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Acoelomata, 37.
Adaptation, 13.
Alternation of Generations, 57, 137.
Amoeba, 35, 45.
Amphibia, 152-154.
Ancestors, 40, 42.
Animalcule (minute animal), 49.
Anisopleura, 29.
Annelids, 72.
Annulosa, 69.
Ants, 92.
Appendages, 77.
Arachnida (spiders), 84.
Arthropoda, 33, 76.
Ascidians, 33, 44, 135.
Asexual reproduction, 55.
Atavistic variation, 27.
Azygo-branchiata, 29.
Balanoglossus, 133, 143.
Barnacles, 79, 80.
Bees, 91.
Beetles, 95.
Bell Animalcule, 49.
Birds, 156.
Bivalve shell-fish, 23, 27, 107.
Body-cavity, 34, 37, 38.
Body-cavity (diagrams), 38, 139.
Body-rings, or "segments," 69.
Brachiopoda, 33, 43, 44, 117.
Bryozoa, 33, 44, 119.
Buds, 55.
Butterflies, 89, 93.
Cat, fur of black, 160.
Cell, 11.
Cell-types, 49.
Cephalodiscus, 145.
Cephalopoda, 113.
Centipedes, 77.
ChÆtopoda, 71.
Chalk, 46.
Chordata, 33, 44, 135, 143-146.
Cilia, 42, 43, 48, 65.
Classes, 33.
Classification, 30.
Classification, tables of, 30, 44, 52, 62, 67, 75, 116, 118, 121, 134, 146, 164, 179.
Coelenterata, 33, 44, 53.
Coelomata, 37, 44.
Cockle, 111.
Colony, 57.
Corals, 59.
Corallines, 56, 58.
Corticata (or Infusoria), 47.
Crabs, 81.
Crocodile, 11.
Crustacea, 78-83.
Ctenophora, 60, 62.
Degeneracy, 28, 172-180.
Development by metamorphosis (change of form), 41, 89.
Development, direct, 45.
DicyemidÆ, 34.
Diploblastic (two-layered), 34, 36.
Diploblastic larva, 41.
Duck-mole, 160.
Earthworm, 74.
Earthworm, diagrammatic section of, to show position of body-cavity, 38.
Echinodermata, 33, 43, 44, 122.
Ectoderm, outer or skin-layer of adult animals and larvÆ (corresponding
with the epiblast of embryos in the egg), 34, 37, 41, 139.
EleutheroblasteÆ (hydroid animals which throw off "free buds"), 56.
Embryology, 45.
Encrinites, 131.
Endoderm, inner or digestive layer of adult animals and larvÆ (corresponding
with the hypoblast of embryos in the egg), 37, 41, 139.
Enteron, 36.
Environment, 26.
Errantia, or Wandering Annelids, 72.
Euthyneura, 100.
Families, 33.
Fertility, 32.
Feathers, 157.
Feather-stars, 132.
Fishes, 150-152.
Flagella, 65.
Flat-fish, 23.
Foraminifera, 46.
Frogs, 38, 152.
Galeodes, a spider-like animal, 85, 86.
Gasteropoda, 29, 98-107.
Gasteropoda, classification of, 29.
GastrÆa, 40.
Gastrula, larva, 41, 150.
Genus, 32.
Gills, 45, 141, 149.
Grades, 34, 35-38.
Gregarina, 49.
Heliozoa, 48.
Hemichordata (or Adelochorda), 33, 43, 145.
Hermit Crabs, 80.
Holostomata, 105.
Hybrid, 32.
Hydra, 36, 41, 54, 59.
Infusoria 10, 47.
"Infusorial earth," 47.
Insects, true, 88-97.
Jelly-fish, 57, 58.
Kangaroo, 163.
Lamellibranchiata, 107.
Lamp-shells, 119.
Land Animals, 166.
LarvÆ, larval forms, 40, 41.
LarvÆ of Brachiopods, 119.
LarvÆ of Insects, 90.
LarvÆ of Molluscs, 115.
Lancelet (Amphioxus), 41, 140, 149.
Leeches, 71.
Limpet, Common, 17, 19, 20, 29, 30.
Limpet, Semi-transparent, 15-20.
Liver-fluke, 71.
Lobsters, 80.
Lophophore, 117, 122.
Lustre, metallic, of feathers, 157.
Mammalia, 160.
Man, 13, 26, 167-180.
Mantle (of bivalve molluscs), 108.
Marsupialia (or Metatheria), 161.
Marsupium or nursery-pocket, 161.
Mesoblast, 38.
Mesoderm or middle body-layer, 37, 61.
Metameric symmetry, 70.
Mesozoa, 35.
Metazoa, 35.
Microscope, 9, 10, 182.
Microscope, Sections for the, 182.
Microtome, 185.
Mites, 87.
Mollusca, 29.
Mollusca (classification of Gasteropod), 29.
Moths, 93.
Monoblastic, 34.
Moss-Corals, 33, 39, 119.
Mule, 32.
Mussel, Common, 103.
Nematodes, 71.
Notochord, 135, 139, 145, 149, 151.
Nucleus, 35.
Nummulite, 46.
Odontophore, 100.
Operculum (of univalve molluscs), 105.
Opossum, 161.
Orders, 33.
Orthonectidae, 34.
Pelecypoda, 107.
Perforating gills (of vertebrates and other chordata), 142
, 144.
Peripatus, 88.
Periwinkle, Common or Edible, 19, 26, 105.
Periwinkle, High-tide-mark (L. rudis) 19, 105, 114.
Periwinkle, Yellow, 19, 21, 23, 25, 30, 105.
"Persons" of a colony, 58.
Phoronis, 122.
Phylum, pl. phyla, 33.
Placophora, 113.
Planarian Worms, 37, 70.
Planula Larva, 41.
Platyhelminthes, 44, 71.
Polycystina, 47.
Polyzoa, 119.
Porifera, 33, 63, 68.
Protective Coloration, 15, 25.
Protophyta, 50.
Protoplasm, 35.
Prototheria, 161.
Protozoa, 33, 44, 45.
Pseudopodia, 36.
Radial Symmetry, 53.
Radiata, 53.
Radiolarians, 47.
Rainbow Worm, 72, 159.
Reptiles, 154-156.
Rhabdopleura, 145.
Rhizopoda, 36, 46, 48.
Rodent, Teeth of, 163.
Rotifers, 76.
Sand-hoppers, 83.
Sauropsida, 154.
Scales of fish, 142, 143.
Scallop, 107-112.
Scorpion, 87, 88.
Sex, 10.
Sea-Anemone, 54, 59.
Sea-Cucumbers, 129, 130.
Sea-Fan, 59.
Sea-Mats, 119.
Sea-Mouse, 72, 159.
Sea-Urchins, 23, 33, 122.