Hidden Treasures; Or, Why Some Succeed While Others Fail


Why Some Succeed While Others Fail . BY H. A. LEWIS.





Daniel Drew .

Russell Sage .

Cornelius Vanderbilt .

Amos Lawrence .

Horace B. Claflin .

William E. Dodge .

Jay Gould .

John Wannamaker .

Alexander T. Stewart .

Nicholas Longworth .

Robert Bonner .

William G. Fargo .

James C. Flood .

John W. MacKay .

James C. Fair .

Horace Greeley .

Thurlow Weed .

George W. Childs .

James Gordon Bennett .

Phineas T. Barnum .

Mathew Vassar .

John Jacob Astor .

Potter Palmer .

James Harper .

Henry Disston .

Peter Cooper

Darius O. Mills .

Stephen Girard .

Moses Taylor .

William C. Ralston .

George Peabody .

William W. Corcoran .

Nathan Mayer Rothschild .

Thomas Jefferson .

John Marshall .

Alexander Hamilton .

James Madison .

James Monroe .

Lewis Cass .

John C. Calhoun .

Robert Y. Hayne .

Daniel Webster .

Andrew Jackson .

Thomas H. Benton .

Henry Clay .

Martin Van Buren .

Stephen Arnold Douglass .

Abbott Lawrence .

Alexander H. Stephens .

Millard Fillmore .

William H. Seward .

Horatio Seymour .

Winfield S. Hancock .

George B. McClellan .

Ulysses Simpson Grant .

Stonewall Jackson .

General Robert E. Lee .

Henry Wilson .

Abraham Lincoln .

Edward Everett .

Edwin M. Stanton .

Andrew Johnson .

James A. Garfield .

Chester A. Arthur .

John A. Logan .

James G. Blaine .

Samuel J. Tilden .

Henry Ward Beecher .

George Stephenson .

Benjamin Franklin .

Eli Whitney .

Robert Fulton .

Elias Howe, Jr .

Isaac M. Singer .

Richard M. Hoe .

Charles Goodyear .

Prof. S. F. B. Morse .

Cyrus W. Field .

George M. Pullman .

Thomas A. Edison .

Concentration of Effort .

Self-reliance .

Economy of Time .

Causes of Failure .

Title: Hidden Treasures

Why Some Succeed While Others Fail

Author: Harry A. Lewis

[Last updated March 11, 2013]

Language: English

Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1

Note: Images of the original pages are available through Internet Archive/American Libraries. See http://www.archive.org/details/whysucceed00lewirich
Transcriber's note:

A large number of printer's typographical errors have been corrected. In some cases, questionable spellings, tense and words (e.g.: vindicative) have been retained.




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