Mr. Lee was a religious man, accustomed to having morning and evening devotions, at which all the family were present. Fidelle had for a long time made it a point to be in the parlor on such occasions, and often caused a smile by the eagerness with which she ran to join them on their return from the table. Mrs. Lee was quite surprised to see the cat come walking quickly into the room, up to the This she did three times; after It was invariably her custom to remain with her eyes tightly closed while the gentleman read the Scriptures; then, when he closed the book, and the family knelt for prayer, she arose, turned over, and sat down again, Minnie had sometimes been disposed to smile to see Fidelle sitting upright, with her eyes tightly closed; and Ida acknowledged that the first time she saw her looking so demure, as though she understood and appreciated When Mrs. Lee told them what Fidelle had done, her husband was delighted with this proof of her intelligence. He said her conduct while they were engaged in devotion was an example to all of them, and wished Poll would take a lesson of her. With this incident occurring under their own notice, their in “A little black spaniel had five puppies, which were considered too many for her to bring up. As, however, they were a rare kind of dog, her mistress was unwilling that any of them should be destroyed; and she asked the cook whether she thought it would be possible to bring a portion of them up by hand, be “The cat made no objection, took to them kindly, and gradually all the kittens were taken away, and she nursed the two puppies only. “Now, the first curious fact was, that the two puppies were in a fortnight as active, forward, “The cat gave them her tail to play with; and they were always in motion. They soon ate meat, and long before the others, they were fit to be removed. This was done; and the cat be “‘O,’ said puss, putting up her back, ‘it is you who have stolen my children.’ “‘No,’ replied the spaniel, with a snarl, ‘they are my own flesh and blood.’ “‘That won’t do,’ said the cat. ‘I’ll take my oath before any “Having deposited this one, she returned, fought again, gained another victory, and redeemed another puppy. “Now, it is very singular that “Isn’t that a nice story?” cried Minnie, joyfully clapping her hands. “I had no idea there were such pleasant things about cats,” said Ida, laughing at her cousin’s enthusiasm. “Fidelle has risen wonderfully in my estimation. But don’t let me detain you, dear uncle.” “In a French cloister, the hours of meals were announced by the ringing of a bell. A favorite cat belonging to the establishment was accustomed, as soon as she heard the summons, to run quickly to the dining hall, that she might be fed. “One day it happened that puss was accidentally shut up in PUSS RINGING FOR HER DINNER. Page 82. PUSS RINGING FOR HER DINNER. Page 82. “In the afternoon, the bell was heard ringing at an unusual hour. The inmates of the cloister ran quickly to see what was the cause of it, when, to their surprise, they saw the cat cling “I hope they gave her a good one,” urged Minnie. “I’m sure she deserved it for being so smart.” “I have no doubt of it,” remarked the gentleman, smiling. “Now, here is a story of another French cat.” “This one belonged to a hotel in Paris, and having noticed that the cook always left the kitchen upon the ringing of a certain “This trick she practised for some weeks, in the mean time growing plump and sleek from her abundance of rich delicacies, until the thieving became so extensive that a person was set to watch for the rogue. “Concealing himself, therefore, with fire-arms, ready to secure “Cook obeyed the summons, and left the kitchen, when the cat sprang from her hiding place, and catching a pigeon, just ready for the oven, in her mouth, ran into the cellar to enjoy her plunder.” This instance of intelligence caused a hearty laugh among |