blic@vhost@g@html@files@60025@60025-h@60025-h-14.htm.html#Page_418" class="pginternal">418. Cocoa-nut cakes, (white,) 353. Cocoa-nut cakes, 347. Cocoa-nut candy, 491. Cocoa-nut custard, baked, 317. Cocoa-nut custard, boiled, 317. Cocoa-nut jumbles, 353. Cocoa-nut maccaroons, 352. Cocoa-nut pudding, (West India,) 464. Cocoa-nut pudding, 287. Cocoa-nut pudding, another way, 287. Codfish, (fresh,) to boil another way, 50. Codfish, (fresh,) to boil, 50. Codfish, salt, to boil, 49. Coffee custard, 472. Coffee, (French,) 390. Coffee, to make, 389. Cold cream, 426. Cold slaw, 226. Cold sweet sauce, 170. Cologne water, 423. Colouring for confectionary, 333. Connecticut loaf cake, 459. Cookies, (fine,) 461. Corn starch blancmange, 500. Corn, (green,) pudding, 290. Corn, (Indian,) to boil, 192. Corns, remedy for, 421. Cosmetic paste, 427. Crab-apples, (green,) to preserve, 254. Crab-apples, (red,) to preserve, 255. Crabs, (cold,) 65. Crabs, (hot,) 65. Crabs, (soft,) 66. Cranberries, to preserve, 264. Cranberry sauce, 169. Cream cake, 372. Cream cheese, 447. Cream sauce, 170. Cream, (lemon,) 321. Cream, (orange,) 321. Cream, to preserve, 322. Croquant cake, 478. Cucumbers, (preserved,) 442. Cucumbers, to dress raw, 194. Cucumbers, to fry, 194. Cucumbers, to pickle, 213. Cup cake, (Indian,) 462. Cup cake, 354. CuraÇoa, 435. Curds and whey, 322. Currant jelly, (black,) 265. Currant jelly, (red,) 264. Currant jelly, (white,) 265. Currant shrub, 397. Currant wine, 394. Custard cakes, 448. Custard pudding, 300. Custard, (boiled,) 314. Custard, (plain,) 313. Custard, (rice,) 314. Custard, (soft,) 408. Lemon peel, (essence of,) 408. Lemon peel, to keep, 437. Lemon pudding, 285. Lemon syrup, (fine,) 477. Lemon syrup, 398. Lemon water-ice, 469. Lemonade, 404. Lemons, preserved, 241. Lettuce or salad, to dress, 203. Limes, or small lemons, (preserved,) 473. Lip salve, 426. Liver dumplings, 310. Liver puddings, 128. Lobster catchup, 174. Lobster pie, 64. Lobster sauce, 164. Lobster soup, 37. Lobster, pickled, 67. Lobster, potted, 63. Lobster, to boil, 61. Lobster, to dress cold, 61. Lobster, to fricassee, 62. Lobster, to stew, 62. - Maccaroni soup, (rich,) 24.
- Maccaroni soup, 24.
- Maccaroni, to dress, 210.
- Maccaroon custard, 318.
- Maccaroon ice cream, 467.
- Maccaroons, (almond,) 351.
- Maccaroons, (cocoa-nut,) 352.
- Mackerel, to boil, 48.
- Mackerel, to broil, 47.
- Mangoes, to pickle, 216.
- Marbled veal, 105.
- Marlborough pudding, 294.
- Marmalade cake, 355.
- Mead, 397.
- Meg Merrilies' soup, 27.
- Milk biscuit, 361.
- Milk punch, 405.
- Milk soup, 25.
- Milk toast, 446.
- Mince meat for Lent, 284.
- Mince meat, (very plain,) 284.
- Mince meat, 283.
- Mince pies, 282.
- Minced oysters, 431.
- Mint julep, 490.
- Mint sauce, 167.
- Mock oysters of corn, 193.
- Mock turtle, or calf's head soup, 30.
- Molasses beer, 392.
- Molasses candy, 365.
- Molasses pie, 489.
- Molasses posset, 407.
- Moravian sugar-cake, 349.
- Morella cherries, to pickle, 217.
- Muffins, (common,) 370.
- Muffins, (Indian,) 369.
- Muffins, (water,) 370.
- Mulled cider, 407.
- Mulled wine, 407.
lass="pginternal">446. - Potatoes, roasted, 185.
- Potatoes, to boil, 183.
- Potatoes, to fry, 185.
- Poultry, (to draw, &c.,) 494.
- Pound cake, 339.
- Prawns, to boil, 64.
- Prune pudding, 296.
- Pudding catchup, 435.
- Pumpkin chips, 238.
- Pumpkin pie, (New England,) 464.
- Pumpkin pudding, 288.
- Pumpkin yeast, 378.
- Pumpkin, to boil, 191.
- Punch, (fine milk,) 405.
- Punch, (frozen,) 405.
- Punch, (milk,) 405.
- Punch, (regent's,) 405.
- Punch, (Roman,) 405.
- Punch, 404.
- Pyramid of tarts, 280.