
To the Elder or Saint who has studied the revelations of our Lord Jesus Christ, as given in the Doctrine and Covenants, by the light of the Holy Spirit, it is most abundantly manifest that the human family has departed, degenerated or apostatized from original methods in their secular or business concerns, as truly, and as extensively, as they have in their spiritual interests, or the matters of their religious faith.

Enoch instituted an order of things among his people, in their business and financial relations, which so revolutionized their temporalities, that they had no poor among them, and all rejoiced together in equal hope of the life and exaltation, offered to them in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten of the Father.

This very peculiar condition of things has been revealed to us under the style of United Order of Enoch, and it would surprise many who have given little attention to it to know how much is said in explanation and support of this doctrine in the Revelations.

We have thought that our little work could not be considered complete without a studied article, explanatory of this subject, but have concluded to give some references and citations, and invite the earnest students and scholars in the Church to investigate these great principles of social reform which have long puzzled the scientists and moralists of our age, which are worthy the efforts of our best minds, enlightened by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, and which God has promised to set in order in his Church, in his own time and in his own way.


Psalm 50. 5 gather my Saints together, that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice.

Matt. 19. 16-21 go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor.

Acts 4. 31, 32 but they had all things common.

35 distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.

Book of Mormon.

4 Nephi 1. 2, 3 they had all things common among them, therefore they were not rich and poor, bond and free.

16 there could not be a happier people who had been created by the hand of God.

24, 25 from that time they had their goods and substance no more common among them.

Doctrine & Covenants.

Sec. 19. 26 Martin Harris was commanded to impart of his substance, for printing the Book of Mormon.

34, 35 Martin Harris commanded to impart all his substance except sufficient for the support of his family.

42. 30 properties to be consecrated for the support of the poor, by deed and Covenant.

32 every man to be made accountable to the Lord, as a steward over his own property.

33 properties in the hands of the Church, or individuals, more than is necessary for their support, shall be kept to administer to those who have not.

39 the riches of those who embrace the Gospel among the Gentiles, to be consecrated to the poor of the house of Israel.

37 he that is cast out of the Church shall not receive that which he has consecrated to the poor.

51. 1, 2 must needs be that they be organized according to my laws, or they will be cut off.

3 appoint unto this people their portion, every man equal according to their families.

4 a writing given unto every man to secure unto him his portion. 5-7.

58. 35-87 Martin Harris to be an example unto the Church, in laying his monies before the bishop. This is the law to every man who would receive an inheritance in Zion.

70. 9-11 no man exempt from the law of consecration who belongs to the church.

78. 4 the order for the establishment of the poor to be everlasting.

5, 6 all to be equal in heavenly and earthly things.

11, 12 the Saints to organize by an everlasting covenant. He who breaks it to be delivered over to the buffetings of Satan.

82. 11 certain men to be bound together by a covenant not to be broken. 12-18.

21 the soul that sins against this covenant and hardens his heart against it, to be turned over to the buffetings of Satan.

85. 3-5 those who do not keep the law of consecration and tithing, shall not have their names enrolled with the people of God; their genealogy shall not be found in the records of the church, neither shall the names of the fathers or children be written in the book of the law of God.

104. 1 the united order to be an everlasting order for the salvation of men until Christ come.

4-10 the penalty of breaking the covenants of the united order.

11-13 every man's stewardship to be appointed unto him.

15, 16 the Lord will provide for his Saints in his own way.

54, 55 the properties of the Saints are the Lord's, or else is their faith vain.

105. 2 were it not for the transgressions of my people, they might have been redeemed even now.

4 are not united according to the law of the celestial kingdom.

5 Zion cannot be built up except by the law of the celestial kingdom.

9 elders to wait a little season for the redemption of Zion.

Pearl of Great Price.

Pages 18, 19, 20 an account of the city of Enoch.

See Sermon by B. Young, J. of D., Vol. 15, page 220.

" " " " " 17, " 56.

" " J. Taylor, " " 17, " 47.

" " G. A. Smith, " " 17, " 58.

" " W. Woodruff, " " 17, " 69.

" " E. Snow. " " 17, " 74.

" " O. Pratt, " " 17, " 103.

" " L. Snow, " " 18, " 371.

" " E. Snow, " " 19, " 179.

" " L. Snow, " " 19, " 341.

" " J. Taylor, " " 20, " 55.

" " L. Snow, " " 20, " 361.

" " J. Taylor, " " 21, " 53.

" " O. Pratt, " " 21, " 146.


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