

Abasines, of Mount Moriah, 220;
of Mount Sinai, 222;
of Fez, 325.

Abdeminoples, Mahomet sold to, 130.

Abydos, fortress on the Hellespont (Asia Minor) opposite Sestos, 112.

Achaia, district of Greece, situation of, 107, 108;
chief cities of, 108.

Adriatic Coast, cities and sea-port towns on, 33.

Adriatic Sea, marriage of the Doge and the, 36.

Ægean Sea, 98.

Æneas Silvius, Cosmographical Treatise of Europe by, 61.

Æneid, Virgil’s, quotation from, 108, 109.

Agamemnon at the siege of Troy, 98.

Ahetzo, M. Chatteline at, 326, 327.

Aiton, young, friend of Lithgow, 9.

Alcade, of Malaga, 392, 395;
and the Inquisition, 399.

Alcino, gardens of, 53.

Alcoran, or Koran, Mohammedan scriptures, 132, 135.

Aleppo, commerce of, 147;
Venetian consul at, 177;
Pasha of, 180;
comments upon, 181.

Alexandria, 285, 286.

Algiers, captured by Barbarossa (A.D. 1515), 317;
pirates of, 317;
slaves of, 317, 318;
comments upon, 316–319.

Allathya, the, of London, 154.

Allen, John, a Scotchman, 83.

Allen, Robert, panegyric verses of, xxvii.

Alps crossed, 9, 295.

Ambassador, Spanish, in London, false promises of the, 419.

Ancona, city of, 32.

Androsians, Themistocles and the, 98.

Angusa, comments upon, 85.

Antioch, ancient capital of the Greek kings of Syria, 176;
Christians at, 176.

Antiochus the Great, founder of Antioch, 176.

Antonio, Signior Marco, Venetian consul at Cairo, 267.

Apollo, temple of, at Delos, 85.

Arabia, kings of, 203;
boundaries and inhabitants of, 262.

Arabia Felix, 188.

Arabia Petroea, 188.

Arabs, wandering, travellers attacked by, 206, 231, 258.

Aragon, Peter of, and the Sicilian vespers, 346;
kingdom of, 384.

Arcadia, 62, 63.

Archimedes, 344.

Archipelago, Grecian, islands of the, 84 ff., 98.

Arethusa, fountain of, at Syracuse, 344.

Aristotle, death of, 103.

Armada, English, and the Moors, news of the, 406.

Armenians, caravan of, 182.

Armies, Turkish, 150.

Arran, island of, description of, 428.

Arthur, James, Scottish gentleman, 28, 32.

Asia Minor, comments upon, 154, 155.

Asisi, St. Francis of, 21.

Aston, Sir Walter, English ambassador to Madrid (1621), and the governor of Malaga, 417;
and the sufferings of Lithgow, 424.

Athens, 66–68.

Athos, Mount, Greek reverence for, 115.

Atodala, converted Jew, and Mahomet, 131.

Aughmuty, Mr. James, 15.

Authors, famous classical, 15.

Azamglians, compared to the Pretorian army, 149.

Babylon, journey from Aleppo to, 177.

Badgello, captain of the sergeants at Pestoia, knavery of, and Lithgow, 308, 309.

Bailey, William, native of Clydesdale, 369.

Bajazet II. and the Jews, 54.

Baldwin, King, tomb of, at Jerusalem, 238.

Balsam, garden of, at Cairo, 274.

Baptista, Jean, 253, 255.

Barbarossa and the Spaniards, 51.

Barbary, kingdom of, 287;
Turkish policy in (A.D. 1615), 318;
and the provinces betwixt Egypt and Gibraltar, 319;
women of, 320.

Basan, Og, king of, 204.

Beauclair, M., French consul at Cairo, and Lithgow, 268.

Beershacke (Birejeck), in Mesopotamia, 179.

Beglerbeg, or Bassa (Pasha), Turkish governor of Greece, 66;
Sofia, residence of Grecian, 66;
rules concerning the, 66;
of Damascus, 186.

Beglerbegs, Bassas (Pashas), number of, 150.

Beglerbergship, the, of Barbary, 331.

Berne, comments upon, 383.

Bethany, tomb of Lazarus at, 251.

Bethlehem, Franciscan monastery at, 246;
of Judea, 248.

Biscay, province of Spain, 383.

Bishops’ College of Malaga, priest of the, 407.

Bithynia, division of Asia Minor, 154.

Black Sea, 125.

Boniface III., Pope, 133, 134.

Books and observations, Lithgow’s, translated into Spanish, 407.

Bothwell, Earl of, at Naples, 294.

Bouillon, Godfrey de, tomb of, at Jerusalem, 238.

Boyde, Alexander, commendation of Lithgow’s history by, xxx.

Breda, ‘A True and Experimentall Discourse upon the beginning Proceeding and Victorious Event of this last Siege of,’ by William Lithgow. London, 1637, xii.

Bridge, Jacob’s, across the Jordan, 190.

Brioni, islands of, 41.

Brockesse, Master, English factor at Sidon, 199.

Browne, John, 309, 311.

Bruce, David, of Clackmannan, 304.

Bryson, Robert, printer, Edinburgh, xii.

Buda, 361;
recovered by Soliman II., 104;
beglerbeg of, 362.

Button, Sir Thomas, and the sufferings of Lithgow, 424;
letter from, to Sir Thomas Coventry, 425, 426.

Byzantium, see Constantinople.

CÆsarea Philippi, ruins of, 193.

Caffar, tribute, exacted by Arabs from Christians in Palestine, 201.

Cairo, commerce of, 147;
comments upon, 266–273;
consuls at, 267;
beglerbeg of, 268;
description of, 269 ff.;
commerce of, 271;
cosmopolitanism of, 271;
caves of mummies at, 274.

Caithness, Lord George, Earl of, 433;
lines to, 434–436.

Calabria, 309;
bandits in, 310;
peasant women of, 311;
Albanians fled to, 311.

Caligula, Caius, founder of Gallipoli, 114.

Caliph, see Mufti.

Calistha, birthplace of Calimachus, 85.

Calvary, Mount, beauty of, 237.

Camels, nature of, and dromedaries, 263.

Cana of Galilee, 193.

Canaan, 190, 191;
provinces and fertility of, 192.

Candia, 79, 80.

Candiots, or Cretans, character of, 73, 80, 81.

Canea, 73;
a Frenchman’s sad plight in the Venetian galleys at, 74.

Canes, wayside inns, 182.

Carabusa, Cretan fortress, 72.

Carmel, Mount, 199, 200.

Carmoesalo, Italian sailing vessel, 40.

Carnaro, Gulf of, 42.

Carre, Sir William, 15.

Carse of Gowrie, 431.

Carthage, rivalry between Rome and, 313;
subject to the Turks, 314.

Castriot, Captain George (Scanderbeg), 51.

Cataro, Gulf of, 49.

Cecrops, King, Athens supposed to be founded by, 67.

Cephalonia, island of, comments upon, 56, 57;
former names of, 56, 57;
situation and products of, 57;
subject to Venice, 57.

Champions, Greek, 65.

Charles V. and the Knights of St. John, 292.

Chatteline, M., in Algiers, 320.

Chelfaines, country of the, supposed earthly paradise, 175, 179.

Cheops, and the Pyramids, 276.

Chichester, Lord, 372.

Christian kings of Jerusalem, 217.

Churchmen, Turkish, 139.

Clyde, source of the, 430.

Clydesdale, the paradise of Scotland, 430.

Coffee drinking in Constantinople, 136.

Constantine the Great, founder of Constantinople, 118, 119, 120.

Constantinople, Christian slaves fled from, 113;
splendour of, 116;
comments upon, 118–152;
taken by the Turks under Mohammed II., 119, 120;
church of St. Sophia at, 121, 124;
hippodrome at, 121;
slave market, 122;
fires at, 122;
subject to pestilence and earthquake, 124;
commerce of, 147.

Copts, Egyptian Christians, 257, 272;
religion of, 273.

Coral, best, found in Sicily, 338.

Cordova, Don Francesco di, captain of Malaga, 392;
and the Inquisition, 399.

Corfu, island of, comments upon, 52–55;
inhabitants and governors of, 53;
fortresses of, 53;
former names of, 54;
products of, 54.

Cosmographical Treatise of Europe by Æneas Silvius, 61.

Coventry, Sir Thomas, 424.

Cracow, Scots merchants at, 367.

Crete (Candia), Turkish island in the Mediterranean, comments upon, 70–83;
its products, rivers, and ancient cities, 71;
harvest time in, 81.

Croatia, comments upon, 42, 43.

Crocodile of the Nile, account of the killing of by a Venetian merchant, 277.

Croesus, King, 155.

Crub (crib), description of Christ’s, at Bethlehem, 246.

Currants, great trade in, with England, 58.

Cursola, island of, 49.

Customs, Moorish, 324.

Cyclades and Sporades, see Archipelago.

Cypress trees of Mount Ida, 78.

Cyprus, comments upon, 163–169;
inhabitants of, 163, 165;
products of, 164;
minerals found in, 165;
climate, 165;
recolonisation of, 165;
history of, 166;
conquered by the Turks, 167.

Cyrene, comments upon, 287–289.

Dacia, provinces of, 51.

Dalmatia, comments upon, 44, 45;
provinces of, 45.

Damascus, Georgians’ paradise, 174;
pasha, or beglerbeg of, 181, 186;
comments upon, 182–189;
capital of Syria, 184;
Turkish belief concerning, 184, 185;
antiquity of, 185.

Danser, Captain, Flemish pirate, and the Moors, 334, 335.

Danzig, 369.

David, King, ruins of the palace of, 249.

Dead Sea, 226, 227, 228;
apple, 228.

Dedalus, labyrinth of, in Crete, 78.

Delta of the Nile, 281, 284.

Demetrius, King, birthplace of, 48.

Desert, comments upon the, 259–264;
Turkish castles in the, 258 ff.;
towns, 261.

Dionysius, tyrant of Syracuse, 310.

Doctor, Jewish, at Cairo, 268.

Dominicans in Jerusalem, 241.

Don John of Austria and the battle of Lepanto, 59;
death of, 60.

Douglas, Matthew, at Messina, 348.

Douglas, William, made a knight of Malta, 291;
remains at Malta, 337.

Drinks, Turkish, 136.

Dromedary, 263.

Dumbarton Castle compared to the fortress of Carabusa in Crete, 72.

Duncansbay Head, 436.

Dungeon, Lithgow’s, at Malaga, 396, 398, 405.

Eden, village of, on Mount Lebanon, 173;
Nestorians’ paradise, 173;
Garden of, 173, 174.

Egypt, fruitfulness of, 273;
comments upon, 275–283;
kings of, 282, 283;
a Turkish province, 283;
revenues of, 284.

Elizeus, Elisha, fountain of, 232.

Emperors, Roman and Grecian, in the east and west, summary of, 142, 143.

Ephesus, decayed, 156;
temple of Diana at, 156.

Epirus, comments upon, 51, 52;
birthplace of King Pyrrhus, 51;
rivers of, 52;
Laerto, chief town of, 52.

Epistle Dedicatory, the, to Charles I., xvii.

Escurial, palace of, description of, 386;
built by Philip II., 387.

Etna, Mount, 342, 343;
and mythology, 344.

Factors, English, at Malaga, 417.

Ferdinand, Emperor of Austria, A.D. 1616, 42.

Ferdinand, Duke, of Florence, and the invasion of Scios, 93, 94;
attempted conquest of Cyprus by, 167;
sea-fight between, and Turks, 168.

Fez, comments upon, 321, 325;
city of, compared to Granada, 321;
public buildings of, 322;
dress of the people of, 322;
seats of justice at, 323;
Mohammedan colleges at, 323;
divisions of, 323;
mosques of, 323, 324.

Fez, Modell of the Great City of, 322.

Fleet, English, at Malaga, 390, 391;
Lithgow and, 391;
intentions of the, 393.

Florence, patrimony of the Duke of, 22.

Flying fish, 288.

Fountains, curious, in Crete, 79.

France, comments upon, 297–301, 381, 382.

Franciscans in Jerusalem, 241.

French and Spaniards, comparison between, 346.

Frenchmen, four, death of, 287.

Friars of Candia, 83.

Frigate, Moorish (slaver), 341.

Fruits of Crete, 71, 77.

Galetto, Turkish garrison at, 314.

Galilee, 190.

Galleys, French, at Puteoli, 352, 353;
Neapolitan, 349.

Gallipoli, castles of, 113;
seaport of Turkey, 114.

Galloway, commodities of, 428.

Gaza, 257, 258.

Geneva, Lake, 307.

Germans, three, death of, in the desert, 260, 261;
three, death of, at Cairo, 267;
money left by, 267, 277.

Germany, comments upon, 305.

Gib, George, and the French galleys, 353.

Glover, Sir Thomas, and the death of the English consul at Patras, 60;
British ambassador to Constantinople, 116;
and the Duke of Moldavia, 126;
good deeds of, 126;
short account of, 127;
his kindness to Lithgow, 153;
at Constantinople, 365.

Goatfell, in Arran, 428.

Goodwill, the, of Harwich, 417.

Gradisca, town in Austria, 360.

Graham, Mr. George, and St. Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall, 437.

Graham, Simeon, Lithgow’s cousin, 355, 360.

Grahame, Alison, mother of William Lithgow, ix.

Granada, and the Moors, 389;
and Ferdinand and Isabella, 390;
and Charles V., 390;
Spanish cavalier of, and his Flemish servant at Malaga, 416.

Grand Cairo, see Cairo.

Grandison, Lord, 372.

Great Turk, beglerbegs of, in Africa, 332.

Greece, comments upon, 60–69;
despoiled by the Turks, 65;
government of, 66;
vicissitudes of, 104, 105.

Greek Church, patriarchs in the, 105.

Greeks, first converted Christians of the Gentiles, 105;
vagabond, 106.

Grey Friars of Jerusalem, 209.

Grotto di Cane, Lithgow in the, 353.

Hamilton, Marquis of, and Lithgow, 427.

Hannay, Patrick, panegyric verses of, xxv.

Hannibal’s war with Rome, 46.

Hanspauch (Anspach), Marquesse of, and the death of the German pilgrims, 305.

Hargrave, Thomas, English soldier in Canea, 75, 82.

Harvests, Egyptian, 266.

Hawkins, Sir Richard, and the governor of Malaga, 406;
with his squadron at Malaga, 417;
and Lithgow, 418.

Hay, Monsieur, of Smithfield, friend of Lithgow, 9.

Hazier, a Turkish slave, 397, 398, 406;
charity of, 413.

Hebrides, 438.

Helen, Saint, and the Holy Sepulchre, 236;
and the cross, 238.

Hellespont, derivation of, 115.

Hepburn, Captain George, at Naples, 294.

Hephestia, birthplace of Vulcan, 87.

Heraclius and Mahomet, 135.

Heragenes, or Æthiopian negroes, 326.

Hercules, temple of, in Malta, 336.

Hexamite, famous Grecian wall, 61.

Hills, Jerusalem’s four, 213.

History of Crete, 71.

Hoggeis, holy men, 135.

Holy Land, 192;
seaports of the, 205.

Holy Sepulchre, at Jerusalem, 235;
exaction of tribute from pilgrims to the, 235;
description of, 236;
decorations of the chapel, 237;
form of the quire, 236, 237;
religious families of the church of the, 239;
ceremonies in connection with, 240;
Knights of the Holy Grave, 242.

Homer, sepulchre of, in Scios, 91.

Hungarians, 362;
character of, 363.

Hungary, fight between Turks and Christians in, 46;
comments upon, 361–365;
special towns of, 361;
beglerbegships of, 362;
fertility of, 362, 363.

Huns, Hungarians descendants of, 362.

Huttonhall, young, friend of Lithgow, 9.

Idumea (Edom), comments upon, 257.

Incubation in Tunis (A.D. 1616), 334.

India, nearer passage to, Eastern monarchs and the, 263.

Inquisition, Spanish, 407 ff.;
condemnation to death by the, 413.

Inquisitor of Malaga, Lithgow and the, 407, 408, 409;
fury of the, 410.

Ireland, comments upon, 372–381;
provinces of, 373;
people of, 374;
conditions in (1620), 374;
religion in, 375;
gentry of, 375;
abuses in, 376;
husbandry in (1620), 377.

Ischia, island of, 350.

Israel, burial place of the kings and queens of, 244.

Istria, comments upon, 40, 41;
margraviate of Austria, 360.

Istrians, antiquity of the, 41.

Italy, comments upon, 10–39, 295, 296, 309–312;
derivation of name of, 19;
founders of, 19;
four papal territories of, 21;
soil of, 23;
women of, 23.

Ithaca, ancient name of Cephalonia, 56.

Jadileke, fortress or prison in Constantinople, 122.

James VI., King, his foure Crownes, 252;
and the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, 253;
letters and patents of, to Lithgow, examined at Malaga, 394;
death of (1625), 424.

Jericho, 231;
house of Zacheus at, 231.

Jerome, abbey of, 234.

Jerusalem, sighted, 208;
comments upon, 208–255;
gates of, 210;
antiquity of, 212;
walls of, 213;
overthrow of, 214;
government (A.D. 1612), 214, 215;
garrison at, 215;
Christian kings of, 217;
Turks, rulers of, 217;
places of biblical interest in and round, 220, 221, 243, 244 ff.;
arms of, 252, 253.

Jerusalem, Model of the Great Seale of the Guardians of the Holy Grave at, 254.

Jesuits, Scottish, in Rome, 18;
in Jerusalem, 241;
of Malaga, and Lithgow, 407, 410, 411, 412.

Jewish kings, 216.

Jewry, dukes of, 216.

Jews, in Venice, 36;
comparison between and Jesuits, 39;
in Turkey, 148;
origin of the, 191;
bondage of, 192;
dispersion of the, 215.

Joab, Christian guide, treachery of, 196, 197.

Joppa, tribute exacted at, from pilgrims to Jerusalem, 207.

Jordan, pilgrimage to, 225;
river, 190;
river, and the Dead Sea, 227;
source of the, 229.

Josephus, on the fall of Jerusalem, 214.

Joshua, tomb of, on Mount Lebanon, 172.

Judea, mountain of, 246.

Judgment, a favourable Turkish, 268.

Juno, worship of, by the Maltese, 336.

Justinopoli, ruins of, 41.

Kingdoms of Greece mentioned, 52.

Kings, Moorish, 324.

Kirkwall, St. Magnus Cathedral at, 437.

Knights of St. John, of Malta, of Rhodes, 159;
formal oath of Knights of Malta, 336.

Knights of the Holy Grave, 242.

Knox, John, and the abbeys and monasteries of Scotland, 433.

LacedÆmon, see Sparta.

Lanark, birthplace of William Lithgow, ix. 431;
churchyard of St. Kentigern at, xii.;
ancient city of, 72;
paradise of Scotland, 430.

Lanark Grammar School, William Lithgow educated at, ix.

Lango, island of, 88, 89;
birthplace of Hippocrates and Appelles, 157.

Largastolo, Christian gallies assemble at (1571), 56.

Latin, spoken in Hungary, 364.

Lebanon, cedars of, 170, 171;
comments upon Mount, 171;
prince of, 171.

Lepanto, battle of, 46, 47;
description of battle of, 59.

Lesbos, island of, or Mytilene, 94;
Sarcam, Turkish name for, 98;
comments upon, 94–102.

Lesina, island of, in the Adriatic, 47.

Letters, Egyptians and, 273.

Letters and patents granted to Lithgow, 372;
loss of, at Malaga, 418.

Ley, Alexander, Scotchman in Malaga, 407.

Library of the ancient Romans, 15.

Libyan Desert, comments upon, 327–332;
wild beasts of the, 328.

Lithgow, James, father of William Lithgow, ix.

Lithgow, William, author and traveller, account of, ix.–xiii.;
William Lithgow, Poetical Remains of, Edinburgh, 1863, xii.;
works of, xii., xiii.;
prologue of, to the reader, xxi.;
the author to his book, xxxi.;
portrait of, frontispiece, 110;
in his Turkish dress, 128;
in the Libyan Desert, 328;
beset with six murderers, 364;
in irons in the governour’s palace, 396;
in the racke at Malaga, 402.

Lithgow’s Survey of Scotland, 427, 438.

Lombardy, garden of the world, 22, 38.

‘London, The present Surveigh of, and Englands State,’ by William Lithgow. London, 1643, xii.

London and Paris compared (1609), 9.

Loretto, Madonna di, illusions concerning, 24;
pilgrimages to, 24;
opinions of Papists concerning, 27;
chapel of, Armenians and, 194.

Lyndesay, Walter, panegyric verses of, xxvi.

Lyon, the, flagship of the English fleet at Malaga, 391.

Maccabean princes, 217.

Macedonia, comments upon, 104–108.

Madrid, 387.

Mahomet, birth and early life, 130;
later life, 131;
tomb of, 133;
the Great, Otranto taken by, Anno 1481, 21.

Maidment, Dr. James, and the ‘Poetical Remains of William Lithgow,’ xii.

Malaga, Mr. Woodson and Lithgow at, 390;
English fleet in the harbour of, 390, 391;
English factors at, 394, 417;
imprisonment of Lithgow at, 395 ff.

Malta, comments upon, 290–293, 336, 337;
castles of, 291;
products of, 291;
and the Knights of St. John, 292;
inhabitants and language, 292;
slaves in, 293.

Mamalukes, or Mamelukes, sultans of Egypt, 283.

Mansell, Sir Robert, Admiral of the English fleet at Malaga (1620), 391;
and Lithgow, 417;
and the sufferings of Lithgow, 424.

Mansfield, Count, army of, in Austria, 360.

Mariana, attendant, in the dungeon at Malaga, 405.

Market place of Damascus, 185.

Matthew, the, of London, 313.

Maxwell, Sir James, 424.

Mecca, 133;
pilgrimages to, 135.

Mediterranean, queens of the, 166.

Menelaus, king of Sparta, 68.

Mermaid, the, of Amsterdam, 334.

Mesopotamia, comments upon, 179;
fruitfulness of, 179.

Messina, Christian galleys at, 347.

Miles, Hungarian, 363.

Minerals found in Cyprus, 165.

Minos, King, cave of, near Mount Ida, 78.

Miracle, account of a, 384, 385.

Miracles, Our Lady of, see Loretto.

Moldavia, Duke of, and Sir Thomas Glover, 126;
northern division of Roumania, 365, 366.

Monster, description of a, 47, 48.

Montpellier, in Languedoc, a Frenchman of, in the Venetian galleys at Canea, 74;
his escape, aided by Lithgow, 75, 76.

Moorish brigantine (slaver), 293, 294.

Moors, travellers attacked by, 208;
Egyptian, 273.

Morea or Peloponnesus, southern peninsula of Greece, description of the, 61.

Morocco, kings of, and men of science, 324.

Mount Ida, 77, 78, 79.

Mouslee, strange tree, 174.

Mufti (chief priest), or caliph, Mohammedan sovereign and head of the Mohammedan religion, title now assumed by the Sultan of Turkey, 129.

Mummies, caves of the, at Cairo, 274.

Murray, John, panegyric verses of, xxviii.

Mussulman, Mahommedan, 184.

Naples, commendation of, 19;
kingdom of, 20;
chief cities, 20;
comments upon, 350–353;
Lithgow in the Grotto di Cane, 353.

Navarre, kingdom of, 384.

Nazareth, 194.

Negro, Indian, kindness of, to Lithgow, 414.

Negropont, island of, comments upon, 102, 103.

Nestorians, 172;
paradise of the, 173.

Nestorius, heresy of, 154.

Netherlands, comments upon the, 303;
Spaniards in the, 303.

Newcastle, An Experimental and Exact Relation upon that famous and renowned Siege of, by William Lithgow. Edinburgh, 1645, xii.

Nicalide, in Achaia, birthplace of Aristotle, 108.

Nicaria, island of, 87.

Nile, artificial channels of the, 266, 280;
irrigation of Egypt by the, 273, 278–281;
names of the, 281;
its delta, 281;
Rhone compared to the, 282.

Oils of Candia, 166.

Okes, J., printer, London, xii.

Olive trees of Crete, 77.

Olivet, Mount, and its places of interest, 251, 252.

Olympian Games, instituted by Hercules, 104.

Orange, Prince of, and war with Spain in the Netherlands, 303.

Oranges and lemons of Scios, 91;
fruits of Scios, 92.

Orkney and Shetland Islands, voyages to, 9;
compared to the Sporades, 95;
fertility of, 95.

Osero, island of, 43.

Ostia, Mediterranean port, 13.

Ovid, quotation from, 87.

Padua, description of, 38.

Palestine, comments upon, 193–207.

Papists, superstition of, 17.

Parenzo, port of, 40;
city of, 41.

Parliament, Lithgow’s bill of grievance to, 424, 425.

Parnassus, chief seat of the Muses, 106.

Patent, of Jerusalem, 254, 296.

Patents, Lithgow’s, and the Inquisition at Malaga, 331.

Patmos, island of, Saint John in the, 86.

Patriarchal sees, cities of the, 286.

Pau, province of, 383.

Pausanius, supposed founder of Byzantium, 118, 119.

Pennington, Captain, and the confiscation of his ship by the French, 353.

Pentland Firth, tides of the, 436;
dangers of, 437.

Pera, suburb of Constantinople, 125.

Peredas, Don Jasper Ruiz de, governor of Malaga (1620), 391;
traitorous dealings of, 392;
and a tyrannical oath, 393;
in Lithgow’s prison, 397;
and the Inquisition, 399.

Pergamus, parchment first made at, 165.

Persians and Turks compared, 151.

Peterasso (Patras), Turkish armada at, 56;
description of the city of, 60;
English consul poisoned at, 60.

Pharsalia, battle of, in Arcadia, 62.

Piedmont and Genoese jurisdictions, 23.

Pigeon post between Aleppo and Babylon, 181.

Pilgrims’ dinner at Rome, 13, 14.

Pinder, Sir Paul, succeeds Sir Thomas Glover as ambassador at Constantinople, 126;
kindness of, to Lithgow, 153.

Pindus, Mount, 52.

Pirates, Lithgow’s vessel pursued by, 54, 55, 56;
Lithgow wounded by, 56;
Turkish, danger from, 89, 99.

Poets, Moorish, prince of, 325.

Pola, poisonous exhalations from lake near, 41.

Poland, comments upon, 367–369;
people of, 368;
soil of, 368.

Pompey’s Pillar, 125.

Portugal, 386.

Pottaro, or rack, instrument of torture, 400;
description of, 403.

Potters’ field at Jerusalem, 249.

Prester, John, tribute paid by the Great Turk to, 281.

Puteoli, ancient monuments of, 350, 351, 352;
dogs’ cave near, 354.

Pyramids, 274–277.

Quaranto, mountain of, where Christ fasted forty days, 232;
danger in descending, 233.

Rack, see Pottaro.

Ragusa, republic of, 49;
islands belonging to, 49;
description of, 49, 50;
trade with Genoa, 50.

Ramadan, or Beiram, Turkish lent, 141.

Ravenna, 360.

Red Sea, 264.

Rhama, inhabitants of, 207.

Rhodes, island of, comments upon, 158, 159;
Colossus at, 159;
Knights of Malta and, 159;
conquest of, by Soliman, 160;
chief cities of, 161.

Rhone, river, compared to the Nile, 307.

Rivers of Hell, 52.

Robbers, savage Arabian, tyranny of, from the Red Sea to Babylon, 186.

Robertson, Eleazar, commendation of Lithgow by, xxix.

Rollocke, James, secretary to Sir Thomas Glover at Constantinople, 125.

Roman antiquities, 14 f.

Rome, antiquity of, 10;
Seven Hills of, 11;
Lithgow’s escape from, 18;
comments upon, 355–359.

Royal Exchange, the, of London, 169.

Rubicon, river of Italy, 33.

St. Angelo, Mount, in Apulia, 46.

St. Catherine of Siena, observation of, 12.

St. Francis of Asisi, 21.

St. Kentigern, churchyard of, at Lanark, xii.

St. Maure, island of, 54.

St. Peter’s at Rome, 16.

St. Salvator, monastery of, in Canea, 75.

Sabunks, or Sabuncks, Libyan desert tribe, 330.

Salonica, situation of, 103;
Jews of, 103, 104.

Samaria, 200;
Jacob’s Well at, 204.

Samson’s Pillar, 199.

Samuel, tomb of, 243.

Sancto Salvatore, Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, 235.

Saracens, 133;
descendants of Esau, 144;
and the Turks, 143;
and the Knights of St. John, 159.

Sardis, in Lydia, residence of King Croesus, 155.

Savoy, Dukes of, and Cyprus, 166;
Dukes of, 307;
Turin, residence of, 307;
wars of, 308.

Saybantus, Gaudentius, Father Guardian of the Grey Friars at Jerusalem, 253.

Scanderbeg, see Castriot, Captain George.

Scios, comments upon, 91;
under Turkish rule, 92;
products of, 92;
monasteries at, 92;
women of, 92;
fortress of, 93;
Turkish Pasha of, and Duke Ferdinand, 93, 94.

Scoks, Dalmatians, 42;
and the Turks, 42;
and the Venetians, 42.

Scotland, false aspersions upon, 96;
comments upon, 427–439;
length of, 429;
lakes or lochs of, 429;
chief rivers and towns of, 430;
nobility of, 430, 432;
chief commodities of, 432.

Scots families in Poland, 368.

Seal, Great, Discourse of, see Patent.

Sehan, commerce of, 261.

Sergius, Nestorian monk, and Mahomet, 131.

Serigo, island of, famous for its marble, 68.

Serpentine stone, found in Negropont, 103.

Sestos, fortress on the Hellespont (Turkey), opposite Abydos, 112.

Shamma (Damascus), 184, 185.

Shetland, islands of, 438.

Shipwreck, account of a, 89;
a happy deliverance, 90.

Sicilians as orators, 339.

Sicily, early names of, 337;
fertility of, 337;
wines and wheat of, 338;
ancient divisions of, 338;
parliament of, 339;
general council of, 339;
crown-rent of, 339;
language of, 340;
chief cities of, 344;
women of, 346;
famous scholars of, 347.

Sidon, 198;
English factor at, 199.

Sidonians, or Drusians, origin of, 172.

Sigismund, king of Poland, 367.

Sinclair, Sir William, of Catboll, 433;
lines to, 434–436.

Slavonia, comments upon, 46–50;
former names of, 50.

Slavonians, characteristics of, 50.

Smith, John, English soldier in Canea, 75;
and Lithgow, 82, 83.

Smiths, Moorish, 331.

Smyrna, 155, 156.

Sodom, lake of, see Dead Sea.

Sofia, 114.

Soliman the Magnificent and the Jews of Salonica, 104;
conquest of Rhodes by, 159, 160;
and the Knights of St. John, 292.

Solomon, temple of, at Jerusalem, 223.

Solomon’s fish-ponds, 247.

Sona, Duke of, and the bandits of Sicily, 340.

Spain, comments upon, 385–399;
travelling in, 387.

Spaniards, pedigree of, 388;
their captivity under the Moors, 388;
manners and virtues of, 388, 389;
and arts and sciences, 389;
Lithgow’s tortures by the, of Malaga, 398 ff.

Sparta, or LacedÆmon, ancient capital of Laconia, ruins of, 63.

Sphinx, 277.

Spices, of India and Arabia, 264.

Starhulds, Baron, 365.

Stromboli, island of, 349.

Stydolffe, Mr., Englishman, at Messina, 347.

Suda, harbour of, or Suda Bay, 76;
valley of, 76, 77.

Suez Canal, 263.

Sur, Moorish name for Tyre, 198.

Survey of Scotland, Lithgow’s, 427, 438.

Switzerland, comments upon, 305–307;
cantons of, 305.

Syra, comments upon, 89.

Syracuse, 344.

Syria, comments upon, 176, 177.

Syrians, biblical Aramites, 181.

Tarsus, birthplace of St. Paul, 162.

Tartars, characteristics of the, 366; see Turks.

Tartary, boundaries of, 366;
Cham, or Emperor of, 366.

Tenedos, island of, comments upon, 108, 109;
French merchants at, 109.

Thebes, former capital of Upper Egypt, ruins of, 107.

Thessaly, 104.

Thrace, chief cities of, 115.

Tiber, river, 11, 12;
compared to the Jordan, 229.

Timariots, 149, 186, 332, 362.

Timars, 148, 149.

Tobacco pipes, Turkish, 183.

Toledo, 389.

Tophet, 250.

Torne, Count of, in Cracow, 367.

Torture, different forms of, used by the Inquisition, 401 ff.

Tortures, Lithgow’s comments upon his, 417–425.

Totall Discourse, by William Lithgow, x., xi., xii., xiii.;
facsimile of title-page of 1632 edition, xvii.

Transylvania, province of Hungary, 364, 365;
religion of, 365.

Trapundy, salt trade of, 345;
coral trade of, 345.

Tremizen, or Telensim, kingdom of, in Barbary, 316.

Tribes, desert, 327, 330.

Tribute, exaction of, by wandering Arabs, 201, 202;
from pilgrims to the Holy Sepulchre, 235.

Tripoli, seaport of Syria, 169;
commerce of, 170.

Trohodos, Mount, in Cyprus, 165.

Trojans, tombs of the, 109.

Tunis, capital of that territory, 313;
kingdom of, 314;
provinces of, 314;
comments upon, 313–315.

Turcomani, 176.

Turin, residence of the Duke of Savoy, 23.

Turk, Great, 139, 151;
power of, 145;
revenues of, 147;
beglerbegs or bassas of, in Europe, 362.

Turkey, religious customs and ceremonies in, 127, 128;
sabbaths in, 127.

Turkish, prayers, times of, 127;
characteristics, 136, 147;
justice, 137;
marriages, 138;
paradise, 140, 141;
opinions of hell, 142;
language, 145;
belief in predestination, 146;
dress, 146;
customs, 146;
armies, 150;
customs, 183.

Turks, injustice and cruelty of, 168;
their seamanship, 169;
Scythia and the, 143;
description of, 144, 145;
descendants of the Scythians, or Tartars, 145.

Turpentine tree, 230, 248.

Tyrants, Sicilian, 345.

Tyre, city of ancient Phoenicia, 198;
harbour of, 198;
ruins of, 198.

Vanguard, the, one of the British squadron at Malaga, 417.

Venetians, character and supposed descent of, 35, 36.

Venice, 33;
St. Mark’s Pillar at, 33;
chief ordinary or inn at, 34;
situation and common-wealth of, 35;
Jews in, 36;
description of, 37;
Mr. Arthur’s farewell from, 37.

Verny, Sir Francis, death of, at Messina, 348.

Viccario, Laurenzo Antonia il, Grey Friar at Jerusalem, 253.

Vienna, comments upon, 360, 361.

Virgil, monument of, 19.

Virgin Mary, attributes of the, 31.

Ward, Captain, English pirate at Tunis, 315.

Watch towers (beacons) of the Mediterranean, 342.

Wedderburne, Dr. John, at Padua, 38.

Wheat of Sicily, 338.

Wilds, M., English consul at Malaga, 417.

Wine of Candia, 166;
of Cyprus, 163;
of Sicily, 338;
of Crete, 71.

Wolson, an English renegade, and Lithgow, 81.

Women, Egyptian, 272.

Wood, Mr., Scotsman at Messina, 347.

Woodson, Mr., London merchant, 390.

Writing, first ancient, 15.

Wylie, William, native of Edinburgh, 311.

Xerxes’ bridge of boats, 114.

Zante, comments upon, 57, 58, 59;
products of, 58;
trade of, with the Peloponnesus;
trade of, in currants, with England, 58.

Zara, chief city of Dalmatia, 43, 44;
Duke of Venice signior of, 44.

Publisher’s logo: 1906 University Press Glasgow James J. Maclehose. M.A. Robert Maclehose M.A. Floreat Glasgva prÆdictione evengelii.

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