
If the company be musical, the pictures of celebrated musicians could be appropriately used, and in writing down the names of these it could also be required of the guests to cite some noted composition of each; or should the company be general, the pictures of men prominent in different professions—divines, orators, actors, statesmen—could be utilized in almost exactly the same manner.

Should the entertainment be given in July or in March, it would be quite appropriate to have on the cards pictures of the different presidents, to be named by the guests, the dates of their respective terms in offices to be given by them. While almost any one could readily recognize a picture of Washington, Lincoln or Grant, there are other presidents whose portraits are not so familiar, and it would take a pretty good student in United States history to correctly recognize likenesses of them all, or even a dozen of the less familiar pictures of the group, much less to give the dates of their terms of office. A framed picture of one of the greatest of the presidents might be given as first prize to the person whose card is filled out correctly with all the names and dates, or comes nearest to being correctly filled.


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