CLASSIFICATION OF THE METHODS — THREE CLASSES — FIRST, IMMEDIATE AMPUTATION — SECOND, AMPUTATION AFTER APPLICATION OF HEMOSTATIC MEANS UPON THE CORD — THIRD, WITHOUT AMPUTATION, BUT DESTRUCTION OF SECRETING POWER OF THE ORGAN — SIMPLE EXCISION — SCRAPING — TEARING AND TORSION — TORSION — FREE AND LIMITED — ABOVE OR BELOW THE EPIDIDYMIS — LINEAR CRUSHING — FIRING. The methods of performing the operation of castration may be variously classified, though in each class a varying number of modes will come under our notice. The first class will include the operations by which, the envelopes having been cut through, the vaginal sac opened and the testicle exposed, the organ is separated by an immediate section of the cord. A number of different processes are included under this head, among which are those of scraping, of tearing, of torsion, of linear crushing, or by the ecraseur, and of firing, or the actual cautery. The second class has also for its first or preliminary step, that of the first, viz., the incision of the bags, the opening of the vaginal sac, and the exposure of the testicle. But instead of removing the organ by the division of the cord, we proceed as a second step, to the application of an apparatus designed to operate by producing compression along the length of the cord, and in this are included but two modes of operating, that by the ligature and that by the clamps. The third class, according to our category, presents to our view two further operations, both of which are essentially bloodless and dispense with the incision of the bags, consisting of certain peculiar manipulations which insure the destruction of the testicular structure, and consequently of its secreting power. They comprehend the process of the crushing of the spermatic cord, and that of subcutaneous double twisting—the bistournage of the French. We now enter upon the consideration of each of the separate modes we have thus enumerated. SIMPLE EXCISION.This is claimed to be one of the oldest modes of operating, and though to a great extent discarded by practitioners of the present day, still finds its application in the treatment of the smaller animals. With larger patients, however, though still strongly recommended by some practitioners, it is not generally employed on account of the profuse hemorrhage which necessarily follows the amputation of the cord. Still SCRAPING.This operation, which is said to have originated in India, is but a modification of the preceding. Instead, however, of using a sharp edged instrument to divide the cord, the surgeon, on the contrary, employs a dull knife, with which the coats of the artery TEARING AND TORSION.These two modes of operation may, to a great extent, be considered as identical. Indeed, the mode of torsion may be said to have arisen principally as a modification of that of tearing, which is the older. In tearing, the cord was subjected to a certain amount of torsion by the hand, and then torn apart at a given In this process, especially applied to ruminants, the testicle being exposed, the operator secures the cord firmly with the thumb and index finger of one hand, to prevent the traction from taking effect too far upwards when being made by the other hand, after the cord has been twisted a few times on itself. TORSION.In this method of castration the cord is twisted with sufficient force to cause it to break of itself at the point of the greatest violence. Its design is to accomplish the removal of the testicle without dragging or excessive traction upon the cord, and thus to avoid the hemorrhage following the torsion of the spermatic artery, as a mode of hemostasis sufficient to prevent the flow of blood attendant upon the rupture of the cord. The operation may be performed either above or below the epididymis, or may consist simply in the torsion of the artery alone. At first the hands only were called upon to act in the FREE TORSION.Free torsion, or that in which the hands alone are employed in the operation, may be performed, as before stated, either above or below the epididymis. Above the Epididymis.—The first is one of the oldest modes of castration known; one which must have been practiced contemporaneously with the use of clamps, or in the first age of surgery. The first steps of the operation required for the exposure of the testicles are the same as have already been detailed. When this is accomplished the steps of torsion and rupture are then performed in the following manner: The operator, grasping the testicle, carefully draws out the spermatic cord, and with a pointed bistoury makes a transverse incision, above the tail of the epididymis, through the posterior septum of the cord, involving what we know as the white muscle of Bouley, the efferent canal, and the small testicular artery. He then seizes the anterior fasciculus of the cord between the thumb and index finger of the left hand, squeezing it as tightly as possible, and having with the other hand secured the cord at a short distance below the point where the left hand has already been placed, performs the torsion by a rotatory movement given to the testicle itself, the motion having for its result the twisting and tearing of the Below the Epididymis.—This, the fourth step of the operation, consists in the separation of the testicle from the epididymis and the torsion of one upon the other. The testicle being exposed, the operator, taking hold of its appendix, the epididymis, with the left hand, and of the gland with the right, their cellular serous attachment is divided by the thumbs from the posterior to the anterior extremity, from the tail to the head of the twisted efferent canal. If this cannot be done with the hand, the convex bistoury must be called into action. This accomplished, the head of the epididymis is firmly secured with the fingers of the left hand, and the right hand, left free, gives to the testicle the number of rotatory motions necessary to separate it from its excretory canal—that is, from eight to ten. When the testicle is thus LIMITED TORSION.Limited Torsion Above the Epididymis.—As we have seen, this is the operation by which the division of the spermatic cord is effected by torsion made upon a given point in its length, and limited by the use of special instruments. Fig. 3. FIXING FORCEPS FOR TORSION. A.—Renault and Delafond pattern. We have already called attention to the difficulty Fig. 4. MOVING FORCEPS FOR CASTRATION BY TORSION. Renault and Delafond pattern. Reynal pattern. It was in 1883 that two French veterinarians, Renault and Delafond, of the Alfort school, introduced the use of instruments in the operation, as an improvement upon the manual methods and their effects on the sequelÆ, though it is said to have been Fig. 5. COMBINED FORCEPS OF M. BEAUFILS. Modus Operandi.—In the first step of the operation, the ordinary manipulations of the division of the envelopes, the opening of the sac and exposure of the testicle being accomplished, and the envelopes being carefully pushed upwards, the torsion and excision of the cord are effected in the following manner: The entire cord is embraced by the fixing forceps (see Fig. 6), or only its anterior fasciculus if the posterior septum has been cut, as in the process by free torsion above the epididymis. An assistant, seizing it from before backwards between its open branches and strongly closing them, holds it firmly, without pulling upon the cord. The operator then grasps the cord with the moving forceps above the testicle, and a little below the point held by the assistant, leaving a small space between the instruments, and closing his own tightly, begins the movement of torsion, which he directs from left to right. For this he sometimes requires both hands, one of them keeping the instrument in place, while the other continues Fig. 6. OPERATION OF LIMITED TORSION. This process of castration is one of the most rapid of all the forms of operating. The only hemorrhage likely to occur is merely that of the small testicular artery, if it should happen to be divided when the torsion is confined to the front portion of the cord. Below the Epididymis.—This process differs from the preceding only in the fact that instead of holding the cord between the fingers, it is held by the fixed forceps, the use of the moving instrument being rendered unnecessary by the slightness of the adhesion of the seminal gland to its appendix. Fig. 7. VARIOUS KINDS OF ECRASEURS. LINEAR CRUSHING.The originator of the use of that peculiar instrument, the ecraseur (Fig. 7), so valuable an adjunct in the operation of castration, is Mr. H. Bouley, who brought it into use at a date as early as the year 1857. It is not, therefore, an American invention, as has sometimes been claimed. The function of this instrument is to effect the division of living parts without hemorrhage. The original ecraseur Fig. 8. HOUSE CLAMPS. Modus Operandi.—The operation is comparatively a very simple one. The testicle being exposed, as in all the other methods, the chain of the instrument is so placed around the cord that the pressure takes place upon the greater mass of tissue, in order that it may continue the longer; which being done, the lever of the instrument is brought into action, and the constriction caused by the chain slowly kept up until the definite division of the tissue is accomplished. The essential condition of success in the operation, having in view the desired hemostatic effect, is to act slowly. According to Prof. Bouley, an interval of several seconds should be suffered to elapse after each rotation of the wheel which moves the chain. If the tissues are divided too rapidly, the section of the artery is apt to be too clean, and a hemorrhage is likely to be the result. This objection, however, though made by one of the highest authorities in veterinary surgery, does not seem to be justified by the results obtained by American operators, most of whom both recommend and practice its execution as rapidly as possible; and according to their own statements, a serious hemorrhage is seldom encountered. The fact that it has been observed in FIRING.This mode of castration consists in the application to the cut end of the testicular cord—previously Fig. 9. SINGLE FORCEPS FOR CASTRATION BY FIRING. DOUBLE FORCEPS FOR CASTRATION BY FIRING. These forceps, or nippers, are either single or double (Fig. 9), and may be made either of wood or of iron, and more or less modified in form, according to the fancies of the different operators. But they all work on the same principle, and effect the same object. With the single forceps but one cord can be treated at a time, but with the double instrument both cords may be secured at once, and may be divided and cauterized at one step. In this way the possibility of disturbing the eschar caused by the cauterization of one cord while manipulating the second, is quite obviated. When the testicles, either or both, have been exposed, the mass of the cord is fixed between the jaws of the forceps, from before backwards, at about one inch above the tail of the epididymis, and firmly secured. This may be effected either by tying it tightly with a string wound about the handles, or by means of a spring crank with which some instruments are furnished. The testicle is then amputated, either by a stroke of the bistoury, or with the sharp edge of the cautery carried across and at a right A very proper precaution, and one on no account to be omitted, is the protection of the surrounding parts from the radiating heat by covering them with wet cloths. When the operation is completed, the forceps should be opened with great care, in order to ascertain whether all hemorrhage has ceased, and the cord may be allowed to retract. If any oozing of blood appears at the point of the operation, the cauterization must be repeated at the point indicated. A free application of cold water, in the form of a douche, after the operation, will contribute to the formation of a clot in the cauterized artery. |