A. A-la-mode beef, 150. Almond and macaroon custards, 486. Almond macaroons, 536. Almond pudding, baked, 474. Almond pudding, boiled, 475. Almond sponge cake, 524. Almond soup, 58. Apees, 532. Apple dumplings, 457. Apples, baked whole, 461. Apples, bellflower or pippins, 562. Apple fritters or quince, 450. Apple jelly, 492. Apple pies, (fine) 479. Apple pork pie, 224. Apple sauce, 338. Apple sauce, baked, 339. Apple pudding, 458. Apple water, 591. Arrow-root biscuit, 603. Artichokes, fried, 363. Asparagus, new way, 371 Asparagus omelet, 366. Asparagus oysters, 372. Asparagus soup, 44. Autumn soup, 61. Aunt Lydia's corn cake, 425. B. Bacon, to prepare, 246. Bacon, to boil, 247. Bacon and beans, 248. Bacon, broiled, 249. Bacon, stewed, 250. Baked fish, 79. Baked soup, 76. Baked tongue, 171. Barley water, 590. Bananas, fried, 358. Batter pudding, 447. Bean soup, 42. Beans, (green,) 379. Beef-a-la-mode, 151. Beef bouilli, 152. Beef, corned, 145. Beef, corned, fried, 148. Beef, (French,) 154. Beef, corned, stewed, 153. Beef, fresh, stewed, 155. Beef, dried and smoked, 148. Beefs heart, 161. Beef with mushrooms, 160. Beef with onions, 157. Beef with oysters, 158. Beef gumbo, 375. Beef patties, 161. Beef, spiced, 149. Beef with potatoes, 159. Beef, fresh, (stewed,) 155. Beef, roasted, 138. Beef, (smoked,) stewed, 154. Beefsteaks, 141. Beefsteaks, broiled, 142. Beefsteaks, fried, 143. Beefsteaks, stewed, 144. Beefsteak with oysters, 156. Beefsteak pie, 162. Beefsteak pot-pie, 164. Beefsteak pudding, 166. Beefsteaks for invalids, 584. Beef tea, 589. Beef with tomatos, 156. Beets, 387. Beets, baked, 388. Bell-peppers, pickled, 574. Bird dumplings, 305. Birds for larding, 305. Birds for invalids, 584. Birds in a grove, 304. Birds with mushrooms, 303. Biscuit sandwiches, 245. Bologna sausages, 232. Borders of paste, 472. Boned turkey, 271. Blackfish, and sea-bass, 83. Blancmange, 497. Blancmange, carrageen, 587. Blancmange, finest, 499. Bran muffins, 615. Brandy green gages, 557. Brandy peaches, 557. Bread, 433. Bran bread, 436. Bread biscuit, 436. Bread cakes, 437. Bread, rye, 436. Bread, home-made, 433. Bread pudding, 454. Bread-and-butter pudding, 454. Bread, (twist,) 435. Buckwheat cakes, 421. Brine for pickling meat, 235. Broccoli, 359. Broccoli and eggs, 361. Brown Betty, 455. Browning for soups, 312. Browned flour, 313. Buns, (Spanish,) 525. Butter, (clarified,) 310. Butter, (melted,) 309. Buttered toast, 599. Butternuts to pickle, 578. C. Cabbage, boiled, 350. Cabbage boiled an excellent way, 351. Cabbage, forced, 353. Cabbage, fried, 352. Cabbage soup, 45. Cabbage, red, 45. Cale cannon, 352. Catchup, (mushroom,) 324. Catchup, (tomato,) 326. Catchup, (walnut,) 325. Calf's head, stewed, 205. Calf's feet jelly, 491. Camp catchup, 328. Canvass-back ducks, 281. Canvass-backs, broiled, 282. Canvass-backs, (stewed,) 282. Canvass-backs, (roasted,) 281. Carolina punch, 610. Carrots, 385. Carrot soup, 50. Carrots, stewed, 368. Carrageen blancmange, 587. Cashaw pudding, 478. Catfish, fried, 87. Cauliflower, boiled, 359. Cauliflower, fried, 360. Cauliflower macaroni, 360. Cauliflower omelet, 359. Cauliflowers, pickled, 575. Celery, fried, 362. Charlotte, (country,) 462. Charlotte, plain, 463. Charlotte russe, 507. Champagne, (pink,) 608. Cheese pudding, 481. Chestnut soup, 50. Chestnut pork, 220. Cherry marmalade, 550. Cherries, preserved, 563. Cherries, pickled, 580. Chicken salad, 384. Chicken curry, 297. Chickens, fricasseed, 289. Chickens, stewed whole, 290. Chicken broth for the sick, 581. Chicken gumbo, 292. Chicken-pie, 541. Chicken pot-pie, 297. Chicken soup, 55. Chicken, (tomato,) 294. Chicken and turkey patties, 295. Chicken rice pudding, 295. Chickens, fried, 287. Chickens, broiled, 287. Chitterlings, 201. Chitterlings, baked, 203. Chitterlings, fried, 202. Chocolate, 597. Chocolate caramel, 611. Chocolate custards, 484. Chocolate macaroons, 536. Chowder, fine, 88. Chowder, (Yankee,) 88. Cinnamon bread, 440. Cinnamon cake, 528. Citron melons, preserved, 552. Clam chowder, 89. Clam fritters, 112. Clam pie, 121. Clams, scolloped, 113. Clam soup, 74. Clam soup for invalids, 582. Cocoa-nut cake, 528. Cocoa-nut jumbles, 534. Cocoa-nut, (orange,) 504. Cocoa-nut pudding, baked, 476. Cocoa-nut pudding, boiled, 477. Cocoa-nut puffs, 534. Cocoa-nut soup, 57. Codfish, (stewed,) 103. Codfish, (boiled,) 84. Codfish, (fried,) 103. Codfish, salt, 86. Coffee, 596. Coloring for sauces, 310. Corn cake, (Aunt Lydia's,) 426. Corn soup, 38. Cottage cheese, 616. Country captain, 299. Country grapes, 567. Country plums, 566. Country potatos, 348. Crab-apples, preserved, 562. Crabs, 136. Crabs, (soft,) 122. Crab fritters, soft, 113. Cranberry sauce, 337. Cream cakes, 503. Creamed pine-apple, 506. Cream and peaches, 506. Creamed strawberries, 505. Cream tarts, 504. Cross buns, 439. Crullers, (common,) 444. Crullers, (soft,) 442. Croquettes, (rice,) 296. Cucumbers, (to prepare,) 369. Cucumbers, stewed, 370. Cucumbers, pickled, 576. Cucumber catchup, 327. Curry balls, 373. Curried eggs, 300. Curried chicken, 297. Curry powder, 332. Curry powder, (Madras,) 333. Custards, baked, 460. Custard, boiled, 461. D. Damson pickles, 580. Damson sauce, 342. Dressing for slaw, 354. Dried apple sauce, 341. Dried peach sauce, 341. Dried and smoked beef, 148. Doughnuts, 443. Dumplings, (apple,) 457. Dumplings, (peach,) 458. Dumplings, (bird,) 305. Dumpling, (sausage,) 231. Ducks, boiled, 279. Ducks, fricasseed, 280. Ducks with peas, 280. Ducks, roasted, 278. Duck soup, 56. Ducks, (terrapin,) 283. Ducks, (canvas-back,) broiled, 282. Ducks, (canvas-back,) plain, 281. Ducks, (canvas-back,) roasted, 281. Ducks, (canvas-back,) stewed, 282. E. East indian pickle, 569. East India sauce for fish, 331. Egg balls, 373. Egg-plants, baked, 357. Eggs, to beat, 615. Eggs, to boil, 612. Egg-nogg, 614. Egg sauce, 316. Eggs, poached, 613. Eggs, scrambled, 614. Egg wine, 591. Ellen Clarke's pudding, 603. Epicurean sauce, 331. F. Farina, 500. Farina blancmange, 588. Farina flummery, 589. Farina gruel, 589. Fast-day soup, 74. Farmer's rice, 451. Fennel sauce, 319. Fig pudding, 617. Filet gumbo, 293. Fish, to clean, 77. Fish, to bake, 79. Fish cakes, 82. Fish, to boil, 77. Fish, to fry, 79. Fish, spiced, 81. Fish soup, 71. Fish, to stew, 81. Floating island, 515. Florendines, 482. Fillet of pork, 225. Fillet of veal, 189. Fowls, boiled, 285. Fowls, pulled, 286. Fowls, roasted, 284. Fowl and oysters, 291. French chicken pie, 291. French ham pie, 616. French pot-au-feu, 64. French sour crout, 354. French stew, 158. French white soup, 56. Friday soup, 75. Fried oysters, 110. Fritters, 448. Fritters, (orange,) 449. Fritters, (peach,) 449. Fruit charlotte, 483. Fruit pies, (common,) 466. Fruit pot-pies, 460. Fruit in syrups, 552. G. Game soup, 68. Giblet pie, 277. Gingerbread, (Lafayette,) 538. Gingernuts, 539. Golden cake, 530. Gooseberry fool, 463. Gooseberries preserved, 565. Gooseberry sauce, 339. Goose pie, 276. Goose, to roast, 274. Gravy sippets, 584. Gravy, to make, 323. Green beans, to boil, 379. Green gages, to preserve, 557. Green lemons or limes, 555. Green Mayonnaise, 330. Green peas, to boil, 378. Green pea soup, 41. Gruel, 586. Gumbo, (beef,) 375. Gumbo, (filet,) 293. Gumbo, (chicken,) 292. Gum arabic water, 590. H. Halibut, fried, 97. Halibut, stewed, 104. Hams, to cure, 236. Ham, baked, 239. Ham, boiled, 238. Ham, brine for pickling, 235. Ham, broiled, 241. Ham, disguised, 243. Ham, fried, 242. Ham, fried, (nice,) 242. Ham cake, 243. Ham, (madeira,) 240. Ham toast, 173. Ham omelet, 244. Ham, potted, 246. Ham pie, (French,) 616. Ham, sliced, 243. Hashed cold meat, 193. Hare, coated, 264 Herb teas, 585. Herb candies, 585. Hog's head cheese, 234. Hominy, 392. Horse-radish, 317. I. Ice cream, 510. Icing, (warm,) 519. Icing, 518. Ice cream cakes, 632. Ice water, (or sherbet,) 513. Iced plum pudding, 621. Indian corn, to boil, 391. Indian mush, 412. India pickle, 569. Indian pudding, (fine,) 428. Italian pork, 226. Irish stew, 180. J. Jams or marmalade, 546. Jam, strawberry, 549. Jam, raspberry, 548. Jellies, 545. Jelly, apple, 492. Jelly, calf's feet, 491. Jelly cake, 535. Jelly, currant, 494. Jelly, (or marmalade,) pudding, 480. Jelly, orange, 493. Jelly, Siberian, 493. Jelly, (Wine,) 496. Jelly water, 587. Jumbles, 534. Jumbles, (cocoa-nut,) 534. Junket, 450. K. Kebobbed mutton, 179. Kebobbed veal, 197. Kisses, 537. Knuckle of veal and bacon, 196. L. Lady cake, 526. Lady fingers, 524. Lafayette gingerbread, 538. Lamb, 181. Lamb, larded, 186. Larded tongue, 172. Lamb chops, stewed, 185. Lamb cutlets, 184. Lamb pie, 187. Lamb, roast, 182. Lamb steaks, 183. Lard, to prepare, 250. Larded liver, 199. Lemon cakes, 522. Lemon catchup, 327. Lemon custards, 485. Lemon pudding, 473. Lemon bread pudding, 468. Lemons or limes, to preserve green, 555. Lemon syrups, 513. Lemon taffy, 506. Lemons or oranges, preserved, 554. Lettuce peas, 367. Lettuce peas, plain, 368. Lima beans, 380. Liver, fried, 198. Liver pie, 201. Liver pudding, 234. Liver rissoles, 200. Liver, stewed, 200. Lobsters, 132. Lobster pudding, 136. Lobster salad, (plain,) 133. Lobster sauce, 137. Lobster rissoles, 135. Lobster salad, (fine,) 134. Lobster soup, 71. M. Macaroni, 600. Macaroni, (sweet,) 601. Macaroons, (almond,) 536. Macaroons, (ground-nut,) 628. Macaroons, (chocolate,) 536. Mackerel, broiled, 96. Mackerel, fried, 97. Madras curry powder, 333. Mangoes, (peach,) 571. Mangoes, (melon,) 572. Marmalade meringues, 533. Marmalade, (grape,) 550. Marmalade, (cherry,) 550. Marmalade, (orange,) 550. Marmalade, (peach,) 546. Marmalade, (plum,) 548. Marmalade, (pumpkin,) 547. Marmalade, (quince,) 546. Marmalade, (pine-apple,) 549. Marmalade, (tomato,) 547. Maryland biscuit, 432. Marrow pudding, 501. Mayonnaise, (green,) 330. Melongina or Egg-plant, 356. Meringue pudding, 479. Meringues, (whipped cream,) 633. Meat pies, 163. Milk biscuit, 437. Milk pottage, 451. Milk toast, 598. Mince pies, 488. Mint julep, 610. Mint sauce, 317. Mock turtle soup, 69. Molasses pie, 446. Molasses pot-pie, 447. Molasses pudding, 444. Molasses supper, 594. Muffins, (soft,) 429. Mush, 412. Mushrooms with beef, 160. Mushrooms, baked, 391. Mushroom catchup, 324. Mushroom omelet, 364. Mushroom sauce, 321. Mushrooms, pickled, 572. Mushrooms, stewed, 390. Mustard, (French,) 329. Mutton, 173. Mutton broth for invalids, 583. Mutton, (boiled leg of,) 175. Mutton, (boiled loin of,) 174. Mutton chops, (broiled,) 177. Mutton steaks, (fried,) 178. Mutton chops with potatos, 179. Mutton chops with tomatos, 178. Mutton, (boiled,) (sauce for,) 175. Mutton steaks, (stewed,) 176. Mutton, kebobbed, 179. N. Nasturtions, pickled, 581. Nectar, 611. Noodle soup, 54. New Year's cake, 605. O. Ochras, to boil, 375. Ochras, dried, 374. Omelet, (common,) 601. Omelet soufflÉ, 501. Omelet of sweetbreads, 213. Onion custard, 358. Onions, 376. Onion eggs, 373. Onions, pickled, 577. Onion sauce, (fine,) 320. Onion sauce, (plain,) 321. Onions, (to roast,) 376. Onions, (to stew,) 376. Onion soup, 47. Ontario cake, 604. Orange cake, 522. Orange or lemon custards, 484. Orange cocoa-nut, 504. Orange fritters, 449. Orange jelly, 493. Orange marmalade, 550. Orange milk, 551. Orange pudding, baked, 476. Orange pudding, boiled, 476. Oranges (or lemons,) preserved, 554. Orange or lemon syrup, 513. Oysters, broiled, 119. Oysters, to choose, 108. Oysters, to feed, 108. Oysters, fried, 110. Oyster fritters, 111. Oysters, (French,) 110. Oyster loaves, 117. Oyster omelet, 118. Oyster patties, 117. Oysters, pickled, 115. Oysters, pickled for keeping, 116. Oyster pie, 120. Oysters, roasted, 114. Oysters, scolloped, 114. Oysters, raw, for the sick, 584. Oyster soup, 73. Oyster soup, for invalids, 582. Oysters, stewed, 109. P. Panada, (chicken,) 589. Panada, (sweet,) 590. Pancakes, 450. Parsley, crimped, 319. Parsley sauce, 318. Parsnips, baked, 387. Parsnips, boiled, 386. Parsnips, fried, 386. Parsnip fritters, 387. Parsnip soup, 49. Partridges, (pear fashion,) 301. Partridges, roasted, 302. Partridge, plain, 302. Paste, (excellent plain,) 467. Paste, (potato,) 464. Paste puff, (the best,) 469. Paste borders, 472. Peas, to boil, 377. Peas, stewed, 377. Pea soup, (green,) 41. Pea soup, (split,) 43. Peas with lettuce, 367. Peas, plain lettuce, 368. Peaches and cream, 506. Peach dumplings, 458. Peach mangoes, 571. Peach marmalade, 546. Peaches, (brandied,) 557. Peaches, pickled, 570. Peaches, preserved, 556. Pears, baked, 462. Pepper-pot, 53. Peppers, (bell,) pickled, 574. Persimmon jam, 567. Pheasants, roasted, 302. Pickles, 568. Pickled beets with cabbage, 575. Pickled bell-peppers, 574. Pickled button tomatos, 581. Pickled butternuts, 578. Pickled cauliflowers, 575. Pickled cherries, 580. Pickled cucumbers, 576. Pickled cucumbers with onions, 578. Pickled damsons, 580. Pickles, East India, 569. Pickled melon mangoes, 572. Pickled mushrooms, 572. Pickled nasturtions, 581. Pickled onions, 577. Pickled peaches, 570. Pickled peach mangoes, 571. Pickled plums, 579. Pickled shrimps, 314. Pickled walnuts, 578. Pie, (crust,) very plain, 464. Pigeon pie, 540. Pigeons, roasted, 308. Pig, to dress, 220. Pig's feet, fried, 227. Pine-apple marmalade, 549. Pine-apples, preserved, 553. Pine-apple tart, 478. Pink champagne, 608. Pink sauce, 334. Planked shad, 106. Plovers, roasted, 307. Plum cake, 516. Plums, preserved, 557. Plums, pickled, 579. Plum pudding, (plain,) 468. Plum pudding, (fine,) 486. Poke plant, 618. Pot-au-feu, (French,) 64. Pot-pies, 165. Pot-pie, (terrapin,) 125. Pumpkin, stewed, 389. Pork, 216. Pork and apples, 222. Pork and beans, 228. Pork with corn and beans, 229. Pork with pea pudding, 230. Pork, (Italian,) 226. Pork, fillet, 225. Pork olives, 227. Pork pie, (apple,) 224. Pork, (apple pot-pie,) 223. Pork, to roast, 218. Pork spare-ribs, roasted, 220. Pork steaks, stewed, 222. Pork steaks, fried, 223. Pork, (sweet potato,) 219. Portable soup, 51. Potatos, boiled, 345. Potatos, roasted, 346. Potatos, baked, 347. Potato cakes, 348. Potatos, (country,) 348. Potatos, fried, 348. Potatos, (new,) 347. Potatos, mashed, 347. Potato paste, 464. Potato pudding, (plain,) 602. Potatos, stewed, 349. Potato beef, 159. Potato mutton chops, 179. Potato soup, 50. Pot-pie, (beefsteak,) 164. Pot-pie, (chicken,) 297. Poultry and game, 265. Pound cake, 520. Pudding, (almond,) baked, 474. Pudding, (almond,) boiled, 475. Pudding, (apple,) 458. Pudding, (batter,) 447. Pudding, (bread,) 454. Pudding, bread and butter, 454. Pudding, Brown Betty, 455. Pudding, (cashaw,) 478. Pudding, (cheese,) 481. Pudding, (cocoa-nut,) 476. Pudding, (cocoa-nut,) boiled, 477. Pudding, (cottage,) 632. Pudding, iced plum, 621. Pudding, (Columbian,) 629. Pudding, (Ellen Clarke's,) 603. Pudding, lemon bread, 468. Pudding, marrow, 501. Pudding, plum, 486. Pudding, plum, (plain,) 468. Pudding, molasses, 444. Pudding, rice, (baked,) 452. Pudding, rice, (boiled,) 453. Pudding, orange, 476. Pudding, lemon or orange, (boiled,) 476. Pudding, sweet potato, 477. Pudding, white potato, 478. Pudding, meringue, 479. Pudding, marmalade or jelly, 480. Pudding, pumpkin, (fine,) 478. Pudding, pumpkin, (Yankee,) 390. Pudding, rolled, 459. Pumpkin, stewed, 389. Q. Quails, roasted, 302. Queen cake, 522. Quince marmalade, 546. Quince pies, 478. Quinces, preserved, 560. R. Rabbits, 259. Rabbits, coated, 264. Rabbits, fricasseed, 263. Rabbits with onions, 261. Rabbit pot-pie, 262. Rabbits, pulled, 263. Rabbits, roasted, 260. Raspberry jam, 548. Raspberries, preserved, 566. Raspberry vinegar, 599. Rhubarb tarts, 618. Rice cups, 453. Rice pie, 298. Rice pudding, baked, 452. Rice pudding, boiled, 453. Rennets, 622. Ripe peach sauce, 340. Rissole patties, 198. Rockfish, 82. Reed birds, 308. Rolls, 435. Rolled pudding, 459. Roman punch, 514. Rusk, 438. Rusks, (dry,) 439. S. Sage and onion sauce, 319. Sago, 592. Sago pudding, 593. Salad, (chicken,) 384. Sally Lunn, 430. Salsify fritters, 355. Salsify oysters, 356. Salmi of partridges, 302. Salmon, 90. Salmon, baked, 93. Salmon, boiled, 91. Salmon, broiled, 94. Salmon cutlets, 94. Salmon, pickled, 95. Salmon, roasted, 93. Salmon trout, 101. Sandwiches, 173. Sausages, (Bologna,) 232. Sausage meat, 231. Sausage dumplings, 231. Sauce, apple, 338. Sauce, apple, baked, 339. Sauce, apple, dried, 341. Sauce, dried peach, 341. Sauce, (broccoli,) 318. Sauce, (cauliflower,) 318. Sauce, chestnut, 343. Sauce, (celery,) 316. Sauce, (clam,) 315. Sauce, (cranberry,) 337. Sauce, (damson,) 342. Sauce, (egg,) 316. Sauce, (fennel,) 319. Sauce, (gooseberry,) 339. Sauce, (lobster,) 137, 313. Sauce, mint, 317. Sauce, mushroom, 321. Sauce, (nasturtion,) 321. Sauce, (onion,) plain, 321. Sauce, (onion,) fine, 320. Sauce, (onion and sage,) 319. Sauce, (oyster,) 315. Sauce, (parsley,) 318. Sauce, pea-nut, 343. Sauce, (peach,) ripe, 340. Sauce, (prune,) 342. Sauce, (pink,) 334. Sauce, (pudding,) fine, 335. Sauce, (pudding,) plain, 336. Sauce, Robert, 330. Sauce, (shrimp,) 314. Sauce, (vanilla,) 336. Sauce, (wine,) 334. Sausage dumplings, 231. Sausage and veal pie, 232. Scolloped tomatos, 365. Scotch cake, 535. Seabass with tomatos, 101. Sea-coast pie, 127. Shad, to keep without corning, 105. Shad, planked, 106. Shells, 471. Sherry cobbler, 609. Short cake, 427. Shrimps, 137. Siberian jelly, 493. Silver cake, 531. Smelts, fried, 86. Smelts for invalids, 594. Soft crabs, 122. Soft crullers, 442. Soft muffins, 429. SoufflÉ, (omelet,) 501. Soups, 33. Soup, almond, 58. Soup, asparagus, 44. Soup, autumn, 61. Soup, baked, 76. Soup, bean, 42. Soup, (cabbage,) 45. Soup, red cabbage, 45. Soup, fine cabbage, 46. Soup, cauliflower, 47. Soup, clam, 74. Soup, cocoa-nut, 57. Soup, crab, 72. Soup, corn, 38. Soup, carrot, 50. Soup, chestnut, 50. Soup, chicken, 55. Soup, duck, 56. Soup, fast-day, 74. Soup, fish, 71. Soup, French white, 56. Soup, Friday, 75. Soup, game, 68. Soup, green peas, 41. Soup, lobster, 71. Soup, mock turtle, 69. Soup, mushroom, 37. Soup, noodle, 54. Soup, onion, 47. Soup, oyster, 73. Soup, parsnip, 49. Soup, pea, green, 41. Soup, peas, split, 43. Soup, pepper-pot, 53. Soup, portable, 51. Soup, pot-au-feu, 64. Soup, potato, 50. Soup, spring, 59. Soup, summer, 60. Soup, squatters, 68. Soup, tomato, 39. Soup, family tomato, 40. Soup, fine tomato, 40. Soup, turnip, 48. Soup, vegetable, 63. Soup, venison, 39. Soup, winter, 62. Soup, wild duck, 66. Southern stew, 196. Sour crout, (French,) 354. SoufflÉ pudding, 620. Spanish buns, 525. Spinach, 369. Sponge cake, 523. Squashes or cymlings, 388. Stewed smoked beef, 149. Stewed calf's head, 205. Stewed peas, 366. Stewed pumpkin, 389. Store sauces, 333. Strawberry jam, 549. Strawberries, preserved, 563. Strawberries in wine, 564. Strawberry wine, 564. Sweetbreads, baked, 215. Sweetbread croquettes, 210. Sweetbreads, fricasseed, 210. Sweetbreads with cauliflower, 212. Sweetbread omelet, 213. Sweetbreads with oysters, 214. Sweetbreads, to prepare, 209. Sweetbreads for invalids, 593. Sweetbread pies, 214. Sweetbreads, stewed, 214. Sweetbreads with tomatos, 211. Sweetmeats, 543. Sweet potatos, boiled, 380. Sweet potatos, baked, 381. Sweet potatos, mashed, 381. Sweet potatos, stewed, 381. Sweet potato pudding, 477. Sweet potato cake, 529. Sweet potatos, sweetened, 455. Sunderlands, 503. Sydney Smith's salad dressing, 382. T. Taffy, (lemon,) 506. Tamarind-water, 591. Tapioca, 592. Tarragon sauce, 323. Tarragon vinegar, 328. Tea, 595. Thatched house pie, 304. Terrapins, 122. Terrapins, dressed a new way, 124. Terrapin pot-pie, 125. Toast and water, 586. Toast, buttered, 599. Toast, (milk,) 598. Tomato catchup, 326. Tomato paste, 374. Tomatos, pickled, 581. Tomatos, preserved green, 559. Tomatos, preserved, 558. Tomatos with sea-bass, 101. Tomato soup, 39. Tomato soup, (fine,) 40. Tomato soup, (family,) 40. Tomato sweetbreads, 211. Tongues, 170. Tongue, baked, 171. Tongue, larded, 172. Tongue toast, 172. Trifle, 496. Tripe, to boil, 167. Tripe, to fry, 169. Tripe curry, 168. Trout, 84. Trout, baked, 85. Trout, stewed, 85. Trout with cream, 102. Turbot, baked, 100. Turbot, boiled, 99. Turkey, boiled, 267. Turkey, roasted, 270. Turkey with oysters, 269. Turkey, boned, 271. Turnips, boiled, 382. Turnip soup, 48. Turtle, to dress, 128. Turtle pastry, 131. V. Vanilla custards, 484. Vanilla sauce, 336. Vanilla syrup, 513. Veal, 188. Veal a-la-mode, 191. Veal and bacon, 196. Veal broth for the sick, 583. Veal cutlets, 195. Veal cutlets, in papers, 194. Veal fillet, 189. Veal fritters, 197. Veal kebobbed, 197. Veal, (knuckle,) with bacon, 196. Veal, hashed, 190. Veal loaf, 204. Veal, minced, 205. Veal pie, 204. Veal olives, 207. Veal with oysters, 206. Veal rissoles, 208. Veal steaks, 195. Veal and sausage pie, 232. Veal, (loin of,) roast, 189. Veal, southern stew, 196. Veal, (terrapin,) 192. Vegetables, 343. Vegetable soup, 63. Venison, 252. Venison ham, 259. Venison, hashed, 255. Venison pie, (fine,) 255. Venison pie, (plain,) 257. Venison pot-pie, 258. Venison steaks, (broiled,) 253. Venison, stewed, 254. Venison haunch, (roasted,) 253. Venison soup, 39. Vinegar, 607. Vinegar, (raspberry,) 599. Vol-au-vent, 619. Vol-au-vent, (sweet,) 620. W. Waffles, 441. Walnut catchup, 325. Walnuts, pickled, 578. Washington pudding, 630. Warm icing, 519. West India cake, 529. Whey, 591. White thickening, 311. White potato pudding, 478. Wine jelly, 496. Wine sauce, 334. Wine, (strawberry,) 564. Winter butter, (to make,) 624. Winter soup, 62. Woodcocks or snipes, to roast, 306. Y. Yankee chowder, 88. Yankee pumpkin pudding, 390. Yeast, (good,) 605. Yeast powders, 606. THE END. decorative chapter break |