The giving of such a party is a pleasing way of raising money for some charitable object. The invitations should read somewhat like the following: You are cordially invited to attend a Measuring Party to be given by the East End Connett Y. W. C. T. U. at the home of the President, Mrs. Herbert B. Linscott, Monday evening, October 29th, 1905. Below, this verse should be printed: A measuring party we give for you, 'Tis something pleasant as well as new. The invitation carries a sack, For use in bringing or sending back Five cents for every foot you're tall, Measure yourself against the wall. An extra cent for each inch you'll give, And thereby show how high you live. Then with music and song, recitation and pleasure, We will meet one and all at our party of measure. With each invitation should be sent a tiny bag made of a bit of silk or ribbon. On the night of the entertainment, these bags with the money that has been placed in them are brought by the guests and deposited in a large bowl at the door. The party then proceeds in the usual manner. Care should be taken to carry out the program suggested in the last two lines of the above verse. Much amusement may be created by having some one appointed to take various measurements of the guests attending, such as the length of the nose, size of the head, size of the hand, etc. |