Each guest was given a double card or booklet with pencil attached, the cover representing a miniature sheet of music. Upon one page was a list of numbered questions, the answers to be written upon the opposite page, suggested by selections from well-known operas and operettas played upon the piano or other instrument. The names of the operas from which the selections were taken answered the questions. The following were the questions: - Who were the bride and groom?
- What was the bride called—from the circumstances of her wedding?
- At what sort of party did they meet?
- He went as a minstrel. What was he called?
- She went as an Austrian peasant. What was she called?
- At the wedding what Spanish girl was maid of honor?
- What noted Swiss was best man?
- What two ladies (friends of Donizetti's) were bridesmaids?
- What four Germans were the ushers?
- What mythological personage presided over the music?
- Who sang at the ceremony?
- What noted person from Japan was present?
- What noted bells were rung in honor of the wedding?
- What ship did they take for their wedding trip?
- When on the voyage who captured them?
- What virtue sustained them in captivity?
- What gentleman of dark complexion rescued them?
- What historical people entertained them in France?
- In Northeast Italy what grand affair did they attend?
- Who showed them the sights of Venice?
And the music gave answer, as follows: - Romeo and Juliet.
- The Runaway Girl.
- Masked Ball.
- Trovatore.
- The Bohemian Girl.
- Carmen.
- William Tell.
- Lucia di Lammermoor and Linda di Chamouni.
- Lohengrin, Faust, TannhÄuser and Siegfried.
- Orpheus.
- The Meistersinger.
- The Mikado.
- The Chimes of Normandy.
- H. M. S. Pinafore.
- The Pirates of Penzance.
- Patience.
- Othello.
- The Huguenots.
- The Carnival of Venice.
- The Gondoliers.