The new and daring book on the Philosophy of Atheism CLARENCE DARROW eminent lawyer, noted philosopher, and humanitarian, says: "Your book, 'The Tyranny of God,' is well done. It is a very clear statement of the question, bold and true beyond dispute. I am glad that you wrote it. It is as plain as the multiplication table, which doesn't mean that everyone will believe it. I thank you for writing it. I wish I were the author." JOSEPH LEWIS
A special edition of "The Tyranny of God," consists of two hundred and fifty copies, printed on Utopian paper, bound in limp leather, gilt top, stamped in gold. Each copy is autographed and numbered by the author. Second edition, May, 1921 Third edition, April, 1922 Fourth edition, January, 1928 Fifth edition, April, 1930 Sixth edition, October, 1939 Seventh edition, November, 1943 THE TYRANNY OF GOD BY