
Modern Copper Smelting Practice—Preliminary Treatment of Ores: Concentration, Briquetting, Sintering—The Principles of Copper Smelting—Roasting.

Modern Copper Smelting Practice.—Until recently, modern smelting practice has been understood to involve the production of a matte containing from 40 to 50 per cent. of copper, which is then bessemerised.

There are however proceeding at present (owing to the successful working of basic-lined converters) developments which indicate that such practice may, within a few years, be modified very considerably in the direction of the converter treatment of lower-grade mattes. Until such operations become successfully established and generally adopted, the production and subsequent bessemerising of 40 to 50 per cent. matte will be here dealt with as constituting modern practice; particularly since, generally speaking, the principles involved are equally applicable to the modified methods now being developed.

Preliminary Treatment of the Ore.—The factors which have to be considered in drawing up a scheme of treatment for the supply of ores shipped to a smelter are exceedingly numerous, and will be discussed in due order. There are no hard and fast principles which determine such schemes, yet a number of considerations must be noted concerning the treatment preliminary to the actual smelting of the ores.

Such preliminary treatment may include—

  • A. Concentration or Wet Dressing.
  • B. Agglomeration of Fines—(a) Briquetting, (b) Sintering.
  • C. Roasting.

A. Concentration or Wet Dressing.—In treating the ores of copper, it may be noted that in general—

Native Ores, unless very massive, are usually dressed in a special manner peculiar to themselves—e.g., stamp-milling.

Oxide Ores are rarely wet-dressed. They present much difficulty in treatment on account of their comparatively low density, which makes efficient wet concentration almost impossible, whilst heavy losses in the tailings generally accompany such operations.

Sulphide Ores.—No definite rules can be laid down as to whether the ore should be wet-dressed or not; the treatment depends altogether on attendant circumstances, such as—(a) the character of the ore, (b) the concentration of the copper desired in the first smelting operation, and (c) the smelting method and furnaces adopted.

Wet concentration is only profitable when the copper ore is of low grade, and then only under suitable conditions. Thus the low tenor may be due to admixture with much gangue or with other sulphides, or both. A massive low-grade pyritic ore carrying but little gangue is not suitable for such treatment, since the mixed sulphides are not separated from one another by wet dressing, and consequently but little enrichment of the copper in the dressed product would be possible; apart altogether from other considerations. Such is the case, for instance, with the Tennessee ores carrying about 2·0 per cent. of copper and only 25 to 35 per cent. of gangue.

An ore with a self-fluxing or almost self-fluxing gangue might allow of its copper being concentrated more cheaply and conveniently by direct smelting than by wet dressing, this depending, of course, on the local conditions.

In other cases a balance has to be struck as to whether the circumstances are more favourable for removing the excess of gangue by means of crushing and treatment in a stream of water, or by slagging it off in a furnace with the addition of suitable fluxes. In many cases, with low-grade ores, the former treatment is the cheaper.

The case of the low-grade ores of the Butte, Montana, district, affords a good example of these considerations. This ore contains 5 to 5½ per cent. copper, with a large quantity of highly siliceous gangue. It was found that the purchase and carriage of sufficient flux, and the cost of carrying out this fluxing operation was so expensive that it was cheaper to build a concentrator and smelter at Anaconda, 30 miles away—in a locality where a suitable water supply was available for the dressing—and to convey the ore this distance in order to concentrate it by a wet method. The dressed ore assays 9 to 10 per cent. of copper.

It is important to note that the process of wet dressing involves crushing the ore, and yields the product in a more or less finely divided form. Most copper sulphide minerals are exceedingly brittle, and break up to a very small size on crushing for concentration, so that the copper concentrates usually include a large quantity of fine material.

There are two general types of furnace available for smelting—reverberatory furnaces and blast furnaces—and the questions of the desirability and of the degree of crushing and concentration depend to a large extent on the plant and furnaces adopted or proposed.

Blast-furnace treatment has hitherto often been considered the most economical process for smelting copper ores, especially with regard to fuel costs, but for many reasons it is not a convenient or efficient furnace for the direct treatment of fine material. When it is desired to employ the blast furnace, it is necessary to make up charges consisting, to as great an extent as possible, of coarse material. In consequence, when concentrating ores with a view to subsequent blast-furnace treatment, the degree of crushing and dressing has to be modified with these factors in view; otherwise a further preliminary manipulation of the fine concentrates that are produced is rendered necessary. Such modified dressing schemes involve a maximum of coarse breaking and screening, the crushing and separating stages being thus very gradual, and the units in the plant are multiplied, whilst the process is rendered complex in consequence. With the greatest care, moreover, large quantities of fines are bound to be produced, and have to be dealt with by some means other than immediate blast-furnace treatment.

Dressing schemes and plant for sulphide copper ores are thus often complicated, particularly for the recovery of the values from the finer material, and cannot be discussed at any length here. Reference should be made to Richards or other standard works on the subject.

As representative of wet-dressing practice, the Anaconda scheme may be noted, as summarised below.

There are eight mills, each treating 1,000 tons of ore per day, and conducting the—

  • Coarse crushing in Blake crushers.
  • Coarse sizing by trommels.
  • Coarse separation on Harz jigs of 1¼-inch and ?-inch feed.
  • Middlings crushing in rolls.
  • Middlings sizing by trommels.
  • Middlings separation on fine jigs of 7, 5, 2½, 1½, and 1 millimetre feed.
  • Finest crushing in Huntingdon mills.
  • Fines settling by spigot settlers.
  • Fines separation on Wilfley tables (471 are in use on the plant).

The muddy water goes to enormous settling ponds, where the slime settles down, gradually drains, and dries, and it is afterwards used for various purposes during the smelting operations; being dug out in the form of a fine clay. A new form of centrifugal apparatus (the Peck) is now being installed for the separation of this material. The subsequent treatment of the products from the concentrating operation is indicated in the diagram (fig. 12), from which it will be seen that the—

  • Coarse Concentrates, 1¼, ? (and ?) inch size, are smelted in the blast furnaces.
  • Fine Concentrates, 7, 5, 2½, 1½, and 1 millimetre size, pass to the roasters, and thence to the reverberatory furnaces.
  • Slimes are used for briquetting, and several other operations. Tailings pass to the dump.

Fig. 12.—Outline of Smelting Scheme at the Anaconda Smelter, Montana, U.S.A.

B. Agglomeration of Fines.—It has just been seen that the wet concentration of ores (considered advisable in a large number of cases) results in the production of a considerable quantity of fine concentrate, a form of material not well suited for immediate blast-furnace treatment.

In addition, smelters often receive considerable amounts of fines in the smelting-ore supply, which it is not unusual to screen out and to treat separately from the coarser materials.[4]

The alternatives for the treatment of fines, and more particularly of fine concentrate, include smelting in reverberatory furnaces (usually after roasting); blowing into the converter (a new process still in the experimental stage); and blast-furnace treatment after suitable preparation.

Blast furnaces have many advantages which lead to their extended use in copper smelting practice, but one important feature, which also applies to the smelting of other metals, has always to be borne in mind in this connection—viz., that material in a finely divided state cannot be treated directly in a blast furnace without heavy losses, and the working of the furnace on such charges is not efficient.

No material less than ¼ to ? inch in size, especially when in the form of sulphides, should be fed as such into a modern blast furnace. Fines in the furnace lead to—

  • (a) Accretions,
  • (b) Irregular working of the furnace and the charge,
  • (c) Clotting and low concentration,
  • (d) Heavy flue-dust losses,

and their presence is often the cause of much trouble at many of the modern smelters. The agglomerating of the fines is, therefore, a very important preliminary in any scheme of treatment involving the employment of the blast furnace on such material. Agglomerating is usually performed by one of two methods—(1) briquetting, (2) sintering. Of these, briquetting has hitherto been in very general use, but several advantages connected with the sintering process and the resulting product are leading to its adoption with much success in several localities, and attracting for it considerable attention at present.

(a) Briquetting.—Among the advantages of briquetting is the fact that it utilises large quantities of the copper-bearing slime produced at the concentrating plant, this material often possessing good binding properties which render it very suitable for briquette-making.

Fig. 13.—Sketch Plan of Briquetting Plant.

Fig. 14.—Section through Auger-Former, showing Briquetting Mechanism, of Chambers’ Machine.

Fig. 15.—Chambers’ Briquette-making Machine.

The type of plant in use at different smelters varies considerably, the method adopted being either the stamping out of the briquettes, or by the application of steady pressure, the production of bars which are then cut up to convenient size.

The constituents used depend naturally on the materials available at the smelter, briquettes, both with lime and without, being made.

The Briquetting Plant at Anaconda.—The operation of this plant affords a good example of the process. Its working is very successful in using up much fine concentrate, as well as the slime from the ponds, which acts as binding material and at the same time supplies copper. Briquette, indeed, constitutes one of the biggest items of the charge for the Anaconda blast furnaces. There are four Chambers’ machines in use, making 840 tons of briquettes daily. The briquettes consist of slime, fine first-class ore screenings (< ?-inch size), fine concentrate from the dressing plant, and coke (which is recovered from the reverberatory furnace gratings). The quantities used daily are somewhat as follows, though they are naturally subject to some variation, depending on supplies:—

Slime, 500 tons.
First-class ore screenings, 300 "
Fine concentrate, 200 "
Coke, 70 "

and the composition of the briquettes is about—

Copper, 5·0 per cent.
Ferrous Oxide, 16 "
Silica, 45 to 50 "
Sulphur, 15 "
Lime, 0·7 "
Moisture, 15·0 "
Coke, 5·0 "

The different materials are stored in bins, and fed through doors to conveyors, which discharge on to an elevator leading to a divided hopper, each division of which feeds a pug-mill. The pug mills are long troughs in which inter-moving bladed spindles rotate, churning up the materials; the mixing being assisted by a water supply from above. The mixture passes down a chute to one end of an auger machine, from which it issues, through a steel ring, in the form of a continuous slab, 6 inches × 4 inches in section, to a cutter 10 feet distant, which slices off bricks 10 inches long, each of which weighs about 10 lbs. The bricks pass to a traveller, thence by another to feed bins. The briquettes are not dried, but are used just as made with 15 per cent. of moisture, and are generally the last item of the charge to be added on the car. They crumble slightly, but are sufficiently strong to stand the handling during charging.

Many similar methods, including hand processes, are employed.

(b) Sintering Processes.—This method of treating fines involves roasting reactions, as well as the mechanical process of agglomerating. Whilst it thus furthers the concentration obtained in the subsequent furnace operation, since it eliminates some sulphur, it also utilises the fuel value of the fines, and yields a product which works well in the blast furnace. Several processes have been introduced, and the M‘Murty-Rogers method installed at Wallaroo, S. Australia, illustrates very well the principles upon which this class of treatment depends. It is a sintering and roasting process similar in type to the Huntingdon-Heberlein method for lead smelting, but lime is not used as a rule. It is employed primarily for fine concentrates which are somewhat siliceous.

Charge.—Must contain 15 to 35 per cent. silica, and 15 to 25 per cent. sulphur.

Pots.—8 feet 6 inches in diameter, when used for ore, and 4 feet 6 inches deep; with vertical sides. There is a false grate 10 inches above the bottom, pierced with ?-inch holes.

Blast.—1,000 cubic feet per minute at 13 to 20 ozs. pressure per square inch.

Capacity, 8 to 10 tons. Time, 8 to 10 hours.

Method.—Cover the grate with a layer of roasted material, light small fire of wood, blow, and gradually charge in the ore whilst the blast is on. Lime is unnecessary, but water is essential in the process, and the ore must be very wet; 6 to 9 per cent. water being used for ore charges, and 3 to 4 per cent. with rich mattes, otherwise working is not uniform, and the losses by dusting are great. With the requisite quantity of water present, the working is regular and uniform, there is little dust, and the roasting is efficiently performed.

Products.—If ore is charged, a sintered mass of matte and ferrous silicate results; if poor matte is used, the product is a rich matte and ferrous silicate; and if rich matte is used, metallic copper and ferrous silicate are obtained. At the end of the blow the charge is tipped out and fed into the blast furnace.

Costs.—The method as employed at Wallaroo to treat 400 to 500 tons of material per week, operated at a cost of 3s. 6d. per ton, or about 1s. more per ton than for ordinary roasting.

Though this particular process is only, to the author’s knowledge, employed at a few smelters, sintering or blast-roasting methods on the same principle have been introduced at several other works, and their adoption promises to lead to very successful results, being particularly suited for the class of material indicated above. The advantages claimed for the process are that—

(a) It saves heavy mechanical losses, such as those of the dust resulting from calcining operations and from the charging of hot calcines into reverberatory furnaces.

(b) It gives a product suitable for blast-furnace smelting—often the cheapest and most convenient method of working.

(c) It results in efficient roasting and good reduction of sulphur, yields the product in an advantageous form for subsequent smelting, and promotes a satisfactory removal of impurities in the slag.

In addition, the process offers the possibility in the future of being so modified as to leave in the adequately compacted products so much sulphide that their fuel values can be realised in the blast furnace. In other words, after the preliminary sintering process, to smelt the (fine) sulphide-concentrates pyritically in the blast furnace.

Of the more recent types of machine for conducting the process of sintering, that of Dwight and Lloyd is in operation at several smelters. The moistened ore falls on to an endless chain conveyor, composed of separate grids carried on wheels. The conveyor carries the ore through the flame from a small furnace which starts its ignition, and it is then drawn over a long suction chamber where air is sucked through the hot mass, thus effectually roasting and sintering it. The chamber has special devices which ensure the drawing in of the air through the charge only, and so prevent inward leakage (see Fig. 16).

The sintered cakes are finally discharged automatically into cars. Details regarding the machine vary at different smelters; at one works the length is 30 feet, the rate of travel 8 inches per minute, and the vacuum in the suction chamber 6 ozs.

The size of the particles should not exceed ¼ inch, and not more than 25 per cent. of the charge should be so large. Some 3 to 5 per cent. tends to pass through the grids, and so be drawn into the suction chamber; this is cleared out at intervals through special doors. Water is necessary, and from 6 to 10 per cent. must be employed in uniformly moistening the charge, which, by the addition of suitable fluxes, is often made of such proportions that in subsequent blast-furnace smelting a satisfactory slag is produced without further additions. The sulphur reduction by the process is very considerable.

Fig. 16.—Dwight-Lloyd Sintering Machine.

Such blast-roasting methods, with suitable modifications, promise to assume considerable importance in the developments of modern smelting practice.

c. Roasting.—Roasting is often a very important preliminary stage in the scheme of treatment of copper ores. It was formerly considered an essential operation in smelting processes for sulphide ores, the material being crushed and concentrated largely with a view to such subsequent treatment. This is not the practice in modern smelting. Roasting is now only conducted where the necessity for it arises, as in the case where wet dressing, having been considered advisable, has resulted in the production of large amounts of fine concentrate, and where reverberatory furnaces are installed for the smelting of this material. Preliminary roasting of the concentrates then conduces to the production of a matte of converter grade in one smelting operation.

The Principles of Copper Smelting.—Copper extraction from sulphide ores is essentially an oxidation process, the iron and sulphur being oxidised and the oxide of iron slagged away. All such smelting processes, both the older and the more modern ones, are based on this fact, and underlying all of them are certain fundamental principles which it is essential to keep in mind in considering every phase of the subject.

These may be summarised as follows:—

(1) In the melting down of a furnace charge, the copper has first claim on any sulphur which may be present.

(2) Only such sulphur as remains in excess after the copper has been satisfied, is free to combine with other constituents of the charge.

These fundamental principles can best be illustrated by following the reactions during the smelting of a typical charge. Thus—

Smelting reaction.

The copper takes up sufficient sulphur to form Cu2S; the remaining sulphur combines with any iron which is available, forming FeS. These two sulphides, dissolving in all proportions, constitute the matte product of smelting.

The iron in excess of that required by the sulphur becomes oxidised, and the resulting oxide combines with silica in the charge, forming the silicate slag of the smelting operation.[5]

It will thus be apparent that, in general, the larger the amount of sulphur present in a furnace charge, the more FeS will there be in the matte after melting, and the smaller will be the proportion of copper. In consequence, the grade of the matte will be lower.

The proportion of sulphur in the charge thus controls the concentration of the copper by the smelting operation, and, in order to effect the desired concentration, oxygen is required in order to burn off sulphur and to oxidise iron. There are two general methods of supplying this necessary oxygen.

(1) By a preliminary oxidation of the charge outside the smelting furnace—Roasting.

(2) By oxidation inside the smelting furnace itself—The pyritic principle (to be considered later).

Modern Practice as regards Roasting.—In modern copper smelting, the tendency is to do away with roasting as much as possible.

Objections to Roasting.—(1) Expense involved by a separate preliminary process. This includes

  • (a) Preparation of the ore for roasting.
  • (b) Extra ground, and plant required for handling.
  • (c) Labour, fuel, etc., required.
  • (d) Extra handling of material before and after roasting.

(2) Heavy mechanical and other losses during the process.

(3) Loss of the fuel value of the iron and sulphur for smelting.

(4) Necessity, in the majority of cases, of having the ore in a fine state of division in order to conduct efficient roasting, thus militating against its subsequent use in the blast furnace, unless the product receives preliminary agglomeration.

Thus at Tennessee, the cost of roasting was about 40 cents, or 1s. 8d. per ton of ore (equivalent to ½d. on every pound of copper produced). The cost for the year 1903 amounted to £19,000, employing 170 men out of a total staff of 900 at mines and smelters. The conditions for roasting were here exceptionally favourable. The closing of the roast-yards set at liberty £34,000, which had been tied up in this manner.

Advantages of Roasting.—Illustrative of the conditions under which roasting is advantageously conducted in modern practice, the case of the Butte second-class ores may be quoted.

These ores contain about 5 per cent. of copper in the form of sulphides, finely disseminated through large quantities of siliceous gangue. Direct smelting in a blast furnace would not yield a matte of the desired “converter” grade, except at very heavy expense and difficulty. The ore is, therefore, wet-dressed up to 9 to 10 per cent. copper, and the coarse concentrates now help to yield a good matte, when smelted in the blast furnace. By the wet-dressing treatment, however, a considerable quantity of fine material is unavoidably produced, for which the most convenient treatment in such large quantities, under prevailing conditions, is in the reverberatory furnace. The atmosphere of this type of furnace being to a great extent neutral, the charge would tend simply to melt down without very much reduction of sulphur, resulting in the production of very low-grade matte. Roasting of these fine concentrates is, therefore, desirable for reducing the sulphur to such an extent as will yield a high-grade converter matte.[6] Roasting being thus often advisable as a preliminary, its inclusion in a smelting scheme under suitable conditions entails the following advantages over the direct reverberatory treatment of unroasted ores:—

(1) It ensures satisfactory concentration on smelting.

(2) It leaves reverberatory furnace smelting practically a remelting operation, and so affords exact control of the concentration effected.

(3) The roaster gases may be utilised for making acid.

In modern practice the work of the reverberatory plant is controlled at the roasters. The reverberatory foreman smelts whatever mixture is sent from the roasting plant, and if the grade of the resulting matte is not satisfactory, it is in the roasting operations that the required change is made for the correct adjustment of the sulphur and for controlling the consequent tenor of the matte.

The Reactions of Roasting.—The operation of roasting is the exposing of a substance to the effects of heat and air, in order to oxidise it, and to render it more suitable for subsequent smelting operations.[7]

In the case of the ordinary sulphide copper ores, roasting not only (a) reduces sulphur, and so ensures good concentration on smelting, but (b) by oxidising the iron, provides a ready flux for siliceous gangues. The more important reactions occurring to the usual constituents of the copper ores which are roasted, may be summarised as follows:—

Iron Pyrites.—First loses free sulphur at a low temperature: it is generally assumed that FeS is left, but the residual sulphide rarely attains this composition—

FeS2 ? FeS + S.

Iron Sulphide.—Sulphur has a great affinity for oxygen, to form SO2 and it may be assumed that this reaction first takes place thus—

FeS + O2 ? (Fe) + SO2(i.)

The iron is however instantly oxidised by the excess oxygen always present—

(Fe) + O ? FeO (?) (ii.)

Or, combining (i.) and (ii.)—

FeS + 3,O ? FeO + SO2.

This sulphur oxidation is an important source of heat, and in the early stages of roasting, sulphur is seen burning with the familiar blue flame, and the mass becomes red hot; stirring being required to prevent the material from sintering by the heat generated within itself.

The oxidation of the iron generally proceeds further, yielding higher and more stable oxides—

2FeO + O ? Fe2O3.
3FeO + O ? Fe3O4.

The SO2 in the presence of oxygen and in contact with strongly heated material further tends to form SO3, which is a powerful oxidising agent, and plays a considerable part in the various oxidising reactions which occur.

Pyrrhottite behaves in much the same way; it may be regarded as consisting of xFeS + a little extra sulphur. It does not roast quite so easily as pyrites, partly on account of physical characteristics, and partly because, in the case of pyrites, the greater amount of excess sulphur which is first driven off, tends to leave the mass more porous and so assists oxidation.

Copper Sulphide.—Its characteristics on oxidation have already been indicated in Lecture III., p. 36. It melts easily, often at roasting temperatures, hence careful heating and attention are required when much is present.

The reactions are probably analogous to those of FeS oxidation, in the primary oxidation of the sulphur and the instantaneous oxidation of the nascent copper—

Cu2S + O2 ? (2Cu) + SO2
(2Cu) + O ? Cu2O,


Cu2S + 3.O ? Cu2O + SO2;

this being accompanied by simultaneous action of the following nature:—

Cu2O + SO2 + 2,O ? 2CuO + SO3
CuO + SO3 ? CuSO4
CuSO4 + Cu2O ? 3CuO + SO2.

In addition to the tendency to melt, copper sulphide roasts less perfectly than the FeS, usually yielding oxides which are accompanied by small quantities of sulphate.

Chalcopyrite is the commonest copper ore, and the material most frequently subjected to roasting in copper smelting practice.

Consisting of Cu2S. Fe2S3, and accompanied usually by a large excess of FeS2, it behaves very much like a mixture of these sulphides when treated in the roaster furnace, hence the reactions on roasting follow on the lines just indicated.

In practice the roasting is never carried to such a degree that all the sulphur is eliminated, since it is essential to retain some sulphur in order to collect the copper in the form of matte, and also because the time, and the cost of the fuel required to roast all of it off, would be prohibitive. Consequently, the products from the roasting of chalcopyrite consist principally of oxides of iron and copper, together with a certain amount of copper sulphate, very little iron sulphate, and some undecomposed sulphides.

The actual form in which the sulphur is present at the end of the roasting operation is not usually of very special importance in practice, especially where the previous experience with the roasted material determines the extent to which the roasting is conducted, since the greater part of the sulphur eventually produces the sulphide and constitutes the matte, on smelting the roasted charge; although some is also eliminated as SO2 by interaction with oxides. In modern roasting practice, therefore, all that is usually required is to roast the ore down to, say, 5 per cent., 6 per cent., 8 per cent., or whatever proportion of sulphur is necessary to yield the required grade of converter-matte in the reverberatories, as judged by previous experience of the furnace plant and working. Much SO2 is evolved during the roasting, though it is usually largely diluted with nitrogen from the air used up.

Other Foreign Constituents of Copper Ores—Zinc Sulphide.—ZnS is sometimes present. Some remains unchanged on roasting, as the heat in ordinary practice is not great enough to thoroughly decompose it. Some oxide and some sulphate are also produced.

2ZnS + 7,O ? ZnO + ZnSO4 + SO2

is suggested by Peters as a probable reaction occurring to this material under roasting conditions.

Lead Sulphide is also occasionally present with copper ores. It melts readily, and is not entirely decomposed at the temperatures employed for the roasting of copper ores. The reactions on oxidation are largely analogous to those for other sulphides.

PbS + O2 ? Pb + SO2
Pb + O ? PbO


PbS + 3.O ? PbO + SO2.


2PbO + SO3 ? PbSO4.PbO (basic sulphate).

Arsenides are partly left as the corresponding oxides, whilst some As4O6 is evolved, and some basic arsenate generally remains.

Roasting Practice.

Favourable Conditions for Successful Roasting.

(a) The sulphide should be in a finely divided form, so as to ensure good contact with the air.

(b) The air should be supplied in a gentle current, so as to continually provide fresh oxygen, and sweep away the inert gases which are produced.

(c) The ore should be heated to a dull red heat, which is a condition favourable for commencing the ignition and reactions. The temperature should, of course, be well below a melting heat (Peters).

The Apparatus for Roasting depends to some extent on the class of material to be dealt with, which may be in the form of either (a) lump ores, or (b) fine ores.

(a) Roasting of Lump Ores.—In modern copper-smelting work, the practice of roasting lump ores is practically obsolete. The conditions under which its use might still be justified are those associated with newer mining districts, where rapid concentration of heavy sulphide ore into matte is required, before the time is ripe for smelting the material pyritically, and where further, it is desired to employ the blast furnace for the smelting operations under these circumstances.

The advantages possessed by the method are—

(1) No preliminary crushing is required.

(2) The product is largely in the form of lumps, and hence immediately suitable for blast-furnace work.

(3) The plant and appliances required are simple.

The two methods employed are—(A) open-air roasting, (B) roasting in kilns.

A. Open-air Roasting of Lump Ores.—This method is conducted in heaps or stalls, and the features just considered apply particularly to this branch of roasting practice. The modern tendency is to avoid heap-roasting altogether, and it is only conducted when the conditions are exceptional.

Amongst the many grave objections to open-air roasting are—

(a) It is very slow, since a long period of time is required for the oxidising effect to penetrate through massive lumps of ore.

(b) A large amount of capital is tied up in the material at the roast-yards.

(c) The losses occasioned by wind and rain are very considerable.

(d) It is difficult to use up a large quantity of fines in the roast-heaps.

(e) Difficulties arise owing to damage by the fume, and from interference by litigation.

There is one special instance of a modern smelter making a great success of heap-roasting—namely, at Rio Tinto—but the circumstances are peculiar, as the roasting is followed by leaching operations of the immense ore heaps in situ.

This branch of roasting need not be considered at length, and the older standard text-books give full descriptions of the various methods employed. The following particulars are important, however, when under exceptional circumstances such work has to be undertaken:—

The maximum and best average size under ordinary conditions is 40 feet by 24 feet, by 7 feet high above the bed of fuel. The height is important, and varies with the quantity of sulphur in the ore. The lower the sulphur content, the higher the pile; with about 40 per cent. sulphur, the best height is 6 to 7 feet; with 15 per cent. of sulphur, up to 9 feet; and if still less sulphur be present, the height may even be a little greater. Such a heap holds about 240 tons, and if the quantity of ore to be dealt with exceeds this, a number of such piles should be constructed. The time occupied in roasting is about 70 days, with 10 days more for removing and rebuilding.

The selection of a proper site is important.

(a) The prevailing direction of the wind must be considered, so as to keep the fumes away from the works and offices.

(b) The yards must be protected from winds, so as to prevent losses of dust, as well as uneven burning.

(c) The ground must be perfectly dry or drained.

Along the upper edges of the roast-yard a deep trench should be cut, so as to catch rain-water, and prevent it from washing soluble copper salts out of the pile; drainage trenches must also be provided to carry any copper-bearing liquors to some point where the copper can conveniently be precipitated on scrap iron. Enormous losses of copper may occur if these precautions are not observed; thus, at one period in the old roasting process in Tennessee, as much as 34 per cent. of the copper in the heaps was lost in 186 days.

Preparing of the Floor.—Remove roots and subsoil, fill space with broken stone or rough tailings, cover with 4 to 6 inches of clayey loam, and beat down well. The floor is then fairly impervious, and does not crack on drying. The ground should be given a gentle slope so as to facilitate draining. A layer (about 6 inches thick) of fine ore is next put down, then 9 inches of fuel; channels are now mapped out by means of logs set in both directions, leading to rough chimneys. The pile is then constructed, with the lower parts of the very coarse materials, smaller stuff being put towards the top and sides. On the very top and at the outside of the pile are placed the fines, but this top cover is only put on when the burning is well started. This process is still worked at Tyee, B.C., and at some other localities, but is most probably only a temporary plan, to be replaced by a more efficient method as development progresses.

B. Kilns for Lump Ores.—Kilns possess the advantage that they permit of arrangements being made for the recovery of SO2 for acid manufacture, and the subject belongs more properly to that branch of technology. Few large smelting works employ kilns for roasting lump ores, though there are important exceptions at works both in Britain and on the Continent of Europe. Kilns are used at the Cape Copper Company’s smelter at Britton Ferry, for this purpose.

(b) The Roasting of Fines.—Fines (and particularly fine concentrates) are the usual materials subjected to roasting. The finer the particles, the more rapid and complete is the oxidation, but the losses by dust are heavier. The size limit is thus liable to some variation, but often the material roasted is that under ?-inch in size.

Roasting Furnaces—Requirements.—For the roasting of fines there is simply required a place where the material can be gently heated in the presence of a constantly renewed air supply. The fuel has itself a reducing action, it must therefore be separated from the charge, and hence the furnace employed is of the reverberatory type. Muffles are never used for the oxidising roasting of copper ores. Since only a moderate temperature is necessary for the operation, the furnace needs but a small fireplace, and it is provided with a large hearth area. The fuel used is one yielding the fairly long oxidising flame required.

Developments of Roasting Practice.—The main objects sought in roasting practice have been—

  • (1) To have as large a surface of material exposed to heat and air as possible.
  • (a) By elongating and multiplying the beds of the furnace.
  • (b) By furrowing and rabbling the charge.
  • (2) Continually to expose fresh surfaces of ore to oxidation.
  • (a) First by hand-rabbling.
  • (b) Later by movable furnace hearths.
  • (c) By mechanical rabbling.
  • (3) To obtain a continuous output—
  • (a) By mechanical charging, rabbling, and discharging.

The Development of the Roasting Furnace.

A. Fixed Hearth.—In Great Britain from 1583 onward, roasting in small reverberatory furnaces seems to have been the usual method, and up to 1850 the furnaces appear to have been only of moderate dimensions, with a single hearth, 16 feet × 13 feet 6 inches, constructed of firebricks set on end, and with a fire-box 7 feet × 2 feet 3 inches × 18 inches. Rabbling was done by a long rake, the material being charged and worked through one door. This method of working wasted time, made the process intermittent, and caused continual cooling down of the furnace, involving large fuel costs and much labour. The first improvements were to lengthen the hearth, to add more working doors, and to put the charge into the furnace by a hopper passing through the roof. It was next found best to elongate the hearth still further, and to drop the level of the bed in stages by about 2 inches at a time, thus ensuring better control of working. By this means the best type of hand-calciner was arrived at, consisting of four beds, each 16 feet × 16 feet, the whole charge being moved forward from one bed to the next at each stage of the process.

In roasting, the ore is first placed in the coolest part of the furnace, and is worked towards the fire, so that the charge travels in one direction, and the flame and furnace gases in the opposite direction to meet it.

The advantages of this system are that—

  • (a) The clotting of the sulphides is prevented, since the first part of the roasting proceeds at a comparatively very low temperature.
  • (b) The sulphur in the ore often provides sufficient heat to maintain the roasting in progress during the early stages.
  • (c) The hottest parts of the furnace are where the roasted infusible oxides arrive, so but little clotting or sintering occurs here.

The capacity of the four-bedded hand-roaster is 7 to 15 tons per twenty-four hours, depending on the sulphur proportion in the charge and in the roasted product.

It is a very useful form of furnace when labour is cheap. The furnace works very efficiently, but in the New World, where manual labour was dear, labour costs became prohibitive, and in order to economise in this direction, mechanical rabbling was introduced.

The O’Harra Calciner (1885) was essentially the old type of furnace, double hearthed and mechanically rabbled. It consisted of long straight furnace hearths. The rabbles were ploughs dragged through the furnace by means of endless chains which were carried over grooved pulleys, situated outside the furnace, at the ends. This was an important invention, giving a continuous feed and discharge, a much larger output, and efficient and regular stirring without much hand labour. The rabbles became cooled on issuing from the hearth. The capacity was 50 tons per day from furnaces of 90 feet × 9 feet hearths, giving a roasting capacity of 61 lbs. of ore per square foot of hearth area, compared with about 33 lbs. per square foot with the old hand calciner. In working the early forms of this furnace there were many mechanical troubles and breakdowns, and the subsequent modifications of this form consisted largely of devices for the purpose of overcoming such difficulties.

Modifications and Improvements.Allen, instead of a rope to carry the ploughs, used small wheeled carriages, running on a track which was laid along the floor.

Brown (important) ran the carriages along narrow corridors at either side of the hearth, so as to protect the ropes and carriages from the very corrosive action of the furnace gases. A continuous narrow slit along the inner wall of the corridors allowed the arm carrying the plough to travel forward.

Wethey; Keller; worked on very similar principles. The chief improvements were in details, and had for their object the prevention of wear and tear, and of the break-down of parts.

Prosser.—Very similar; used at Swansea Works.

Ropp.—The carriage runs underneath the bed, and supports a vertical shaft which passes through a slot along the furnace hearth and carries the arms furnished with ploughs.

Fig. 17.—O’Harra Furnace (Fraser-Chalmers), illustrating
Principle of Mechanical Rabbling by Travelling Ploughs.

The Ropp and Prosser calciners work very successfully. The hearth is about 105 feet long × 11 feet wide, with a capacity of about 36 tons per day.

Fig. 18.—Section through Mechanically Rabbled Roaster Furnace
(illustrating Improvements for Protecting Driving Mechanism).

Brown Horse-Shoe Furnace operates on the same principle as the above, except that the hearth is bent round in order to save space.

Pearse-Turrett (1892 at Argo).—In this type of furnace the bed is curved round in the form of a circle. The rabbling ploughs are carried at the ends of arms which are attached to an upright rotating spindle. The spindle is set in the centre of the space enclosed by the circular hearth.

In all the above classes of furnace, the firing is done, when necessary, from fireplaces built at intervals along the sides of the furnace; either coal or gas being employed as fuel.

B. Rotating Hearths.—This type of furnace is still reverberatory, but instead of making use of mechanical rabbling, the hearth rotates, in order to give agitation to the materials and assist their discharge.

(a) Intermittent Working—The BrÜckner Roaster.—The details and working of this roaster are familiar. The furnace was invented in 1864 for gold and silver ore-roasting in Colorado, and was later introduced for the roasting of copper ores, being at one time the furnace most commonly used for the purpose. It was employed all over the Western States, and at one works alone, 56 were at one time in use.

The usual length was 18 feet 6 inches and the diameter, 8 feet 6 inches; giving an output of about 12 tons per twenty-four hours. It was furnished with a removable fireplace, used to start the roasting. The operation could then be allowed to proceed by itself, the fireplace being wheeled away to another hearth, and being eventually brought back to the first hearth for about three hours, in order to give the required higher finishing temperature. Several dust chambers were attached to this, as to all forms of roasting furnaces, which by their nature and manner of work are apt to produce considerable quantities of dust.

The advantages of the BrÜckner cylinder lay largely in the fact that it afforded good control of the sulphur contents in the charge, since the ore could be retained in the furnace until the sulphur was sufficiently low. The furnace is simple to work, and not so liable to get out of order as many other forms. It possesses however, distinct disadvantages in that its working is intermittent, its use involves comparatively high fuel costs, whilst the discharging presents considerable difficulty and trouble to the labour employed, on account of the awkwardness and the high temperature of the discharge, and the sulphurous gases evolved.

Its use has now been very largely discontinued.

Improvements—(b) Continuous Working.—The continuous type of roasting furnace of this class involves the use of sloping cylindrical hearths which rotate, and so agitate and help to discharge the materials.

Oxland (1868) first introduced this type in Cornwall, for the roasting of tin ores.

The Oxland furnace was an inclined cylinder, the material was fed in at the top, and by the rotation of the cylinder the charge gradually travelled downwards, approaching nearer and nearer to the fire, and being discharged close to the fire-box.

White (1872) improved this furnace, and the White cylinder is largely used in South Wales. The cylinder revolves slowly by friction gearing; inside are four lines of projecting brick-work which form a shelf, thus assisting the agitation of the charge.

The White-Howell Furnace is somewhat similar to the White, but is unlined for the greater part of its length, except at the lower end near the fire-box, where it is much wider and is bricked. It is stated to work more satisfactorily than the older form, having a larger capacity and using but little fuel.

The furnace is employed at the Cape Copper Works, South Wales, for matte-roasting. It is here 60 feet long, 7 feet diameter, inclined 6 inches in 60 feet, makes 8 revolutions per hour, and has a capacity of 10 tons of charge per day.

Argall Furnace.—Consists essentially of four narrow tubes bound together, each 28 feet long, 2 feet diameter, and lined. It works rapidly, having a capacity of 40 to 50 tons per day, but is used more for the roasting of cupriferous gold ores than at the copper smelters.

C. The MacDougal Type.—The most important form of modern roaster furnace, and that most generally employed, is the MacDougal type. The first furnace on this principle was invented by Parkes in 1860. The design embodied two hearths, one above the other. Vertically down the centre of these passed a spindle, supporting arms from which were suspended the ploughs, and the rotation of this spindle carried the arms over the beds.

As devised by Parkes, various mechanical difficulties were found, and the working was intermittent, but the principle was recognised as important. MacDougal in 1873 introduced his modification of the furnace, primarily for the roasting of pyrites, at a Liverpool works, and this form has now supplanted many of the older types for copper ore roasting, and is in operation at most of the new smelting works.

Principles of the MacDougal Type.—The furnace consists of an iron cylinder lined with brick. Six circular hearths are constructed inside, one above the other, and the vertical spindle carrying the arms and ploughs for each hearth passes through the centre of the furnace. The ore is ploughed towards openings on each hearth, which communicate with the hearth below; the charge thus travelling from the outer edge towards the centre, through the central opening to the middle of the next floor, then outwards to the openings at the edge, and so on. The original MacDougal furnace was 12 feet high and 6 feet in diameter. It was improved by Herreshof in the direction of better rabbling mechanism and greater ease of repair. The central spindle was an air-cooled shaft, the supporting arms were made so as to be easily removable from the shaft to facilitate repairs, and the furnace was enlarged. Herreshof used air-cooling for the spindle and arms, as shown in Fig. 20.

Fig. 19.—MacDougal Roaster—Vertical Section.

Fig. 20.—Herreshof Furnace—Section indicating
Connections for cooling Rabbles and Spindles.

Evans, and subsequently Klepetko, in working the furnaces in Montana, introduced, in about 1892, various marked improvements. The dimensions were increased, enlarging the output. The spindle and arms were water-cooled, which improvement removed much of the great difficulty in working the MacDougal furnace, where the rapid wearing out of working parts, and the difficulty of their removal, repair, and renewal interfered greatly with efficient working.

Many of these troubles have now been overcome in the Evans-Klepetko type, and in the still further improvements since made at Anaconda. The general arrangement of the floors, spindles, arms and other details shown in the Herreshof furnace (Fig. 20) are preserved in the Evans-Klepetko and similar types of roaster; the chief alterations are in matters of detail, the results of which have however, been important.

Furnaces of this improved kind are now used all over the West; there are 64 at Anaconda, Mont.; 32 at the International Smelter, Tooele, Utah; 24 at Garfield, Utah; 16 at Steptoe, Nevada; and also at Balakala, Cal., Cerro de Pasco, Peru, and other large smelting centres.

Important Advantages.—Of the marked advantages of this type of furnace, the following are perhaps the most striking and important:—

(1) There is a great saving of floor space by having the six hearths one above the other.

(2) The use of a central common spindle carrying the arms and ploughs simplifies the mechanism.

(3) The form is convenient for the compact arrangement of a roasting plant of many units for feeding, discharge, and supervision.

(4) Very little heat is lost by radiation, as the heat passes mostly from one hearth to another.

(5) Very little fuel is required, none with heavy sulphides (except for starting), as the heat of oxidation of the iron and sulphur usually yields a high enough temperature to keep the operation going. The fuel costs are lower than in other types of roaster.

(6) Thorough rabbling, greater uniformity and better mixing of product, continuous and regular feed and discharge are obtained.

(7) The roasting is thorough, and perfect control of the degree of oxidation is ensured by adjusting the rate of passage of the ore through the furnace, which is regulated by varying the ore feed and the speed of rotation of the rabbles.

(8) Great saving in labour costs and difficulties. The labour in roasting plants is extremely arduous, on account of the high temperature of the material, and is dangerous on account of the atmosphere.

The Evans-Klepetko-MacDougal Roasting Furnace Plant at Anaconda.—The roasting plant at Anaconda formerly consisted of 56 BrÜckner cylinders, which were eventually all scrapped and replaced by new plant of the MacDougal type, subsequently greatly modified and improved as one difficulty after another had to be overcome.

The saving in working costs resulting from this replacement of the BrÜckners by MacDougal roasters is reckoned at about 5 cents (2½d.) on every ton of calcines treated.

The roasters are arranged in four rows of 16 each, running east and west. The charge cars travel along tracks at a height of 20 feet above, discharging into rows of bins, one situated over each calciner.

Fig. 21.—Spindle Connections
and Guide Shields of
Evans-Klepetko Roasters.

Details of Furnace.—Height, 18 feet 3½ inches; diameter, 16 feet. Six hearths. The spindle is made in three lengths, each to carry the arms for two hearths; it is 18 inches in diameter and is water-cooled. The rabble arms are 6 feet long, half round, and flanged on the lower side; they too, are hollow and water-cooled. The rabble-blades were formerly cast in one piece with base plate, so as to slide on to the arms, but are made now with detachable blades, which slide into grooves on the base plate, so as to facilitate removal for repairs; the blades are 6 inches square and 1½ inches thick (Fig. 32).

The arms on separate floors are set alternately at right angles. Of the two arms for each floor, one carries six blades, the other seven, so that the furrows resulting from one set of blades are turned over by the other. The blades are set so as to direct the ore from the outer to the inner edge or vice versÂ, according to the particular hearth. The spindle and connections are protected from falling ore by shields which are bolted on. The rabbles move slowly, making a 2½-inch furrow in a 5-inch layer of material.

Capacity.—40 to 45 tons per day each, reducing the sulphur in the charge from 30 per cent. to about 8·0 per cent. The output of the plant is about 3,000 tons of calcines daily.

System of Working.—Since reverberatory furnaces are used essentially as remelting furnaces only, the roasting plant is operated so as to yield a product of such composition as will directly produce a suitable matte and slag on melting in the reverberatories. The fluxes required for the calculated reverberatory charge are, therefore, sent through the roasters mixed with the fine concentrate; such practice possessing many advantages. The charge thus consists of fine concentrate from the concentrator settling tanks, and screened lime-rock flux (too fine to be used in the blast furnaces). The limestone lightens the charge, decreases the tendency to clotting of the pure sulphides, chemically assists oxidation, preheats and thoroughly mixes the flux, and ensures a uniformly mixed charge for the reverberatory furnaces; whilst the extra cost involved is but very small.

Three per cent. of lime is used; 40 tons of concentrates, 1¼ tons of lime-rock, and 1¼ tons of flue-dust being charged per twenty-four hours per furnace, through an automatic gravity feed, the opening of which is closed and opened by an eccentric. The speed of the eccentric and the extent of the opening are adjustable.

Working.—Charge contains 25 to 35 per cent. sulphur.

Fig. 22.—Rabble-blades and Bases.

1st Hearth.—Temperature about 230° C. (black heat). This is practically a drying floor, and the wet ore wears the rabbles away rather quickly. Special forms of plough are being introduced. About 4 per cent. of sulphur is driven off from the pyrites.

2nd Hearth.—Hotter; not quite red, except near outer edge. About 5 per cent. of sulphur burnt off.

3rd Hearth.—Bright red heat (about 700° C.). Sulphur can be seen burning off the ridges of calcines, with a blue flame. 5 per cent. of sulphur eliminated. There is some clotting, and the sinter sticks to the rabble-blades, and has to be barred off occasionally.

4th Hearth.—Bright red heat (about 750° C.), uniformly bright, but the flame has ceased. Sulphur loss, 4 per cent.

5th Hearth.—The hottest (800° C.). Bright red.

Bottom Hearth.—Cooler, dark red (about 650° C.). The doors on this floor are left open. The charge is guided towards openings at the outer edge to discharge chutes whilst still red hot, and it is fed from here whilst hot into the reverberatory furnace-bins.

Efficient dust catchers and settlers are essential on the roasting plant. The gases escaping at a temperature of about 315° C. contain 2 per cent. of SO2 by volume, 5 per cent. by weight. The ore takes 2¼ hours to pass through the furnace. Practically no fuel is required except to warm up the roaster on commencing work.

Labour.—The requirements are small. There is one general foreman for the plant, and two helpers for each set of four furnaces. The conditions are rather trying, especially during the discharge of the calcines into the reverberatory charge cars.

Roasting Ores poorer in Sulphur, in MacDougal Roasters.—The Anaconda concentrates carry sufficient sulphur (33 per cent.) to supply all the heat necessary for carrying out the roasting operations. When the sulphur is below this requisite quantity, some extra heating may be required, though, on the other hand, the reduction which is necessary in the sulphur contents is lessened, depending, of course, on the proportions of copper and iron in the charge. At Garfield, Utah, where the concentrate only contains 20 per cent. of sulphur, the fuel required for all roaster purposes is equivalent to 0·2 per cent. of the charge, one of the calcines’ outlets being converted into a fireplace. Here the output per furnace per day approaches 55 tons, roasting the sulphur from 20 per cent. down to 10 to 11 per cent. The flue-dust losses at this plant are 6 per cent., so efficient dust catching appliances are essential.

The Costs of Roasting in the MacDougal Furnace.—Ricketts has recently published a valuable analysis of the costs of the roasting operations at the Cananea Smelter. The figures must, however, be understood to apply strictly to the conditions prevailing at this particular camp.

The roaster plant consists of 32 improved MacDougal furnaces. The charge supplied to the roasters assays—

Copper, 5·2 per cent.
Iron, 28·4 "
Sulphur, 29·9 "
Silica, 23·6 "
Alumina, 3·7 "

whilst the product (“calcines”) has an average composition of

Copper, 6·3 per cent.
Iron, 34·5 "
Sulphur, 7·7 "
Silica, 28·6 "
Alumina, 4·4 "

The plant operated on the following quantities of material, from February to July, 1911, inclusive:—

Concentrates, 32,929 short tons = 76·08 per cent. of charge.
Fine sulphide ores, 9,590 " = 22·16 " "
Limestone, 762 " = 1·76 " "
Total charge, 43,281 " = 100·00 " "
Weight of “calcines” produced, 35,533 " = 82·10 " "
Shrinkage, 7,748 " = 17·90 " "
---- ----

The total costs of roasting (from roaster charge-bins to reverberatory furnace) worked out at 38·45 cents per ton, the distribution of these costs being as follows:—

Total Costs. Cost per Dry Ton.
Sampling, $ 222·62 $ 0·0051
Bedding, 2,016·27 0·0466
Reclaiming, 3,072·71 0·0710
Operating furnaces, 7,680·58 0·1775
Hauling calcines, 911·01 0·0210
General expenses, 1,639·99 0·0379
Total direct costs, $ 15,543·38 $ 0·3591
Cost of flux, 1,097·85 0·0254
Total costs, $ 16,641·23 $ 0·3845
-------- --------
Analysis of Cost
(1) Operating
Labour, $ 7,398·56 $ 0·1709
Power, 1,577·64 0·0365
Fuel, 773·08 0·0179
Water, 78·71 0·0018
Sundries, 10·30 0·0002
Flux, 1,097·85 0·0254
$ 10,936·14 $ 0·2527
(2) Repairs $ 2,507·35 $ 0·0579
Shop expense, 361·00 0·0083
Supplies, 2,836·74 0·0656
Total costs, $ 16,641·23 $ 0·3845
-------- --------

Peters, E. D., “Principles” and “Practice of Modern Copper Smelting.”

Cloud, T. C., “The M‘Murty-Rogers Process for Desulphurising Copper Ores.” Trans. Inst. Min. and Met., vol. xvi., 1906–7, p. 311.

Hofman, H. O., “Recent Progress in Blast Roasting.” Bulletin Amer. Inst. Min. Eng., No. 42, June, 1910.

Austin, L. S., “The Washoe Plant of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company.” Trans. Amer. Inst. Min. Eng., vol. xxxviii., 1906, p. 560.

Rickets, L. D., “Developments in Cananea Practice.” Engineering and Mining Journal, Oct. 7th, 1911, p. 693.

Redick F. Moore, “Recent Reverberatory Smelting Practice.” Engineering and Mining Journal, May 14th, 1910, p. 1021.

See also—

Pulsifer, H. B., “Important Factors in Blast Roasting.” Met. and Chem. Eng., 1912, vol. x., No. 3, March, pp. 153–159. (With good Bibliography.)

Editorial Correspondence, “Sinter-Roasting with Dwight-Lloyd Machines at Salida, Col.” Ibid., 1912, vol. x., No. 2, Feb., p. 87.

Dwight, A. S., “Efficiency in Ore-Roasting.” School of Mines Quarterly, 1911, vol. xxxiii., No. 1, Nov., pp. 1–17.



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