practical sheet, devoted to moral and religious instruction, adapted to the wants of youth and children. It is the largest and the best youth’s paper published in America. Terms, 50 cts. a year, in advance.

The Health Reformer. This is a live Journal, devoted to an Exposition of the Laws of Human Life, and the application of those laws in the Preservation of Health, and the Treatment of Disease. The Reformer will contain, each issue, thirty-two pages of reading matter, from able earnest pens, devoted to real, practical life, to physical, moral, and mental improvement. Its publishers are determined that it shall be the best Health Journal in the land.

Terms, $1.00 a year, in advance. Address. Health Reformer, Battle Creek, Mich.


Future Punishment, by H. H. Dobney, Baptist minister of England. The Scriptural Doctrine of Future Punishment, with an Appendix, containing the “State of the Dead,” by John Milton, author of “Paradise Lost,” extracted from his “Treatise on Christian Doctrine.”

This is a very able and critical work. It should be read by every one who is interested in the immortality subject. It is also one of the best works upon the subject to put into the hands of candid ministers, and other persons of mind.

Price, post-paid, $1.00.

The Voice of the Church, on the Coming and Kingdom of the Redeemer; or, a History of the Doctrine of the Reign of Christ on Earth. By D. T. Taylor. A very valuable work, highly indorsed on both sides of the Atlantic.

Price, post-paid, $1.00.

The Great Reformation, by Martin, 5 Vols., $ 7.00
D’Aubigne’s History of the Reformation, 5 Vols., 4.50
Scripture Biography, 4.50
Cruden’s Concordance, sheep, 2.00
“ ” muslin, 1.50
Bible Dictionary, sheep, 2.00
“ ” muslin, 1.50
Cole’s Concordance, 1.50
Prince of the House of David, 2.00
Pillar of Fire, 2.00
Throne of David, 2.00
The Court and Camp of David, 1.50
The Old Red House, 1.50
Higher Christian Life, 1.50
Pilgrim’s Progress, large type, 1.25
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Biography of George Whitefield, 1.25
History of English Puritans, 1.25
Story of a Pocket Bible, 1.25
Captain Russell’s Watchword, 1.25
The Upward Path, 1.25
Ellen Dacre, 1.25
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The Two Books, 1.15
Awakening of Italy, 1.00
White Foreigners, 1.00
Lady Huntington, 1.00
Young Man’s Counselor, 1.00
Young Lady’s Counselor, 1.00
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Bertie’s Birthday Present, .60
Songs for Little Ones, .60
Memoir of Dr. Payson, .60
Mirage of Life, .60
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Springtime of Life, .50
May Coverly, .50
Glen Cabin, .50
The Old, Old Story, cloth, gilt, .50
Poems by Rebekah Smith, .50
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Save the Erring, .40
Blanche Gamond, .40
My Brother Ben, .40
Hannah’s Path, .35
Star of Bethlehem, .30
Father’s Letters to a Daughter, .30

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