NOTE.—The Names of several Designers and Makers, omitted from the Index, will be found in the list in the Appendix, with references.
gutenberg@html@files@60369@60369-h@60369-h-10.htm.html#Page_200" class="pginternal">200 Divan, derivation of, 143 Douthwaite, Mr. W. R., referred to, 83 Dowbiggin (Gillow's apprentice), 194, 212 Dryden quoted, 199 DÜrer, A., referred to, 70 D'Urbino Bramante, 48 Du Sommerard referred to, 20 Dutch Furniture, 61, 63-66, 170, 206 Eagle House, Wimbledon, 104 Eastlake, Mr. C., reference to, 99, 100, 102, 245 Edis, Col. Robert, referred to, 245, 267 Elgin and Kincardine, Earl of, Collection of, 131 Elizabethan Work, 67, 77, 102 Empire Furniture, 203-215 English Work, 71 Evelyn's Diary, 112 Exhibition, The Colonial, 133 " The Great (1851), 228, 229, 230, 231, 242, 246 " of, 1862, 235 " Retrospective of Lyons, 61 " Inventions, 267 " The Stuart, 109 Exhibitions, Local, 223 FalkÉ, Dr., reference to, 11, 79, 204 Faydherbe, Lucas, 65 Fitzcook, H., designer, 225 Flaxman's Work, 176 Flemish Renaissance, 63, 66 Flemish Work, 226 Florentine Mosaic Work, 50 Folding Stool, 29 Fontainebleau, Chateau of, 58 Fourdinois, Work of, 227, 236 Fragonard, French artist, reference to, 161 Frames for pictures and mirrors, 79 Franks, Mr. A. W., 24 Fretwork Ornament, 181 "Furniture and Decoration", 246 Gavard's, C., Work on Versailles, 145 German Work, 70, 71 Gesso Work, 50 Ghiberti, L., 142, 146, 158, 161, 162, 165, 167, 170, 171, 172, 176, 199, 236, 237 Khorsabad, reference to, 3, 4, 5 King, H.M. the, Art Collection of, 136 Kirkman's Exhibit, 267 Knife Cases, 199 Knole, 79, 98, 102 Lacquer Work, Chinese and Japanese, 129, 130, 131, 155, 156 " " Indian, 135, 136 " " Persian, 138 Lacroix, Paul, reference to, 21, 22, 37, 38 Lancret, artist, 154, 161 Layard, Sir Austen, reference to, 3 Lebrun, artist, 146, 147, 149 Leighton, Sir F., referred to, 240 Leo X., Pope, 49 Lethaby, Mr. W. R., 242 Liechtenstein, Princess Marie, 103 Linger, Sir Henry, 44 Litchfield & Radclyffe, 235 Livery Cupboards, 73, 78 Longford Castle Collection, 70 Longman & Broderip, 267 Longleat, 77, 97 Louis XIII. Furniture, 61 Louis XIV., 147, 151, 167, 168 " death of, 161 Louis XV., 152, 159 " death of, 152 Louis XVI., 160-167 Louvre, The, 58 Lucas, Seymour, Mr., A.R.A., referred to, 44 Lyon, Dr., quoted, 121-2 Lytton, Lo
rg@html@files@60369@60369-h@60369-h-12.htm.html#Page_246" class="pginternal">246 Webb, manufacturer, 235 Wedgwood, Josiah, 176, 236 Wertheimer, S., 233 Westminster Abbey, 73, 97, 98 Wilkinson, of Ludgate Hill, 212 Williamson (Mobilier National), 60, 163 Woods used for Furniture, 263 Wotton, Sir Henry, quoted, 91, 92 Wren, Sir Christopher, referred to, 112 Wright, Mr., F.S.A., referred to, 26 Wyatt, Sir Digby, Paper read by, 20 York House, described in "The Art Journal", 219, 220 York Minster, Chair in, 32 [1] Gopher is supposed to mean cypress wood. See Notes on Woods (Appendix). Transcriber notes: P. xi. Chapter VIII. is on p. 203, not p. 201, changed. P. 53. Footnote 5: 'Maggoire' changed to 'Maggiore' as noted in other edition. P. 122. 'wallnut' changed to 'walnut.' P. 254. 'Green Musuem', changed 'Musuem. to 'Museum'. P. 272. 'Sta ioners', changed to 'Stationers'. |