Place these objects tastefully on the dining-room table, each guest on entering the room being furnished with a catalogue of the subjects, supposed to be different paintings, made out so that blank spaces will be left to the right for the answers. From fifteen to twenty minutes are allowed to guess and write down the answers as fast as they are discovered. Comparing notes is hardly fair. At the end of the stated time the guests leave the room. Some one then calls out the correct answers, and the persons whose lists are the nearest correct, receive the first, second, third, and fourth prizes, the number of prizes varying according to the number of guests present. A booby prize for the one who was the least successful adds to the fun. Below is given the list of forty subjects, and also the answers. From the latter you will know what objects to collect and place upon the table. It is better not to arrange them in exact order. Subjects | Answers | Out for the Night | Candle in Candlestick | Departed Days | Last Year's Calendar | Scene in Bermuda | Onions | We Part to Meet Again | Scissors | The Reigning Favorite | Umbrella | Home of Burns | Flatiron | The Greatest Bet Ever Made | Alphabet | A Line from Home | Clothes Line | The House the Colonel Lived in | Corn Cob without the Corn | Cause of the American Revolution | Tacks on a Letter T | A Heavenly Body | Dipper | The Little Peacemaker | Chopping-knife | Spring Offering | Glass of Water | Bound to Rise | Yeast Cake | Family Jars | Two Glass Jars | Things that End in Smoke | Cigars | A Place for Reflection | Hand Mirror | Deer in Winter | Eggs | Scene in a Base Ball Game | Pitcher | A Drive Through the Wood | Block of Wood with Nail Driven Through | A Mute Choir | Quire of Paper | A Trophy of the Chase | Brush | A Rejected Beau | Old Ribbon Bow | A Skylight | A Star | Our Colored Waiter | Black Tray | Sweet Sixteen | Sixteen Lumps of Sugar | Consolation | Pipe | Common Sense | Pennies | The Black Friar | Black Frying Pan | Cole's Memorials of the Great | Cinders | The Four Seasons | Mustard, Vinegar, Salt and Pepper | A Morning Caller | A Bell | Assorted Liquors | Whip, Switch and Slipper | The Skipper's Home | Cheese | An Absorbing Subject | Blotting Pad | A Dancing Entertainment | A Ball | Bound to Shine | Bottle of Shoe Blacking | The Spoony Couple | Two Spoons | Old Fashioned Flowers | Lady's Slippers | Nothing But Leaves | Block of Blank Writing Paper |