The lectures on “Modern Copper Smelting” embodied in this volume were delivered at the University of Birmingham to the Senior Students in the School of Metallurgy and to others interested in the subject. They are based largely upon the results of a study of the practice as conducted at a number of the best organised smelters and refineries in the United States of America, at which the author has had the opportunity of spending some considerable time, and it has been felt that there exists a scope, particularly on this side of the Atlantic, for a compact volume dealing broadly with the principles underlying Modern Copper Smelting, illustrated with such examples of working practice from personal observation. The subject-matter of the Lectures has been extended by the addition of an Introduction on the History, Uses, and General Metallurgy of Copper as applied to Modern Practice. The Copper Industry is already fortunate in the literature at its disposal. It possesses standard works of reference through the publication of Dr. Peters’ classical volumes on the Principles of Copper Smelting, and more recently (during the preparation of the present work) of the volume on the Practice of Copper Smelting—works which have done much to raise copper smelting to a science. The industry is being rendered invaluable service by the Technical Societies and Technical Press, whose publications furnish an admirable record of the constant advance in the theory and practice of the art. Use has been made of these sources of information in the present work, and lists of such references are appended to each of the Lectures. Grateful acknowledgment is made to several authors and editors who have given permission for the reproduction of illustrations or for the inclusion of references:—Dr. Peters, Professor Gowland, Mr. Hughes, the Editors of the Engineering and Mining Journal, Mineral Industry, Mines and Minerals, and others. The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Messrs. Chambers Bros., The Traylor Engineering Co., and the Power and Mining Machinery Co. have very kindly provided blocks for several of the illustrations; the Anaconda Copper Mining Co. furnished a set of photographs, whilst Figs. 8, 37, and 76 have been reproduced by permission of the American Institution of Mining Engineers. To the Superintendents and Staffs of the several smelters where opportunities were so freely given for studying modern practice, and particularly to Mr. E. P. Mathewson at Anaconda, Montana, to Mr. J. Parke Channing at the Tennessee Copper Company’s Smelter, and to Mr. W. H. Freeland at Ducktown, Tennessee, the author desires to express his appreciation for much valued information and many other kind services. The frequent references made in this book to the organisation and the methods employed at these works is not only a tribute to the useful information freely imparted, but is also due to the fact that such features are so thoroughly representative of the most advanced practice in copper smelting upon a large scale and of the direction in which all modern work is undoubtedly tending. The author further thanks Professor Turner of Birmingham University for his interest in this volume, Mr. Frank Levy for reading the proofs, and the publishers, Messrs. Charles Griffin & Co., Ltd., for the care taken in the preparation and production of the work. University of Birmingham, May, 1912.
CONTENTS. pages | LECTURE I. | History of Copper—Development of the Copper Industry—Progress of Smelting Practice—Price and Cost of Production of Copper—Copper Statistics, | 1–17 | LECTURE II. | The Uses of Copper: as Metal and as Alloy—The Physical Properties of Copper—Effects of Impurities—Mechanical Properties—Chemical Properties, | 18–34 | LECTURE III. | Compounds of Copper—Copper Mattes—The Varieties of Commercial Copper—Ores of Copper—Preliminary Treatment of Ores—Sampling, | 35–50 | LECTURE IV. | Modern Copper Smelting Practice—Preliminary Treatment of Ores: Concentration, Briquetting, Sintering—The Principles of Copper Smelting—Roasting, | 51–80 | LECTURE V. | Reverberatory Smelting Practice:—Functions of the Reverberatory Furnace—Requirements for Successful Working—Principles of Modern Reverberatory Practice—Operation of Modern Large Furnaces—Fuels for Reverberatory Work; Oil Fuel; Analysis of Costs—Condition of the Charge, | 81–112 | LECTURE VI. | Blast-Furnace Practice:—Functions of the Furnace—Reduction Smelting—Oxidation in the Furnace—The Pyritic Principle—Features of Modern Working: Water-Jacketing, Increase in Furnace Size, External Settling—Constructional Details of the Furnace, | 113–145 | LECTURE VII. | Modern Blast-Furnace Practice(continued):—Charge Calculations—Working—Disposal of Products—Pyritic Smelting—Sulphuric Acid Manufacture from Smelter Gases, | 146–191 | LECTURE VIII. | The Bessemerising of Copper Mattes:—Development of the Process—The Converter—Converter Linings—Grade of Matte—Operation of the Process—Systems of Working, | 192–216 | LECTURE IX. | The Purification and Refining of Crude Copper:—Preliminary Refining and Casting into Anodes—Electrolytic Refining—Bringing to Pitch, and Casting of Merchant Copper, | 217–243 | Index, | 245–259 |
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Frontispiece —The Colour of the Converter Flame during the Bessemerising of Copper Matte. | page | Fig.1. | —Fluctuations in the Price of Best Select Copper, | 12 | " 2. | —Annual Production of Copper, | 16 | " 3. | —Equilibrium Diagram, Cu-Zn Series, | 22 | " 4. | —Influence of Arsenic and Antimony on the Electrical Conductivity of Copper, | 25 | " 5. | —Relations of Copper and Oxygen, | 27 | " 6. | —Microstructure of Copper containing Oxygen (Heyn), | | | Plate to face | 28 | " 7. | —Relations of Copper and Arsenic, | 29 | " 8. | —Freezing-Point Curve of Iron-Copper Sulphides (Mattes), | 38 | " 9. | —Outline of Sampling Scheme, Anaconda, | 48 | " 10. | —Section through Sampling Mill, | 48 | " 11. | —Brunton Sampler, | 49 | " 12. | —Outline of Smelting Scheme at the Anaconda Smelter, Montana, U. S. A., | 54 | " 13. | —Sketch Plan of Briquetting Plant, | 56 | " 14. | —Section through Auger-Former, showing Briquetting Mechanism of Chambers’ Machine, | 56 | " 15. | —Chambers’ Briquette-making Machine, | | | Plate to face | 57 | " 16. | —Dwight-Lloyd Sintering Machine, | 60 | " 17. | —O’Harra Furnace (Fraser-Chalmers), illustrating Principle of Mechanical Rabbling by Travelling Ploughs, | 71 | " 18. | —Section through Mechanically Rabbled Roaster Furnace (illustrating Improvements for Protecting Driving Mechanism), | 71 | " 19. | —MacDougal Roaster—Vertical Section, | 74 | " 20. | —Herreshof Furnace—Section indicating Connections for Cooling Rabbles and Spindles, | 74 | " 21. | —Spindle Connections and Guide Shields of Evans-Klepetko Roasters, | 76 | " 22. | —Rabble-blades and Bases, | 77 | " 23. | —Development of the Reverberatory Furnace (Gowland), | 90 | " 24. | —Draft Pressure Record of Anaconda Reverberatory Furnace, | 94 | " 25. | —Skimming Reverberatory Furnace, Anaconda, | | | Plate to face | 96 | " 26. | —Transverse Section of Modern Reverberatory Furnace, Anaconda, indicating Foundations, Hearth, and Bracing, | 96 | " 27. | —Reverberatory Furnace under Construction, | | | Plate to face | 96 | " 28. | —Sectional Plan and Elevation of Reverberatory Furnace at Anaconda, | 98 | " 29. | —Fire-box End of Reverberatory Furnace, showing massive Bracing, Charge Bins, and Charging Levers, Anaconda, | | | Plate to face | 100 | " 30. | —Interior of Reverberatory Furnace (looking towards Skimming Door), showing Expansion Spaces in Roof, and Charging Holes, Anaconda, | | | Plate to face | 100 | " 31. | —Shelby Oil-Burner for Reverberatory Furnace Use, | 106 | " 32. | —Modern Blast-Furnace Shell of Sectioned Jackets (P. & M. M. Co.), | | | Plate to face | 122 | " 33. | —Blast-Furnaces under Construction, showing Fixing of Jackets, Bottom Plate, Method of Support, Sectioning, etc. (T. E. Co.), | | | Plate to face | 124 | " 34. | —Development of the Blast Furnace (Gowland), | 126 | " 35. | —Plan of 51-foot Blast Furnace, Anaconda, indicating Position of Crucibles, Spouts, and Connecting Bridge between Old Furnaces, | 128 | " 36. | —Longitudinal Section and Part Elevation of 87-foot Blast-Furnace, Anaconda, indicating Crucibles of Old Furnaces, Bridge, and Jacketing, | 128 | " 37. | —Copper Contents in the Slags accompanying Mattes of Various Grades, | 132 | " 38. | —Water-Jacketed Blast Furnace, lower portion indicating Air and Water Connections, Bottom Supports, End Slag Spouts, etc. (P. & M. M. Co.), | | | Plate to face | 134 | " 39. | —Tapping Breast of Blast Furnace, Cananea, | 136 | " 40. | —Rivetted Steel Water-Jacket, showing Tuyere Holes and Water Inlets, etc. (P. & M. M. Co.), | 137 | " 41. | —Transverse Section through Modern Blast Furnace, showing Arrangements of Boshed Lower Jackets, Upper Jackets, and Plates, Stays and Supports, etc., | 138 | " 42. | —Interior of Anaconda Blast Furnace, showing Jacketing, Tuyere Holes, and Bridge, | | | Plate to face | 138 | " 43. | —Showing Upper Jackets, Apron and Mantle Plates and Superstructure of Blast Furnace, Anaconda, | | | Plate to face | 140 | " 44. | —Charging Blast Furnaces, Anaconda, | | | Plate to face | 140 | " 45. | —Blast-Furnace Shell, with Air Connections (P. & M. M. Co.), | 142 | " 46. | —Details of Tuyere, Cananea Blast Furnace, | 142 | " 47. | —V-Shaped Charging Car, indicating Mechanism for Release and Tilting, | 153 | " 48. | —End View of Blast Furnace, showing Tilting of Charge Car, Anaconda, | 155 | " 49. | —Hodge’s Charging Car, | 155 | " 50. | —Freeland Charging Machine (D. S. C. & I. Co.), | 157 | " 51. | —Freeland Charger-Details, | 157 | " 52. | —Slag Spout, showing Method of Trapping Blast, also Replaceable Nose-Piece of Spout (A), | 159 | " 53. | —Details of Slag Spout, Cananea, | 161 | " 54. | —Slag Spout, showing Method of Support, | 161 | " 55. | —General View of Settler (T. E. Co.), | 163 | " 56. | —Method of Lining Settler, Cananea, | 163 | " 57. | —Arrangement for Matte and Slag Discharge from Settlers (T. C. C.), | 164 | " 58. | —Tap-hole Casting and Detail for Settlers, | 165 | " 59. | —Anaconda Blast Furnace (51 feet long), showing Settlers, | | | Plate to face | 166 | " 60. | —Hoppers of Flue-Dust Chambers and Tracks for Cars underneath, | 167 | " 61. | —Slotted Tuyeres, 12 inches by 4 inches (T. C. C.), | 185 | " 62. | —Sectional Elevation and Plan of Barrel-Shaped Silica-Lined Converter (Peters), | 196 | " 63. | —Latest Form of Silica-Lined Barrel Converter, | 197 | " 64. | —Longitudinal Section of Basic-Lined Converter, | 198 | " 65. | —Basic-Lined Converter, indicating Tuyeres, Lining, &c., | 199 | " 66. | —Composition of a Charge during Bessemerising Operation, | 208 | " 67. | —Pouring Slag, Anaconda, | 209 | " 68. | —General View of Converter Shop, Anaconda, | | | Plate to face | 214 | " 69. | —Sectional Plan, Elevation, and Transverse Sections of Refining and Anode-Casting Furnace, Anaconda (Peters), | 220 | " 70. | —Indicating Tilting and Pouring Mechanism of Ladle of Casting and Refining Furnaces, | 225 | " 71. | —Walker’s Anode-Casting Machine, | | | Plate to face | 226 | " 72. | —General View of Tank-room of Electrolytic Refinery (Perth Amboy, N.J.), | | | Plate to face | 226 | " 73. | —Indicating Methods of Suspending and Connecting Electrodes (Perth Amboy, N.J.), | 234 | " 74. | —Indicating Connections for Circulation of Electrolyte (Barnett), | 235 | " 75. | —Tank-house, showing Anode Crane (Ulke), | 237 | " 76. | —Microstructure of Commercial Copper containing Oxygen (Hofman), | | | Plate to face | 242 |
TABLES. table | | page | I. | The Production of Copper, | 15 | II. | North American Production of Copper, | 17 | III. | Influence of Impurities on the Electrical Conductivity of Copper, | 23 | IV. | Analysis of Various Commercial Coppers, | 44 | V. | Development in Size of the Reverberatory Furnace, | 89 | VI. | Daily Reports. Reverberatory Furnaces, | 102 | VII. | Daily Assay Report. Reverberatory Furnaces, | 103 | VIII. | Monthly Report. Reverberatory Furnaces, | 104 | IX. | Effect on Coke Consumption of Increased Sulphur in the Furnace Charge, | 120 | X. | Blast-Furnace Charge Calculations, | 151 | XI. | Typical Charging Tables at Pyritic Smelter, | 187 | XII. | Changes in Composition during Bessemerising, | 206 | COPPER SMELTING.
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