Her Majesty's Postmaster-General. THE RIGHT HON. LORD STANLEY OF ALDERLEY. Secretary | John Tilley, Esq. | Assistant Secretaries | - | | Frederic Hill, Esq. and | Frank Ives Scudamore, Esq. | Chief Clerk of the Secretary's Office | Rodie Parkhurst, Esq. | Chief Clerk of Foreign Business | William Page, Esq. | Solicitor | Wm. Henry Ashurst, Esq. | Assistant Solicitor | R. W. Peacock, Esq. | Inspector-General of Mails | Edward John Page, Esq. | Deputy Inspector-General of Mails | John West, Esq. | Receiver and Accountant-General | Vacant. | Controller of Circulation Department | William Bokenham, Esq. | Deputy Controller" | Thomas Boucher, Esq. | Controller of Money-Order Office | Fred. Rowland Jackson, Esq. | Controller of Post-Office Savings' Banks | George Chetwynd, Esq. | Medical Officer | Waller Lewis, Esq. M.D. | Post-Office District Surveyors. Northern District | Chris. Hodgson, Esq. | Penrith. | Southern District | J. H. Newman, Esq. | Dorking. | Eastern District | Anthony Trollope, Esq. | Waltham Cross. | Western District | G. H. Cresswell, Esq. | Devonport. | Derby District | Ernest Milliken, Esq. | Derby. | Manchester District | William Gay, Esq. | Altrincham. | Shrewsbury District | W. J. Godby, Esq. | Shrewsbury. | Gloucester District | John Patten Good, Esq. | London. | Birmingham District | A. M. Cunynghame, Esq. | London. | IRELAND. Secretary | Gustavus Charles Cornwall, Esq. | Accountant | Joseph Long, Esq. | Controller of Sorting Office | R. O. Anderson, Esq. | Solicitor | R. Thompson, Esq. | Surveyors | - | | H. James, Esq. Limerick, and | W. Barnard, Esq. Dublin. | SCOTLAND. Secretary | Francis Abbott, Esq. | Accountant | John Marrable, Esq. | Controller of Sorting Office | T. B. Lang, Esq. | Solicitor | J. Cay, Jun. Esq. | Surveyors | - | | John Warren, Esq. Aberdeen, and | E. C. Burckardt, Esq. Edinburgh. |