
Invitations should read as follows:

Come to the Chinese Tea Party
and help eat
Rice and Rats
Prepared and Served by Chinese Girls
at —— Church
Monday Evening, Jan. 4th.

You can stimulate interest in the heathen wonderfully by inviting them to come, with all their bag and baggage, and pay your society a visit. Have booths in the room representing the countries in which the church is doing missionary work. Let the attendants be costumed like the natives, and all the appointments of the booths suggest the life of the countries represented. When curiosity is thus piqued, information about these mission lands may be circulated by the help of questions on cards to be passed around. Write the questions in black ink, and underneath, in red ink, the answer to one of the other questions. It will require a pretty lively interchange of cards for each one to find the answer to his question.

The committee should try to make this evening as attractive as possible, and if it can be arranged all the members should appear in Chinese costume. In the centre of the church room, fit up a booth, covered with a large Chinese umbrella, and around it place small tables on which to serve refreshments. This can be made to look like a Chinese garden. Rice and rats can be served as follows: Boil rice until rather stiff and turn it into cups to cool. After ready to serve turn upside down in dishes and serve each dish with a candy rat on top. The rice should be served with cream and sugar. Also have tea and wafers. A small fee can be charged for refreshments to go to missionary purposes. Of course no one but the committee should know what the "rice and rats" is to be, as it would spoil the fun. A nice idea would be to give chopsticks as souvenirs.


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