LECTURE VI. Blast-Furnace Practice.


Functions of the Furnace—As Melting Agent—Reduction Smelting—Oxidation in the Furnace—The Pyritic Principle—Features of Modern Practice: Water-Jacketing, Increase in Furnace Size, External Settling—Constructional Details of the Furnace.

The Functions of the Blast Furnace.—The functions of the blast furnace may be considered from three points of view:—

  • 1. As a Melting Agent.
  • 2. As a Reducing Medium.
  • 3. As an Oxidising Medium.

In modern copper smelting practice, the blast furnace is under ordinary circumstances never employed in the capacity of a reducing medium, but is used for a variety of work in which its operations range from those of a melting furnace to those more particularly of an oxidising medium, as its oxidising functions are becoming developed to a gradually increasing extent.

In the older processes of copper smelting, when working on oxidised charges, the melting and reducing functions of the furnace were exercised simultaneously; when, at a later stage, sulphides were smelted in the charge, the directly reducing function was utilised to a very much smaller extent. In the reducing atmosphere then maintained inside the furnace, the sulphides liquated and melted down without causing much concentration of the copper in the product, elimination of sulphur being effected mainly by the direct action of heat on the pyritic constituents of the charge, and by the interactions between the sulphides and the oxidised compounds of copper present.

When, however, increasing quantities of sulphide ore became available, modifications in blast-furnace smelting practice were introduced with a view to increasing the concentration of the copper, this being attempted either by preparatory roasting or by the addition of oxidised cupriferous materials to the charge, sulphur being thus eliminated and some concentration resulting in consequence. In such work the furnace chiefly exercised its melting function, allowing, as in the case of reverberatory working, of the formation and thorough fusion of sulphide matte and silicate slag from the mixture of oxides and sulphides in the charge. In the latest developments of practice, the oxidation has been carried out to a continually increasing extent by the air blast at the tuyeres of the furnace.

1. The Melting Functions of the Blast Furnace.—The blast furnace is under ordinary circumstances, usually regarded as the cheapest of melting agents. Compared with the reverberatory, the heat in the blast furnace is utilised more efficiently. Reverberatory working involves the passing of a flame over the surface of the charge, and the transference of this heat through the mass depends upon the conducting power of the material itself, which is, however, usually poor. Although the modern reverberatory practice of melting thin layers of preheated charge both from above and from below has greatly increased the efficiency of the furnace in this respect, the closer contact of charge and fuel in the blast furnace allows of a more thorough communication of the heat.

The principal features of blast-furnace working which tend to make it the cheaper and more efficient agent for the treatment of cupriferous materials—with the exception of fines—are those of construction, working, and fuel economy.

(a) The construction of the furnace is comparatively simple, and it is not excessively expensive to erect; furnaces and accessory plant can be purchased complete and easily set up and taken down again when required.

(b) The furnace is elastic in its operation, especially where the supply of material varies from time to time, involving changes in the composition of the charge.

(c) The furnace is readily started, shut down, and restarted at will, and without much difficulty or additional expense.

(d) The operation and smelting are rapid and cheap, the capacity can be made enormously large; all classes of material—except fines—such as ores, slags, and residues, which accumulate to a considerable extent round a smelter, can be conveniently dealt with directly, whilst fines can now, where necessary, often be prepared into a suitable form for blast-furnace treatment.

(e) The heat is more efficiently communicated to the individual parts of the charge, in consequence of the more intimate contact of charge and fuel.

(f) The fuel consumption is low, the natural fuel values of the iron and sulphur on the charge can be utilised, and the degree of oxidation (and consequent concentration) can be controlled in the furnace operation.

(g) The furnace works continuously (in modern practice the reverberatory furnace is also continuous in its action).

Owing to the great elasticity in blast-furnace operation, and its capability of dealing with practically every class of copper-bearing material in lump form, modern practice is of the most diverse character.

2. The Blast Furnace as a Reducing Medium.—In modern smelting practice, with but a few exceptional instances, a distinctly reducing atmosphere is avoided as far as possible. This arises largely from the fact that the material available in modern work usually demands oxidation in order that satisfactory concentration may be effected.

In the early days of copper smelting, however, the reducing action was the chief function which was exercised, mainly because at that time oxidised ores constituted an important part of the charge, and a reducing action was required to obtain marketable products from such material. At a later stage in the development of blast-furnace practice, the sulphide ores which became available were roasted, and the resulting oxidised products were subjected to reduction smelting, in order to extract the metal. On such oxidised charges, blast furnaces were almost universally employed, using carbonaceous fuel either in the form of coke or charcoal, this material fulfilling the double purpose of fuel and reducing agent, the excess carbon causing the reduction of the metal from the oxidised ore.

This operation was known commonly as “black-copper smelting.” At the present time such oxidised ores are rarely met with in sufficient quantity by themselves to be worked by this method, which involves also very serious losses in operation. Further, such oxidised materials are in many cases valuable for smelting along with sulphide charges, greatly assisting the concentration, and it is usually advantageous to employ them in this manner.

The losses and difficulties in “black-copper smelting” are, however, of interest in so far as they apply to certain analogous problems in modern work. These difficulties in reduction smelting arose largely from three causes:—

  • (a) Losses of copper in the slag.
  • (b) Simultaneous reduction of iron with the copper.
  • (c) Chilling in the furnace hearth.

(a) In the case of reduction smelting where sulphides are not present in any appreciable quantity, the losses of copper may be either

  • (i.) As silicate, or
  • (ii.) As metal.

(i.) Sulphur is the natural protector of the copper in the furnace charge, as, owing to their powerful affinity, a fusible, fluid and dense product is formed, which is very slightly soluble in slag; and on this account, a ready separation of the copper from the earthy materials can be effected. So long as sulphur is present in moderate quantity there is little chance of copper entering the slag as silicate.

In reduction smelting, however, and especially in black-copper smelting where sulphur is lacking, such losses are liable to occur, since copper oxide is itself strongly basic, and readily fluxes off with silica at high temperatures, yielding silicates. These products are less dense, and are markedly soluble in the other silicates which constitute the slag; moreover, the copper oxides themselves are likewise partly soluble in, and are readily carried in suspension by, the silicate slags.

In order to prevent such losses as much as possible, the reducing conditions in the furnace must be increased by the employment of more coke, so as to ensure the reduction of the copper oxides and silicates. These reducing conditions must not, however, be too drastic, especially if the temperature of working be high, on account of the great tendency to cause (b) a reduction of metallic iron, which results in the formation of bears and scaffolds, with their attendant difficulties of removal and their interference with working.

Between these opposing causes of loss and difficulty, a careful balance has to be observed in the smelting operations. (In modern practice, losses of copper as silicate and oxide, for reasons such as those detailed above, occur to a marked extent in those operations where the sulphur is present in small proportions only, and particularly where the reactions are intensely oxidising, as in the furnace-refining operations and the later stages in the converter process. The slags in such cases usually carry considerable quantities of copper in the form of silicate and oxide, not infrequently to the extent of 20 to 30 per cent., or even more. The quantity of this slag is, however, kept as small as possible, and copper in the material is readily recovered by the addition of these slags to the blast-furnace charge.)

(ii.) Losses of copper as metal also, were formerly serious in black-copper smelting, the metallic copper held in suspension in the slag being indeed the chief source of loss in this method. The efficient separation of copper from slag, especially in the small quantities formerly operated, was therefore of importance. Satisfactory settling was, however, difficult of application, since the behaviour of metallic copper is very different from that of sulphides. It is much less fusible, much less fluid, and the small globules, as reduced, do not readily coalesce, whilst the high temperatures favourable to good fluidity of the products and to good settling, promote copper losses from the other causes noted above.

Moreover, the high melting point of the metal and its great conductivity added to the difficulties in providing suitable arrangements for settling, since the copper not only tended to chill readily in any external settler, but it was also very liable to do so in the crucible of the ordinary form of water-jacketed blast furnace, such masses being exceedingly difficult to remove, whilst the working of the furnace was necessarily much interfered with.

In order to conduct the necessary internal settling, the older type of blast furnace was required, in which water-jacketing near the hearth was dispensed with, a large crucible bottom of non-conducting brasque or brickwork being employed instead. Such a form of furnace is not adapted to the modern methods of smelting where enormous capacity and output are essential, whilst such a system of working interferes with the rapid and continuous smelting of large quantities, to a greater extent than if the whole of the molten products are run out of the furnace continuously and the settling performed in an external vessel.

3. The Blast Furnace as an Oxidising Medium: Sulphide Ores in the Blast Furnace.—In modern blast-furnace practice, the oxidising function of the furnace is the principal feature of working. Sulphide ores now constitute the chief source of copper, and the smelting operations involve the oxidation of the accompanying constituents and the elimination of the resulting oxidised products.

Such ores when smelted in the blast furnace with carbonaceous fuel, and under the reducing conditions characteristic of the older methods of working, would yield a product showing low concentration of the copper, since the reducing conditions would largely retard the oxidation of sulphur which is an essential for the enrichment of the matte. Except for the sulphur eliminated from the pyritic constituents by the direct action of heat, and a certain quantity by the interactions with oxides as already indicated, the loss of sulphur would be slight. The furnace under such circumstances would thus tend mainly to exercise its melting function, and the result of such working would be the melting down and subsequent separation of the sulphides and slag, with even less tendency to concentration than occurs in the reverberatory furnace, where the atmosphere is less distinctly reducing.

The modern method of smelting sulphide ores being essentially an oxidising process, it is necessary that oxygen be added to the charge with the object of promoting the elimination of the sulphur and iron, and the consequent concentration of the copper.

This oxygen may be added in one of three ways:—

A. Addition of oxygen to the charge previous to the blast furnace smelting operation

B. Addition of oxygen to the charge during the smelting operation itself.

i. By adding oxidised materials to the charge (Blast-furnace smelting with carbonaceous fuel).

ii. By using the air blast of the furnace for oxidising the iron and sulphur, thus at the same time utilising these elements as fuel and proportionately diminishing the amount of carbonaceous fuel required (The pyritic principle of smelting).

A. Roasting practice has already been discussed, and the reasons for avoiding the operation where practicable, on account of the expenses of an extra process, the losses involved, the fineness of the product, and the loss of fuel values, have been indicated (Lecture IV., pp. 66–80).

B. i. Addition of Oxidised Charges in the Blast Furnace.—The tendency for oxidised cupriferous materials to interact with sulphides finds useful application in copper smelting, since it assists the concentration of the copper in the resulting mattes. The principal reactions involved in this method are—

2CuO + Cu2S ? 4Cu + SO2

2Cu2O + Cu2S ? 6Cu + SO2

CuSO4 + Cu2S ? 3Cu + 2SO2

whereby copper is produced and sulphur is eliminated as SO2. The liberated copper interacts with the excess of iron sulphide usually present in the furnace charge, and enters the matte as sulphide, whilst the iron which is thus set free is oxidised and carried into the slag as silicate, the ultimate reactions being indicated approximately by the equation—

2Cu + FeS + xFeS ? Cu2S . xFeS (matte) + Fe (oxidised and enters slag). Copper silicates readily interact with iron sulphides in the charge, producing copper sulphides and iron silicates, thus—

Cu2O . xSiO2 + FeS ? Cu2S (enters matte) + FeO . xSiO2 (enters slag).

6(CuO . xSiO2) + 4FeS ? 3Cu2S (enters matte) + 4(FeO . xSiO2) + 2xSiO2 (enters slag). + SO2.

All the above reactions lead to an enrichment of the matte in copper contents, and at the same time, to the transference of iron from the matte to the slag, and although the conditions in the more reducing atmosphere of the coke-fed blast furnace are not so favourable to the fullest operation of these reactions as are the more neutral conditions of the reverberatory, the addition of oxidised materials constitutes a valuable means of increasing the concentration in this method of smelting.

The blast furnace is thus also particularly suited for the recovering of the copper from the oxidised residues, such as converter slags and scrap, “calcine-barrings,” and the like, which accumulate in very considerable quantities at a smelter, and which by reason of their carrying much copper as oxide or silicate, not only add their quota of copper to the products, but materially assist the concentration and the furnace operation generally.

B. ii. The Pyritic Principle in Blast-Furnace Smelting.—This is the most important principle introduced into modern blast-furnace smelting practice.

It has been evolved by the application of the results of experiments conducted from two different points of view—one series mainly on a laboratory scale, the other from actual industrial practice.

Starting from theoretical considerations, John Holway demonstrated by experiment that the heat of oxidation of the iron and the sulphur of pyritic copper ores was so great as to make their smelting a self-supporting operation under suitable conditions. On the other hand, within comparatively recent years, smeltermen as a result of working practice, have found that an increase of sulphides on the furnace charge has led to less and less carbonaceous fuel being necessary for the smelting operations, providing that the conditions in the blast furnace be sufficiently oxidising.

In utilising these results for general blast-furnace practice, the extended and successful application of this pyritic principle has led to marked advance in modern working.

The results obtained in a series of trials at the Keswick smelter, California, are typical of such experiments on a practical scale, and in spite of the two anomalous instances, the general effects of the increase of sulphides in the charge are strongly marked (see Table IX., p. 120).

TABLE IX.—Effect on Coke Consumption of
Increased Sulphur in the Furnace Charge

(Keswick Smelter, Cal.).

Sulphur in Charge. Coke Consumption.
6·8 per cent. 15·7 per cent.
7·7 " 16·3 "
13·6 " 10·2 "
17·0 " 7·7 "
19·5 " 8·5 "
22·8 " 7·1 "
24·5 " 6·8 "

Recent practice at Anaconda affords another instance of the utilisation of the pyritic principle. A large quantity of the ore available (known as second-class ore) requires wet dressing before it can be treated most profitably at the furnaces, and the operation thus produces considerable quantities of sulphide concentrate, of which a moderate proportion is coarse—well suited for blast-furnace treatment. The charge if submitted to reduction smelting with carbonaceous fuel, would yield a matte too low in copper contents for immediate converter treatment, since there is not available a sufficient supply of oxidised cupriferous material to effect a high enough concentration for the direct production of a converter-grade matte. Instead of roasting so as to reduce the sulphur contents to the required degree, and then smelting with the usual amount of carbonaceous fuel, the pyritic principle has been utilised to the fullest possible extent, by smelting the raw charge containing as much of the coarse concentrate as is available, with a strongly oxidising blast, thus effecting the desired concentration, and occasioning the use of a lower coke proportion than would otherwise have been necessary. By gradually increasing the sulphide on the charge until the sulphur proportion reached 8 to 9 per cent., the coke consumption was reduced to about 11 to 12 per cent. During the past two or three years the advantages of introducing more and more sulphide have become so apparent, that increasing quantities of ? inch concentrates are being included in the charge, and although such material is exceedingly difficult to deal with in the blast furnace, the advantages arising from its use outweighs the trouble it causes in actual working. By this further increase of the sulphur proportion, from the former 8 to 9 per cent. up to 11 to 12 per cent., the coke consumption has been steadily reduced until it now amounts to about 9 per cent. only.

The fuel value of the iron and sulphur is augmented at a rate much greater than their actual increase in numerical proportion would suggest, on account of the much higher calorific intensity of large and massive quantities of fuel burned at once than that resulting from smaller amounts disseminated throughout a mass of inert material such as gangue.

The practical application of the pyritic principle to blast-furnace practice thus involves the employment of the furnace as a medium for conducting the required oxidation of the charge, as a result of which, the heat of this combustion proportionately reduces the amount of carbonaceous fuel required for the smelting and separation of the products, whilst at the same time the desired concentration is also effected. The basis of such working is, therefore, the powerful oxidising action within the furnace itself, and the fullest utilisation of the heat resulting from this oxidation of the sulphides.

In order to supply the heat necessary for the reactions and fusions of smelting, a definite quantity of fuel is essential in the furnace. In those cases where the proportions of sulphide are not sufficient to supply the required amount, a supplementary quantity of coke fuel becomes requisite.

The extent to which coke is necessary for the smelting operations decides whether the process may be termed “true pyritic” or “partial pyritic” smelting. In the former case, the coke allowance may be reduced to such small proportions that its influence in the smelting zone of the furnace is practically negligible.

In partial pyritic smelting, coke is necessary to the extent of supplementing the heat derived from the sulphide fuel, and the proportion employed in modern work is reduced to the lowest possible quantity. Not only is economy in coke allowance one of the chief essentials in furnace management, but the presence of a larger amount than is absolutely necessary decreases the efficiency of the smelting operations, since, owing to its reducing action and its consumption of the oxygen in the air blast which is to be utilised for the combustion of the iron and sulphur, the concentration of the copper in the resulting matte would be decreased.

The extent to which the pyritic principle may be operated in actual working depends in the first instance upon the nature of the charge itself, especially upon the relative proportions of copper, iron, and sulphur, and on the quantity of gangue. Since these vary in the ore supply of different localities, the extent to which the principle may be applied and the coke consumption be reduced, will be subject to alteration accordingly.

Thus in the case of an ore which contains such proportions of these constituents as would on simple melting yield a matte of converter grade, the pyritic effect in the furnace would necessarily be very small, and the smelting would be almost entirely a melting operation requiring from 10 to 15 per cent. of coke on the charge, even though the sulphur contents of the charge be high. Ores and charges of such a composition are, however, rarely met with in modern practice, the ratio of copper to iron sulphides usually being low.

On the other hand, in the case of an ore consisting largely of iron sulphides with but little copper—i.e., a massive low-grade pyritic ore—the pyritic effect in the furnace might reach a maximum, and the coke required on the charge be reducible to very small proportions. Such material is well suited for true pyritic smelting.

Hence modern practice ranges from the true pyritic smelting, where pyritic fuel is principally employed, through varying degrees of partial pyritic smelting, where the pyritic fuel is supplemented to the required degree by coke, to reduction smelting, relying mainly on carbonaceous fuel for the necessary heat supply.

In all cases, the object of the operation is to oxidise inside the furnace so much sulphur and iron as is necessary to yield a matte product of converter grade, utilising the natural sulphide fuel values of the material so as to reduce to the lowest possible proportion the quantity of coke required.

Features of Modern Practice.—Apart from the applications of pyritic smelting, which will be considered separately, three features of great importance have been introduced into modern blast-furnace working. These involve:—

  • A. The practice of water-jacketing the furnace.
  • B. The development in the size of the furnace.
  • C. The practice of external settling.

Fig. 32.—Modern Blast-Furnace Shell of Sectioned Jackets (P. & M. M. Co.).

A. The Practice of Water-jacketing.—The evolution of the blast furnace from the primitive hole-in-the-ground form to the modern type may be rapidly sketched. In its early stages, the development was carried out mainly on the Continent of Europe, following the course of the enclosing of the charge in shafts which became of gradually increasing height, the introduction of blast through tuyeres near the bottom of the shaft, and the arrangements for collecting the molten materials in the hearth, and for tapping. By the year 1850 a typical form of furnace was represented by the Mansfeld pattern, which consisted of a rectangular firebrick shaft enclosed by massive stonework. At the lower extremity was a hearth constructed of refractory material, usually of brasque—a mixture of fireclay and coke—well tamped down. The dimensions were from about 2 feet to 2 feet 6 inches broad, 14 feet to 16 feet high, with two tuyeres of 1½ to 2 inches diameter, supplying blast at 4 to 10 inches water pressure; the capacity of such a furnace being about 4 tons per twenty-four hours. It is of interest to note that this form of furnace possessed arrangements both for internal or external settling of the products, the usual practice being, however, to allow the smelted material to collect and settle in the hearth. In endeavouring to increase the capacity of the furnace and the rapidity of working, as well as to ensure efficient settling of the products, it became necessary to maintain a high temperature in the lower parts; but in consequence of the excessive heat and the corrosive nature of the molten materials, the most refractory brasquing available was rapidly attacked, and the necessity for adopting means to prevent the destruction of the furnace linings became apparent.

The use of water-jacketing for this purpose had long before been applied to certain branches of cast-iron refining, and in 1875 the Piltz water-jacketed blast furnace was introduced for the smelting of lead ores. This form of furnace was circular in horizontal section, and the boshes consisted of two concentric shells between which a stream of water circulated. This principle was quickly adopted for the purposes of copper smelting furnaces, although modifications were found to be necessary in certain particulars before perfectly successful working was achieved. Owing to the higher temperatures prevailing in the furnace, the height to which the water-jackets were carried required to be increased, and it was chiefly when the rectangular form of furnace was introduced that the thoroughly successful application of water-jacketing was accomplished. This feature in blast-furnace work was rapidly and very successfully developed by the American copper smelters when the new establishments in the West were opened up, and the substitution of the older form of lining by metallic water-cooled jackets, which in comparison are practically indestructible, immediately led to an enormous improvement in smelting practice.

The modern blast furnace is essentially a water-jacketed shell from charging floor to base plate, rectangular in plan, and completely sectionised.

Many of the advantages of such a furnace construction are apparent, and have been referred to in discussing the furnace as a melting agent. The salient features of the modern water-jacketed furnace are:—

(i.) Water-jacketed furnaces are planned, constructed, and erected simply and with ease.

(ii.) The first cost of the furnace, making allowance for excavation and foundations, is not unfavourable to the water-jacketed furnace, whilst the ease of fitting and the interchangeability of parts due to sectioning, reduce the costs of erection.

(iii.) The convenience and simplicity in operation of the water-jacketed furnace are very marked, whilst the permanence in the shape tends to greater uniformity of working and to ease of management.

(iv.) Accretions and the general difficulties of working are readily dealt with and controlled, barring and other operations being more conveniently conducted.

(v.) The repairing of water-jacketed furnaces is rendered very simple, cheap, and rapid in operation, the principle of sectionising, allowing of the ready removal or replacement of the jackets for repairs; the saving in time, labour, and general expense being particularly marked.

(vi.) The elasticity of the furnace, both as regards size and management, has been enormously increased, and the successful extension and working of the large modern furnaces have only become possible with the adoption of this feature.

(vii.) Water-jacketing has allowed of the rapid driving of furnaces, leading to an enormous increase in the output per square foot of hearth area, by permitting intense heating inside the furnace, and rapid withdrawal of the molten products.

The chief consideration affecting the adoption of water-jacketing in any locality might be the scarcity or unsuitability of the water supply, which may necessitate a choice between the employment of brick furnaces, or the crushing, roasting and reverberatory treatment of the ore. In cases where the water supply is not well suited for jacketing purposes, settling or other preliminary treatment of the water might be required.

The former objection to water-jacketing on the assumption of valuable heat being carried away by the jacket water, thus involving a waste of fuel, has proved to be groundless in practice; with good management such heat losses are smaller in amount and less damaging in effect than those due to radiation from highly heated brick walls, quite apart from the actual necessity for such jacketing in modern furnace construction, even had such losses been marked.

B. The Development in Furnace Size.—The blast furnace increased but slowly in size during the nineteenth century up to 1850, and the dimensions of the most advanced type did not exceed 4 feet by about 2 feet 6 incites internally at the tuyere level, the capacity being about 4 tons per day. Furnaces at this period were usually square or circular in section.

Fig. 33.—Blast Furnaces under Construction, showing Fixing of Jackets, Bottom Plate,
Method of Support, Sectioning, etc. (T. E. Co.).

The size of such furnaces was largely dependent on the penetrating power of the blast, and a slight increase in cross-section resulted gradually, as improvements in the mechanical contrivances for producing blast were developed. This, however, soon reached a limit, owing to the difficulties in making the blast penetrate to the centre of the charge in the wider furnaces, and to the disproportionate costliness and increased working difficulties attendant on such practice. It was further found that the high pressure required in order to force the blast through an increased width of charge produced an intense local heating effect against the tuyeres, resulting in high slag losses and low concentration on smelting, whilst the consumption of fuel was much increased.

An important modification in blast-furnace design was introduced in 1863, when the principle of increasing the size of the furnace in direction of its length, whilst maintaining the width which had been found best suited to economical working, was applied by Rachette. This was first intended for the purposes of lead smelting, but the principle was quickly recognised as having important applications to copper smelting practice, and was readily adopted and developed. It has become the basis of all subsequent modern copper blast-furnace design, and the gradual increase in dimensions up to the enormous blast furnaces with huge outputs of the present day has been made by extending the length whilst maintaining a relatively small width.

For some time development proceeded along these lines slowly and with much caution, chiefly owing to the difficulties anticipated in the management of such large units. Up to 1885, the largest blast furnace (at the Parrott Smelter, Butte) was but 8 feet long by 36 inches wide; by the year 1900 the dimensions had reached 10 feet by 42 inches. Subsequently, under the direction of the remarkably enterprising management of the Washoe Smelter at Anaconda, a wonderful era of furnace extensions was commenced, and is indeed, still undergoing development.

Fig. 34.—Development of the Blast Furnace (Gowland).

Here in 1902, blast furnaces 15 feet long by 56 inches wide were erected, the plant eventually consisting of seven such furnaces built in a straight line, and situated 21 feet apart from each other. A largely augmented ore supply subsequently coming to the smelter for treatment, an increased furnace capacity was required, for which only a very limited suitable space was available. Mr. E. P. Mathewson, the smelter superintendent, determined upon attempting the revolutionary idea of joining up two of the 15-foot furnaces by bridging over the 21-foot space between them, and continuing the vertical side water-jackets across this space, thus forming a furnace 15+21+15, or 51 feet in length. No work on such a large and boldly conceived scale had ever been attempted before, and many difficulties in construction and operation were anticipated.

Mathewson first conducted a series of constructional trials, and found in the first instance that by taking suitable precautions, it would be possible to carry out these changes whilst the furnaces themselves were running. It was found that it was possible to remove or replace single jackets without shutting down the furnace, by the device of forming a crust against such a jacket, of sufficient thickness to bear the weight of the charge for the short period of time during which the change was being made. Such a crust is readily obtained by shutting off the tuyeres in the particular jacket and in its neighbours, and maintaining a rapid stream of cold water through these jackets. Further, it was found that any desired portion of the sides or hearth of such a long furnace could be well barred and cleaned whilst the rest of the furnace was in operation, whereas such barring and cleaning on a small furnace seriously interrupted the working, and reduced the capacity.

The preliminary tests being satisfactory, the necessary constructional work was carried out whilst the two furnaces were in blast; the inner end jackets of these furnaces were taken down, and in a short time the new 51-foot furnace was in regular operation, and proved so remarkably successful that two other pairs of furnaces were similarly joined up. In the following year a still further great extension was made by joining up in a like manner the end 51-foot furnace to the last remaining 15-foot furnace, by again bridging over the intervening 21-foot space, thus constructing a furnace of the enormous length of 51+21+15, or 87 feet.

It was at one time intended to carry this progress still further by joining up the other two 51-foot furnaces, so as to make a single one 123 feet in length, but certain difficulties in the matter of bringing coke supplies to the two sides, under the special conditions of available floor space, and the disastrous effects of the financial panic of October, 1907, stopped all extension work for the time. Such extensions would however, present no real difficulties either in construction or in subsequent furnace management or operation.

Figs. 35 and 36 indicate in plan and elevation the arrangement of the plant and accessories for these extended furnaces. Each 15-foot furnace had its own settler situated in front, and these have been retained without any change of position or any further additions. The hearth of the newly bridged portion slopes from the middle of the bridge to the tap-holes of the old furnaces, which still serve this purpose for the larger ones, and from which a continuous stream of matte and slag flows through a slag spout to the settler in front. The side water-jackets of the old furnaces remain, being built up in two sets of panels, each 7 feet 6 inches wide, whilst the new bridge portions are constructed of three sets of jackets, each 7 feet wide.

Fig. 35.—Plan of 51-foot Blast Furnace, Anaconda, indicating Position of Crucibles,
Spouts, and Connecting Bridge between Old Furnaces.

Fig. 36.—Longitudinal Section and Part Elevation of 87-foot Blast Furnace,
Anaconda, indicating Crucibles of Old Furnaces, Bridge, and Jacketing.

The furnaces in their lengthened form have proved a tremendous success, far indeed beyond the anticipation of the designers and managers. This is largely due

(a) To the increased efficiency and economy of replacing a number of smaller furnaces situated end to end by a single large furnace;

(b) To the increased intensity of heat and reactions owing to large massed quantities of fuel burned at once, and to large masses of material being smelted and in a state of chemical activity.

The advantages which result from such lengthening of blast furnaces are:—

(i.) Gain in hearth area without extension of the blast-furnace floor and building.

(ii.) Increase in smelting or hearth area and in consequent capacity, at a rate very much superior to the extra water-jacketing involved. Thus, in the 51-foot furnace, the capacity has been increased in the proportion of 3·8 to 1, the jacketed surface has increased only at the rate of 2·4 to 1. The output has increased at a much greater speed than was actually anticipated from the additional hearth area.

(iii.) A very marked saving of fuel. The amount of coke required for similar charges has been reduced by one-tenth; more than 11 per cent. was required formerly on a charge, only 10 per cent. was necessary under the new conditions.

(iv.) The rapidity of working of the furnace has increased owing to the effect of the narrow width and small crucible dimensions as compared with the length. This has caused a more rapid flow through the furnace slag-holes, thus preventing the formation of obstructions, and tending to wash out any which might threaten to stick.

(v.) Higher furnace temperatures result, and both slag and matte are hotter than in smaller furnaces. In consequence more siliceous slags can be run, thus saving the cost of the fluxes which might otherwise be necessary.

(vi.) Marked decrease in incrustation. Crusting is most likely to occur at points where the smelting activity is lowest, and in the cooler parts of the furnaces, such conditions being usually prevalent at the corners, where the shape also assists in the holding up of material. Crusting is one of the chief troubles to be prevented and overcome in operating the blast furnace.

The elongated furnace of 87 feet length practically takes the place of five shorter ones, representing no less than 20 corners and 10 end jackets; the new furnace thus reduces the opportunities for crusting at least five-fold. In this way the hearth area has been very greatly increased, with still but two ends to hold crusts. The long furnace-walls with their ends so far apart, in addition, offer much less opportunity for the formation of crusts than do the side walls of shorter furnaces, accretions obtain little support, and often tend to break down under their own weight, whilst they can be more readily removed by barring, on lowering the height of the furnace charge for a time.

(vii.) The elasticity of the furnace operations has been much increased. In short furnaces, cleaning and barring for the removal of obstructions, etc., necessitate the shutting down of the unit, often a complete taking down of the furnace-walls and their subsequent replacement, followed by a re-starting of the furnace work. The ideal in modern work is continuous running of the unit. The larger furnaces allow of such practice, since they can be kept in operation whilst a particular portion is undergoing cleaning or repair. As stated above, the elongation of the furnaces themselves was conducted whilst the older 15-foot portions were working. Leaky or worn-out jackets or spouts are readily removed without serious interference with the working of the rest of the furnace, and this operation usually requires a few hours only.

(viii.) The charge may be varied in different parts of the furnace to suit special requirements, without interfering with the general operations. Thus, suitable additions for the smelting out of crusts, or variations in the charge to reduce corrosion near the 21-foot bridge, can be effected whilst the furnace is running as usual.

(ix.) Increased flow of material through the settlers is effected without decreasing the efficiency of the settling. Each settler now serves 25 feet of furnace-hearth length, instead of the 15 feet of the smaller furnaces, and in spite of the more rapid passage of the materials, the settling is actually better and the resulting slag cleaner, owing to the higher temperatures of working and the consequent greater liquidity of the products, whilst the settler is also hotter. Thus the greater output of material has required no extra labour or construction on the tapping floor, though tappings are now more frequent.

(x.) The labour costs per ton of furnace capacity are greatly reduced, as are also the operating and management costs, since such labour and control are to a large extent dependent on the number of units comprising the plant.

(xi.) The initial cost, per ton of furnace capacity, is also much reduced. In the elongated furnace, the settlers have not been added to, the old slag notches only are required to do duty as before, and the older equipment for bracing and trussing provides for much of that required in the extensions whilst the original building itself served for the housing of the increased furnace area.

(xii.) Further extension of the furnace length is readily possible if desired.

The older 15-feet furnaces had a smelting capacity of 5·6 tons per square foot of hearth area per day, those of 51 feet length smelt on an average 6·72 tons per square foot daily, whilst the output of the 87-foot furnace amounts to 3,000 tons of material daily, corresponding to 3,000÷87 feet × 4 feet 8 inches, or about 7·5 tons per square foot of hearth area. Whilst this particular smelter is of course unique in the dimensions, equipment, organisation and management of its plant and the magnitude of its operations, and though at most modern smelters the ore supplies and smelting conditions do not admit of the introduction of such enormous units; at the same time the principles which underlie the great advantages of the longer form of blast furnace have had an important influence on blast-furnace equipment and design generally. The constructional details of these large furnaces are, for the most part, common to all modern blast furnaces; it is mainly the size and capacity which are exceptional. The usual length adopted at smelters with more modest output varies from about 15 to 25 feet, with a smelting capacity of from about 400 to 800 tons per twenty-four hours, depending naturally on the working conditions.

C. The Practice of External Settling.—In connection with modern blast-furnace practice, the feature of external settling is of much importance, its adoption having had a marked influence on:—

  • (a) The efficiency of separation of the smelted products, and the production of clean slags.
  • (b) The output, and rapidity of working of the furnace.
  • (c) The control and organisation of the smelting processes.

(a) The function of the blast-furnace plant is the concentration of the values into a matte of correct grade for further treatment, and the production of a slag which is sufficiently clean—that is, free from copper and other values—to allow of its being disposed of as waste, immediately. Numerous factors decide the copper contents of the slag which is economically the cleanest—the general average is about 0·25 to 0·35 per cent. of copper. The actual condition of the copper in the slags is a matter of some uncertainty, and it does not appear improbable that very small quantities of sulphides may actually be in solution in the silicate slags. The general consensus of opinion, however, favours the view that much of the copper which is present exists in the form of minute shots of the matte, actually held in mechanical suspension, and this is certainly the case when the copper contents exceed the limits stated above. In consequence, it is frequently noted in practice that the copper in the slag increases with the grade of the matte. The question has been reviewed by L. T. Wright who suggests some actual solubility of matte-products in the slag. Wright’s curve indicating the connection between matte-grade and slag values is reproduced in Fig. 37. This connection might however, possibly result from the fact that the individual shots of matte are themselves higher in copper contents, since it may be assumed that in fairly clean slags practically the same number of shots are held up, owing to the forces of capillary attraction and surface tension, and that the increased density of the higher grade mattes would influence but slightly their downward settling when in such a fine state of division.[11]

Fig. 37.—Copper Contents in the Slags accompanying Mattes of Various Grade.

The molten products of the blast-furnace operation are separated by the settling of the matte and slag under the action of gravity, and the production of the economically cleanest slag depends upon the fulfilment of those conditions which allow of the most perfect downward settling of the small particles of matte. The three main requirements for efficient settling, apart from the composition of the slag, are:—

  • (i.) Sufficiently high temperature.
  • (ii.) Opportunities as regards time, rest, and space for quiet settlement.
  • (iii.) Large masses of heated products.

In each of these essentials, the method of external settling, as now conducted at modern smelters, best satisfies the conditions required for successful work.

The present practice is to make no attempt to conduct settling in the blast furnace, but to run the products through and out of the furnace with the greatest speed attainable, and to allow the matte and slag sufficient time and opportunity to settle and separate in some independent and external vessel, which stores the matte and allows the clean slag to run straight away to waste.

The former method of inside settling gave rise to many difficulties in practice, but objections were urged against the external settler, to the effect that heat might be wasted by the abstraction of hot materials from the furnace to an exterior vessel, and that the settling would not be efficiently conducted outside, as in the very hot interior of the smelting furnace. Modern practice has proved conclusively that both objections are groundless. Such heat as is carried away by the continual stream of molten material can usually be well spared in the modern plant, which is driven so rapidly that an abundant supply of exceedingly hot matte and slag pass through to the settler, whilst the results of every-day working demonstrate the efficiency of the external settler, which cannot be equalled, far less surpassed, by any method of inside settling, under modern smelting conditions. Thousands of tons of slag pass daily through the settlers, clean enough to discharge straight to the dump, the copper contents rarely exceeding 0·40 per cent.

(b) The modern conditions of rapid working and large output render the use of external settlers practically essential, owing to the double work of smelting and separating being no longer confined to one and the same vessel. The aim in present practice is to exercise the smelting function only of the furnace, and to do so to its fullest capacity, smelting for matte of the desired grade as rapidly as possible, and therefore running the products through the furnace in a constant rapid stream and allowing them to settle quietly outside. Under these circumstances the furnace itself smelts most economically and efficiently.

It will be recalled that present-day practice involves the subsequent treatment of the fluid matte—product in the converter, so that whilst the former methods of working might have possessed certain advantages for the settling and storing of matte in the small furnaces, and then tapping out and casting into cakes for subsequent treatment, such methods have practically no application to modern systems of working.

Internal settling almost invariably leads to the accumulation of debris, of chills and of any infusible masses of material which may be produced in the furnace, occasioning delay in the operations, waste and difficulty in working, and so interfering seriously with the speed and continuity of the smelting, as well as decreasing the output of the furnace. On the other hand, a rapid flow of hot molten material through the furnace not only tends to prevent this formation of chills or accretions, but greatly assists in the dissolution or removal of such as might be formed. Should the production or collection of such masses be transferred to the settler instead, they are more readily attacked and remedied without interfering with the continued operation of the furnace.

Further, the nature of the hearth which would be most satisfactory for internal settling is not at all suited for modern smelting conditions. The ordinary water-jacketing would have too marked a cooling effect on the hearth for the materials to remain sufficiently hot and fluid to allow of proper settling, whilst a brasque or similarly lined hearth suitable for such settling would, under the present conditions of rapid driving and intense reactions, be unable to withstand the highly corrosive and abrasive action to which it would be subject, so that breakouts, necessitating delays and repairs, would constantly occur. Water-jacketing in this portion of the furnace is indeed an essential for modern conditions, and consequently rapid driving and quiet internal settling in the same area are quite incompatible. The modern fore-hearth, on the other hand, is accessible and easy of repair, and in the event of any trouble occurring therein, the furnace itself can continue its smelting activity to the full, since other suitable arrangements can readily be made for temporarily dealing with the products.

Fig. 38.—Water-Jacketed Blast Furnace (48 inches by 240 inches). Lower Portion,
indicating Air and Water Connections, Bottom Supports,
End Slag Spouts, etc. (P. & M. M. Co.).

(c) The functions of the blast furnace in the modern smelting scheme are particularly dependent upon the employment of the external settler in conjunction with it. The work of the furnace plant is to produce as rapidly as possible, a supply of suitable grade matte for the converters; large quantities of hot fluid matte must be available at a moment’s notice, and such demands are often very erratic, being dependent on the working of the converter plant and the refining furnaces. It is essential to the successful operation of the blast furnaces that the manager should be in a position to work his furnace as rapidly and continuously as possible, which is best attained by making the output independent of irregular tappings of matte just when required by the converter department. The settlers, in exercising the function of reservoirs for matte, from which the converter department may draw at will, allow of regularity of working and rapidity of output in a manner possible in no other way. The only alternative, using internal settling, would consist of tapping out matte at regular intervals and casting such material when it is not immediately required, a wasteful and unnecessary practice incompatible with modern ideas of smelting work.

During the early stages of the development of smelter plant, the use of reverberatory fore-hearths received considerable attention, the principle being to build a fire-box in communication with the settler, so as to ensure a sufficient supply of heat in the vessel for efficient settling. Modern furnaces however, usually supply a large enough quantity of very hot and fluid matte and slag as to allow of very efficient separation without the use of extra heating, providing the position and construction of the settler is suitably planned, as will be described in due course.

The Construction of the Blast Furnace.

Dimensions.—The modern blast furnace is a long, narrow, water-cooled shell, rectangular in plan. The dimensions, particularly the length, vary greatly, being regulated according to the anticipated output of the furnace-unit. The size is generally expressed in terms of the internal dimensions at the tuyere level, which represents the smelting area. The width of the modern furnace varies usually from 44 to 56 inches, according to the blast pressure, method and speed of working, concentration to be effected, and so forth. The length in many cases is between 15 and 25 feet, when the furnace may be conveniently worked in connection with one large settler. The capacity of such a unit naturally depends on the conditions of working; it may be taken roughly as from 4 to 6 tons of material per square foot of hearth area per twenty-four hours.

Foundations.—The furnaces are built upon a foundation which is necessarily very strong, being usually either of solid rock or of concrete.

Bottom Plate.—The bottom plate of the furnace usually carries part of the weight of the lower tier of water-jackets as well as the furnace burden, and is supported, some distance above the ground, on screw-jacks leaving an air-space below the furnace, which allows of convenient access for repairs or adjustment. The height of the construction is thus raised to a convenient distance for adjustment to the discharge to the settlers. The bottom plate should consist of sectionised water-cooled cast-iron plates bolted together, with a thin layer of brickwork placed above, to protect them from the corrosive influences to which they are subject. There is a slight slope towards the slag-notch. The actual working bed of the furnace is however, a chilled crust of material which sets on this bottom owing to radiation below, and which, when suitable precautions have been taken, usually adjusts itself naturally whilst the furnace is in operation, by what may be termed automatic radiation. Thus, apart from the water-cooling devices, if the working bottom wears down towards the metal plates, the loss of heat by radiation through the thin layer of material causes a chilling effect which leads to a thickening of the crust. Should the crust thicken unduly and so threaten to interfere with the discharge, the radiation is decreased owing to the thickness; and the high temperature which prevails upon this layer causes a partial melting so that it gradually becomes thinner again—thus regulating itself for the most part automatically.

Fig. 39.—Tapping Breast of Blast Furnace, Cananea (see p. 139).

Fig. 40.—Riveted Steel Water-Jacket, showing Tuyere Holes
and Water Inlets, etc. (P. & M. M. Co.).

Fig. 41.—Transverse Section through Modern Blast Furnace,
showing Arrangements of Boshed Lower Jackets, Upper Jackets
and Plates, Stays and Supports, etc.

Fig. 42.—Interior of Anaconda Blast Furnace,
showing Jacketing, Tuyere Holes, and Bridge.

Water-Jackets.—The usual height of the modern furnace, as reckoned from tap-hole to charge floor, is roughly from 14 or 16 feet up to 20 feet, water-jacketed all the way. The sides and ends of the furnace are constructed of sectionised water-jackets arranged horizontally in tiers and vertically in panels. There are usually two, occasionally three, tiers, suitably stayed and supported. The practice as regards the shape and arrangement of the jackets varies greatly. It was formerly not uncommon to work with three tiers of jackets for the sides; of these the lower tier extended only from the sole-plate to the level of the slag-notch, forming practically the crucible jackets, the height varying from 2 feet 6 inches to 4 feet. These were most used when the discharge to the settler was situated at the side wall of the furnace. Above these jackets was situated the second tier through which the tuyeres passed; these build up the boshes of the furnace, and are termed the “bosh” or “tuyere” jackets. In most modern furnaces these two tiers of lower jackets are replaced by one set of panels of from 7 to 10 feet in height, the jackets being given a slight slope towards each other at the bottom, so as to form a very small bosh angle; the contraction is about 8 inches. This improvement does away with a good deal of the jointing otherwise necessary near the hottest parts of the furnace, and thus lessens the danger of leakage at these points. The water-cooled breast-plate containing the opening for the escape of the products is now put in position as a separate piece, well secured to the rest of the jacketing (Fig. 39). Above the lower tier of jackets is placed the upper series, often from 7 to 9 feet in height, which carries the walls of the furnace up to within a few feet of the charging platform. These jackets are parallel, and no bosh is given (see Fig. 41).

The end jackets are usually built in two tiers only, the upper, 7 feet to 7 feet 6 inches, as a rule, and the lower, 8 feet to 9 feet 6 inches, according to circumstances; in the smaller furnaces the end wall may sometimes consist of a single jacket only. They are vertical, no end bosh being allowed. The end jackets are each single panels, whilst the side walls are built up in panel sections, the width of which vary, but are often 7 feet to 7 feet 6 inches wide, the panels being bolted or clamped together and strongly stayed.

The water-jackets are constructed of flanged steel plate, the inner sides of which are 5/16 to ? inch thick, the outside ¼ to 5/16 inch. The seams are flanged outwards, so as to prevent joints, etc., being exposed to the inside of the furnace. The water space between the two plates of the jacket is from 3 to 4 inches.

It is usual to support the weight of these jackets on I-beams carried by the upright columns; very strong bracing and tieing is also necessary in order to prevent the side walls from bulging by the great pressure to which they are subjected. In order to protect the jackets themselves from buckling by the forces acting upon them, they are strengthened inside the water space by a series of ? bands, which run vertically downwards between the plates, and are rivetted to the outer side—this device is found not to interfere unduly with the proper circulation of the water. Leakage between the joints of the separate jackets is prevented by asbestos packing. In spite of the strong binding and bracing of the walls in this manner, the connections are so devised as to allow of their being unfastened very easily, so that jackets may be readily disconnected and taken down when it becomes necessary to do so.

Arrangements for the water supply to the jackets vary considerably. In localities where a plentiful supply is available, each jacket has its independent outlet and inlet pipes; in other cases it is common to arrange an independent feed to each set of panels, water being supplied first to the jackets of the lower tier, and being discharged from them to the jackets situated above. The supply pipes for the various jackets branch from water main pipes running at the sides of the furnace.

The tuyere or bosh jackets are pierced horizontally at intervals of about 1 foot, with a line of 5-to 7-inch holes for the fitting in of the tuyere pieces. These are formed of steel thimbles, of ?-inch metal, which have a slight taper, fitting secured against the inner plate and rivetted to the outer one, thus allowing of ready replacement when necessary (see also Fig. 40). Above the side jackets of the furnace there is usually a heavy mantel-plate, 2 feet to 2 feet 6 inches high, with a sloping front, and surmounting this are apron plates, 1 foot 6 inches to 2 feet high, inclined at 45°, constituting a hopper which directs the charge towards the centre of the furnace in such a way as to keep the fines nearer to the middle line, and thus leave the sides of the charge more open, in order to ensure more regular working.

Superstructure.—The jacketing, together with the apron and mantel plates carry the structure up to the charging floor. Above this is the superstructure with the arrangements for taking off the furnace gases, and for the feeding of material for the charge. In many cases the general practice still prevails of constructing the walls of this portion of brickwork, often about 14 feet high, surmounting this with a hood of metal from the top or sides of which large off-takes carry the furnace gases to the dust chambers, and thence to the flue system and stack. Modifications in the design of the blast-furnace superstructure have been, however, in course of progress at many works, particularly in connection with the employment of automatic or mechanical charging appliances and the taking-off of the gases below the feed-floor level. This is specially the case at plants operating the pyritic process and where the gases are to be utilised for acid manufacture, as well as in connection with the treatment of smelter fume. Several furnaces are also at work using either metallic water-cooled or air-cooled tops, from which the removal of accretions is stated to be very readily effected.

Some of the most recent developments in the design of blast-furnace superstructure have been described by Emmons in reviewing the experiments at the Copperhill Smelter, Tennessee. The gases here are used for acid-making, and are sent to Glover towers under some pressure. The furnace top consists of cast-iron corner-posts and dividers, the walls and ends laid up with brickwork, surmounted by a tubular top of the Shelby type from which the gas off-takes lead. The horizontally pivoted doors open inwards and fit tightly. These arrangements are stated to be very satisfactory.

Fig. 43.—Showing Upper Jackets, Apron and Mantel Plates,
and Superstructure of Blast Furnace, Anaconda.

Fig. 44.—Charging Blast Furnaces at Anaconda.

The charging platform, suitably supported on vertical columns, runs at the upper level, being provided, on either side of the furnace, with tracks of rails for the charge cars. The charging doors usually correspond in position to the panels of water-jackets, and are situated along the whole length of each side furnace-wall, the bottom of the charging opening being flush with the floor. They are generally moved up and down in the grooved guides of the upright columns between them, and are of sheet steel suitably strengthened, from 6 to 7 feet wide and 4 feet 6 inches to about 5 feet high, supported by wire-rope and chains, and operated by compressed air cylinders.

The Air Supply to the Blast Furnace.—The quantity of air required by the blast furnace varies very widely with the class of work, rapidity of output, character of charge, and general smelting conditions. It may be stated roughly as being from 300 to 500 cubic feet of air per minute per square foot of hearth area, at a pressure of about 40 to 50 ozs. per square inch.

The rotary blower of the Roots or Connersville type is very well suited for the supply of these enormous quantities of air at moderate pressures, but for blast at higher pressures the air leakage becomes excessive, and piston-driven blowing engines become almost a necessity. Such improvements have, however, been made in rotary-blowing appliances within recent years that most blast-furnace plants are equipped with blowers of the rotary type, which are found highly satisfactory. The air is brought along blast mains of considerable size—about 30 inches diameter—to the furnace building, thence to the bustle pipes of 24 inches diameter, which surround the furnace, from which branch off the pipe connections (5 or 6 inches diameter) for the tuyeres. The practice of equipping each furnace with its own blowing unit is fairly general, making the necessary reserve connections in case of temporary breakdown; many smelters, however, adopt the system of delivering the air from all the engines into one large common air main, making the necessary connections from this to each separate furnace. The importance of avoiding leakages is recognised, and the requisite valves for regulating and controlling the air supply are arranged for.

From the bustle pipe the air passes down the pipe connections which are attached by flanged joints, thence to the tuyere pipes, which are of cast-iron, the blast being regulated by valves. The actual form of tuyere employed varies considerably, each smelter usually having its own special devices for the convenience of repair, renewal, and fixing, as well as for valve regulation and punching. The tuyere is held against the face of the jackets by bolts, leakages being prevented by asbestos packing.

Fig. 45.—Blast-Furnace Shell, with Air Connections (P. & M. M. Co.).

Fig. 46.—Details of Tuyere, Cananea Blast Furnace.

The tuyeres are usually 4½ to 5 inches in diameter, and are generally placed about 12 inches apart. Air is supplied only through the side jackets, and not at the ends of the furnace.

Heating the Air Blast.—The advisability of heating the air-supply for copper blast-furnace smelting has been the subject of very considerable discussion, the question requiring consideration both with respect to its influence on the rationale of the smelting operation as well as from the economic standpoint. The matter is dealt with more fully in connection with pyritic practice, from which point of view Peters has reviewed the subject exhaustively. It may be here stated that there appears to be no advantage in preheating the air when the true pyritic process is operated, and actual trial has resulted in the rejection of the method at the smelters practising this work.

Where, however, coke fuel to any considerable extent is employed on the charge, a supply of heated air through the tuyeres may result in an increased rapidity of smelting, as well as in the production of hotter and more fluid slags. Especially in partial pyritic smelting and more particularly when working charges which contain but little sulphide and where the employment of much coke is not advantageous, the use of preheated blast may be economically very useful. In such cases, the heat production in the furnace is not so fundamentally bound up with the thermo-chemical reactions of slag formation as it is in true pyritic smelting, and therefore the enhanced intensity of combustion of coke-fuel at the tuyere-zone by the use of hot air may exert an important influence in improving the furnace operation and in decreasing the amount of coke-fuel required. In many such instances indeed it has been chiefly the economic factor with reference to the cost of installing and operating suitable devices for warming the air-supply which has determined the question of adopting this system. As is well known, the use of a supply of heated air causes a largely increased calorific intensity from the combustion of coke, resulting in higher temperature at the tuyere-zone, under which circumstances the charge materials are smelted more rapidly, and the resulting products are more fluid, whilst slags of higher silica content (sometimes economically advisable) can be conveniently worked with.

The devices employed for the preheating of the blast vary considerably—cheapness, capacity, simplicity in design and operation being the main essentials.

The utilisation of the waste heat from the smelting furnaces or products would suggest itself as an economical method for accomplishing the warming of the blast, but in practice several difficulties are encountered in efficiently making use of this heat. Heat is available from two sources, either from the furnace gases or from the hot slag. The very successful operation in cast-iron smelting, of hot-blast stoves worked by the “waste gases,” cannot, however, be applied to copper blast-furnace smelting, since the gases in this case do not possess similar calorific value owing to the small proportions of carbon monoxide present. Further, the temperature of these gases is not sufficiently high to allow of the effective application of the regenerative principle using brickwork chambers. In consequence, the use of metal pipe-stoves offers the only method of utilising the heating values of the furnace gases, but their comparatively low temperature does not afford sufficient heat for the warming of the large quantities of air which are required at the tuyeres.

The much higher temperature of the reverberatory furnace gases offers, however, much greater scope for their utilisation in this respect, if both classes of furnace happen to be in operation at the plant and if they are conveniently situated for the purpose.

At several smelters, blast furnaces have been equipped with hot-blast “tops” for the purpose of preheating the air supply, the air-heating pipes being exposed to the gases in the upper portions of the furnace. The Giroux blast-heating device has been installed on furnaces at smelters in Mexico and Arizona, whilst at others in the same localities, the Mitchell system of baffle passages has been successfully used. The Kiddie system of running the blast pipes through the dust chambers has been tried at Tyee, B.C. The advantages of thus utilising the heat of waste gases have generally, however, been found to be more than balanced by the extra costs involved.

Efforts have been made to use the heat contained in molten slag for warming the air, but owing to the low conducting power of these materials, and the difficulty of bringing extended surfaces in close contact, the method has not proved itself very efficient. Blast is occasionally warmed by passing the air through tunnels in which bogies of molten slag are allowed to remain for some time.

When methods of utilising waste heat from the furnace products fail, the fuel-heated iron pipe-stove is generally employed. Since the temperatures required are comparatively low, and the margin of profit involved by the use of hot blast is usually small, the use of the cheapest class of fuel available is imperative; but many classes of fuel unsuitable for other purposes may find useful application for this work.

The stove is of the usual cast-iron pipe form, designed to give the maximum exposing surface, suitably strengthened and protected from direct action of the fire. Much valuable information on the advantages, disadvantages, and appliances for blast heating was afforded by the smeltermen who contributed to the symposium on “Pyrite Smelting,” which Rickard edited for the Engineering and Mining Journal.

Mathewson, E. P., “The Development of the Modern Blast Furnace.” Eng. and Min. Journ., May 27, 1911, p. 1057.

Wright, Lewis T., “Metal Losses in Copper Slags.” Bulletin Amer. Inst. Min. Eng., 1909, Sept., No. 33, p. 817.

Shelby, Geo. F., “Cananea Blast Furnaces.” Engineering and Mining Journal, April 25th, 1908.

Emmons, N. H., “Copper Blast-Furnace Tops.” Bulletin Amer. Inst. Min. Eng., Feb., 1911, p. 119.

“Heating Blast.” Engineering and Mining Journal, June 16 and Sept. 15 and 29, 1906.

“Pyrite Smelting,” T. A. Rickard.

Also the Authors already referred to, Austin (p. 80), Gowland (p. 17), Peters (p. 80).



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