Tested and Arranged by Miss Leslie. decorative chapter break Wheat flour | one pound of 16 ounces | is one quart. | Indian meal | one pound 2 ounces | is one quart. | Butter, when soft | one pound 1 ounce | is one quart. | Loaf sugar, broken up, | one pound | is one quart. | White sugar, powdered, | one pound 1 ounce | is one quart. | Best brown sugar, | one pound 2 ounces | is one quart. | Eggs | ten eggs | weigh one pound. | LIQUID MEASURE. Four large table-spoonfuls | are | half a jill. | Eight large table-spoonfuls | are | one jill. | Two jills | are | half a pint. | A common-sized tumbler | holds | half a pint. | A common-sized wine-glass | holds about | half a jill. | Two pints | are | one quart. | Four quarts | are | one gallon. | About twenty-five drops of any thin liquid will fill a common-sized tea-spoon. | Four table-spoonfuls will generally fill a common-sized wine-glass. | Four wine-glasses will fill a half pint tumbler, or a large coffee-cup. | A quart black bottle holds in reality about a pint and a half; sometimes not so much. | A table-spoonful of salt is about one ounce. | DRY MEASURE. Half a gallon | is | a quarter of a peck. | One gallon | is | half a peck. | Two gallons | are | one peck. | Four gallons | are | half a bushel. | Eight gallons | are | one bushel. | Throughout this book, the pound is avoirdupois weight—sixteen ounces.