- For an Ache. 184.
- For Agues. 296, 503, 504.
- Almond Loaves. 322.
- Angelicoe to Dry. 406.
- Apples green to Preserve. 25.
- Apricocks to Dry. 75, 77, 115.
- To Preserve them Green, 104.
- Apricocks to preserve. 131.
- Apples Pasties. 312.
- Aqua Mirabilis. 10, 178, 410.
- Balsam. 39, 57.
- To Bake a Bullock’s Head. 260.
- Barberrys to Preserve. 318.
- Bacon Gamon to Dry. 387,402.
- Rump of Beef to stew. 14.
- Rump of Beef to Bake. 17.
- Beef to Coller. 133, 340.
- Beef to Pot. 156.
- Beef Collops. 190.
- Beef to boyle. 341.
- Bed Tickins to Prepare. 477.
- Biskit. 16, 58, 99, 320.
- Fruit Biskit. 23.
- Spanish Biskit. 278.
- Italian Biskit. 450.
- French Biskit. 451.
- Naples Biskit. 453.
- Bite of Mad Dog. 165, 251, 252.
- Bleeding to stop. 516.
- French Bread. 114, 329.
- For a Bruise. 184.
- Black Cherry Brandy. 232.
- Strengthening Broth. 307.
- Fowl Breath. 462.
- For a Burn. 244, 245, 249.
- Almond Butter. 286, 330.
- Cake. 87, 157, 328, 333, 348.
- Wood-street Cake. 1.
- Almond Cakes. 15, 394.
- Oringe Cakes. 48, 61.
- Quince Cakes Red. 59.
- Quince clear, Cakes. 60.
- Apricock Cakes.
- Heartburning to Cure. 380.
- Water for the Head. 484.
- Hippocras. 383.
- Hysterick Fits. 413, 415.
- Jaundice to cure. 159, 180, 299, 517.
- Jelly to make. 101, 127, 398.
- Jelly of Currance, etc. 158.
- Jelly of Harts horne. 376.
- Icing for Cakes. 391.
- Jimbols to make. 98, 360.
- Imperial Water. 186.
- For an Imposthume. 239.
- Iringo roots to Candy. 356.
- Iringo roots to dry. 386.
- Itch to cure. 177.
- Plumme Jumbols. 116.
- King’s Evil. 185, 212, 511, 512, 513.
- Lace to wash. 211.
- Lemon water. 19.
- Lemons to preserve. 106, 342.
- Leg of Mutton to Roast. 253.
- Juice of Liquorish. 501.
- For Looseness in Lying in. 233.
- Lozenges of Flowers. 445.
- Marmalade of Apricocks. 65.
- Of Quinces, White. 66, 82.
- Of Quinces, Red. 78, 425, 481.
- Of Pippins. 82.
- Of Oringes. 88.
- Of Plummes. 427.
- A March Paine. 446.
- Macaroons. 452, 488.
- Metheglin. 8, 323, 324, 332, 352, 353.
- Mead to make. 55, 90.
- Miscarrying to prevent. 196.
- Milk water. 217.
- Minc’d Pyes. 483.
- Mother Fits. 24, 26, 216, 224, 227.
- Sore Mouth to cure. 179.
- Moths to destroy. 300, 485, 502.
- Stag Powder. 237.
- Stomach Paine. 316.
- To take Stains out of Linnen. 362.
- For a Strain. 500, 198.
- Sugar Cakes. 100.
- Surfeit Water. 113, 498, 499.
- To Sugar any Herbs or Fruit to Dry. 346.
- To Boyle Sugar to a Candy Hight. 456.
- To Boyle Sugar to a Manus Christi. 455.
- Sugar Plate. 447.
- Sweet Bag. 132.
- Sweet Meat like Bacon. 357.
- Cockle Shell Sweetmeat. 408.
- To Mould Sweetmeats in Shape of Fruits, etc. 448, 454.
- Sweet Water. 420.
- Swelling to Asswage. 162.
- Syllabub to make. 110, 325.
- Whipt Syllabubs. 144.
- A Healing Salve. 528.
- Tansie to make. 255.
- Teeth Powder. 306, 463.
- Almond Tarts. 397.
- Sore Throat to Cure. 179, 203, 240.
- Tongues to Salt. 140, 388.
- Vapours. 522.
- Venison to Pot. 40, 404.
- Venison to Fry. 403.
- Haunch of Venison to Boyle. 272.
- Haunch of Venison to Roast. 407.
- Veal Collups. 189, 399.
- Vinegar to make. 6, 375, 411.
- Elder Vinegar. 385.
- Vomiting to stop. 228, 317.
- Walnuts to Preserve. 102.
- To Wash Lace. 211.
- To Wash Gloves. 280.
- For those which make Bloody Water. 288.
- Dutch Wafers. 314.
- A White Pot. 267.
- Goosberry Wine. 7, 361.
- Celeriony Wine. 71.
- Cowslip Wine. 20, 41, 42.
- Quince Wine. 51.
- Cherry Wine.