“O, mamma,” cried Minnie, “I have had a beautiful time. Uncle Harry is such a good teacher! And then he tells me such nice stories!” Her cheeks rivalled the rose, and her eyes were sparkling with animation, as she said this, while her uncle, who, unobserved by her, had followed into the “In Persia, where they have splendid horses, all persons of the least distinction ride on horseback, and scarcely any one will deign to go the shortest distance on foot. The anecdote is A pony dancing in front of a girl playing an accordian, with a man and woman watching STAR DANCING TO MUSIC. Page 53. After dinner, Minnie, in com Even the gentleman was surprised at this display, and declared that the pony must have been trained to do this by his former owner, while Minnie be Mr. Henry Lee took the instrument himself, and found that the horse really had an idea of time, as the faster he played, the quicker were the pony’s movements. As soon as he stopped, the animal quietly went on munching his oats. When her father returned from the city, Minnie ran to meet him, and relate the wonderful “Music has a wonderful influence on horses,” he remarked, as they were returning to the house, “especially martial music.” “Do you remember the case of the old war-horse, Solus?” inquired his brother. “Yes; and Minnie would like to hear it.” The gentleman playfully pat “Many years ago, an assistant of the contractors on a new turnpike used to ride to the field of labor a horse which had long carried a field officer, and who, though aged, still possessed a good deal of spirit. One day he was passing a large town where volunteers were at drill, on the Common. The moment Solus heard the drum, he leaped “The young rider, dreadfully mortified, could not induce the horse to leave his honorable position till the volunteers left for the town; but, to the great amusement of the bystanders, headed all their manoeuvres, prancing in true military style, as well as his stiffened limbs The company all laughed at this story, which Mrs. Lee said reminded her of the effects of a trumpet on some captured horses, of which she had read. “It seems,” she went on, “that in the early part of this century, the Tyrolese captured fifteen “That was rather a mortifying defeat,” suggested uncle Harry, “and only proves my theory correct, that horses are very susceptible to kind treatment, and have a wonderful memory, often recognizing their old masters after a separation of years.” “Harry, do you remember father’s old black horse?” asked his brother. “Poor creature! her afflictions followed thick and fast, for she had scarcely recovered from “Father hated to part with her, but at last gave her to a man to use on his farm, who he knew would treat her kindly. He did not see her again for three years; but as soon as she heard his voice, when he was walking toward her in the pasture, she came quickly toward him, neighing with pleasure, and “She was a splendid animal in her prime,” rejoined Mr. Lee. “I have heard father say that she would travel off hour after hour, ten miles to the hour, without the spur or the whip; indeed, I never knew him to use the whip but once. Somehow, “Blackey knew what it meant, and, before a blow was struck, trembled from head to foot. Father cut across the back two smart blows, which proved so effectual a cure that she never troubled him afterward.” “A man near Boston used to catch his horse by taking to the field a quantity of corn in a measure. On calling to him, “One day, when this poor fellow happened to pass within its reach, the animal seized him with its teeth, and broke his arm. It then threw him “I know,” responded her husband, “that such cases have occurred, showing a spirit of revenge on the part of the animal; but I believe them to be “Professor Kruger, of Halle, relates a pleasing incident of this character. ‘A friend of mine,’ he says, ‘was one dark night riding home through a wood, and had the misfortune to strike his head against the branch of a tree, and fell from his horse, stunned by the blow. The animal, who was greatly attached to his master, immediately re “‘No sooner was the door opened, than the horse turned round, and led the man directly to the spot where his master lay in a fainting fit.’” |