Abrashes in design, 341
Acid for bleaching, 39
Advice to buyers, 43
Afghan rugs, see Khiva Bokhara, 278
Afghanistan, 341
Age of rugs, how told, 36, 332
Age of weaving art, 17
Aging of rugs artificially, 39
Ak Hissar (city), 341
Ak Hissar rugs (description), 232
Ak Hissar rugs (illustration), 232
Alcohol in design, 64
Alligator in design, see Kulah border design, 116
Almond in design, see Pear, 123
Altman collection of rugs, 38
Altman prayer rug (illustration), 336
Alum used in dyeing, 76
Amber beads for testing dyes, 79
Ames collection of rugs, 27, 38
Anatolia (country), 217
Anatolian Ghileems (description), 312
Anatolian rugs, 50, 52, 323, 325
Anatolian rugs (description), 234
Anatolian rugs (illustration), 60
Angora (province and city), 341
Angular hook in design, 101
Aniline dyes, 27, 40, 44, 77, 78, 170
Aniline dyes, effect on the wool, 78
Aniline dyes, how detected, 44, 45, 47, 79, 80
Aniline dyes in the Orient, 77, 78
Aniline dyed rugs, 218
Animals in design, 99
Anthemion design, 102
Antique rugs, 35, 36, 37, 38, 331, 332
Antique rugs, Cost of, 26, 39
Antique rugs, Craze for, 35
Antique rugs, Exhibition of, 331
Antique rugs, how told, 35, 47
Antique rug, What constitutes an, 35, 36, 47
Apple in design, see Silibik, 131
Arabic figures and letters in design, 100
Ardebil (town), 341
Ardebil mosque carpet, 26, 37, 333
Ardebil mosque carpet (description), 333
Ardebil mosque carpet (illustration), 330
Ardelan (province), 171
Armenia, 218, 342
Armenians, 56, 217, 218
Artificial aging, 39
Asia Minor, 342
Askabad, 342
Auctions, 31, 32
Austria, Antiques in, 37
Austrian royal hunting carpet, 335
Azerbijan (province), 171
Backs of rugs (characteristic), 153
Bagdad (province and city), 343
Baker hunting rug (description), 337
Baker hunting rug (illustration), 338
Bakhshis (village), 343
Bakhshis rugs (description), 173
Baku (province and city), 343
Baku rugs, 150
Baku rugs (characteristics), 150
Baku rugs (description), 261
Baku rugs (illustration), 262
Bale, Rugs bought by the, 31, 32
Ball and claw design, 102
Ballard collection of rugs, 38
Barber pole stripe design, 102
Basket in design, 102
Bat in design, 103
Bath rooms, Rugs suitable for, 51
Bath rugs, 325
Bavaria, Antiques in, 37
Beads in design, 103
Beating of rugs, 63
Bed rooms, Rugs suitable for, 51
Bee in design, 103
Beetle in design, 103
Beets used in making dyes, 82
Beluchistan (country), 295, 343
Beluchistan rugs, 50, 51, 52, 70, 106, 326
Beluchistan rugs (characteristics), 151, 295
Beluchistan rugs (description), 296
Beluchistan rugs (illustration), 296
Bergama rugs, 38, 52, 105, 323
Bergama rugs (characteristics), 150
Bergama rugs (description), 235
Bergama rugs (illustration), 46, 236
Berlin, Antiques in, 37
Berlin dragon and phoenix rug (illustration), 332
Beshir Bokhara rugs (description), 280
Beshir Bokhara rugs (illustration), 274, 280
Bibliography, 359
Bijar (town), 343
Bijar rugs, 51
Bijar rugs (characteristics), 148
Bijar rugs (description), 185
Bijar rugs (illustration), 186, 328
Black (color), 76, 77, 80, 83
Blue (color), 80, 82
Boar in design, 104
Bokhara (city), 343
Bokhara, Beshir (description), 280
Bokhara, Beshir (illustration), 274, 280
Bokhara, Camel Bag Half (illustration), 162
Bokhara, Emir of (illustration), 134
Bokhara, Khiva, 50, 51, 52, 327
Bokhara, Khiva (characteristics), 151
Bokhara, Khiva (description), 278
Bokhara, Khiva (illustration), 278
Bokhara, Tekke, 51
Bokhara, Tekke (characteristics), 151
Bokhara, Tekke (description), 281
Bokhara, Tekke (illustration), 282
Bokhara, Yomud, 50, 51, 105, 327
Bokhara, Yomud (characteristics), 151
Bokhara, Yomud (description), 285
Bokhara, Yomud (illustration), 286
Boquet in design, see Pear, 123
Boston hunting rug, 26, 335
Boston hunting rug (illustration), 334
Bow knot in design, 104
Brazil wood used in dyeing, 82
Brown (color), 76, 77, 83
Brushing rugs, 164
Buckthorn used in dyeing, 83
Budapest, Antiques in, 37
Butterfly in design, 104, 304
Buyers, Advice to, 43
Buying rugs by the bale, 31, 32
Camels' hair, 70, 77
Campeachy wood used in dyeing, 82
Canopy in design, 105
Care of rugs, 63
Carmine (color), 81
Cashmere goat, 70
Cashmere rug, see Shemaka, 263
Catechu used in dyeing, 83
Caucasia, 253, 344
Caucasian design, 98
Caucasian border design, 105
Caucasian classification, 165, 253
Caucasian rugs (characteristics), 253, 254
Change in design, 36
Characteristics of different rugs, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151
Chart of distinguishing features, 156
Checker board in design, 105
Chemically treated rugs, 39
Chichi rugs (see Tchetchen), 260
Chichi border design, 105
Children as weavers, 55, 56, 57
Chinese Cloud band design, see Cloud, 105
Chinese colors, 306, 307
Chinese designs, 98, 303, 304, 305
Chinese fret, 105, 304
Chinese materials, 305
Chinese rugs, 106, 112, 301
Chinese rugs (characteristics), 154
Chinese rugs, Classification of, 302, 303
Chinese rugs (description), 303, 304
Chinese rugs, Growing scarcity of, 301
Chinese rugs (illustrations), 300, 306, 318
Chinese rugs, Increased value of, 301
Chinese rugs of the 16th and 17th centuries, 306
Chinese rugs, Weave of, 154
Chinese weavers, 18, 303
Chinese weaving, 154, 305
Circle of happiness in design, 106, 304
Circle in design, 106
Clark collection of rugs, 27, 38
Classification of rugs according to intended use, 321
Classification of rugs, Caucasian, 165, 253
Classification of rugs, Chinese 302
Classification of rugs, General 161
Classification of rugs, Geographical, 162
Classification of rugs, Persian, 163, 169
Classification of rugs, Turkish, 164, 217
Classification of rugs, Turkoman, 165, 277
Claw and Ball in design, see Ball and Claw, 102
Cleaning of rugs, 63, 64, 65
Cloud band in design,—see Cloud, Chinese, 106
Coat of arms, Chinese (illustration), 301
Coat of arms, Persian, 107
Coat of arms, Persian (illustration), 169
Coat of arms, Russian, 107
Coat of arms, Russian (illustration), 253
Coat of arms, Turkish, 107
Coat of arms, Turkish (illustration), 217
Cochineal used in dyeing, 81
Cock in design, see Rooster, 127
Coffee grounds used for aging rugs, 39
Collection of Rugs, American, 27, 37, 38
Colors, Fast, 40
Colors, Harmony of, 48
Colors of different nations, 79
Colors employed in Chinese rugs, 306, 307
Comb in design, 108
Commercial methods of rug making, 77
Compass in design, 108
Compressed air for cleaning rugs, 331
Farsistan (province), 171
Fast colors, 40
Favorite colors of different nations, 79
Feather in design, see Pear, 123
Felt rugs, 318
Feraghan (district), 345
Feraghan design, see Herati design, 114
Feraghan rugs, 49, 50, 51
Feraghan rugs (characteristics), 149
Feraghan rugs (description), 190
Feraghan rugs (illustration), 114, 190
Figures in design, 100
Fir cone in design, see Pear, 123
Fish in design, 111
Fish bone in design, 112
Flame in design, see Pear, 123
Floor coverings, 327
Floral designs, 98
Flower of Henna in design, see Guli Henna, 113
Flower and Knop design, see Knop and Flower, 215
Fly in design, 112
Folding of rugs, 65
Foreign rug dealers, 31
Four flower design, see Roses, Four, 128
Four roses in design, see Roses, Four, 128
France, Antiques in, 37
Fret, Chinese or Greek, see Chinese fret, 105, 304
Frick collection of rugs, 27, 38
Gall nuts used in dyeing, 83, 84
Galley in design, 112
Ganga (city), 345
Genghis (tribe), 345
Genghis rugs, 50, 166
Genghis rugs (characteristics), 150
Genghis rugs (description), 267
Genghis rugs (illustration), 268
Geometrical designs, 99
Georgian border design, 112
Germany, Antiques in, 37
Ghileems, 311
Ghileems (description), 311
Ghileems, Anatolian, 312
Ghileems, Kurdish (characteristics), 154
Ghileems, Kurdish (description), 314
Ghileems, Kurdish (illustration), 314, 316
Ghileems, Kurdish, Weave of, 154
Ghileems, Merve (characteristic), 154
Ghileems, Merve (description), 315
Ghileems Merve (illustration), 316
Ghileems, Merve, Weave of, 154
Ghileems, Senna, 52
Ghileems, Senna (description), 312
Ghileems, Senna (illustration), 312
Ghileems, Shirvan (description), 314
Ghiordes border stripe, 113
Ghiordes knot, 169
Ghiordes rugs, 38, 52, 113, 117, 323
Ghiordes rugs (characteristics), 149
Ghiordes rugs (description), 238
Ghiordes rugs (illustration), 66, 238
Glossary, 341
Glycerine used in rugs, 39
Goats' hair, 70
Gorevan rugs, 120, 327
Gorevan rugs (description), 175
Gorevan rugs (illustration), 176
Gourd in design, 113
Grape juice used in dyeing, 84
Grave rugs, 324
Gray (color), 84
Greek cross in design, see Cross, Greek, 109
Greek fret, see Chinese fret, 105, 304
Greek key, see Chinese fret, 105, 304
Greek meander in design, see Meander, Greek, 119
Green (color), 79, 80, 83, 218
Guli Henna design, 113
Hair used in rugs, 305
Hall, Rugs suitable for, 50
Hamadan (city), 345
Hamadan rugs, 50, 70, 120, 327
Hamadan rugs (characteristics), 149
Hamadan rugs (description), 192
Hamadan rugs (illustration), 110, 192
Hand in design, see coat of arms, Turkish, also Pear, 107, 123
Hanging rugs, 63, 64
Hangings, 328
Hardjli Rugs, 283
Harmony of colors, 48
Havemeyer collection of rugs, 27
Hearth rugs, 323
Heliotrope (color), 84
Henna flower in design, see Guli Henna design, 113
Herat (city), 346
Herat rugs, 114, 125
Herat rugs (characteristics), 149
Herat rugs (description), 206
Herati design, 114
Herez (district), 346
Herez rugs, 51
Herez rugs (characteristics), 148
Herez rugs (description), 173
Herez rugs (illustration), 172
Hexagon in design, 115
Hog in design, 115
Holy carpet, Yerkes, 27
Hom in design, see Anthemion, 102
Home looms, 56
Hook, Angular, see Angular hook, 101
Hook, Latch, see Angular hook, 101
Horse shoe in design, 115
Hound in design, 115
Hour glass in design, 115
Human beings in design, 99
Hygiene of Oriental rugs, 28
Identification of rugs, 147
Importation of Oriental rugs, 20, 217
Indian designs, 98
Indian fish bone design, see Fish bone, 112
Indian hunting rug, 26, 335
Indian rugs, 162
Indigo used in dyeing, 82, 84
Inscriptions in design, 100
Inspecting rugs at Ispahan (illustration), 170
Introduction, 17
Irak Ajemi (province), 171
Iron filings used in dyeing, 83
Ispahan (city), 346
Ispahan rugs, 50, 51, 332, 333
Ispahan rugs (description), 194
Ispahan rugs (illustration), 194
Ivy berries used in dyeing, 82
Jewel in design, see Pear, 123
Jones, Mr. Quill, 36
Joshaghan (district), 346
Jug in design, 115
Kabistan rugs, 50, 51, 128, 135
Kabistan rugs (description), 258
Kabistan rugs (illustration), 258
Karabagh (province), 347
Karabagh rugs, 50, 126
Karabagh rugs (characteristics), 126
Karabagh rugs (description), 269
Karabagh rugs (illustration), 270
Kara Dagh (mountains), 347
Kara Dagh rugs (characteristics), 148
Kara Dagh rugs (description), 178
Karaman (town), 347
Karaman rugs (description), 223
Kashan city, 347
Kashan rugs (description), 180
Kashan rugs (illustration), 180
Kashgar rugs (characteristics), 152
Kashgar rugs (description), 287
Kazak rugs, 50, 51, 108, 122, 126, 135, 138, 154, 327
Kazak rugs (characteristics), 150, 154
Kazak rugs (description), 272
Kazak rugs (illustration), 94, 144, 272
Kazak rugs, Weave of, 154
Kermanshah (city), 347
Kermanshah rugs 50, 327
Kermanshah rugs (characteristics), 148
Kermanshah rugs (description), 186
Kermanshah rugs (illustration), 118
Kermes used in dyeing, 81
Key, Greek, see Chinese fret, 105, 304
Khilims, see Ghileems, 311
Khiva (principality), 348
Kiva Bokhara rugs, 50, 51, 327
Khiva Bokhara rugs (characteristics), 151
Khiva Bokhara rugs (description), 278
Khiva Bokhara rugs (illustration), 120, 278
Khorasan (province), 172, 348
Khorasan rugs, 50, 78, 114, 120, 125, 153, 327
Khorasan rugs (characteristics), 149
Khorasan rugs (description), 207
Khorasan rugs (illustration), 32
Khorasan rugs, Weave of, 153
Kilims, see Ghileems, 311
Kirman (city and province), 172, 348
Kirman rugs, 49, 104, 120, 327
Kirman rugs (characteristics), 149
Kirman rugs (description), 211
Kirman rugs (illustrations), 210, 212
Kir Shehr (town), 348
Kir Shehr rugs (characteristics), 149
Kir Shehr rugs (description), 220
Kir Shehr rugs (illustration), 130, 220, 222
Kis Ghileem, 313, 324
Knop and flower design, 115
Knot in design, 104, 116
Knot of destiny design, 116
Knot, Persian or Senna, 91, 93, 169
Knot, Turkish or Ghiordes, 91, 93, 169
Knots used in weaving (illustration), 90
Konieh (city), 348
Konieh field design, see Rhodian, 126
Konieh rugs, 117, 127
Konieh rugs (description), 225
Konieh rugs (illustration), 138, 224
Koran, 99, 100, 116
Kulah border design, 150
Kulah (city), 349
Kulah rugs, 38, 52, 323
Kulah rugs (characteristics), 150
Kulah rugs (description), 239
Kulah rugs (illustrated), 216, 240
Kurdish ghileems, 314
Kurdish ghileems (illustration), 314, 316
Kurdish ghileems, Weave of, 154
Kurdish guard (illustration), 124
Kurdish weavers, 219
Oriental rugs, Characteristics of, 43
Oriental shrewdness, 31
Oriental versus domestic rugs, 27
Oushak (city), 350
Oushak rugs (description), 222
Owl in design, 122
Ox in design, 122
Oxalic acid used for doctoring rugs, 39
Paint used on rugs, 39
Palace design, 122
Palace design (illustrated), 272
Palm in design, see Pear, 123
Palmette design, 122
Palm tree, see Tree, 136, 137
Panel in design, 123, 323
Paraffin used on rugs, 39
Paris, Antiques in, 37
Parrot in design, 123
Pay of weavers, 55, 170
Payne collection of rugs, 27
Peacock in design, 123
Pear in design, 115, 123, 124, 125
Pearl in design, 125
Pease collection of rugs, 38
Pekin rugs, 303
Pendants, Hanging, 323
Peony in design, 125
Pergamon (country), 351
Persia, 351
Persian berries used in dyeing, 83
Persian coat of arms, see Coat of arms, Persian, 107
Persian classification, 162
Persian designs, 98, 169
Persian dye pots (illustration), 80
Persian knot, 169
Persian rug provinces, 171
Persian village (illustration), 80
Persian weavers, 169, 170
Phoenix in design, 125
Piaster (coin), 351
Pile of a rug, 44, 91, 92
Pillow cases, 325
Pineapple in design, 125
Pine tree in design, 125
Pink (color), 82
Poems in design, 100
Polanaise rugs, 332
Pole medallion in design, see Medallion, 120
Polish rugs, 332
Pomegranate in design, 125
Powder bag (illustration), 324
Prayers of Mohammedans, 100
Prayer niches (illustration), 322
Prayer rugs, 321
Prayer rugs, Classification of 152
Profits on rugs, 25
Purple (color), 84
Ram in design, 126
Reception hall, Rugs suitable for, 50
Reception room, Rugs suitable for, 50
Reciprocal saw teeth in design, 126
Reciprocal trefoil in design, 126
Red (color), 76, 80, 81, 82
Reliable rug dealers, 43
Rhodian design, 126
Rhomboid in design, 127
Ribbon in design, 127
Rice in design, 127
River loop in design, see Pear, 123
Room decorations, 48
Rooms, Rugs suitable for certain, 48
Rooster in design, 127
Rosary, Mohammedan, see Beads, 103
Rose (color), 81
Roses Four, in design, 128
Rosette in design, 128
Rothschild collection of rugs, 37
Rug exhibitions, 331
Rug factories in the Orient, 55, 57, 170, 217
Rug nomenclature, 162
Runners, 328
Russia, Antiques in, 37
Russia, coat of arms, see Coat of arms, Russian, 107
Saddlebags, 52, 326
Saddle bag (illustrated), 324, 326
Saddlecloth, 327
Saddle cloth (illustrated), 324
Salmon (color), 84
Samarkand (province and city), 351
Samarkand rugs, 106, 116, 134
Samarkand rugs (characteristics), 151
Samarkand rugs (description), 289
Samarkand rugs (illustration), 290
Samarkand, Street in (illustration), 288
Sample corners, 326
Sample corner (illustration), 328
Saraband border design, see Mir design, 120
Saraband dance, 164
Saraband rugs, 50, 51, 125, 154, 327
Saraband rugs (characteristics), 149
Saraband rugs (description), 197
Saraband rugs (illustration), 198
Saraband, Weave of, 154
Sarak rug, see Bijar, 185
Sarakhs (town), 351
Sarawan (district), 351
Sardar design, 129
Saruk (village), 352
Saruk rug, 49, 50, 112, 152, 153
Saruk rugs (characteristics), 149
Saruk rugs (description), 200
Saruk rugs (illustration), 40, 166
Saruk rugs, weave of, 153
Saw-teeth, Reciprocal, in design, see Reciprocal, 126
ScarabÆus in design, see Beetle 103
Scarlet (color), 81, 82
Sceptre in design, 129
Scorpion in design, 129
Scroll in design, 130
Seals on rugs, 47
Secrets of dyeing, 75
Selection of rugs for rooms, 48
Selvage of rugs, 45
Semi-Persian rug (illustrated), 100
Senna (city), 352
Senna ghileems, 312
Senna ghileems (characteristics), 312
Senna ghileems (description), 312
Senna ghileems (illustration), 312
Senna knot, 169
Senna rugs, 49, 50, 114, 125, 153, 327
Senna rugs (characteristics), 148, 151, 152
Senna rugs (description), 188
Senna rugs (illustration), 188
Senna, Weave of, 153
Serapi rugs (description), 178
Serapi rugs (illustration), 178
Serpent in design, 130
Shah Abbas (ruler), 352
Shah Abbas design, 37, 130
Shawl design, see Pear, 123
Sheen, 39, 63, 92
Sheep's blood used in dyeing, 82
Shemakha (town), 352
Shemakha rugs, 112, 155, 327
Shemakha rugs (characteristic), 155
Shemakha rugs (description), 263
Shemakha rugs (illustrations), 264
Shemakha rugs, Weave of, 155
Shiraz (town), 352
Shiraz rugs, 50, 51, 52, 104, 120, 125, 127, 325, 326
Shiraz rugs (characteristics), 149
Shiraz rugs (description), 204
Shiraz rugs (illustrations), 52, 104, 206, 208
Shirvan (city), 353
Shirvan design, 130
Shirvan rugs, 50, 118, 122, 128, 131, 135, 139
Shirvan rugs (description), 265
Shirvan rugs (illustration), 158
Shirvan ghileems (description), 314
Shirvan ghileems (illustrated), 250
Short rugs, 49
Shortell collection, 38
Shou design, 131, 304, 305
Signet of David in Design, 131
Silibik design, 131
Silk, 71
Silk rugs, 316
Sinclair collection, 38
Sirab (village), 3
Sixteen lucky squares in design, see Knot of destiny, 116
Smyrna (province and city), 353
Smyrna rugs, 327
Smyrna rugs (description), 246
Snake in design, see serpent, 130
Snow for cleaning rugs, 64
Solomon's seal in Design, 131
Souj Bulak (city), 353
Souj Bulak rugs (description), 181
Sparrow in design, 131
Spider in design, see Scorpion, 129
Spinning the wool (illustration), 72
Square in design, 132
Squirrel in design, 132
Stains on rugs, 66
Star in design, 132, 133
Storing rugs, 65
Stork in design, 133
Sultanabad (city), 353
Sultanabad rugs, 327
Sultanabad rugs (characteristics), 149
Sultanabad rugs (description), 201
Sumac used for dyeing, 76
Sumak rugs see Shemakha, 263
Sunburst design, see Palace design, 122, 133
Swan in design, 133
Swastika in design, 133, 134, 304
Symbolism of designs, 99, 303
Symbolic Persian silk rug (illustration), 48, 98
Symmetry of Oriental rugs, 99
T, forms in design, 134
Tabriz (city), 353
Tabriz rugs, 50, 327
Tabriz rugs (characteristics), 148
Tabriz rugs (description), 182
Tabriz rugs (illustration), 182
Tae-kieh design, 135
Tags and seals on rugs, Purpose of, 47
Talim, 354
Tarantula in design, 135
Tariff on rugs, 20, 25, 26
Tcherkess (province), 354
Tchetchen (tribe), 354
Tchetchen rugs (characteristics), 150
Tchetchen rugs (description), 260
Tchetchen rugs (illustration), 260
Teheran (city), 354
Tekke border design, 135
Tekke field design, 135
Tekke Bokhara rugs, 51, 135
Tekke Bokhara rugs (characteristics), 151