
"In my wonderful trunk I have two very tall tropical trees (palms); something used by an artist (palette [palate]); weapons of war (arms); many wild animals, and two domestic ones (hares [hairs], calves); something worn by a king (crown); a bright garden flower (tulips [two lips]); a musical instrument (drum); two fish and many shell fish (soles, muscles); branches of trees (limbs); a student (pupil); something used in ship-building (ribs); whips without handles (lashes). a product of a spruce-tree (gum); something used by carpenters (nails); a part of a clock (hands); a large wooden box (chest); part of a wagon (tongue); something grown on a cornstalk (ears); a part of a shoe (heel); ten Spanish gentlemen (ten dons [tendons]); part of a nail (head); weather cocks (vanes [veins]); two kitchen utensils (pans [knee]); part of a knife (blade [shoulder]); edge of a saw (teeth); terms used in voting (ayes and noes [eyes and nose]); covering of an apple (skin); a certain measure (feet); something seen in accidents (blood); a part of a house (roof [of the mouth]); covers to pails (lids); something used in upholstering (tow [toe]); part of a stove-pipe (elbow); a part of a table (legs); something served with ice cream (lady fingers); a kind of deer (hart [heart]); part of a river (mouth); something used by negro minstrels (bones); best part of a goose (back); part of a ship (side); a narrow strip of land (neck); hotel steps (inn steps [insteps])."


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