- Agriculture, peculiarity of production, 109 (125-153);
- principal regions, 125;
- chief crops, 126;
- size of holdings, 127-9;
- land agencies, 130-1;
- usual land tenure, 132;
- dependent on railways, 132;
- produce (tables), 135, 136, 137 (table);
- increase of sown lands, 139;
- statistics of area (table), 140-1;
- profits of (tables), 147-151;
- wheat, 154-161;
- agricultural exports (table), 227:
- total value of agricultural and pastoral holdings, 372
- Agricultural census, see Census
- Agricultural industries, see Industries
- Agricultural machinery, see Machinery
- America, see United States
- Andes, climate of, 73
- Area, of Argentine, 72;
- cultivable, 76
- Argentine nationality, the, 59-68
- Argentine Republic, the position of, 71;
- boundaries, 71;
- area, 72;
- climate, 72-4;
- soil, 74-6;
- scourge of locusts, 77;
- rivers, 77;
- almost a desert nation, 115;
- production of wheat in, 154-161;
- foreign trade, 211-234
- Austria, trade with, 226
- Bahia Blanca, port of, 89-90
- Balance-Sheet, the, of the Argentine, (349-372);
- securities in circulation (table), 352;
- revenue of same (table), 355-356;
- interest paid on foreign capital, 357;
- table of English capital, 358;
- of French, 361;
- German, 363;
- favourable balance, 367;
- total value of farms and estates, 372
- Banks, (261-278);
- balance-sheets of, 264-268;
- nature of business, 266-70;
- clearing-house, 270;
- balance-sheet of the bank of the Province of Buenos Ayres, 271;
- see Mortgage Banks
- Bank of the Nation, the, 270;
- balance-sheets, 272
- Belgium, trade with the Argentine, 219-225
- Boundaries of the Republic, 71
- Bourse, the (278-286);
- extent of operations, 280-1;
- organisation of, 276;
- regulations, 283;
- table of operations, 283-4;
- value of securities quoted, 284
- Brazil, trade with the Argentine, 219, 225
- Brewe
ral (table), 144-5;
- tables, 146, 148
- Markets, Buenos Ayres (table), 84
- MatÉ, 197-8;
- where gathered, 197;
- imports, 198
- MÉtayage, 133, 138
- Mines (250-5);
- gold, silver, copper, coal, antimony, sulphur, etc., 253-4;
- mining laws, 255
- Mortgage Banks, 275-278
- Mulberry, cultivation and use of, 196-7
- National debt, the (312-329);
- tabulated amount of, 312;
- first loans, 314;
- further loans, 315-321;
- table of internal debt, 322;
- total debt, 323;
- interest on, 324
- Nationality, the Argentine, 59-68
- Pampa, the, 75, 144;
- production of wheat per acre, 157
- Pampero, the, 73
- Parana, Rio, the, 79;
- navigable value and dredging of, 80-1;
- ports on the, 82, 88-9
- Plata, La, port of, 86
- Plata, Rio de la, 79
- Plate, river, see Plata
- Population, density of (table), 113-4; 117
- Ports, 82;
- statistics of (table), 83;
- on the Parana, 82;
- Buenos Ayres, trade of (table), 85;
- see Plata, 86;
- Bahia Blanca, 89
- Property, large private, 129
- Provinces, population of, 113-4;
- produce of, 137
- Quebracho wood, effect on value of land, 74-5;
- the quebracho industry, 244-248
- Railways (91-112);
- mileage of (table), 93;
- general statistics (table), 94;
- comfort and equipment, 95;
- statistics (table), 96-7;
- revenues of, 98;
- administration and tariffs (table), 98-9;
- cost of, 99;
- concessions, 99;
- guarantees, 99;
- mileage, 100-1;
- comparative mileage (table), 102;
- projected lines, 103-4;
- Government policy, 104;
- future development, 106;
- celebrated aerial railway, 107;
- indispensable auxiliary of production,