FIGURES EXPLANATORY OF THE PIECES INTO WHICH THE FIVE LARGE ANIMALS ARE DIVIDED BY THE BUTCHERS. Beef. [Illustration] 1. Sirloin. | 2. Rump. | 3. Edge Bone. | 4. Buttock. | 5. Mouse Buttock. | 6. Leg. | 7. Thick Flank. | 8. Veiny Piece. | 9. Thin Flank. | 10. Fore Rib: 7 Ribs. | 11. Middle Rib: 4 Ribs. | 12. Chuck Rib: 2 Ribs. | 13. Brisket. | 14. Shoulder, or Leg of Mutton Piece. | 15. Clod. | 16. Neck, or Sticking Piece. | 17. Shin. | 18. Cheek. | Veal. [Illustration] 1. Loin, Best End. | 2. Fillet. | 3. Loin, Chump End. | 4. Hind Knuckle. | 5. Neck, Best End. | 6. Breast, Best End. | 7. Blade Bone. | 8. Fore Knuckle. | 9. Breast, Brisket End. | 10. Neck, Scrag End. | Mutton. [Illustration] 1. Leg | 2. Shoulder | 3. Loin, Best End. | 4. Loin, Chump End. | 5. Neck, Best End. | 6. Breast. | 7. Neck, Scrag End. | Note: A Chine is two Loins, and two Necks of the Best End. Pork. [Illustration] 1. Leg. | 2. Hind Loin. | 3. Fore Loin. | 4. Spare Rib. | 5. Hand. | 6. Spring. | Venison [Illustration] 1. Shoulder. | 2. Neck. | 3. Haunch. | 4. Breast. | 5. Scrag. |
treius." table.jpg (24K) A Marble Table: The lions' heads were painted yellow. You can see a table much like this in the garden pictured later. |