Minnie had a cousin Frank, the son of Mr. Harry Lee. He was three years older than Minnie, and was full of life and frolic. At one time he came to visit Minnie; and fine fun indeed they had with the pets, the monkey being his especial favorite. On their way to the barn, they met Leo, who at once began to bark furiously. “That will never do, my brave “O, Frank! Leo will kill him. Don’t do that!” urged Minnie, almost crying. “But I mean to make them good friends,” responded the lad. “Here, you take hold of the chain, and I will coax the dog to be quiet while I put Jacko on his back.” This was not so easy as he Finding they could not succeed in this, they went into the stable His tail, which had now fully healed, was of great use to him on this occasion, when, to Minnie’s great surprise, he clung with it to the bar of the rack, and began to swing himself about. A girl chasing a monkey running along the top of a garden wall JACKO RUNNING AWAY. Page 52. “Let’s see whether Jacko would do so,” shouted Minnie, greatly excited with the project. “If we don’t try to catch him, he’ll come quicker,” said Minnie, gravely. “I know another story about a monkey—a real funny one,” added the boy. “I don’t know what his name was; but he used to sleep in the barn with the cattle and horses. I suppose “When the man went away, he jumped into the hay and hid, and every time the horse came near enough to eat, he sprang forward and bit her ears with his sharp teeth. “It was a long time before they found out what the matter was; and then the monkey had to take a whipping, I guess.” “What do you mean?” The little girl then repeated what her mother had told her of the discipline among monkeys, at which he was greatly amused. All this time, they were standing at the bottom of the hay mow, and supposed that Jacko was safe at the top; but the The first they knew of it was when John called out from the barnyard, “Jacko, Jacko! Soh, Jacko! Be quiet, sir!” It was a wearisome chase they had for the next hour, and at the end they could not catch the Minnie’s face was flushed with her unusual exercise, but in a few minutes she grew very pale, until her mother became alarmed. After a few drops of lavender, however, she said she felt better, and that if Frank would tell her a story she should be quite well. “That I will,” exclaimed the “Yes, when they’re true,” answered Minnie. “Well, this is really true. A man was hunting, and he happened to kill a monkey that had a little baby on her back. The little one clung so close to her dead mother, that they could scarcely get it away. When they reached the gentlema “They fed it with goat’s milk, and it grew quite contented, for three weeks clinging to the wig with great affection. “One day, when the monkey had become so familiar as to be a favorite with all in the family, he found his way to this apartment, and made a hearty breakfast on the insects. “The owner, entering when the meal was almost concluded, “I don’t call the last part funny at all,” said Minnie, gravely. “But wasn’t it queer for it “But it was only a baby monkey then, Harry.” “How did it happen,” inquired Mrs. Lee, “that Jacko got away from you?” “He watched his chance, aunty, and twitched the chain away from Minnie. Now he’s done it once, he’ll try the game And true enough, the very next morning the lady was surprised at a visit from the monkey in her chamber, where he made himself very much at home, pulling open drawers, and turning over the contents, in the hope of finding some confectionery, of which he was extremely fond. “Really,” she exclaimed to |