To mortal man the creation of the earth was a mysterious, miraculous work. "God said let there be light and there was light." To the uninspired the production of that light remains a supernatural manifestation of power. From that time to this the Creator has been the same wonder working God. The Mosaic dispensation opened up with mighty miracles in the land of Egypt. To Israel, for fifteen hundred years, the Lord God was a God of miracles. Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, well understood the power of the Priesthood as manifested in the history of his fathers, when he said to Jesus, "No man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him;" John 3. 2. The Jews had faith in miracles as a witness that a man was sent of God. "Many of the people believed on him, and said, when Christ cometh, will he do more miracles than these which this man hath done?" 7. 31. The Gospel dispensation, like the Mosaic, which preceded it, was one of miraculous manifestations. When Jesus sent out his disciples to preach the Gospel he said to them, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils; freely ye have received, freely give;" Matt. 10. 8. The Book of Mormon evidences that the Mosaic dispensation, among the Nephites, was also one of miraculous manifestations. The Gospel dispensation, among them, was preceded and ushered in, by miraculous wonders which involved the destruction of the wicked, and increased the knowledge and faith of those who had the testimony of Jesus. We have the testimony of the writings of Moses, of the prophets, of ancient Israel on both continents, of both Gospel dispensations as recorded in the New Testament and Book of Mormon, that the God of Israel, and of former day saints, was a God of miracles, of signs, and wonders. We have the testimony of many thousands of Latter-day Saints, that God manifests himself to them as he did to his people anciently. The Revelation of St. John assures us, that there will be many miraculous manifestations of the power of God in the last days. The sacred records everywhere evidence, that God is a God of miracles. No people can claim to be saints of the Most High without the testimony of miracles. At the same time there may be miraculous manifestations that are not of God, for in the latter times one of the beasts which John saw, will have power to do great wonders and deceive them that dwell on the earth; Rev. 13. 13, 14. John also saw the spirits of devils working miracles; 16. 14. The magicians worked miracles in common with Moses and Aaron, but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rod. Thus it will ever be. The devil may have great power over the elements, and over the hearts of men, but the Lord will come off conqueror. The elect will never be deceived for they will discern the difference between the two powers. Whoever is sent of God will work miracles in the name of Jesus, and no man can work miracles in the name of Jesus, "Save he were cleansed every whit from his iniquity;" 3 Nephi 8. 1-3. There are two classes of miracles. One, manifesting the power of God in the destruction of the wicked, the other a means of preserving, blessing, and confirming the saints in the faith. If there be no faith God can do no miracles; Ether 12. 12. The apostle Paul declared that the power to work miracles was one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit; 1 Cor. 12. 10. Hence we may conclude that this gift will be ever manifest where the Holy Ghost is conferred by the authority of the Holy Priesthood. Bible. Gen. 15. 17 a smoking furnace and a burning lamp passed between the pieces. 19. 11 the men of Sodom smitten with blindness. 24, 25 the Lord destroyed the cities of the plain. 26 Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt. Exo. 3. 2 the angel appeared to Moses in a burning bush. 4. 3 Moses' rod transformed into a serpent. 6 Moses' hand became leprous. Chapters 7-12 a history of the wonders which the Lord wrought, in the deliverance of Israel out of Egypt. 13. 21, 22 the Lord went before Israel in a pillar of a cloud by day. 14. 19, 20 the pillar of a cloud covered the Egyptians with darkness. 21-30 Israel passed through the Red Sea, but the Egyptians were destroyed. 15. 25 the waters of Marah sweetened. 16. 10 the glory of the Lord appeared in a cloud. 13-15 Israel fed on quails and manna. 23, 24 a double quantity of manna sent for the Sabbath. 17. 6 water brought forth from the rock in Horeb. 19. 16 thunderings and lightnings and a thick cloud on the mount. 18 Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke. 24. 15, 16 a cloud covered the mount six days. 17 the sight of the glory of the Lord was like devouring fire. 18 Moses was in the mount forty days and forty nights. 34. 28 Moses was in the mount forty days without food. Deut. 9. 18. 40. 34 a cloud covered the tent of the congregation. 38 the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and fire by night. Lev. 10. 1, 2 Nadab and Abihu destroyed. Num. 3. 4. Num. 11. 1-3 the fire of the Lord burnt among Israel. 31-33 quails sent into the camp of Israel and a great plague. 12. 10 Miriam struck with leprosy. 14, 15 healed of leprosy. 14. 37 the spies who brought an evil report died of a plague. 16. 16-35 Korah and company destroyed. Chap. 26. 10. 46-50 the Lord sent a plague among the congregation. 17. 8 the rod for the tribe of Levi budded. 20. 11 Moses smote the rock and the water came out. 21. 6-9 the plague of fiery serpents. 22. 28 the Lord opened the mouth of Baalam's ass. 2 Peter 2. 16. 25. 9 24,000 of Israel destroyed by a plague. Deut. 29. 5 the clothes of Israel did not grow old. 31. 15 the Lord appeared in the tabernacle in a pillar of a cloud. Josh. 3. 14-17 the waters of Jordan divided and Israel passed through. 6. 20 the walls of Jericho fell down. 7. 14-21 the theft of Achan discovered. 10. 11 the enemies of Israel destroyed by hailstones. 12-14 the sun stood still and the moon stayed. Judges 6. 21 fire consumed the flesh and unleavened bread of Gideon. 36-40 the sign given by a fleece of wool. 7. 6, 7 three hundred of Gideon's men lapped water. 14. 5, 6 Samson slew a lion. 19. 15. 14 the cords on the arms of Samson became as flax burnt with fire. 15 Samson slew a thousand Philistines with the jaw bone of an ass. 19 water came out of the jaw-bone for Samson. 16. 29, 30 Samson slew many Philistines at the time of his death. 1 Sam. 5. 4 Dagon falls and is broken before the ark of God. 6, 7 the men of Ashdod smitten on account of the ark. 9-12 the cities of Gath and Ekron smitten on account of the ark. 28. 11-14 the witch of Endor brought up Samuel. 2 Sam. 6. 7 the Lord smote Uzziah for taking hold of the ark. 24. 12-25 the Lord sent a pestilence on Israel, which destroyed seventy thousand men. 1 Chron. 21. 14. 1 Kings 8. 11 the glory of the Lord had filled the house. 2 Chron. 5. 13, 14. 13. 4-6 Jeroboam's hand dried up and restored again. 24 a prophet slain by a lion, for disobedience. 17. 6 Elijah fed by ravens, 14-16 the widow's barrel of meal and cruise of oil that did not fail by using. 21, 22 the widow's child brought to life. 18. 38 the fire of the Lord consumed Elijah's offering. 41-46 rain came in answer to the prayer of Elijah. 19. 6-8 Elijah fed by an angel, after which he fasted forty days. 20. 35, 36 a man slain by a lion for not obeying a prophet. 22. 20-23 the Lord put a lying spirit into the prophets of Ahab. 2 Kings. 1. 9-14 two companies, of fifty men each, destroyed by fire. 2. 8 the waters of Jordan divided, and Elijah passed through. 11 Elijah went up in a chariot with horses of fire. 14 Elisha smote the waters of Jordan with the mantle of Elijah. 20-22 the waters of Jericho healed by Elisha. 23, 24 forty-two children torn by bears, because they mocked Elisha. 3. 16-20 the armies of Israel and Edom supplied with water. 4. 1-7 the widow's pot of oil increased, so as to pay the debts of her husband. 32-37 the son of the Shumanite brought to life 38-41 the poison removed from the pot of pottage. 42-44 one hundred men miraculously fed. 5. 14 Naaman healed of leprosy by washing in Jordan. 27 the servant of Elisha cursed with the leprosy of Naaman. 6. 5-7 an axe floats in the water. 17 the servant of Elisha saw horses and chariots of fire. 18 the Syrians smitten with blindness. 13. 21 a dead man raised by coming in contact with the bones of Elisha. 19. 35 an angel of the Lord smote the Assyrians. 2 Chron. 32. 21. 20. 11 the shadow went back ten degrees on the dial of Ahaz. 2 Chron. 7. 1 fire came down from heaven and consumed the sacrifice. 20. 23, 24 the Lord destroyed a great army in defence of Judah. 21. 14-19 Jehoram smitten with disease of the bowels. 26. 19 king of Judah struck with leprosy for burning incense. Job 1. 16 the fire of God hath burned up the sheep and servants. Dan. 3. 13-27 the three Israelites delivered from the fiery furnace. 6. 16-24 Daniel delivered from the den of lions. Matt. 8. 2, 3 leper healed. 13 centurion's servant healed. 14, 15 Jesus healed Peter's wife's mother. 26 Jesus rebuked the winds and the sea. 28-34 devils entered into the herd of swine. 9. 2-8 a man sick with palsy, healed. 20-22 a woman healed of an issue of blood. 23-25 the ruler's daughter raised from the dead. 27-31 blind man healed. 32-34 devil cast out. 12. 13 withered hand restored. 15 the multitudes healed. 22 blind and dumb lunatic healed. 14. 14 Jesus healed the sick of the multitude. 17-21 the multitude fed on five loaves and two fishes. 25-27 Jesus walked on the water. 36 as many as touched the hem of Jesus' garment were healed. 15. 28 the Canaanitish woman's daughter healed. 30, 31 Jesus healed some blind and dumb of the multitude. 35-38 the multitude fed on seven loaves and a few fishes. 17. 14-18 Jesus cures a lunatic. 27 tribute money taken from a fish. 20. 30-34 two blind men restored to sight. 21. 14 Jesus healed the blind and lame in the temple. 19 the fig tree cursed. 27. 45 three hours of darkness at the crucifixion. 51 vail of the temple rent. 28. 2 a great earthquake. Mark 1. 23-26 unclean spirit rebuked. 4. 39 Jesus rebuked the wind and the sea. 7. 32-35 the deaf man healed and his speech restored. 8. 22-25 blind man received his sight. Luke 1. 20-22 Zacharias struck dumb. 2. 9 the glory of the Lord shone round about them. 7. 10 centurion's servant healed. 14, 15 widow's son raised from the dead. 21 many cured of their infirmities and plagues. 13. 11-13 the woman healed of a spirit of infirmity. 14. 2-4 man healed of the dropsy. 17. 12-14 ten lepers healed. John 2. 6-10 water turned into wine. 4. 49-53 nobleman's son healed. 5. 8, 9 the impotent man healed. 9. 6, 7 the blind man healed by washing in the pool of Siloam. 11. 43, 44 Lazarus raised from the dead. Acts 3. 6-8 a lame man healed. 5. 3, 10 Ananias and wife killed for lying. 15, 16 the sick of the multitude healed. 18, 19 an angel delivered the apostles from prison. 8. 7 unclean spirits cast out, and many healed. 9. 1-8 miraculous conversion of Saul. 17, 18 Saul receives his sight. Chap. 22. 13. 34 Eneas healed of the palsy. 40, 41 Dorcas raised from the dead. 12. 7-10 Peter delivered from prison by an angel. 21-23 Herod smitten by an angel. 14. 8-10 impotent man healed by Paul. 16. 16-18 Paul cast the spirit of divination out of a damsel. 26-30 Paul and Silas delivered from prison. 19. 11, 12 many miracles wrought by Paul. 20. 10-12 the young man restored who fell from an upper window. 28. 3-5 Paul received no injury from a viper on his hand. 8 Paul heals the father of Publius. 9. Book of Mormon. 1 Nephi 1. 6 a pillar of fire appeared before Lehi. 16. 10 the Lord prepared a director to guide Lehi in his travels. 17. 45 the Lord spake to the brothers of Nephi and the earth shook. 52-55 the brothers of Nephi dare not touch him for many days. 18. 12 after Nephi was bound the compass ceased to work. 21 compass worked in the hands of Nephi. Through prayer the storm ceased. Mos. 27. 11 the angel of the Lord spake to Alma and the earth shook. Alma 36. 7. 19 Alma became dumb. Alma 36. 10. Alma 8. 31 Alma and Amulek could not be slain. 14. 26-29 Alma and Amulek delivered from prison. 15. 6-11 Zeezrom healed through the ministration of Alma. 17. 36-39 through a miraculous manifestation of strength, Ammon saved the flocks of Lamoni. 18. 42 King Lamoni overcome by the power of God. 19. 1-12 miraculous conversion of Lamoni. 13-32 account of the conversion of the servants and wife of Lamoni. 22. 17-25 miraculous conversion of the king of the land of Nephi. Hel. 5. 20-52 Nephi and Lehi delivered from prison. Chap. 9. miraculous manifestations connected with the murder of the chief judge. 16. 6, 7 miraculous preservation of the prophet Samuel. 3 Nephi, Chapters 8, 9 and 10. an account of the destruction of the wicked on the American continent, at the death of Christ. 19. 25 the countenance and garments of Jesus exceeding white. 20. 3-7 miraculous furnishing of bread and wine for sacrament. 26. 14-16 tongues of the Nephite children loosed. 18 many saw and heard remarkable things. Chap. 28. account of the three Nephite disciples who were to remain on the earth. 4 Nephi 1. 30 the disciples delivered from prison. Ether 3. 1-6 the Lord prepared stones to give light in the Jaredite vessels. 8-16 the brother of Jared saw the Lord. |