- Aiken, C., 18.
- Bainton, G., 244, foot-note.
- Baker, G. P., 270, foot-note.
- Bardeen, C. W., 44.
- Bartlett, J., 201, foot-note.
- Beecher, H. W., 75, 253.
- Bible, 107.
- Bigelow, N. T., 15.
- Blackmore, R. D., 193, 205, 206.
- Brookings, W. D., and Ringwalt, R. C., 269, foot-note.
- Browning, R., 135.
- Bryant, W. C., 275, foot-note.
- Buck, G., 114, foot-note.
- Burke, E., 145, 267.
- Carlyle, T., 201-205, 253.
- Carpenter, G. R., 3, foot-note; 48, 211, foot-note; 238-239;
- and Fletcher, J. B., 281, foot-note.
- Chesterfield, P. D. S. (4th earl), 151, 179.
- Choate, R., 211.
- Cholmondeley, T., 261.
- Clarendon, E. H. (1st lord), 89-90.
- Coleridge, S. T., 76-77, 136.
- Cook, A. S., 212, foot-note.
- Defoe, D., 89.
- De Quincey, T., 78.
- Dickens, C., 276.
- Drayton, M., 136.
- Eliot, George, 243.
- Emerson, R. W., 34, 77, 121-122, 240.
- Fallows, S., 220, foot-note.
- Fernald, J. C., 219, 220, foot-note.
- Fiske, J., 101.
- Gaskell, Mrs., 177-179.
- Genung, J. F., 109, foot-note.
- Goethe, 35.
- Hale, E. E., Jr., 240, foot-note.
- Hall, S., ix., foot-note.
- Hart, J. M., 257, foot-note.
- Hawthorne, N., 105-106, 276.
- Hazlitt, W., 213, foot-note.
- Hill, A. S., 164, foot-note; 199, 211.
- Holmes, O. W., 75-76.
- Homer, 275, foot-note.
- Howells, W. D., <
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