- Some minor obvious typographical errors have been corrected silently.
- Missing page numbers are attributed to blank pages in the original text.
Corrections made appear in [square brackets]: - Pg. 20: "From the Pennslyvania [replaced with "Pennsylvania"]"
- Pg. 65: "his excellent pot a [replaced with "au"] feu"
- Pg. 146: "aid [replaced with "laid"] it a while in cold"
- Pg. 201: "for any thing that has ham [added "in"] it,"
- Pg. 202: "Taragon [replaced with "Tarragon"] vinegar is best."
- Pg. 293: "a dish of beiled [replaced with "boiled"] rice to be eaten"
- Pg. 338: "looks very meanly--and thstes [replaced with "tastes"] so."
- Pg. 348: "beat them with a wooden spoon to reder [replaced with "render"] them very light."
- Pg. 464: "If you have a coo [last letter cut off, replaced with "cool"] hand,"
- Pg. 493: "loosened by wrapping round their ousides [replaced with "outsides"] cloths"
- Pg. 496: "either port, madeira, or chamaigne [replaced with "champagne"]"
- Pg. 496: "except as some exhiliration [replaced with "exhilaration"]"
- Pg. 536: "Ground-nut macaroon [replaced with "macaroons"] are made in the same manner."
- Pg. 563: "stirring down to the bottom after evey [replaced with "every"] skimming,"
- Pg. 575: "Brocoli [replaced with "Broccoli"] is done in the same manner"
- Pg. 583: "as soon as it simmers, [deleted comma] well [added comma] take it off"
- Pg. 620: "beat and stir the soaked rusk very had [replaced with "hard"]"
- Marjoram, marjoran (Pg. 357) and majoram (Pp. 90, 95, 602) are used in the text, these have all been standardised to "marjoram" as it was used in the majority.
The following index entries were corrected (corrections listed below in square brackets): - Almond and macaroon custards, 484 [486]
- Almond soup, 53 [58]
- Arrow-root biscuit, 303. [603]
- Beef, corned, fried, 143. [148]
- Bird dumplings, 505. [305]
- Birds for invalids, 384. [584]
- Boned turkey, 279. [271]
- Cheese pudding, 431. [481]
- Chocolate, 527. [597]
- Cinnamon cake, 440. [528]
- Crab fritters, soft, 213. [113]
- Crullers, (soft,) 422. [442]
- Curry balls, 273. [373]
- Doughnuts, 442. [443]
- Eggs, scrambled, 612. [614]
- Ellen Clarke's pudding, 303. [603]
- Farino [Farina] flummery, 589.
- French ham pie, 516. [616]
- Gravy sippets, 584. [put in correct alphabetical order]
- Gravy, to make, 223. [323]
- Halibut, fried, 98. [97]
- Ham, broiled, 243. [241]
- Ice water, (or sherbet,) 523. [513]
- Indian corn, to boil, 321. [391]
- India pickle, 269. [569]
- Indian pudding, (fine,) 428. [incorrect page number, unable to locate]
- Jam, raspberry, 549. [548]
- Jelly, (or marmalade,) pudding, 431. [480]
- Lamb pie, 189. [187]
- Lemon custards, 484. [485]
- Lemon syrups, 522. [513]
- Meringue pudding, 480. [479]
- Mint julep, 608. [610]
- Mutton chops, (broiled,) 171. [177]
- Orange or lemon syrup, 523. [513]
- Pea soup, (green,) 42. [41]
- Pork with pea pudding, 280. [230]
- Pork steaks, fried, 228. [223]
- Pudding, (apple,) 558. [458]
- Pudding, (cottage,) 582. [632]
- Pudding, (Ellen Clarke's,) 303. [603]
- Pudding, lemon or orange, (boiled,) 426. [476]
- Pudding, meringue, 480. [479]
- Pudding, plum, (plain,) 469. [468]
- Pudding, white potato, 476. [478]
- Pudding, marmalade or jelly, 431. [480]
- Quince pies, 479. [478]
- Raspberry vinegar, 509. [599]
- Rice pudding, baked, 442. [452]
- Rice pudding, boiled, 443. [453]
- Rissole patties, 198. [incorrect page number, unable to locate]
- Sauce, chestnut, 348. [343]
- Sauce, (gooseberry,) 389. [339]
- Sauce, (lobster,) 187 [137], 313.
- Sauce, pea-nut, 348. [343]
- Sausage and veal pie, 282. [232]
- SoufflÉ, (omelet,) 591. [501]
- Soup, red cabbage, 46. [45]
- Soup, corn, 88. [38]
- Soup, oyster, 78. [73]
- Soup, pea, green, 42. [41]
- Soup, peas, split, 48. [43]
- Soup, pepper-pot, 58. [53]
- Soup, vegetable, 68. [63]
- Stewed smoked beef, 145. [149]
- Stewed calf's head, 206. [205]
- Sweetbreads for invalids, 598. [593]
- Sweet potatos, stewed, 358. [381]
- Sweet potato cake, 528. [529]
- Tarragon sauce, 223. [323]
- Tomatos, pickled, 211. [581]
- Tomatos with sea-bass, 365. [101]
- Tomato soup, 89. [39]
- Tongue toast, 178. [172]
- Turtle, to dress, 628. [128]
- Vanilla custards, 485. [484]
- Vanilla syrup, 523. [513]
- Vinegar, (raspberry,) 509. [599]
- White potato pudding, 78. [478]
- Yankee pumpkin pudding, [390].
Not changed: - Some entries in the index are not in alphabetical order.
- Inconsistencies in word hyphenation, for example: backbone and back-bone, table-spoonful and tablespoonful.
- Inconsistencies in section title punctuation.
- All French spelling.
- Pg. 574: "Your may green bell-peppers in the usual way, with vine leaves or cabbage leaves." [unsure as to the true meaning]
Variant spellings left unchanged: - canvas-back, canvass-back
- Ellen Clarke's pudding, Ellen Clark's pudding
- inclose, enclose
- Indian meal, indian meal
- macaroni, maccaroni
- marigold, marygold
- panada, panade
- potato, potatoe
- rince, rinse
- trevet, trivet