Humbly prostrate before Thee, O my God! and before the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I return my grateful thanks for the inestimable benefit bestowed upon me, of being born and educated in the Catholic Church, of which I was made a child by Baptism. I thus received a right to the graces which Jesus Christ dispenses through the sacraments, the happiness of being admitted into the number of the children of the true faith, and the hope of one day entering paradise. I come to renew and ratify the promises made at my Baptism. Yes, O my God! I desire to belong entirely to Thee, to serve Thee all my life, and strive always for the end for which I was created. Therefore I renounce Satan and all his works, sin and its occasions. I renounce [pg 097] the world, its maxims and vanities. I renounce the flesh and its concupiscences, all irregular desires, and whatever may be displeasing to Thee. I renounce human respect, which for so long kept me from Thee. Formerly I feared the world and its ridicule, now I have but one fear, that of forgetting my religious duties. I will henceforth faithfully perform them, I will live according to the precepts and maxims of Jesus Christ, I will be a good Christian. O Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! make me more and more worthy of the name. Through the help of your powerful protection, may I be a respectful child of God, submissive to the Church, faithful to my duties, that I may one day have the happiness of thanking and glorifying you in the heavenly country. I am resolved to live according to the precepts and maxims of Jesus Christ; yes, I desire to live a good Christian life, that I may die the death of the elect. I promise to remain faithful to my obligations as an associate of the Holy Family, and hope to persevere until death. And at that moment what happiness it will be for me to pass from the arms of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph on earth, to the arms of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in heaven, for all eternity. This is my hope. Amen.
An indulgence of forty days.