To call for a book not on open shelves.—As it has been found impossible to allow free access to the stack, it is necessary to apply for books at the Loan Desk. The procedure in drawing a book is as follows: A call slip when properly filled out, giving call number, author, title, name and address of the borrower, should be presented at the east end of the Loan Desk. An attendant at the desk will If the book is to be used in the library a white “Library Use Slip” should be filled out; if for home use a manila “Home Use Slip” is required. This distinction is important for a book taken out on a Library Use Slip is overdue if not returned the day issued. A reader must return books drawn on the Library Use Slip to the Loan Desk before leaving the library. He will be held responsible for books drawn in his name so long as his slips remain unclaimed. To have a book held.—A book which is on loan and is desired by another reader will be reserved on its return if request is made. The inquirer will be given a postcard which should be filled out and left with a loan desk attendant. When the book is returned this card will be mailed notifying the inquirer that the book will be held four days. To renew a book.—A book may be renewed if not in demand by another reader and if request for renewal is made before it becomes overdue. To renew a book it is necessary to give the attendant at the Loan Desk either the book or the call number and the name of the person to whom the book is charged. Wait until the attendant reports whether or not the book can be renewed. |