Our Monthly Devotions


Considerations and Prayers for Every Day.

Mass in Commemoration of the Holy Infancy of Jesus Christ.

Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.

Litany of the Infant Jesus.

The Mysteries of the Sacred Infancy.

Communion Prayers in Honor of the Infant Jesus.

Considerations and Prayers for Every Day. (2)

Litany of the Holy Family.

Memorare To Mary.

Form Of Renewing The Baptismal Vows.

Act Of Consecration.

Considerations and Prayers for Every Day. (3)

Efficacious Prayers.

Considerations and Prayers for Every Day. (4)

A Method of Hearing Mass by Way of Meditation.

Litany of the Passion of Our Lord.

A Prayer to Jesus Suffering.

Prayers to the Five Wounds of Our Lord.

Considerations and Prayers for Every Day. (5)

Mass in Union with Mary Immaculate.

Litany of the Blessed Virgin.

Considerations and prayers for Every Day. (6)

Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Mass in Union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Considerations and Prayers for Every Day. (7)

Mass in Honor of the Precious Blood.

Three Offerings of the Precious Blood.

Seven Offerings of the Precious Blood of Jesus.

Daily Offering.

Plenary Indulgences For Members of the Confraternity of the Most Precious Blood.

Chaplet of the Precious Blood.

Considerations and Prayers for Every Day. (8)

Litany of the Holy Ghost.

Hymns to the Holy Ghost.

Act Of Oblation To The Holy Ghost.

The Office of the Holy Ghost.

Novena to the Holy Ghost.

Considerations and Prayers for Every Day. (9)

Exercise in Honor of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary.

Rosary or Chaplet of the Seven Dolors.

Considerations and Prayers for Every Day. (10)

Litany of the Holy Guardian Angel.

Special Prayers.

Considerations and Prayers for Every Day. (11)

Mass for the Souls in Purgatory.

The Litany of the Saints.

The Seven Penitential Psalms.

Efficacious Prayers for the Souls in Purgatory.

Prayers for Each Day for the Souls in Purgatory.

An Invocation of the Most Holy Trinity for the Souls in Purgatory.

Litany of the Faithful Departed.

Psalm CXXIX.

Considerations and Prayers for Every Day. (12)

Special Devotions to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, during the Time of Advent.

Mass for Advent.

To Be Said Throughout Advent.

Litany for Christmas.

Crown of the Twelve Stars, Or Rosary of the Immaculate Conception.

The Salve Regina.

Novena In Preparation for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. 2

Novena In Preparation For Christmas. 3



Section 1.

Section 2.

Section 3.

Section 4.

Section 5.

Our Monthly Devotions


Very Rev. Dean A. A. Lings

Author of Our Favorite Devotions, Our Favorite Novenas, etc.

Benziger Brothers

New York, Cincinnati, Chicago



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He was wounded for our iniquities, he was bruised for our sins.—Is. liii. 5.

Nihil Obstat.


Censor Librorum.



Archbishop of New York.

New York, May 10, 1899.

Copyright, 1899, by Benziger Brothers.

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The month of the holy infancy of Our Lord is January. The Lord was born in December as we know, but so late in the month that we must take the beginning of the new year and consecrate the first part of the year to God. We begin with the childhood of Our Lord in our devotions, that we may grow as He did in grace before God and man. The holy Infant is laid in our arms this month, that we may contemplate Him and learn holy lessons. What are these lessons? The goodness of God towards us—the mercy and kindness of the Child Jesus for us; for His infancy is infinitely meritorious before God, and all grace comes to us on account of Christ, Who has been an Infant among us. We should be like children in our confidence in God, Who has created us and will not make us stand greater trials than we are able to bear. We should not care over much for the things of this world; we should not depend so much on our own efforts; but with filial resignation we should say to God: “You want this done, and you want one to do it. Well, then, give me the grace, the intelligence, the will, and I will do it in such a manner as will be worthy of God.” The whole month can be spent in meditating on these virtues; be assured they are worth being learned, and will repay you for the trouble of practising them.

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