Invitations should be similar to the following: Yourself and friends are cordially invited to attend a White Ribbon Sociable given by the Y. W. C. T. U. at the home of the President, Miss Blank, Monday evening, September 10, 19—. Have a small white ribbon bow tied on the corner of the card. Of course all members of the society should wear their white ribbons. All who serve on the reception committee should wear a large white ribbon rosette. Also have a white ribbon quartet for the musical part of the program, and have each one wear a large white ribbon bow on the left breast. Have plenty of white flowers for decoration, also use anything white that can be used in any way to help decorate. Have a large bowl or white dish in centre of dining-table with small white baby ribbons hanging over the edge, one for each guest you expect. Tie to the end of each ribbon a small slip of paper bearing instructions as to what each one is to do. Each guest is to pull out a slip, see what he is to do, and then proceed to do it at once. Cover the top of the dish neatly with white tissue paper. Wafers can be served tied with narrow white ribbon, also coffee or cocoa, or if in summer serve lemonade. The following suggestions may be used for the slips of paper: - Act in pantomime a doctor's visit.
- Make a dunce cap and put on head of dignified person.
- Deliver an oration on George Washington.
- Sing "Mary had a little lamb," in operatic style.
- Draw a correct picture of a cow.
- Tell a funny story.
- Sing a lullaby to a sofa cushion.
- Sing a comic song.
- Compose a rhyme with four lines.
- Tell a pathetic story.
- Make a shadow picture of a man's head on the wall with the hands.
- Show how a small boy cries when a hornet stings him.
- Sneeze in five different ways.
- Shake hands with ten different persons in ten different styles.
- Recite "The boy stood on the burning deck," in dramatic style.
- Laugh ten varieties of laugh.
- Imitate the sounds made by two cats fighting.
- Show how a man acts when he is lost in Boston.
- Smile ten different smiles.
- Tip your hat in ten different ways to ten different people.
- Show how a dude walks.
- Auction off an overcoat.
- Try to sell a book as if you were a book agent.
- Show how a boy writes his first letter.
- Name ten things you could do with a million dollars.