Standing once more in front of the stone pile he shook himself until his fur stood out all over him, that fur for which any dealer would give a big price Frontispiece
Striped Coat’s foot-prints; front and hind foot (Pen and Ink) 26
The wood pussy examined it very carefully 28
The mouse ... had left in the nest her whole family of five young ones 51
Several times she looked out and wandered about uneasily 64
Where he had been a moment before, now stood the big bird, its eyes glaring, wings ready for another dash and strike 72
He approached with caution 89
In much the same way as a young hawk before it acquires its full plumage 104
Under the persimmon and wild apple trees he picked up ripe fruit, often shaken down by Possum 119
The friendliness of this beautiful and entirely free creature of the woods delighted many a visitor 122
Side by side they neared the entrance 132
The three tugging, biting, squealing and pulling each other this way and that until they burst from under the barn and had it out on the flat ground 141
Skunk Tracks (Pen and Ink) 148
“That big black skunk of yours was the one that did the trick” 149

Striped Coat, the Skunk


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