- When we leave here we go to seek our what? (Author of "Elsie Venner.")
- What dies only with life? (Author of "Phroso.")
- What does a maid's heart crave? (Author of "Handy Andy.")
- What does an angry person often raise? (Author of "The Christian.")
- What should all literary people do? (Author of "Put Yourself in His Place.")
- If a young man would win, what must he do? (Author of "Wandering Jew.")
- How do we dislike to grow? (Authors of "Silence of Dean Maitland" and "Dawn.")
- What would we prefer to be? (Authors of "Book of Golden Deeds," "Man Without a Country," and "Under the Greenwood Tree.")
- What is a suitable adjective for the national library building? (Author of "The Heavenly Twins.")
- What would we consider the person who answers correctly all these questions? (Author of "From Post to Finish.")
The answers to the above questions are: - Oliver Wendell Holmes. (Homes.)
- Anthony Hope. (Hope.)
- Samuel Lover. (Lover.)
- Hall Caine. (Cain.)
- Charles Reade. (Read.)
- Eugene Sue. (Sue.)
- Maxwell Grey and Rider Haggard. (Gray and haggard.)
- Charlotte Yonge, E. E. Hale, Thomas Hardy. (Young, hale and hardy.)
- Sarah Grande. (Grand.)
- Hawley Smart. (Smart.)
Give the most successful contestant a nicely bound copy of the latest popular book, and the least successful one a gaily colored copy of a child's primer, or a gaudy poster picture.