In case it is desired to represent the various states of the Union by floral decorations, the following list is given: - Alabama—Goldenrod.
- Arkansas—Aster.
- California—Columbine.
- Delaware—Peach blossom.
- Idaho—Syringa.
- Iowa—Wild rose.
- Maine—[1]Pine cone and tassel.
- Michigan—[1]Apple blossom.
- Minnesota—Moccasin flower.
- Missouri—Goldenrod.
- Montana—Bitter root.
- Nebraska—Goldenrod.
- New Jersey—State tree, sugar maple.
- New York—Rose; State tree, maple.
- Oklahoma Territory—[1]Mistletoe.
- Oregon—Oregon grape.
- Rhode Island—Violet; State tree, maple.
- Vermont—Red clover.
- Washington—Rhododendron.