About three hundred and twenty years ago Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for his audacity in believing in the existence of other worlds. A few decades later the famous astronomer Galileo was forced to publicly recant his belief that the earth moved. Yet the truth could not long be suppressed by such means, and since those dark days man's advance in knowledge has been so rapid that it seems to us today in this wonderful age of scientific discovery almost inconceivable that man ever believed that the earth, a tiny planet of a vast solar system, was "the hub of the universe," the fixed and immovable center about which revolved all the heavenly bodies. Very reluctantly, however, and with bitter feeling, but in the light of overwhelming evidence man finally gave up his long-cherished idea of terrestrial importance, and when finally forced to move his fixed center of the universe, he moved it only so far as the comparatively nearby sun. This center he then regarded as fixed in space and also held to his belief that the stars, set in an imaginary celestial sphere, were immovable in space as well, and all at the same distance from the sun. So, scarcely Although in the days of Bradley neither the methods of observation nor the instruments were sufficiently accurate to show the minute shifts in the positions of the stars that reveal the individual motions of the stars and the distances of those nearest to us, yet the discovery of the two large displacements in the positions of all the stars, due to the aberration of light and the nodding of the earth's axis were of the greatest value, for they were a necessary step in the direction of the precise measurements of modern times. It is only through measurements of the greatest refinement and accuracy that it is possible to detect the motions and After unsuccessful attempts extending over several centuries the distance of one of the nearest stars, the faint 61 Cygni, as it is catalogued, was finally determined by the astronomer Bessel in the year 1838. This star is about ten light-years distant from the earth, which places it about six hundred and thirty thousand times farther away from us than the sun; that is, we would have to travel six hundred and thirty thousand times the distance from the earth to the sun to reach this very close stellar neighbor, 61 Cygni. The nearest of all the stars, Alpha Centauri, is over two hundred and seventy thousand times the distance from the earth to the sun. It is, therefore, little wonder that the early astronomers believed that the stars were fixed in space since even the nearest is so far away that, viewed from opposite points in the earth's orbit, its apparent change in position due to our actual change in position of 186,000,000 miles, amounts to only one and a half seconds of arc. Two stars separated by one hundred and sixty times this angular distance might possibly be glimpsed as two distinct stars by a person with good eyesight, though to most of us they would appear as one star. Upon the measurement of such minute angles depended a knowledge of the distances of the nearest stars. It is to Sir William Herschel that we owe the discovery, more than a hundred years ago, of the motion It is to Sir William Herschel that we owe also the discovery of binary systems of stars in which two stars swing around a point between them called their center of gravity. Spiral Nebula in Canes Venatici Taken with 60-inch Reflector of the Mt. Wilson Observatory Our first conception of the immensity and grandeur of the universe dates from the time of the older Herschel only a century or so ago. The mysterious nebulÆ and star clusters were then discovered, the wonders of the Milky Way were explored, and a new planet and satellites in our own solar system were discovered. It was found that the sun and the stars as well as the planets were in motion. Neither sun nor earth With the application of the spectroscope to the study of the heavens toward the end of the nineteenth century the key to a treasure-house of knowledge was placed in the hands of the astronomers of modern times and as a result we are now learning more, in a few decades, about the wonders and mysteries of the heavens than was granted to man to learn in centuries of earlier endeavor. Yet it is the feeling of the astronomer of today that he is only standing on the threshold of knowledge and that the greatest of all discoveries, that of the nature of matter and of time and space is yet to be made. It is the spectroscope that tells us so many wonderful facts about the motions of the stars, nebulÆ and star clusters. It tells us also practically all we know about the physical condition of our own sun and of the other suns of the universe, their temperature and age, and the peculiarities of their atmospheres. Some of the most important astronomical discoveries that have been made in the past few years have to do with the distribution and velocities of the heavenly bodies as revealed by the spectroscope. It has been found, with the aid of the spectroscope, that the most slowly moving of all stars are the extremely hot bluish Orion stars with an average velocity of eight miles per second, while the most rapidly moving stars are the deep-red stars with an average velocity of twenty-one miles per second, and there The spectroscope has also told us some astonishing facts in recent years about the velocities of the spiral nebulÆ. It is now known that these mysterious objects are moving with the tremendous average velocity of four hundred and eighty miles per second, which exceeds the average velocity of the stars fully twenty-five fold. They possess, moreover, internal motions of rotation that are almost as high as their velocities through space. It is now generally believed that spiral nebulÆ are far distant objects of enormous size and mass, exterior to our own system of stars and similar to it in form. In place of the universe of the "fixed stars" and the immovable sun or earth of a few centuries ago we find that modern astronomical discovery is substituting a universe of inconceivable grandeur and immensity in a state of ceaseless flux and change. Our earth—an atom spinning about on its axis and revolving rapidly around a huge sun that is equal in volume to more than a million earths—is carried onward with this sun through a vast universe of suns. Only an average-sized star among several hundred million other stars is this huge sun of ours, moving with its planet family through the regions of the Milky Way, where are to be found not only moving The extent and form of this enormous system of stars and nebulÆ and the laws that govern the motions of its individual members are among the problems that the astronomers of today are attempting to solve. On both sides of these regions of the Milky Way, wherein lies our own solar system, lie other vast systems, such as the globular star clusters, composed of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, of suns; the Magellanic clouds, which resemble detached portions of the Milky Way, and, probably, the much discussed spiral nebulÆ, possible "island universes" similar to our own. We have come far in the past three hundred years from the conception of an immovable earth at the center of the universe to this awe-inspiring conception of the universe that we have today, which is based upon modern astronomical discoveries. Whatever may be discovered in the future in regard to the form and extent of the universe the idea of a fixed and immovable center either within the solar system or among the stars beyond has gone from the minds of men at last. Spiral Nebula in Andromeda viewed edgewise Taken with 60-inch Reflector of the Mt. Wilson Observatory Not more than a generation ago a survival of the No celestial object has been found to be without the attribute of motion, not only motion onward through the universe, but also rotational motion about an axis of the body. The planets rotate on their axes as well as revolve about the sun, and the sun also turns on its axis as it moves onward through space. This rotational motion is also found in the nebulÆ and star clusters as well as in the stars and planets. No object in the heavens is known to be without it. Even the slowly drifting Orion nebula possesses a rapid internal velocity of rotation. There is no such thing as a body absolutely at rest in the universe. TABLE Showing the number and relative size, velocity and distribution of the various types of celestial objects. |